• Member Since 10th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2024


The Ponibooru user who faved everything before it shut down has been working on fictions between his faving. Generally set in a canon-like world but with the occasional offshoot.

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After Roboshi loses somepony very important in his life he begins to wonder if his life would be better without the trappings of his organic self. Suddenly the emotional inhibitor looks very inviting.

((This is probably a strange point in the Roboshi timeline to release a story, but this is more of a "what-if" senario as it has 2 endings to choose for the reader.

Little pieces of info on Roboshi's origins can also be garnered from little bits in the story and serve as a preview to his future origin story.))

Chapters (1)

An attempt to break new ground in the world of magic goes terribly wrong for Twilight and the Mane cast find themselves with the wrong abilities. Can they deal with this change? Can Twilight set things right without magic? And what powers did Pinkie get?

((funny story, I wrote much of this prior to the release of season 2 and so some of the magical happenings are rather strange coincidences.))

Chapters (5)

The Day of the “Best Young Fliers” competition was very special to Rainbow Dash. But she was not the only pony to discover something about herself that day. This is the tale of 3 other ponies and their own self discovery.

(This is a collection of short stories used to try out new styles and formats. As such, I am sure there will be some who only like one or two the stories and not all three.)
(They do all take place in the same continuity and most of the events will be taking place around Cloudsdale and during the Episode “Sonic Rainboom”)

Chapters (1)

This was my first attempt at writing fiction for the show, with a few hiccups here and there it's still a work I'm proud of.

Set during the morning after the Gala, Princess Celestia takes some time with Luna to see how she s getting on in reacquainting herself with the new world.

Chapters (1)