When a young Scootaloo is foal-napped from her home, the last thing she expect was for her captors to offer her a free education. More unexpected were the subjects being taught. The 'High Educator of Rogue Dignitaries' was hardly a regular school after all. But despite her predisposition for causing chaos, Scootaloo isn't exactly happy about having the life of a villain forced upon her. She is even more unhappy about not being able to leave for the next 6 years. Luckily breaking the rules is one of her specialities.
Crossover AU based on the H.I.V.E. series by Mark Walden.
H.I.V.E. was an amazing series. Can't wait to see if this does it justice...
Edit: I was not disappointed
8144704 I'm glad you liked it.
So the CMC are foalnapped and taken to this Villain Training Hideout, well I can't wait to see how they start causing so much Chaos that the H.E.R.D teachers and Leader will start yanking their manes out trying to stop them or even better yet just ship them off back home.
Interesting so far.
I'm curious where it goes.
Did you merely replace humans with ponies or are you writing an entire new story, using only the general concept from the original?
8146676 The idea was to replace the original characters with ponies, and follow a similar plot, but the personalities don't exactly match up, so there will be more divergence from the original the further in I get. Also I have had to get a little creative with some of the replacements, which changes up the plot even more.
From the description...
...Rouge dignitaries? In a supervillain school? Would not expect "a red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for colouring the cheeks or lips" to have a place in a supervillain school.
Might expect "rogue dignitaries" considering that rogue is defined as "a dishonest or unprincipled man."
8147383 That is... what that should have been.
It's that "u", until I started playing D'n'D and constantly writing lvl X rogue on literally every encounter sheet, I kept on making the same mistake.
And people say pen and paper RPG's aren't good for anything.
So Rainbow's gonna be our Raven equivalent? Does she also get the geometry-edged katanas?
8167473 Yeah, Rainbow's the new, more cocky, raven. As for the katanas? You'll just have to wait and see.
Hey, Villains have to look just as good as the heroes~
Good chapter.
I'm curious where it goes.
In my opinion this story could need a few more upvotes, by the way.
8168371 I agree. It does need more upvotes. I might be a bit biase though...
So is there any chance for Scootaloo and Applebloom to escape from the island and return to equestria and most likely ponyville, also is Luna still up on the moon and at this time or what, because if she is back shouldn't she be able to see the dream's of ponies who were foalnapped and taken to that island?
Ah yes, the Contessa. Anything but a boring history teacher~
8193660 Good questions. Scoots and Bloom possibly getting back is part of the story its self, so you'll have to wait for that. As for Luna, that little nuisance is being dealt with. HAH HAH HAH!
So Luna hasn't returned yet and seeing Rainbow Dash working for H.E.R.D makes me think she will NEVER be an Element of Harmony, also what about Sweetie-Belle and Diamond Tiara, will they join up with Bloom and Scoots to escape the island, because I have a few idea's they could use to escape if you want to hear.
8194183 I'd be happy to hear them. I'm might not use them, but I can at least put them on the collage of ideas I call a plan.
How evil is the goal here?
8194927 That's one hell of an existential question you got there. Set me a challenge, why don't you? This is going to be one interesting dialogue to write.
Be careful: In the end some of the students might do something like this to The Island: (first 30 seconds)
But would this truly be evil?
For some reason it said that this story was updated, but I don't see a new chapter.
8196612 Uh...I think if you sub Why for How the actually question writes itself...
I accidental clicked publish instead of edit earlier. My bad on that one.
The new chapter should be out later today anyway, possibly tomorrow.
Any chance we could get some spoilers for the next chapter?
You don't mess with Contessa Adagio Dazzle.
That's so true, so besides Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Adagio, are there any other Mane 6 members or Equestria Girls characters working for H.E.R.D, also this is before Luna returns from the Moon, so what will happen when she does return, won't Twilight still try to stop her and without Rainbow Dash as the Element of Loyality, who is going to take her place, of course I would Rainbow not be the Element since she is a villian in this story.
8222024 You ask a lot of questions.
Jokes aside, I can't give away everything that is going to happen just yet. I can say that, yes, Rainbow is not the only Mane 6 member at H.E.R.D.
Well that's just Prime, that means Twilight will have her work cut out for her when Luna returns, she will need more then one new pony to take up an element of harmony then.
Rouge as in red? Shouldn't the 'R' in HERD stand for Rogue?
Dam. That's the second time I have made that mistake. Bloody Dyslexia.
Thanks for pointing that one out.
I've discovered that using the new Text To Speech option is very handy for picking up mistakes like that in my own writing. Caught four in the chapter I put up today myself.
I'll have to try that. Thanks.
It seems things just became a bit more serious.
Especially Contessa and her abilities...
I can't wait to see what happens next.
Maybe you should add a link to more information about the H.I.V.E. series to the description, so users unfamiliar with the concept could find out more about it.
And maybe look for an (generic) cover art. (Never underestimate the power of the cover!)
Edit: fixed.
Thanks for pointing out the typo. I always miss those small ones. I also added the link to the description. Good idea there. As for cover art, I'll have to find a good one. A mate of mind did offer to make some for me as well, so I might take him up on that.
Okay we got Button Mash here too, so will he be joining the fillies on trying to escape from this island or what?
You will have to wait to find out.
Glad to have you back
: "I have the sudden urge to invent a shilding device against those things..."
: "If you need an project partner for that..."
Good chapter!
I'm curious what part of the island they will discover next.
Question to the author:
Does any of the princesses know about H.I.V.E.? Or is that something to be revealed in a later chapter?
My idea is that they either know and encourage it or they know about it and seek to destroy it, but don't know where to strike.
: "I don't thing Doctor Shimmer will approve of that project."
We really need more emotes of the CMC.
Anyway, I still haven't quite made up my mind about the princesses.
There are a couple of directions I could go with them, most of which revolve around the GLOVE and HOPE counterparts.
Seeing as those organisations don't really appear in the 1st book, I can wait until at least the 2nd or 3rd before I need to make a decision.
I can say that some princesses do know about the HERD, but the amount of knowledge each has varies massively.
Well we have our first pairing. Now how often will these two be caught in similar situations?
Depends on how often Scootaloo gets some ideas in her head. Which will most likely coincide with me finding a good button-belle fic. Then again, there are martial arts classes here, so...
This could be useful one day.
I think this chapter was quite good.
I don't know much about H.I.V.E., since I merely read a few parts of the Wikipedia-article you had linked, so I can't judge anything about that.
As far as I remember there weren't too many critical typos or stuff like that in the other chapters, so no need to apologise. The longer chapter was nice, though.
Also. New coverart? Looks good.
I'm really glad you liked the chapter. I got really nervous about this one, so thanks.
The grammar and spelling errors may have been more a pride issue for me. Although some of the were horrifyingly bad, in my opinion.
As for the cover art, again thanks. It did come out rather well. I'm thinking of doing some more images in the same style of certain scenes. There's a specific scene from the next chapter that I think would look quite good in picture form.
Spike as HIVE Mind... does this mean that Twilight will play Professor Pike's role?
Loving this story man, it makes me want to reread the original books
Twilight as Pike?! What an interesting idea! I was thinking Time Turner, myself.
Both would fit, but given that HIVE Mind is Spike, Twi being Pike wouldn't be too far off.
I was kidding about Time Turner, although he was an option during planning. Pike's replacement has actually already appeared in the background, if you're eagle's eyed enough to spot them.
Huh, must've missed it. Though that just lets me believe that Twi is in there somewhere~