• Published 1st Mar 2018
  • 388 Views, 0 Comments

The Blackheart Forest - Sabre_Cat

A choose your own adventure book! Play as Dark Ether, an intelligent mage obsessed with fame, big words, and a rare school of dark magic. Guide him on his quest to harvest the power of the Black Heart and become Equestria's most powerful sorcerer.

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The "Witty" Approach

You set your quill down in it’s ink pot and hold the paper up to your gaze. The final statement gives you a little chuckle. Maybe it was a little too strong? No, no, you think it’s fine. No, you’re certain it’s fine. The pun also rises, does it not?

Or… does it only fall?

Easily fixed. Easily rewritten. It’s just an end statement, after all. By Celestia, it’s almost meaningless! You’re fine!

But what if it isn’t that? What if it’s something… different? You check through every sentence. Every word. Every character. All of it in an attempt to find this one trouble that besets you. This one thing that feels off.

But no matter how hard you search, you just can’t seem to figure it out. You’re not sure why, but you worry that your paper is doomed.

>Read through the piece a second time, word for word, to see if you can find the mistake that’s setting you off.
>Set the page down and take a breather, then carefully proofread and probe for mistakes.
>Once more try to refine the conclusion sentence.