• Member Since 10th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen November 24th


The Ponibooru user who faved everything before it shut down has been working on fictions between his faving. Generally set in a canon-like world but with the occasional offshoot.

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Comments ( 6 )
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It's generally the idea, this site has a greater ease of commenting so I can get feedback on where I'm going right or wrong. So hopefully it will spur me on a little more.

Oh sweet Celestia. The favepocalypse has come.

Just kidding. Have a good one!

Hey Roboshi, I remember reading Silly Species Swapping awhile back and was wondering if you're going to finish it now that you're moving to FiMFiction?


pictures are my speciality, I think it would be an undertaking way to grand to just fave every story.

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