• Published 20th Mar 2019
  • 2,212 Views, 27 Comments

Anon-A-Missly Yours - Odeinoichus

The CMC have been harboring feelings of jealousy for some time. Now things have come to a head.

  • ...

Anon-A-Miss Expandings

Sunset had been putting out small fires for most of the rest of the day and into the week. While the others had been concerned with their siblings’ strange descent into some kind of odd flu. Sunset had been dealing with countless ‘friendship’ problems all caused by Anon-A-Mous.

First she’d tried to get Trixie to back off on Applejack, then she’d found out Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon weren’t talking to each other anymore. Button Mash had gone home the following day halfway through it, in tears, all because some inconsiderate jerks had changed their text message alerts to play Simple and Clean from Kingdom Hearts. Button was pretty emotional about that ever since his father left, the song really upset the young tween. His mother had been furious with the faculty for not doing anything and had vowed they wouldn’t hear the end of this.

And it just kept snowballing from there; Lyra and Bon-Bon were no longer speaking to one another, instead involved in some odd pantomime language nobody could figure out whenever they bumped into each other in the halls. Microchips and Sandalwood were constantly bickering about the state of the global problems caused by pollution. Even Flash’s band had broken up after the harsh realities of failing to win the Battle of the Bands finally came to light.

Sunset had never seen CHS this divided before, not even when the Sirens were spreading their negativity. At least the cliques had stayed together during that time, but here entire social groups were separating and dividing. Friends were no longer on speaking terms and, to make matters worse, everyone just kept ignoring her attempts at rekindling the Fire of Friendship.

Shaking her head at the memories of everything disrupting Canterlot High, Sunset finished packing her supplies for the slumber party at Rarity’s. Sweetie Belle wasn’t contagious and seemed to be fine, despite the odd tint of blue to her skin. Whatever they’d contracted it wasn’t adversely affecting them in any normal way. The doctors were still running tests though.

Slipping the journal into her overnight bag she contemplated contacting Princess Twilight, but thought to wait until she had more to say. There might be new developments Rarity could share with her once she got to her place.

Double checking she hadn’t forgotten anything, Sunset shut the door to her room and left her cozy little apartment making sure to lock the door as she did.


Apple Bloom watched Applejack getting ready from her bed. Her sister was packing for the slumber party at Rarity’s place. Seemed she didn’t have much to bring. Watching her with half-lidded eyes she feigned dozing for fear of Applejack staying behind. Pretending to be sick wasn’t too difficult with the Fire of Friendship still burning brightly within Applejack.

Grimacing at the sour taste it left in the back of her mouth, Apple Bloom slowly turned over.

Applejack glanced over briefly. “Now, Bloom, Big Mac will be just down the hall if ya need anythin’. Are ya sure ya don’t want me ta stick around tonight?

Apple Bloom faked a little cough. “No. Go, have fun.”

Applejack smiled thinly doing her best to hide her concern as she approached Bloom and ruffled her hair. “Hoowee, this is gettin’ mighty tangled. Think we oughta set an appointment with the barber soon.”

Apple Bloom grimaced. “It’s fine. I like it this way.”

“Whatever ya say, little sis, ah’ll be back Saturday. Bright and early, but call if ya need ta talk or somethin’.” Applejack turned to leave.

Apple Bloom watched her go and waited at least several more minutes until she was gone. Tossing aside the stifling blanket she rushed over to the window and quickly opened it. Particles of ice and snow blown upon the wind from CHS flew into the room and refuelled her. “Ahhhhhh. That sure hits the spot.” It was good to get more negative energy born on the winds from all of Anon-A-Mous’ hard work.

Once she and the others had enough power they could proceed onto phase two. Shattering the Fire of Friendship within their siblings so they could feast upon all of the negative emotions they could ever hope to find.

Reaching for her phone she quickly scrolled through her notes. “Ah think it’s time Trixie found out just what Octavia and the rest of the Drama Club really think about her.” Smirking she began to input a new message.


Sweetie Belle was extremely nervous as she tagged along beside Scootaloo. If anybody came home and found her out of bed she’d have a pretty hard time explaining where she’d been, or why. Despite feeling so much better now that she was absorbing magic energy on her own, she still was unsure as to this entire so-called ‘plan’ of Apple Bloom’s.

Scootaloo flinched back behind the wall. “Man, since the school exploded into secret revealing crazy Dash is really paranoid right now.”

“Where are we going anyway?” Sweetie glanced around to make sure nobody was paying particularly close attention to the pair of them.

Scootaloo shook her head and rushed quickly around the corner. “Come on!”

The pair were quick to continue tailing Rainbow Dash as she slipped down one side-street after another until; much to Sweetie’s surprise, she came to a stop outside the doors to Lotus Spa & Recreational Facility.

Scootaloo pulled her phone out quickly and took several pictures of Dash furtively glancing around then making her way inside.

Sweetie gasped. “Rainbow Dash goes to the spa?”

Scootaloo fidgeted slightly then quickly made sure the coast was clear before dashing across the street.

Sweetie blinked rapidly and then rushed after her companion. “What are you doing?” she hissed when she realized Scootaloo was trying to reach an outside window.

“We’ve gotta take a shot of her in the spa or nobody will believe it.” Scootaloo hopped again trying to grab the window sill and fell flat on her feet with a wince when she missed.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and walked around the side of the building.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Scootaloo rushed to follow after her.

Sweetie mutely indicated the back door left partially open so that steam from the steam room could escape. “Rarity comes here all the time. She says they have a real problem with some of the boys in town sneaking peeks, but Aloe and Lotus just can’t afford to get a better ventilation system installed this year.”

Scootaloo shrugged at this revelation and quickly snuck a peek inside.

A large burly looking woman glared down at her from behind the door. She kind of looked like a slightly older version of Bulk Biceps. Smiling nervously she licked her lips. “Uh… is Rainbow Dash in yet?”

Sighing the woman rumbled out her response. “Yeah!”

“Great.” Scootaloo slipped back outside. “I’m going in.”

Sweetie’s eyes widened in alarm. “What?” she squeaked.

“They may not be able to afford a new vent system, but apparently they can hire a bouncer. So wait here for me, I’ll get in, meet up with Dash like I sometimes do and get the pic. Then I’ll be back before you know it.” Scootaloo grimaced slightly and slipped into the stifling warmth of the spa.

Sweetie Belle wasn’t sure what to do. She also wasn’t sure about her cohort’s little plan either. But Scootaloo did know Rainbow Dash the most. Who would have thought she spent time in the spa, it certainly never came up when Rarity would get to talking about her time here.

The longer she waited the more concerned she got. She started to pace a little back and forth. Rarity could be back home any moment to prepare for the slumber party tonight, seeing her gone she’d be in a panic. Then she’d call the police in near hysterics about her ‘poor wittle sister’, sick, and away from home. This was taking too long.

Unseen eyes watched her as she paced. An observer from the building across the street had noticed the peculiarity of the pair of girls and recognized something about them. Long straight combed hair in a rich purple colour with steaks of teal running the length of it. Familiar purple tinted skin. This was Aria Blaze, former Siren, now current CEO of Songstress Music.

It hadn’t been easy since losing her magic at the Battle of the Bands. Forming the company had been Adagio’s idea as a fallback plan, in case anything should happen to them. Boy did it sting to find her being right about this idea. The reason why Adagio wasn’t in charge was simple math. Adagio hated all the complex things necessary to run such a business.

It wasn’t entirely clear what Songstress Music did right now, but it’d be pretty clear soon enough. The Crystal Seams had just finished recording their latest single. The graduates from Crystal Prep had approached them to get their foot in the music industry. But all of this wasn’t important right now.

Aria’s gaze narrowed as she continued to observe the CHS girl across the street. The blue tinged skin tone, the hint of frost and ice forming in her slightly damp looking hair. The swirling particles of negative magic floating around her waist. Aria and her sisters may not have been magical any more, but they could still recognize it when they saw it.

Reaching for the phone, Aria hit a single button on the inter-office communication system.

“This better be important!” A hoarse voice whispered over the line.

Aria slowly smiled. “I found our magic.”

A contented purr came over the line. “It’s about time it manifested somehow. Where?”

“Just take a look outside at the back door to the spa.”

The orange skinned girl with the purple hair rushed back outside at that moment rejoining her friend. They spoke for a few moments and then quickly headed away together.

“Oh, this is just too perfect.”

Aria nodded. “Do we confront them?”

“And risk losing this opportunity for revenge? No, let the little ‘darlings’ have their fun. When their sisters find out, it will break their precious little hearts. Then we can step in and reclaim what is rightfully ours. Along with our brilliant little apprentices.”

Aria groaned mentally at the idiotic notion, but kept her tone neutral. “Should we tell Sonata?”

“Absolutely not! I will not have her making us lose this chance at reclaiming what was lost. Besides, if we can’t somehow re-take the magic from those girls she would be devastated worse than she is now.”

Aria reluctantly nodded. “Fine, but I take it you’ll be keeping an eye on them at least? I can’t exactly leave the office for long periods of time,” she reminded.

Adagio purred again and some of the old Adagio seemed to return to her tone. “Oh most definitely, I’ll be keeping a very close eye on our little cousins. It will be so good to have the family together again.”

Somehow Aria just knew her sister was smirking on the other end before she hung up. Rolling her eyes she got back to the important matters of running a rapidly expanding music business. Hitting the intercom she summoned her secretary. “Miss Pommel, my coffee isn’t here yet.”

A tiny eep escaped the secretary’s lips. “Oh. Of course, Miss Blaze, I’m terribly sorry, Miss Blaze. Please don’t fire me, Miss Blaze!”

Aria reveled in the power she got to wield over the lesser people. “For your daughter’s sake, of course not, but get in here now!”

The door flew open and a mousey looking woman with thick glasses and a pale cream complexion rushed inside. The woman was older than Aria currently appeared, physically, but mentally she was a child when compared to the thousand year old siren.

Grinning maliciously she took a slow sip of her espresso and grimaced. “More cream next time. Now, have we heard back from your daughter’s former class mates yet?”


Once she was back home Sweetie Belle felt relief. She wouldn’t be found out by her sister and she wouldn’t expose the growing power she was gaining. Magic was really capable of doing just about anything, her sister could power up and be infinitely more creative when she was working in her ‘pony’ form. Sweetie felt stronger and more resilient with her newfound magical abilities.

But while the benefit of going outside and not freezing was a perk, the fact that she needed to consume vast quantities of negative energies made her uneasy. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn’t seem to care as much as they should, at least Sweetie didn’t think they did. It was hard to tell when Scootaloo was acting cagier the longer they perpetuated this Anon-A-Mous plan.

And it had only been a week. Well just shy of a week. Sweetie sighed as she attempted to straighten her locks. The sudden growth spurt in her hair was beginning to get a tad annoying as well. “Where did this magic come from?” she glanced at herself in the mirror and tried to see the former person she recognized looking back at her.

Instead all she saw was the paler, pierced, blue tinged child of frost and ice staring back at her. Shaking her head she sighed wistfully. “Why am I the only one to know what’s going on?”

“Well d’uh, your sister’s lingering magic fused you with me forcefully.”

Sweetie blinked and turned back to the mirror. “Uh. Who said that?”

Her reflection folded her arms over her chest and glared. “Don’t be so stupid, I did.”

Sweetie reacted as any sane person might if they saw their reflection speaking to them. She screeched and dove out of sight of the mirror as if that would protect her.

“You do realize I’m still part of your inner psyche?” the voice asked this time speaking directly inside of her mind.

Sweetie flinched and slowly got back up to stare at herself in the mirror. “So. I know I’ve changed because of magic and I’m still somewhat separate from that personality because my sister’s magic got involved?” Her reflection nodded. “How does that even work?” She tossed her arms up in exasperation.

“How should I know?”

“Oh come on!” Sweetie glared angrily at her reflection.

“Sweetie Belle! I’m home, darling!” Rarity’s voice echoed from below.

Sweetie’s reflection gagged. “Quick, get the bucket!”

Sweetie frowned. “But I don’t feel-”

Rarity strode rapidly into the room and embraced her little sister.

Sweetie felt bile rising in her throat and quickly rushed to the bathroom.

Rarity sighed. “Oh dear, still suffering from that upset stomach, Sweetie, dear?”

Sounds of violent nausea was her response.

Rarity frowned. “Perhaps I should postpone the slumber party and contact Doctor Horse again.”

“No!” Sweetie shakily returned to her room looking paler than before. “I’ll be fine. Just… maybe I should avoid any solids for the night.”

Rarity pursed her lips. “Hmmm. Yes, that might be a good idea. I’m terribly sorry you girls seem to be having such a difficult time of it, Sweetie.” Rarity moved closer.

Horrified Sweetie held up a hand to stop her. “Stop! Just, uh, don’t want to ruin that outfit of yours.”

Rarity blanched. “Yes, yes, quite right. I’ll fetch your medicine and then you go right into bed, alright?”

Sweetie nodded. “Ok.”

Rarity smiled warmly at her sister before rapidly departing.

Sweetie glared at her reflection once she left. “Why do I keep getting sick whenever Rarity hugs me?”

Her reflection sighed. “Welcome to life as a Windigo. The Fire of Friendship is highly potent Harmony magic. In Equestria it was powerful enough to banish our kind to the Frozen North. They haven’t been seen in Equestria since.”

Sweetie eyed her reflection skeptically. “How do you even know that?”

“I know everything my former host knew before we were separated.”

Sweetie gasped. “You mean, you weren’t always my magic?”

Her reflection chuckled and shifted appearances into one of the three sirens. “Nope.”

Before Sweetie could finish questioning her own reflection Rarity returned. Dressed head to toe in a fashionable looking hazmat suit she slowly approached with a glass of water and two bottles of pills.

Sweetie folded her arms and glared at her sister. “Really?”

“You’re the one who said you might feel more nauseous, dear.” Rarity pointed out, her voice sounding odd coming from behind the full-facial helmet.

Sweetie took the glass of water and downed a pill each from the two bottles. “Whatever.”

The doorbell suddenly rang.

“Ah, that must be the girls.” Rarity took the now empty glass and two bottles and headed back towards the door. “Now, you get straight to bed, I’ll be in shortly with your dinner.”

“Thank you, Rarity.” Sweetie sighed as she began to change for bed. Even though she really wasn’t tired and it was still way too early for it. Then her stomach tightened as she began to feel the growing group of magic downstairs. “Urp.”

Sweetie’s reflection winced slightly. “Yeah, another drawback to being a Windigo now. Your sister and her pals are the biggest source of Harmony magic in this place. The Sirens coveted it, desiring to regain their full potential. Us.” She trailed off as Sweetie made a mad dash for the porcelain repository once more. Reappearing in the bathroom mirror with a low chuckle she watched as Sweetie emptied what little was left in her stomach once more. “Yep. Totally messed up when I agreed to this gig.”

Sweetie made a rude gesture to her reflection before losing more of her dignity, and her recent liquid intake.

“Hate you too,” her reflection said before returning to a normal non-magical image.

Panting for breath Sweetie flushed the toilet. “Apple Bloom owes me for this. Big time.”

Author's Note:

So they've finally returned in person. Oh yes, we haven't seen the last of Songstress Music. Not entirely sure if I like the name for it honestly, but I was trying to keep it close to what a Siren might call a music company they own if they owned one.

You may be questioning why the magic is being so helpful, or even capable of manifesting itself in a physical speaking role. It's magic, I don't have to explain why it does what it does, but that doesn't mean I won't give it a proper try. But I'll save that for a later chapter, for now... just know that Sweetie's magic will be the only one to address its host directly.

Comments ( 5 )

Interesting situation with Sweetie.

This continues to be very good. Keep it up.

A bit surprised. I'd expected most of the energy to be what the sirens had harvested, some of which had been around them long enough to pattern a bit off of them. I'd also have expected Aria to be far more initially hostile. ...Admittedly, it's unclear that sirens and windigoes really would be natural enemies "in the wild", to the extent of trying to kill one another on sight, causing me to realize I'd been making assumptions about them having very different dietary preferences - with windigoes not feeding off negative emotions but sustained indefinitely in the absence of life in their vicinity. But that wouldn't be useful for this story.

Though Sweetie Belle's entrance into the world of being a Windigo is rather inconsistent with the other two, it still intrigues me and kinda makes sense. Aria doesn't seem the type to give in to all the dramatic formalities. Though the "Windy" character is odd. And, if I had paired the groups, I'd have gone Apple Dazzle, Scoota Blaze, and Sweetie Dusk. But the contrast in Sweetie is pretty neat to see.

Sunset had never seen CHS this divided before, not even when the Sirens were spreading their negativity. At least the cliques had stayed together during that time, but here entire social groups were separating and dividing. Friends were no longer on speaking terms and, to make matters worse, everyone just kept ignoring her attempts at rekindling the Fire of Friendship.

Yes Yes YES!

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