• Published 1st Mar 2018
  • 388 Views, 0 Comments

The Blackheart Forest - Sabre_Cat

A choose your own adventure book! Play as Dark Ether, an intelligent mage obsessed with fame, big words, and a rare school of dark magic. Guide him on his quest to harvest the power of the Black Heart and become Equestria's most powerful sorcerer.

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Somepony Great

A thunderous boom roared on, followed by the pounding of rain and whatever else errantly blew around in the wind from the nighttime storm outside. It’s late, and you’re definitely tired, but your mind’s fixed to “more important” things. You’ve grown so used to being a night owl that staying up late like this is practically a sport for you. An art.

Horn glowing with magic and head staring down over a table, your quill touches down upon the parchment below. It’s ready to execute. To finally end this godforsaken report on magic that you know everypony in Canterlot (and most definitely beyond) is going to love when they see it. The perfect way to cast an effective summoning spell that’s still just as potent as the traditional method, but that utilizes only half of the original resources, written by the very humble ethereal mage--Dark Ether. Genius. Absolute genius. All that’s left is to wrap it up with a simple conclusion. A witty or encouraging end sentence, if you will. But just what should you choose…?

>“In conclusion, not all things in this world are static and set-in-stone; if you apply the science just as it was taught in school, you’ll soon find yourself adding to it.”
>“To conclude, magic is a boundless art with countless avenues to explore, but make no mistake, it is a science too; learn that science’s ways and learn them well, and you’ll soon come to find that anything is possible with it.”
>“In conclusion, the end goal is to work hard and study harder; if you do both of those things and do them right, you may just find yourself conjuring some success of your own!”