• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 17,529 Views, 1,076 Comments

The Literary Appeal - HiddenBrony

Cheerilee gets an unexpected invitation from Ponyville's librarian, but her mother has other plans.

  • ...

Act III: An Appealing Curve

“I haven’t been to a Pinkie Pie welcoming party in a while.” Twilight walked over to the stairs leading to the upper level of her tree home, stopping just short of the third step. “Well, except for maybe Babs Seed.” Her brow furrowed. Cheerilee kept looking back at Spike, but she started up the stairs again regardless. “I’ve been here a couple years, already, but I can’t remember very many. Is it really so rare that ponies move here?”

Cheerilee put a hoof on her chin, shaking her head. “I remember the girls said something about Apple Bloom’s cousin before, yes. Perhaps you’ve gone to a few that you thought were regular parties?”

Twilight nodded, continuing up the stairs. “Or we party so much, Pinkie knows I might need some time to myself and doesn’t invite me to every single one them. I should wear something nice.”

“I should hope that being a librarian, you would meet everypony who comes to Ponyville sooner or later,” Cheerilee added, keeping in step behind Twilight. Twilight’s tail brushed her nose as they went up the steps. She scrunched her face and looked up at the offending strands, and at that moment Cheerilee was very glad she was not a pegasus. Coughing and averting her eyes, she decided to find inspiration on the grain of the floorboards. Various imagery of exactly what she’d like to do to that tail paraded through her mind until she completely missed the fact she had run out of stairs to climb and stepped headfirst into the floor. Below, Spike could be heard laughing.

“Cheerilee!” Twilight sprang to her side, helping the poor pony up. “Are you alright? What happened?”

Cheerilee winced, mustering up her best smile. “I got distracted– My eyes were closed!” She rubbed her hoof over her eyes in an exaggerated gesture. “I guess I didn’t get good enough sleep last night.”

“Oh,” Twilight said, casting her gaze to the floor. “Y-yeah, I guess you must have been a little uncomfortable on my small bed… I’m sorry.” Swallowing, she sent a sidelong glance toward Cheerilee. “I’ll try to give you more room next time.” From the stairs, Spike crawled on all fours, his ear twisted to hear the girls better.

Cheerilee bit her lip. “No!“ That was the opposite of what she intended! Like a pink elephant, which she inexplicably could not keep herself from thinking about. “I mean– no, that won’t be necessary at all.” Cheerilee’s mind clicked into place, realizing Twilight might take that as an admission to never sleep in the same bed again. The pink elephant would not be pleased with her. “I mean, I don’t need extra room. In fact, I’d really rather like less room!” ‘Too forward!’ the pink elephant urged. “N-n-n-Not like we need to be touching!” ‘No!’ the pink elephant trumpeted, ‘Now she thinks you’re not interested in her body at all! There has to be some attraction!’ “But we could!” ‘Too needy. Abort!’ “Pink elephants!”

Twilight stared. Spike was heard retreating down the stairs, holding his claws over his mouth. Cheerilee wore the most vacant smile. The pink elephant bolted for the window, crushing Twist’s imaginary friend below. Everypony involved was horrified.

“Soooo, what are we coming up here for?” Cheerilee hastily asked. She looked around the upstairs that she had spent the entire summer coveting to be here alone with Twilight. “It’s a bit early to get ready for Pinkie’s party.”

Twilight’s horn sparkled as it pulled on a string that hung from the ceiling, revealing a ladder that slid down to the floor. “I was going to do some inventory in the attic… It’s where I keep books on request and my personal collections. It’s not fire retardant so Spike’s not allowed up there,” she said. She practically hinted. She briefly considered a light show with the words ‘This is where alone time happens’. But all Twilight could think about was pink elephants.

“Good!” The words came out dumb. She could feel the pink elephant putting its comically oversized leg over its face in shame from outside. “Do you need any help with that?”

Twilight grinned. “Yes!” she said, taking to the ladder and nearly galloping up the steps. Cheerilee approached the ladder herself, testing it with her more durable Earth pony body. It creaked a little, but she made her way up slowly, taking great care not to repeat her previous mistake.

Spike peered over the lip of the staircase below, watching Cheerilee ascend the final steps up the ladder. “I see how it is. ‘Where Spike isn’t allowed!’ Yeah? ‘Good!’ she says. Trying to get rid of me, huh, sister?” Spike huffed, flames spitting out of his nostrils. “I bet I know what ‘pink elephants’ is code for. It’s ‘Operation: Usurp Spike as Twilight’s Number One Assistant!’” Jumping up to the last few steps, Spike ran over to the bottom of the ladder, trying to see into the shadows of the attic. All he could see was Cheerilee’s shape as it danced across the walls, illuminated by Twilight’s magic. Putting a claw on the ladder, Spike smiled. He’d get to the bottom of this.

“Who?” cried the creature of the night. Spike froze, his head swiveling slowly toward the roosted creature. “Who?”

“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Spike groaned, putting his other claw on the ladder. Owlicious stared unblinkingly. “Ugh, nevermind, we’re not doing the whole ‘Who?’ thing again.”

Owlicious tracked his claw. “Who?”

“Nope, sorry, I’ve got a mission—” Bells rang from below as a library patron entered the Golden Oaks.

Spiiiiiiiiiiiiike!” Twilight called from above. Spike groaned, slamming his head against the ladder rung with an audible clunk. “Can you please get that?

Defeated, Spike released the ladder and trudged over to the staircase. “Who,” came its mocking tone. Spike glared at Owlicious, but the owl seemed content to close its eyes and return to his slumber. Down below, a beige stallion greeted the dragon with a smile.

“Hello there, do you have any information on Pink Elephants?” he greeted, a giant smile on his face as he adjusted his green tie. Spike’s eyes narrowed. Silence greeted the pony as he failed to make further eye contact with the dragon. “Um, yes. Saddle Arabian Pink Elephants. Nomad species. Notable for being hard to miss and impossible to forget. A small crying child outside seems plenty interested in them.”

“Check the shelf!” Spike groaned, sitting on the stairs and watching the pony fidget under his icy gaze.


Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle,” Cheerilee said aloud, looking over the scroll. “I like these reports, Twilight. Did you keep them all?” She hovered over a box labeled Copy Letters to Celestia - Copy Set 1. It sat next to an identical box labeled Copy Letters to Celestia - Copy Set 2. Which sat next to an identical box labeled Copy Letters to Celestia - Copy Set 3. And so on and so forth all along the northern wall, next to some of the leaves that peaked in through the cracks of the planks. “I’d really like a copy for class.”

“Yes! Sure!” Twilight said, her face buried in another box. In truth, she organized this box last week. And the week before. Quite possibly she would have done it yesterday if it wasn’t for, well. Twilight looked over to Cheerilee, who kept her nose in her letters to Celestia. She wasn’t sure how she felt, reading what was basically royal material, but she did know she wanted those eyes on her.

For her part, Cheerilee was a master at looking but not staring. Her few years of teaching had helped her watch her students without actually focusing her eyes, and it was helping out here in the attic. Even though it was morning, and the sunbeams through the rafters and leaves were just so, it was the right amount of dark for her to foster less than scholarly thoughts about Twilight Sparkle.

Cheerilee wasn’t entirely proud of how quickly she would move in her relationships. Back in high school, Cheerilee always felt that finding another mare like her would have been difficult, so when she got one, things went… quickly. Very quickly. And in college, when it wasn’t that uncommon to be with a pony of the same gender? Well, she was just rather used to moving fast, and her partners never complained.

But Twilight had been different. Reserved. Half the time, Cheerilee wasn’t even sure she thought about the possibility of sharing the night together, in a much more sensual manner. She always seemed like every time it was brought up, even in jest… it seemed like the last thing on her mind. She kissed and that was it. Cheerilee was in a stereotypically healthy relationship. She should be fine with it being like this. Everypony had their own tempo, and she would respect it. Cheerilee bit her lip. Respect was hard.

Twilight, on the other hoof, was reliving every moment from last night. Her mind started playing director and began telling her how it should have gone. Her hooves tingled. Her eyes darted over to Cheerilee, drinking her in. “So it’s a little selfish, Twilight. You deserve to be a little selfish,” she muttered.

Cheerilee looked up from the letter and smiled. “What was that, Twilight?”

“I said how do Griffons ever eat Shellfish?” Twilight recovered. Well, technically their diets required them to be omnivores, and there were specific nutrients that a griffon needed in their system for their wings that are often found in insects, but griffons need—

“—larger meals as they require more mass than your typical bird of prey.” Cheerilee continued, Twilight becoming aware that Cheerilee was literally answering her question. By Celestia, she wanted that mare. “I couldn’t tell you what fishes were better, but small game is also acceptable for a griffon to consume. I’m sure your friend Fluttershy could tell you more.”

“Let’s look at some books!” Twilight blurted, getting up on all fours and flinging a black box between the two of them. “I don’t think I’ve looked through this one! Let’s look through it together!” With dialogue like that, Twilight reasoned, she’d be kicked out of the romance section in Magic Kindergarten. On reflection, she wasn’t entirely sure why Magic Kindergarten had a romance section in the library. What mattered was that Cheerilee approached the black box and took off the lid, revealing such titles as Pony Sutra and Frisky Fetlocked Fillies 45.

Wrong box, Twilight reasoned.

Cheerilee stared at the box for a good long while. A good long while is exactly how long Twilight wanted to be dead or invisible or really just gone altogether. Other titles jumped out at them, such as Red Letter Mares and Tiny Magical Lesbian Ponies. The former, Twilight reasoned, showcased the quality of mare that worked for her marefriend’s mother.

Cheerilee finally put the lid down, shifting the cover of Fillies Gone Wild, Hoofington Hussies aside as she did. She looked up at Twilight and back down to the box. “Do you have Frisky Fetlocked Fillies 15? That’s my favorite.” She smiled, one eyebrow raised. It was everything she could do not to run her tongue over her lips.

“I. I. I. I,” Twilight repeated. It’s under my bed for easy access! “I. I. I. I.” I swear to Celestia if you even mutter the name When the Colts are Away I will pin you to the ground. “I. I. I. I.” Cheerilee’s face softened, looking back down at the entire library of smut before her.

Cheerilee tittered her tongue, putting the lid back on the box and sliding it to the side. She walked over to Twilight and pulled her close to a hug. Twilight fell into it, Cheerilee stroking her down her back. “I just wanted—”

“To spend some time, Twilight. You always want to spend time. And that’s great, I love that about you.” Cheerilee nuzzled against Twilight, resting her chin between Twilight’s scalp and horn. “So we stumbled upon your… collection. It happens in a relationship sometimes.”

Both of them knew it was likely a happenstance that was frequent in some couples, but Cheerilee was finally not talking from experience. If any of her marefriends found her stash… she’d be so embarrassed she’d personally insult Celestia so she’d have a shot to live on the moon for a few thousand years. “You did say you wanted to go through your personal collection,” she teased, hopefully helping Twilight find the humor in it.

“I cannot be seen.” Twilight pushed herself off Cheerilee, every instinct telling her to go right back to where she was. “I think I need– some time alone. I just— Oh my gosh.” She put a hoof over her head and headed for the stairs. “I think I’m gonna get a glass of water I’ll see youatPinkiePie’slaterBye!” With a stumble, a fall, and a quick teleport down the ladder, Cheerilee could only watch as Twilight Sparkle did everything exactly opposite of how she wanted it to go.

“So innocent,” Cheerilee sighed. “I don’t deserve her.” She went about negotiating the ladder when she looked at the black box nearby. Checking to see if Twilight or Spike was watching her, Cheerilee quickly nipped at the box and nabbed When the Colts are Away before ducking out of the attic.


Shifting her saddlebags, Cheerilee departed Twilight Sparkle’s library with a spring to her step and a twitch in her eye. Looking gainfully back at the big oak tree, she caught sight of Twilight through a window, feverishly organizing her books. She had her back to the window, and Cheerilee couldn’t stop staring. Twilight moved and swayed as she dealt with book after book, sometimes biting her lip in concentration. Cheerilee mirrored her, her own tongue running across the front of her teeth.

Shaking her head furiously, she stamped a hoof into the ground and took off once more for home. “I am not my mother, I am merely admiring my marefriend. Just admiring her– Grace! And intelligence.” Cheerilee debated, deciding to not make eye contact with any passing pony. Admiration was a wonderful word and such a fitting one for Equestria’s heroine. Yes, her smarts, her wisdom, her beautiful curves— “Not. My mother.”

“I should be very glad you aren’t, Miss Cheerilee.” Fancy Pants trotted alongside Cheerilee, catching her unaware. “A mare like your mother is a very unique thing, one that would spoil should you aim to replace her.” Fancy Pants grinned, “Such a crass action would leave the world without you, to which I am certain Miss Sparkle would be beside herself having lost.”

“Uncle Pants!” Cheerilee blurted out. Snapping a hoof to her mouth, her eyes darted to see if anypony heard her say that. “I mean, F-f-Fancy Pants! I-I’m sorry, I’m just…”

Fancy Pants pulled the young mare in for a hug, which Cheerilee warmly accepted. “Good to see you, Chi-Chi.” Cheerilee made a face, looking up at the older stallion. Fancy laughed, letting her go. “Turnabout is fair play, Cheerilee. Besides, I can't fathom the reasoning your mother insists on calling you after your sister's name.”

“Fancy Pants.” Cheerilee rubbed a hoof against her forehead, feigning a smile. “Good to see you again.” Looking at the stallion over, he was just as dapper as ever, but his older age was starting to show. "Mom always called us her twin Cherries. I think it just stuck in her mind. Cherry Blossom is never around, so..."

“Well, I couldn’t be happier to reconnect with one of you girls. Why, the last time I saw you, you were–” Fancy Pants cut himself off as images flashed in his mind of a passed out Cheerilee on the floor of the library. “Incapacitated.”

“Incapacitated?” Cheerilee stared blankly, ice pricking at her hooves as realization started to work its way to her brain. “Twilight didn’t mention…”

“After last night, Miss Sparkle had many other things on her mind after meeting your mother for the first time.” Fancy Pants laughed, “Chi-Chi, I had no idea it was you at the time. Twilight mentioned a name, but, well, I was under the belief that you were still in Canterlot - with more black ink in your mane than last night.”

“Yes, well… we all have our phases.” Apparently, lead singer in a glam rock band actually was a phase, despite what she said to her mother. “How is my mother?” She made no show to hide her grimace.

“She’s doing quite well, I must say. In fact, we were fortuitously invited this morning to a large party thrown by that rambunctious pink sprite– Ah, what the devil was her name?” Fancy trailed, putting a hoof to his chin.

Cheerilee swallowed the well of emotions that came up with her breakfast at the prospect of her mother going to a Pinkie Pie party. “A party, you say? Is… my mother going?”

“Yes, she said she would if I was in attendance, and a stallion in my position must keep up with appearances. Besides, I am to understand that Twilight Sparkle is good friends with– Pinkie Pie! Ah yes, that was her name– She is good friends with Pinkie Pie and will be going as well?” Cheerilee nodded dumbly. “Capital! Those two definitely know how to throw a charming party, if their festivities in Canterlot were of any indication.” Fancy Pants smiled, sniffing the air before he pressed on, “Have you... not gotten an invitation?”

“I-i-I have!” Cheerilee said, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Uncle Pa–Fancy. Fancy Pants.” Cheerilee turned away from him, trying to fake interest in looking at Sugar Cube Corner. “Pinkie Pie’s parties are always a priority for me! They’re a good way to meet with a foal’s parent in a low-stress environment.”

Fancy Pants’ smile brightened. “Ah yes! A teacher now, I love it! Very proud of what you’re doing, Chi-Chi.” For a moment, Cheerilee thought she saw a tear at the very edge of Fancy’s eye. “I may only be your mother’s friend, but I do mean it. Why, watching you grow up those early years, who was to know you’d be such a beautiful and intelligent mare?”

Cheerilee huffed, not meeting his eyes. “According to my mother, everypony.”

Fancy chuckled, “Ah, the flattery of a parent...” As they reached an intersection in the road, Fancy made as if to veer left, as Cheerilee headed to the right. They both paused a moment, sensing their time had come to an end. “Well then, until we meet at the party?”

Cheerilee nodded once more. “Of course!” she said, before her voice fell into a hushed whisper, “Please... make sure mother behaves!”

Fancy Pants laughed heartily, shaking his head. “Oh, if only I could have done that, then I don’t think college would have been nearly the experience it was!” However, he reached over and pulled Cheerilee into a hug. “That said, you have my word as a gentlepony that I shall do my absolute best to curtail your mother’s... erm, tail.”

Cheerilee exhaled long, accepting the hug. “Thanks, Uncle. See you at the party then.”

“Indeed,” Fancy Pants started, letting Cheerilee go. She turned to go when Fancy reached a hoof out to stall her. “Although if you’ll pardon the intrusion…” Cheerilee stopped mid-stride. She looked back, eyebrow raised slightly. “How long have you and Twilight Sparkle been together, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Her lips pursed together, her gaze fixated on the ground. “A couple months...” Cheerilee started, her eyes trailing into the sky, making an effort not to stare straight into the sun. “Near the start of Summer. She helped me with grading the end of year reports and... Oh my, I guess we’ve come up to nearly four months, haven’t we?” she said with the slightest of giggles. The end of summer nipped at her hooves as the thought of a new semester starting tickled her mane.

“A beautiful summer romance then.” Fancy Pants turned his head toward the bakery and sniffed at the air. The scent of sugar dipped into his stomach, drawing him towards Sugar Cube Corner. “Ah, I really must be going. Important work to do. Toodaloo!”

“Bye!” Cheerilee responded, half-heartedly raising her hoof. She started up a trot, her tail flicking behind her. “A weakness for sweets, some stallions never change,” she uttered under her breath. Summer romance. Her hooves moved automatically, carrying her forward. They were more than just a fling. “I should very well think that Twilight and I are—” Cheerilee’s tongue felt dry and fat, choking the words before they could escape. “Twilight and I… We’re… going to a party.”

And Twilight had expressed interest in going with some semi-formal attire to the party at the breakfast table, which meant some fashion of clothing. Cantering along, she caught sight of Carousel Boutique, eying it. Cheerilee didn’t particularly need anything new, but after last night, Twilight did say something about a ‘Rarrbly’.

She didn’t recall making the mental decision to stand in front of Carousel Boutique. She didn’t mean to rap three times on the door clearly marked ‘Come in!.’ However, Cheerilee did seem to recall having every intention to bolt when Fleur De Lis walked out with a new dress draped across her back.