• Published 1st Mar 2018
  • 387 Views, 0 Comments

The Blackheart Forest - Sabre_Cat

A choose your own adventure book! Play as Dark Ether, an intelligent mage obsessed with fame, big words, and a rare school of dark magic. Guide him on his quest to harvest the power of the Black Heart and become Equestria's most powerful sorcerer.

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The pages simply don’t turn fast enough. But when they do, for the time in the many years that you’ve owned this book, you find useless information. History about the Black Heart. Rumors about it. The theories behind it’s existence. Useless! Absolutely useless nonsense!

You slam the book shut and drop it down on your desk, searching and searching and seeking and hunting--hoping that another tome from small library will suffice. That another book from your collection will tell you just how you can harvest the powers of the Black Heart.

To your great dismay, you do not find what you’re looking for.

You sit down, back leaning against the wall, rubbing your tired eyes and mad that they’re still whining for sleep. The thunder sounds its horn again, but your only instinct is to yell at it to just shut up already.

Horn once more aglow, you levitate “On Ethereal Magic” back into your hooves, flipping through the table of contents. Spells, incantations, theories… all of these things occupy the space at the beginning of the book. Just about all of it seems useless now. Useless where it was once the most useful thing in the world.

You see at the bottom of these topics a heading called “index”, and decide to give a chance on a whim.

More useless information. Page after page of it… until you find something different.

Near the center of that index, you feel gifted by fate itself. You see titles like “Myths of the Blackheart Grove”, “Origins of the Black Heart”, and most interestingly, “Harnessing the Heart of the Ether”. It is only a chance, but these tomes may be found in the Arcane Librarium here in Canterlot. A chance you’re more than willing to take.

If those tomes do indeed exist at the librarium, you shall be a hero. You will right all the wrongs in this world. You will be known as the greatest mage who ever lived--no report included. You set the black book on your desk so it won’t be forgotten and lay down in your bed so you can wake up and get to the librarium as soon as the Sun rises. You know in your heart that destiny’s calling you.

>Rest and wake up the next day.

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