Another Side

by JasonMlpDrama

Chapter 1: Another Side

When Jason came to, he found that he was not alone. But surrounded by a herd of multi-colored equines, obviously stallions, with horse shoes and gold plated armor from head to hoof. And what rested on top of their heads were these massive helmets that resembled something out of a medieval times documentary or text book. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was as if he somehow traveled back in time to an era of jousting, swords and shields, where royalty was taken seriously, and anyone who got in their way would be "destroyed." It was like an act from one of Shakespeare's plays. Or, it could ve some stupid show from a local renaissance fair. But this was no play or any sort of prank played by actors with sick senses of humor, with a taste for dressing in pony costumes. Even the walls are covered by paintings of old horses that seemed to be war generals.

"Who are you?" Jason's head shot up when the voice came calling out to him, destroying any hope he had for surviving this messed up version of reality, or a dream, it could definitely be a dream. "I said who are you?" Jason had no clue as to what's going on, he as definitely leading towards dream by his constant sweating. He does that when a dream is so vivid. "Again, answer me, or I shall have you in chains!" The demand sounded feminine this time, but he had slight hope it wasn't some ruler. To his disappointment, it was. There stood a magical equine, draped in a sparkly outfit, pink and gold cloth to form a dress perhaps , while lying on her head was a much more sparkly crown, with a gigantic pink star above her forehead. His eyes widened, his mouth dropped, and his body was sweating like crazy, he didn't even know horses could sweat this much.

"I am Jason. Please, please, don't hurt me, I bruise easily." The queen-like equine stared down at him with purple eyes, as the fellow horse-like creatures leaned near each other, whispering towards eachother as if they were friends. Can horses even have friends? Jason's thoughts werect running around on the track that his mind was incapable of keeping on. While he stared cowardly at the queen, Jason noticed other things about her that made him question his reality, one set of wings, a horn, a violet coat with dark bluish purplish hair that has on streak of pink going through. At first he thought it was a dream or some tricks his mind liked to play on him. He stood up tall and gave a small huff as the queen waved the guards off, who immediately put their spears away and stepped aside, turning around to start marching down the hall.

"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. But, my friends call me Twilight." Jason needed to hear that again, he asked her to make sure he heard her name correctly, but when she repeated herself, it sounded like she giggled. His eyes were widening and his hooves were shaking, all four of them, he still couldn't believe what was going on here and it gave him a head ache. "Oh you must be feeling exhausted. Here come with me, I will show you to the guest rooms." Guest rooms? He couldn't quite wrap his head around the situation. At first, she has her guards aiming their spears at his throat, now she's offering him a room to stay in for the night, or whatever these horses call night and day. Jason studied the walls, completely astonished by the levels of art on a pony castle wall. "And if you're new to this world, how do you already have a cutie mark?" Her voice was soft and calming almost like she had a maternal nature.

One question ran through his head, what the hell is a cutie mark? And why was she asking for he could show her his, it made absolutely no sense. But, as he thought about it, he looked back at his rump and there it was, some sort of mark, but it sure wasn't cute. It was still cartoonish but there resided three objects resembling drops of liquid, they were colored red so he assumed that it was blood. And in the middle one, the bottom of the droplet was colored black in the shape of fire. "What does this mean?" He asked, referring to the marking over his rump, which was making absolutely no sense right about now, he thought it meant that he was human and impure in their eyes. Next, the princess began to explain what a cutie mark is, after gasping and acting hurt by his lack of knowledge about it. Cutie marks are what represents who a pony is and once their special talent is gained, they got their cutie marks, after that, they can do what they love. But, what the hell does his mean for her? Is he going to kill some horse? And then find out he's good at that?

Jason shook his head from side to side and started walking in a slower pace next to the Princess, who was going on about something that had to do with these cutie marks. One bit that he caught though was nearing the end of their conversation, which explained how she got her cutie mark. She was trying to hatch a dragon egg, and something in the sky blew up, which made her capable of performing the fest, in front of teachers and Celestia at her magic school. He wanted to know who this Celestia character was, but he didn't want to interrupt, and plus, they really soothed him for some reason. In front of the room they stood and Twilight pushed open the door, revealing a nicely decorated bedroom with diamond plated everything, sparkly tapestries, and the bed was a Gothic mess, but he could live with it. "This will be your room. Stay here and in the morning I will come for you and we will find a way to get you back home." This was the last thing twilight said to him before she shut the door.

Jason put his newly found horse ear to the door and waited until he no longer heard the hoof steps, and marched towards a glass window, turning towards the door one time. He opened it and looked down, only about one story dropping, and his strong hooves could most-likely make this landing without any sort of breakage or tripping. Jason leaped out of the window and came down on the ground with a light tap of his hooves, observing the way he came when he landed. His eyes swayed in the sockets a bit when he landed, other than that, he was okay, Jason didn't know how to walk or run with hooves, but he learned so quickly. By running into bushes when two of those guard ponies came by on patrol. He looked up at the night sky, realizing that it was day time where his world was and wondered by this sort of phenomena occurred especially with him involved in the equation. He felt the cold breeze that the nightly air developed and he had no urge to shiver, it must be this coat of his, he couldn't see his body for what it looked like, only that his coat was white, like colorless white and his mane was pitch black.

Eventually Jason was caught By Twilight's royal guard and he had nothing but an angered expression the entire time, when the guards held spears to his neck, when Twilight scolded him about leaving the castle, using her Princess status to 'order' him around. He sat up like a human would and squinted at her when she spoke, honestly, she seemed more terrified of him than he did of her. Finally, he calmed down. "I'm sorry Princess Twilight. It's just, why would you bother helping me? I'm just some human trapped in a pony's body."

"Jason." Twilight mentioned his name for the first time. It actually made him light up from the face down to his front hooves. Jason tilted his head when she began to speak again. "It is my job not to help those who seek it out. My job is to help those who need help. You'll be here a while, the portal only opens every forty moons. And that's a long while." Jason huffed and laid in on his side down on the bed, rolling a blanket over himself, closing his eyes. Twilight came over to him and set her hoof upon his head. "Sleep tight. I promise I'll get you back home safely." She took her hoof away, and a small grin appeared on both their lips.

End of Chapter One.