• Published 4th Mar 2017
  • 835 Views, 6 Comments

The shippings of Sunset Shimmer - CrossRedstone

Various one- and multi-shots of me shipping Sunset Shimmer with whoever character comes to mind. Situations vary, shippings will be used multiple times.

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Why she really invaded; Part 1 (Chrysalis;Teen;no additional tags)

Almost! Once again she almost had acquired total victory and conquered Equestria! And once again her plans had been thwarted by a single unicorn! Only this time it was worse, way worse! Not only had she, the queen or rather, the former queen of the changelings been defeated, oh no. To put insult to injury some upstart traitor changeling had apparently risen up to power and stole the entire hive from her with some kind of new magic!

If this hadn't been personal before, it certainly was now.

For the lack of better term, Chrysalis was beyond pissed.

The first week after her defeat, she had torched everyone and everything unfortunate enough to cross her path. Not exactly a stealthy thing to do, seeing as both the royal and the crystal guard were after her, but hey, when a bug needs to alleviate some stress, it alleviates some godforsaken stress.

After she somewhat calmed down (read stopped burning things to ash, mostly because her love reserves were running low), Chrysalis did what she did best. She started scheming. Despite her *cough* fully justified *cough* anger, she was more than aware that directly executing her revenge would most likely end in complete and utter failure.

No Chrysalis would bide her time. She would personally observe the ponies responsible for her downfall and look for any kind of weaknesses she could potentially exploit in the distant future. As such, this is where she found herself now.

Surprisingly, yet conveniently, Princess Twilight Sparkle had no personal guard whatsoever. Even more ridiculous, the mare didn't even bother locking the door to her own castle. How stupid can one get? How come Equestria was still standing with careless leaders like that purple alicorn in charge?

Stupid ponies aside, it made things so much easier for Chrysalis. Her current objective was studying her new surroundings, this being the eyesore of a castle. Seriously, who designed this thing?! Ignoring aesthetics, Chrysalis was glad she bothered exploring the thing herself because seriously, this thing was way bigger on the outside than it was on the inside. Celestia was raising the sun already, which meant in an hour or so the inhabitants of the castle would wake up. Granted Chrysalis was using a disguise, but she'd rather avoid an awkward situation if possible. If all else failed, she could simply open a window and leave through there.

At the moment, Chrysalis was walking through the rather expensive library for the third time, if she remembered correctly. There was still a door in that room, which she hadn't tried out yet. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she quickly headed towards the door. Her magic had already enveloped the handle when the disguised changeling stopped dead in her tracks because something peculiar caught her attention: a mirror.

The mirror itself looked a little strange, but all in all was just a mirror. What was really interesting however was the device attached to the mirror. It looked really complicated and went beyond Chrysalis' comprehension as to what exactly it was used for. Curiosity getting the better of her, the disguised changeling went in front of the mirror and looked at her reflection. Nothing wrong there, it showed the disguise she was currently wearing. It would be rather worrisome if the difference was the case.

Chrysalis knew this mirror had to serve some kind of purpose if this machine was attached to it, so experimentally she raised one of her hooves and touched the surface of the mirror. To say that she was surprised when her hoof slipped through the glass was putting it mildly. She didn't shriek like a filly, the shriek only sounded like it.

Quickly pulling her hoof out, Chrysalis needed several seconds to comprehend as to what just happened. After she caught herself, the former queen began brainstorming as to what this mirror potentially was. For some reason or other (*cough* convenience sake *cough*) the mirror really fascinated the changeling and after giving it some further thought, weighing the pros and cons, she decided to completely go through it. A quick look couldn't hurt, right?

Well, it certainly hurt her eyes. The journey through the mirror was like someone chained her to a rollercoaster, which led through an endless tunnel of disco lights. The changeling screamed, once the tunnel ended and she quite literally flew through the air until she hit a rather uncomfortable ground.

The recent roller coaster ride left the former queen in a dizzy state. She had to use all her willpower to not throw up right on the spot. Despite what almost all of the ponies believed, changelings did not live from love alone. It was necessary, yes, but nutrients were just as necessary for them as for any other species. That carapace had to come from somewhere after all.

Once her eyes stopped rolling, Chrysalis took a look at her surroundings. The sun was still on the rise, guided by Celestia's magic. Chrysalis herself was lying on a road, which led to a pretty huge building. It almost looked like a castle but lacked the usual flare. There were two huge patches of grass on each side of the road and that was about all Chrysalis could make out in her current line of sight.

Deciding she had gathered enough dust already, the changeling tried to get up on her hooves but found yet another surprise. When she looked down her legs, she found that these were not legs but arms!

"What the-?!" she exclaimed, losing her balance due to the surprise and landing on her side. The shock had brought all of her senses back to work, which was both productive and rather counterproductive, mainly because overall her entire body felt wrong. She wasn't in her disguise any longer and neither was she in her true form. In fact, from the looks of things she had accidentally transformed into something similar to a minotaur. She had hands, was bipedal and....wore clothes? Now that was a new one, even for her. She couldn't just make clothes with her transformation abilities, that was just downright impossible for her.

Ignoring the confusing matter of clothes, Chrysalis figured the first thing she needed to do was to quickly change back into her disguise before any of those annoying ponies saw her. She was about to channel magic through her body when something made her stop. In the distance, she saw a creature walk on another pathway, which looked quite similar to her. It was not quite a minotaur, they tended to be bigger and more muscular, plus this creature lacked the horns, but it came close enough.

After this discovery, the changeling queen really had no clue as to what was going on. Luckily as the name suggested, changelings could adapt to changing situations rather quickly, so she didn't end up being stunned for too long. Figuring that she at best took things one at a time, she decided first things first she needed to get off the ground and not look like an idiot. Luckily Chrysalis had taken on many disguises throughout her life, so she knew how bipedal bodies worked. Her hooves didn't quite feel right and these special horseshoes made it a little hard to find balance on the ground, but she managed.

Now that she was back on her hooves, she took another look at her surroundings. In front of her was another mirror, build in the base of what looked like was once a statue. Behind that was a road and on the other side of the road were multiple houses lined up quite neatly. More of those strange minotaurs were walking around, though not too many. No surprise, given the time of day.

Chrysalis approached the base of the statue, stumbling over her own hooves, mostly thanks to those annoying shoes. She supported herself on the white rock and bent down a little in order to put her hand on the mirror. With a sigh of relief, the changeling figured out that she could still go back to the other side. It also gave her the opportunity to take a closer look at herself.

Her chitin color was still the same, only it wasn't chitin anymore. She also had no holes in her arms or legs. Her face looked okay, even if it was a little flat. At least her eyes were the same. Her mane was also the same. Instead of a green chitin armor, she wore a green cloth on the top of her body and some black cloth on the middle part. Her legs were partially covered in these black horseshoes, with some green outlining on the bottom. For some reason those things had something sticking out of the back, making Chrysalis look bigger than she normally would be in this body.

The changeling was still inspecting the finer details of her body when another one of those creatures walked up. The changeling could see it's reflection. It was yellow skinned wore a variety of clothes (she didn't really care at this moment) and had a red and yellow mane. Figuring that this creature wanted something from her, Chrysalis awkwardly turned around and faced the creature.

"Can I help you?" the changeling asked in the most friendly manner one could expect given how stressed she was. Translation: not friendly at all.

The other creature froze up for some reason, upon hearing the question and stared at Chrysalis with wide eyes.

"Something wrong?" Chrysalis asked, a little calmer this time. Her brain wondered just what in Tartarus was wrong with this thing, when the creature spoke, which caused said brain to come to a full stop.


Author's Note:

Aaaaaaaand that's it for now. I need to go to my second job in a couple of hours and I wanna catch at least some sleep. So don't expect me to react to any comments in the next twelve to twenty-four hours.

Image source: http://theshadowstone.deviantart.com/art/Queen-Chrysalis-Equestria-Girl-Style-510669622

Comments ( 6 )

HOLY HORSEAPPLE......So Sunset know's who Queen Chrysalis is, does that mean they knew each other while Sunset was still Princess Celestia's student or what, because I just go to know, I can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens to them.

i know how you feel about having too many Sunset Shimmer dieas for fics, she is just perfect when it comes to doing stories, there is just something about Sunset that makes almost every story work.

very interesting

Well I can't wait to hear the explanation of how these to know each other. With those two possibly being in a past relationship, I am now left to wonder if the Canterlot Invasion was all because Chrysilis was looking for her favorite snack. :rainbowlaugh:

ok.... nice work.

Question: Update?

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