• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 2,606 Views, 28 Comments

This Night'll be a Breeze - gingerninja666

The Shys and the Dashes are having a little get together. Zephyr Breeze decides to bring his family a gift. Something to show that even beneath his obnoxious attitude, he deeply loves them. Surely, a potion from an exhausted Zecora should suffice...

Comments ( 6 )

Love to see a short epilogue.

Was that last part supposed to be funny, because I didn't think it was at all. If Rainbow beat Zephyr enough that his blood is on her knuckles than he should at the very least be in a hospital. So instead of thinking Zephyr got his comeuppance, I'm just feeling sorry for him over a situation that wasn't entirely his fault.


Yeah. I realized that it was probably a little much after thinking it over a bit longer. I can make an edit to remove the blood if you think that might be better. My intention was that she just gave him a swift shot in the face, enough to make his nose bleed, but he's not going to be badly hurt.

Yeah, I guessed that was your intent, but a punch to the face really wouldn't leave a blood stain on someone's fist. When I read it, all I could think about was everyone else looking in horror as Dash beat Zephyr to a bloody pulp.

So, yeah, might be better to leave that out. It was pretty much all Zecora's fault anyway.


but a punch to the face really wouldn't leave a blood stain on someone's fist.

It would if you hit them in the nose and they bleed.

No, it really wouldn't. A single quick jab to the face, even one hard enough to make a nose bleed, wouldn't leave a mark on the fist. At worst, the assailant might get a drop of blood on him/her, but nothing that would stain or be noticable.

Either Rainbow hit Zypher so hard that his nose and maybe his lips just exploded, or she bashed his face in multiple times. Both would send Zephyr to the hospital.

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