//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The Mane Six: Part One // Story: Another Side // by JasonMlpDrama //------------------------------// His heavy eyelids sprung open, leaving his eyes to observe the room surrounding him. Trying his hardest to believe it was all a dream. There he was, lying in bed in his good old human body, covered by a black comforter, a seperate sheet than one attached to his bed. Jason scratched his head, blinking a few times at the feel of his hands that returned during the time he slept, and he wore a smile upon his face. With a deep painful groan, the teenager rose into a sitting position, looking over to the left towards a dresser that was colored dark brown and on top of it was an alarm clock. It read 5:30 on yesterday's date. Maybe it was a dream, maybe it wasn't. It all felt wrong. Not two seconds later, his door swung open, and he was met face to face with six dark silhouettes, all in the shape of those magical pony creatures in his dream. He had to rub it eyes once to see if he could rid himself of such an image, and to make it worse, a glowing light had shown behind them to emphasize the silhouettes. Jason stared as much as he could, closing one eye, but the brightness forced him to close both, the silhouettes got a little closer. He pushed himself backwards and kept his eyes open. The light became even brighter, he blinked again. They were even closer, by a few feet. Jason was in tears, not because of fright, but because it was the shiniest and brightest light he's ever seen. His attempt at keeping his eyes open so they wouldn't get closer were extremely futile. Every time he'd close them and reopen them, the six equine silhouettes would inch towards him, until they were at the foot of his bed, ceasing movements after a final blink. That's when their heads formed soulless white eyes where normal ones would be found. Then, the disregarded his blinking and just stepped onto his bed, surrounding him. He stopped moving backwards accepting his impending doom. Once they were close enough to touch, one of them, in the middle formed a mouth of red, liquids pouring from it like a fresh wound. "Jason, sir? Are you alright?" The silhouette spoke with a distorted tone. "Huh?" Jason made a sound, confused. "Are you alright?" It asked again. One by one the other silhouettes would pope out of existence, leaving the final one that rested in the middle, now sitting beside the bed, its mouth closed, its eyes now black as coal. Jason raised his hands and rubbed his eyes again, when released from them, he could see something he couldn't actually believe. Twilight Sparkle. The Queen or Princess that he met the day before in the so-called dream he had, which turned out to be some sort of alternate universe where there are no people and horses dominate this world, who speak to each other using english. Jason looked down where his hands would be and to his surprise, they were now hooves again. "I'm fine." He said out of impulse, having been asked that question too many times. "You don't look fine, you were tearing up in your sleep." Twilight said back to him. "I'm alright. No need to worry yourself about me Princess. I have sensitive eyes and in my sleep they leak like that so much." He raised his left hoof, scratching himself in the side of the neck as he let out a nervous little chuckle. The Princess calmly sighed and tilted her head to the right while she examined his face, squinting eventually. As she tried to decypher his expressions, Jason forced himself to remain in a cheery mood while smiling ear to ear and giving no signs of stress. Twilight finally accepted it and told him she knew that he was lying but she was going to leave it be for now. Not without demaning an explanation later of course. Jason dropped out of his bed onto all four of his hooves and started to wiggle himself about, his mane and tail whipping through the air, all dirty and messy from yesterday's game of hide and seek with her and the royal guards. Twilight ushered him through the room and out of its door as quickly as possible, nudging him down into the left corridor where more pictures of old people were spread around the halls. One caught his eye and make it out clearly, but Twilight was definitely in it. She stood in between two other ponies, one who was tall, white coat, her mane and tail were more multicolored than Twilight's. And the other was a dark blue shaded mare with a mane and tail combination that had the likeness of the night sky, with an odd transparent aura around it, a visible one. "Who are they?" Jason asked, outright. "Celestia and Luna. I will tell you about them later. In the meantime, we're going to go and find a friend of mine to fix that bed head of yours." When she mentioned their names, her head quickly turned and Jason caught a faint resemblance of a frown. He wanted to ask her what that was about, but as well, he didn't want to pry her feelings out of hiding. The two continued down the corridor, and more of those pictures showed up at either side. There was one of a black coated pony with a faded red tipped horn, the thing looked tough, Jason thought. And another one, of a snake like creature who was flying, it had a mowhawk kind of hair, with one lion's claw as an arm and an eagle's claw as an arm. The rest of its limbs were random as well, even the wings, it was smiling as well. Twilight pushed the doors open, guards standing at either side of them as they left the castle and started down a set of steps, onto a dirt road. Right there ahead of them was a town, not even a long walk or anything, the town was right there, a sidewalk just 20 meters ahead of them. Jason turned to Tiwlight, who was excited to see the town. She told him without being asked that this was a little village titled "ponyville." A place for normal farming folk and wonderful friends. Boy does this pony love friendship. Jason thought. Going along with what she said, Twilight started into a little trot, passing many other multicolored ponies, and Jason followed until they were in front of a rather round building. Jason's eyes were a little widened, taking in the beauty of all the decorations, the colors mixing together and all the other little aspects of the building's exterior. The building had three layers to it, the bottom, colored light blue, an even lighter blue color like the sky was used to create a tasteful decor around the windows. He took a liking to the two pony statues up top that made it look like some sort of carousel you'd see at a carnival or a fair. Obviously, the one who designed it was a complete master at the arts and knew what he/she was doing they started it. Before he knew it, Twilight was knocking on the door with her right front hoof. The door opened widely. There stood another pony, this one had a horn with no wings, her coat was a ghostly white with a winning complexion, her mane and tail were beautifully done, shades of purple and blue coloring them both. Jason was stunned, it was as if she too was made by someone with a love for art. She raised her head at them both and her eyes lit up, she knew Twilight brought him here somehow, and when she asked Twilight, Twilight told her to look at his mane and tail. Yes, they were extremely dirty, messy and an all around hair don't, but there doesn't need to be a big deal about it. The other horse looked distraught and offended by his bad hair day. "Let Miss Rarity take care of it for you darling." She said aloud, actually meaning it too. The tone and everything about her just screamed elegant. Rarity smiled even wider and grabbed him by the hoof, leaving Jason to assume that this was a kidnapping, but the only rough thing he felt was being shoved into a chair, sitting upright like he would in the other world. He was covered in one of those black plastic materials like he would be at the barber shop or one of those hair salons, run by a couple from another country or something. Rarity stepped in behind him when she did this, her horn glowing. A pair of scissors floating near his head. Jason would've freaked out, but for some reason in this situation he hadn't. "Close your eyes, darling." Rarity said to him. Jason was very difficult to comply, but he felt like the right thing to do was to be nice and go along, closing his eyes tightly so he could barely feel his eyelids. He next heard snipping sounds, felt hair fall from his face and heard Rarity humming something next to his ear while she went to work on his do. As he leaned his head back for her to get a better angle when behind him, and forward for when he faced her, his neck cramped, and he prayed for this to be over with really soon. Jason gave a small cough, and that was when Rarity wiped his face with a towel, magic or not. "You may open your eyes now, dear." She followed her words with a positive sounding sigh. When Jason opened his eyes to find the mess that was going to be his hair do, he was surprised. It was cut into a spiked form, combed forward in an actual good way. Jason looked at himself in the mirror and almost cursed aloud for accepting it and wanting to express how he felt about his sexy hair cut. He turned to Rarity with a completely astonished expression. Her face was cascaded in a red glow as he stared at her and grinned. "Thank you very much." He said. "The haircut is awesome." "I am glad you like it, sir." She says. "Are you new to ponyville? And how do you know Twilight besides papers of course?" "I just got into this worl-." Twilight rushed in front of him and covered his mouth. "Town. Yeah, he just got into town and I am showing him around. You know, me just doing my duties." She chuckled, to which Rarity responded to with a slow skeptical nod and a chuckle of her own. "Anyways. We must be going. Gotta go and meet the rest of the town." Twilight says to Rarity before shoving Jason through the door, covering his mouth still with her hoof, instead of using her magical horn to keep him quiet. When outside, Twilighr pulled her hoof away and kept qalking towards the southern part of town. "What was that for?" He asked. "You can't go and tell everypony that you're from another dimension. Well, we've dealt with those kinds of things. But, you're from one we haven't been to. Because you didn't know me right away, so, I need to keep it a secret for now. They won't freak out, but I want to research first. My processes are extremely difficult." "Yeah. No kidding." He didn't understand. Other universes? Her friends and her traveling to them sounded a bit off but he chose not to ask since it would be mean to call her out as a liar when they just met, they'd be on a bad level. Jason could hear the faint sound of something bouncing, like a rubber ball or a chew toy, or some kind of squeaky chair that was really old. He looked up and saw some sort of jumping kangaroo of a pony, she was pink with a pink mane and tail combo, fluffy. A mare with a balloon trio upon her rump. Wait, did the other one have one and he didn't notice? Probably. The pink pony was getting close and her eyes were shut, Jason moved a little to the left, but the sun shined in his eyes as he kept his head up, and he could barely see the jumping pony. She came down to fast, he couldn't see so he couldn't dodge her, and she landed right smack into him. Jason got up from the ground without any sort of scratch and he looked over at the pink equine, squinting as hard as he could with an expression of anger. The pink one smiled in a very awkward way, looking from side to side with only the motion of her eyes. "Sorry sir, didn't mean to, I was boucing, and I was humming my favorite song, but you don't know the song and I was thinking about Gummy, but you don't know gummy. And I was also distracted by the sun's brightness, I couldn't see anything." The pony spoke really fast and it was almost annoying. After she was done talking the pink one took a breath and started speaking again. "Hi there my name is Pinkie Pie, but you can call me pinkie, and my real name.is Pinkamena, but if you call me by that name, we can't be friends anymore, if you wanna be friends, do you wanna be my friend, huh, huh, huh?" Jason needed a minute recuperate, taking a few double takes, which lead into more takes of said double takes, and he could finally cope with what this mare had said, fully understanding it after he had a few moments to himself. "Sure. Why not?" He asked, sticking his hoof out so that he could shake hers. His eyes met with hers and he couldn't helpt but smile. "I'm Jason." He says, breathing out slowly. Pinkie Pie has the widest and most massive grin laying across her mouth, it was a tiny bit creepy for Jason, but he didn't care, and she didn't seem like she cared either. She grabbed a hold onto his hoof with both of hers and shook it violently, vibrating the entirety of his body. "Well, I gotta run, it was nice meetimg you Mister Jason. Have a splendiverous day! By Twilight!" She said, dashing away like a reindeer. "Thay was weird, right?" He asked. "Pinkie is always weird." Twilight responded, moving on down the dirt road. Jason kept following right next to her and disregarded the other ponies around them, he only paid attention to her. She was his guide and he didn't want to lose her. Plus, his eyes couldn't unsee the dream from the night before, and he believed it was Twilight in some sort of messed up way, that was in it. But who were the other five ponies, and why were their eyes all white and then suddenly black? He couldn't tell anything to himself. This was going to be one bumpy ride for the matter of time he's stuck here. There journey through the town of Ponyville came to a hault when a carriage was stopped in the middle of the road, blocking their way of getting to another destination Twilight decided to mention. A place called 'Sweet apple acres.' She said something about getting hungry and knowing exactly who could make a delectable apple pie. Thinking back to the encounter he had with Pinkie Pie, Jason slammed his hoof in his face, having forgotten the fact that he didn't tell Rarity his name nor did he notice her cutie mark. He really hated that he wasn't kind enough to tell her. Eventually, the two traveled upwards along a short hill and as they reached the top, Jason saw a huge red barn, admiring the structure of the base, its ways of being modern but also relating to traditional works of craftsmanship. Jason looked all over the surface and when his head was finally level, he could see three ponies rushing into the house portion one old frail and green, another big and red, the last being small and yellow with a bow in its mane. Jason switched his eyes over to the orchard, such beautiful trees covering the land on for miles and miles. He couldn't believe it. Down by the stalks of some trees, there was a mare, orange coated with golden blonde hair, freckles, green eyes, and a brown hat that resembled one of those cowboys. "Jason this is Applejack, one of my best friends." Twilight says. "Howdy, nice to meet ya." She stuck her hoof out. Applejack smiled kindly with a faint red color painted across her face. "Likewise." Jason says, putting his hoof in hers. With one single hoof, she was stronger than Pinkie Pie was, and his entire body shook up and down as she closed her eyes and calmly shook it slowly. Jason was relieved when she finally let go and he almost puked out in front of Twilight and Applejack. That would've been catastrophic, he thought. Twilight asked if it was alright for them both to join her and her family for dinner, the orange cowmare nodded and bowed. "Well shucks, I'd be honored." Applejack led them inside and started into the kitchen, setting plates for the entire family, plus the two guests that were joining them and sharing a meal with them. Jason stared awkwardly around the room, his lips pursing so he could start whistling while Twilight was looking at him funny and giggling underneath her breath. The three who sat across the table gave awkward looks to each other. Now that Jason was closer, he could see what they looked like. The smallest indeed had a yellow coat, with a brightish red mane and tail, and a set of eyes with the orange color of tangerines, her rump was covered both sides by a shiled, stripes of red, pink, and purple down the front, and in the middle there was an apple colored violet. Next, the green coated mare was old, like she was 17 or 18 years old in human years, with a whitish grey mane and tail set, she looked to be dozing off a whole lot, and she had this apple pie design on her flank. Finally the biggest one. He had a dark red coat, his eyes were the color green like emeralds and if Jason looked at him, he'd lunge a little bit, and his cutie mark was a half eaten green apple. Before long, Applejack stumbled into the dining room where everybody was sitting with plates in her hooves, standing on her back two, twisting and turning, getting even more wobbly by the second and the further she was going towards the table. The others were on the opposite side of the table that was facing her, Jason and Twilight were right there, and that's where Applejack wanted to go, to put their plates down, it seemed like. Jason's eyes lifted when she tripped backwards towards them and fell. He quickly arose from his spot and lunged forward catching Applejack in one hoof like an arm, and the plates in the other. Sniffing the air, he grinned and looked st her. "The Apple pie smells really nice." He grinned and sighed, setting her down so she could walk on her own. Her face was the reddest it could turn, like a tomato or a red pepper. "Thank ya so much, Jason." He said. The night became quite odd after that, the family ate with Twilight and Jason, whilst introducing themselved for the first time. The little yellow toddler horse with the medieval cutie mark was named Applebloom and she had this tree house in the back yard for her and her friends to hang out in and to help other ponies get their marks. Next to her sat the elderly horse, and her name was granny smith, she was here long before any other pony in Ponyville today. Lastly, the macho stallion was named Big Mac, he could probably lift a truck if he wanted to back in Jason's world. Jason and Twilight were ready to leave, but Applejack stopped them in their tracks. She handed, or hoofed, them a box full of bottles of some Apple Cider stuff, which she said was special. "Any more stops?" Jason asked Twilight as he was reading the box that contained the bottles, squinting when the words started to get a little smaller. He read '12% alcohol.' 'What the hell? Why do these cute innocent creatures have alcohol? More importantly, why did Applejack hand a box full of the stuff to Twilight and I?' Jason thought. Twilight lead him back to the castle and opened the box without regarding his question, she just opened it up, took one of the bottles and chugged the liquid all the way. She seemed to be a tiny bit buzzed. Jason never had alcohole in his world even. He really didn't want to drink it. Twilight lead him inside the castle and went to her room laying down on her side, holding one of the bottles in her hoof. "Why dont-... You take one?" She asked. "I don't think I should..." Jason replied. "Why not?" "Because I don't drink much." "Come on." "Twilight. I really don't want to." Twilight chugged the bottle of A-Cider, alcoholic cider, and then went onto another one, mumbling something under her breath before she stood up and swayed over to him. Jason was backing up some and he started to trot backwards, furrowing the tops of his eyes to make it seem like they were eyebrows. She then began to float, flying towards him quickly. He ran as fast as he could out the door and kept sprinting down the corridor, panting heavily as he was frightened, and his heart was pumping wildly. Jason started to shout, which wounded up waking the guards, who all chased him with spears. In the end, Twilight managed to fall asleep in the hallway and Jason was put in the dungeon, where he sat with a little grumpy face, waiting for twilight to be sober. Which will take hours. CHAPTER 2: THE MANE SIX; PART ONE THE END.