• Member Since 20th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2017


I am a reader. A writer. And I wish to write stories that touch your hearts.


One, bright morning, birds were chirping, the sun was rising beautifully, and Jason was... Asleep. His alarm did not go off like he wanted it to, and so, as he rose from his slumber, he rushed. Quickly he went through the house, gathering the necessary tools for the day. Known as his books. Once he was situated, he took the closest RTA bus, going to the single-most hated place in his mind. School. Filled with preppy, snotty, repulsive humans who know nothing about the word kindness. As he arrived, Jason met up with his friend Ezekiel, the only being worth mentioning in his head. They ate breakfast, talked for a little while, and then the two set off into the courtyard to finish their conversation alone. Once the two were fully immersed in this back and forth, Jason got up to go use the bathroom. In the hallway, he spotted a crease in one of the posters on the wall. He hated it, since it was something against the use of glue. So, he decided to tear it down, of course making sure nobody was around to witness. As the poster folded back, a light had shown through the hole. How come he never saw this before? Why was it appearing to him now? Jason reached for his phone to snag a photo, but his hand slipped and the phone fell forward. And he, of course, fell into it. He blacked out, and when he came to, spears were held at his throat, his vision was blurred, and he was wondering what kind of people would do this. As his eyes started to recalibrate, he could see that these weren't people. But, bloody horses! He looked at himself briefly, and all he could see was a set of hooves, and this weird marking on his rump. What the heck is going on here?!

Chapters (2)
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