• Published 2nd Jul 2012
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Oh to be Old Again - Minalkra

What happens when a middle age brony wakes up in the body of a foal? And when no one believes him?

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27 - Feeling Stupid and Contagious

"That wasn't very nice Bruce." Twilight arched an eyebrow at me from the foot of the bed - plainly disapproving of my words - as the other Bearers nodded their agreement. I would have felt small if not for the fact that Pinkie hadn't ever learned that ponies need air to breathe. Those hugs are dangerous. Thankfully, Twilight managed to distract her with something loosely called 'logic' and, with the Hug Demon otherwise occupied, I managed to not die from asphyxiation.

"Silly, that's just his way of saying 'I love you and thank you.'" She ruffled my mane with a hoof, propping herself against the side of the bed with another. I batted at her - ineffectively - as my breathing returned to normal. My gasping didn't even phase her. Thanks for making me feel all manly and adult-like Pinkie! "Besides, I think a grown mare can take a little colt, don't you?"

"Th-that's what she said ..." I gasped out in an attempt to salvage what was left of my dignity. I glanced around, expecting to see confusion. Rarity looked at me with affronted shock from where she stood near the mostly-confused Twilight - both conspicuously at the foot of the bed and farthest from me. Applejack was showing more of the 'horrified' side of 'horrified shock.' Next to her - and slightly above due to her constantly flapping wings - Rainbow Dash groaned. Fluttershy winced, though she was blushing a bit more than was necessary. Only Pinkie had what I would call a 'regular' reaction to my inability to control my words. She was wincing. "Tough crowd."

I sighed and turned to Pinkie with the largest grin I could scrape up (it wasn't much but it was big and that makes it better, right?) as everypony else mentally scrambled. Kids making sex jokes, always a great way to start the day. "Pinkie, I appreciate this. Really I do. But I was kinda planning on talking to your friends-slash-the saviors of the world each in turn rather than all together." Pinkie placed hoof to chin in thought while the other members of her clique of friends shared confused glances with each other. After a second, she shrugged.

"I figured you'd want to get it over with all at once." Pinkie said with her characteristic exuberance and a smile. I stared at her for a second before dropping my head to the mattress in irritation. "What?"

"There's no way we could do this in pairs or something?" I waved a leg off-hoofedly towards her friends. Before Pinkie could respond, Applejack saved her the trouble.

"Bruce, Ah get that ... things have happened to ya and all that but, uh, Pinkie said you had something important to tell us? And Ah figure that if you can say it to one of us, you can say it to all of us." I lifted my head and glanced around. Nods from all the ponies - Twilight's being more vigorous than the others - signaled their agreement. I opened my mouth to argue - as well as ask what the hell she was talking about 'things' - but Pinkie's hoof touching my shoulder stopped me.

"Bruce," Pinkie smiled warmly at me, "just tell them the truth and everything will be ok."

"Ah, eh ... fine." With a sigh, I abandoned my questions for later. I was going to get a firm answer on what Spring had told everypony. A straight answer damn it! But later. "Ok. Uhm, this is going to be a tad difficult to believe but let me, uh, say everything before you start calling me insane."

"Insane?" Rarity asked. A could hear a few sharp intakes of breath - probably from Twilight and Fluttershy if the positions of the sounds were anything to go by. The few who knew of my 'condition' - again, whatever the hell that was - could rightly guess where this conversation was going. I nodded in response. Outwardly, I was all creepy-wide grins. Inwardly ... I was still creepy-wide grins. This was going to suck. Well, suck more than it had up to this point.

"Yeah. I'm not ... a pony. I'm not a foal either. I'm an adult human." There. I said it. I warily looked around the room. Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked confused. Twilight was irritated - and pointedly not looking at me. Pinkie Pie was hopeful - silly filly, don't you know that good luck never sticks? Fluttershy ... Fluttershy was staring at me with her eyes as wide as possible. She looked shocked to her core. Why in the heck was she shocked? In fact, why were any of these ponies confused? I was really sure that's what Spring had told everypony about, despite how weird it would be for that to be tied into ... weird sex jokes. No, no. Spring couldn't possibly think that! Bruce, stop being silly. Before I could even begin to ask, however, Rainbow Dash landed with a snort and a roll of her eyes.

"Pull the other one, I got three more." She waved her fore legs in the air slightly to emphasize the point.

"Oh my." Fluttershy's mumbled. She was blushing a bit.

"... riiiight." Applejack took one look at me and her eyes almost rolled out of her head.

"Yes, well, that's ... interesting." Rarity blinked at me a bit before turning to her pinker and slowly deflating friend. "Pinkie, darling, is this the 'super important message' Bruce has for us? Because if so, I hear some punch calling me from the party downstairs."

"I know it's hard to believe-" Twilight cut me off before I could get any farther. I was fully expecting her to butt in at some point in time so there was no surprise. She hefted herself up against the side of the bed, looking down the length at me and motioning with her hoof for emphasis.

"Bruce, this is impossible to believe. You're asking us to put aside what you look like, how you've been acting, what you've been doing, sense, logic, reason and every bit of scientific know-how ponykind has ever seen or learned on - what - your say-so? Your word?" Her friends looked at her, startled at the vitriol in her voice. I could see the conversation slowly getting out of my hands - hooves.

"I don't lie Twilight."

"... I know." I blinked at her, my face contorting into a grimace of absolute confusion. Wait, what? Twilight continued before I could open my mouth to let more stupidity flow. "I know you're not lying. You honestly believe what you're saying is truth. But it's not Bruce. You're not a human adult, you're a pony foal. No matter what you want to run from, you can't run from yourself."

Welcome to Depressing Town, population: everypony! Twilight's expression was one of very deep sadness with just enough of a touch of hope that it was painful to look at. Applejack ... was still confused though she was looking at Twilight slightly warily. She evidently had no idea what we were talking about but the fact it had set her friend off had made her jumpy. Rarity looked almost bored - but I think that was just a mask. She was probably as confused as her farm-raised friend but was too much a 'lady' to show it. Rainbow and Fluttershy shared a look. A look that said 'I know what this is about.' A look that spoke volumes about how close they were as friends. A look of passion and ... no, not really. I had no idea what the look was for.

Maybe they both had to pee really badly, I was still trying to get my head around some of the pony expressions. I bit my lip and tried to think of something - anything - to say to convince them I was not insane. A single blink and it hit me. Along with my hoof.

"Ow. Ah, testing." I rubbed the sore spot on my forehead where keratin had nearly met bone. Facehooving was a dangerous game to be playing.

"Huh?" In 6.0 surround sound where available! Even Pinkie joined in though more in confusion as to where I was going with this.

"I took a placement test today - ask Spring. My scores were completely illogical for a foal my apparent age. Math was almost college level. Science was fairly high as well." Twilight blinked at me in disbelief. "I'm serious, ask the counselor! But all my other scores? Absolute garbage. I can't write, I've never even heard of a 'Theological Ministry' and -" Twilight interrupted, as was her wont.

"Theological Ministry?" At her question, my train derailed. There was one survivor but he was crawling around with broken legs. I think it would be best if I had put him out of his misery. I scratched my head and scrunched my face - as if that would help me remember. I had just taken that stupid test, too.

"Ahh, the Theological branch? The whatsit thingy." I waved a hoof as if that would help them get what I was saying. Every head followed my hoof as the circle of estrogen continued to be stumped as to what the hell I was talking about.

"... whatsit thingy," Rainbow's voice carried a tone of complete incredulity. Eloquent, self. Very loquacious. I puckered my lips in irritation.

"D-do you mean the 'Theocratic branch?' The Conclave of Priors?" Fluttershy asked in her ever-delicate voice. I smiled - for a second. Then the name sunk in and my face sunk with it.

"... Conclave? Who in the hell named that?" Rarity, a mostly-silent witness to my awkward attempts at conversation up to that point, stomped her hoof and glared at me as soon as the words left my mouth.

"Bruce. Language." I leaned backwards a bit, my ears flipping down at her tone. Whoops, good going there self.

"Sorry Rar- er, Miss Rarity." Let's be extremely polite to the kung-fu fashionista.

"Quite alright darling." And with that, her brow unfurrowed and what anger she had dissipated. I blinked. And then blinked again.

"It is?" She blinked back at my question, a small crease in her forehead betraying her own confusion.

"Why yes, of course! With your history, some - shall we say 'coarse and colorful' language - is to be expected." She fixed me with a hard look. "Something to be discouraged but entirely expected."

Fifteen thousand questions could have been asked about this situation. I could have used it to pry out what Spring was saying about me, find out about appropriate behaviors and ages - hell, if I was intelligent, I could have found out everypony's bank account numbers and gotten rich.

"No soap?" That was the question that came to mind. Soap. If I could, I would have shot myself for that. My god, what is wrong with me? Rarity's jaw dropped slightly as my words stirred in her mind.

"Soap?" Rarity asked in reply. I had gotten fairly used to the flavor, I guess. She turned and frowned at her pink party-prepossessed PFF. "Pinkie ..."

"Pfft, that was - like - days ago," Pinkie replied, waving the scowl off with a hoof.

Twilight looked between the two of them, perplexed. "Uhm, actually, it was only a da-"

"What she means is that -that -" I jumped up as best I could and shouted over Twilight's response ... and then stammered a bit because I had nothing to actually cover her with. Thanks Twi, you're the best! I yammered as my mind blanked. "That, th-that-that - that's horrible and, uhm, she has no idea what you're talking about."

My strained smile has to work! Why is it not working?! More smile! More teeth! More, it has to work!

Applejack took one look at me and regarded her purple unicorn friend with her own stare as her friends began to join in. "... Twi. Did you do somethin' Bruce is tryin' ta cover up?"

IT'S NOT WORKING! Twilight shrank under the looks, stuttering. Ok, I am not losing this!

"No! There is nothing!" I shouted, drawing their gaze back towards me. My eyes wide in panic, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Cause, you know that's been working peachy thus far. "Stop asking - don't ask, don't tell!" It worked for the military, right?

"Bruce, did Twilight do something bad?" Fluttershy gently rested one hoof on me, her giant teal eyes looking deeply into my own. With just a hint of wetness at their base as if she were on the verge of crying herself. HNNNNNNNNG. I gave her the biggest (fake) grin I could but those eyes were pulling at me ... and all I could see was my wife's face for some reason. Her face was so pale - BRAIN STAHP!

"Noooo ..." And now I'm blinking through tears. This is not working.

"Bruuuce. Th-" Fluttershy began, her tone becoming firmer.

"No, stop. Wait. Look. Things have happened, confusion has been had but I'm fine." I wiped my muzzle and looked around at the disbelieving faces. "I am fine. So let's just drop that line of inquiry and continue on." I guess I was harsher than I had been previously because every single ear in the room flipped down. Damn straight, I'm perfectly fine and tears are manly. Back on track. "Alright. Test. My test was all over the place. It is hard to imagine, hard to explain but it's not impossible."

"Kinda sorta is, Bruce." Twilight's voice was much quieter but there was still that core of 'I know' in there. Just like she 'knew' about Pinkie's ... sense thing. Yeah.

"In a land of 'spirits of Chaos,'" I made air-quotes with my hooves to emphasize Discord's title, "emotion-eating bug-horses, winter spirits that both inspire and feed on anger and hatred and two deities that literally raise the sun and moon you think me being an adult trapped in a foal's body is impossible? Really?" My sarcasm must have been showing because Twilight just shook her head. Rarity cleared her throat and, with a sidelong glance at Twilight, answered for the flustered mare.

"Dear, magic isn't some 'wave your horn and make wishes come true' power. Magic has limits." Her horn burst to life with the light-blue aura that I knew was hers. One corner of the bedsheet - mussed from my leap earlier - tugged itself straight. Figures, she couldn't leave well enough alone if something was out of place. "There are some magics that can prematurely age or force a youth effect on a pony but these are temporary spells. You've been a foal for far longer than any unicorn can possibly maintain."

"What about alicorns?" Valid question I thought. The scoff from Applejack made me rethink my position.

"Sugar cube, do you really think that one of the eight known alicorns would really take time out of their lives to force a youth effect on you?" Yay! I'm important! Thanks AJ. Really helps my self esteem. My deadpanned look - as well as Pinkie's glare of irritation - made the apple farmer rethink her wording. "Er, Ah mean, ahhh -"

"To answer your question, 'no, I'm not that important' but we're getting off topic." With a huff, I sat back down and crossed my arms. "Look, I don't care if you really believe me. I just want a chance, a sliver of hope. I want ... I want to be me again."

"Bruce, you are you. You're a very special pony, very creative and if half of the rumors I've heard are true, probably one of the strongest colts in the world. But you are already you." Fluttershy lightly placed her hoof on my shoulder. She seemed to have this thing about lightly supporting ponies that needed it - I guess. I looked around the room. Every face save Pinkie was looking at me hopefully. Every face had some sadness behind the eyes but also some hope. Hope that I would accept their 'fact' of myself. Their 'truth.'

"Bruce, tell the truth." Pinkie's voice drew me. I looked at her with hopelessness in my eyes.

"Pinkie, I am!"

"No you're not, Bruce. You're not lying. But you're not telling the truth either."

The truth. Was it my place to tell them? Would I want to know? All the questions and reasons from the previous night's conversation with Pinkie swirled around my head. The truth. Again, I was faced with a decision that no man, no creature ought to be asked to make. Again, I made my choice. Disagree or not, it was unfortunately mine to make.

"Alright." Looking directly at Rainbow Dash, I spoke a simple word. "Two."

"... ok, you follow him Pinkie?" Rainbow looked askance at Pinkie, confusion in both their faces. I chuckled. Pinkie wouldn't know. She wasn't there. Only Rainbow knew.

"Your number for the Best Young Flyer's Competition. Your first number. After Rarity joined the show, you were set to go second. You panicked and started to swap your numbers with higher numbers to forestall the inevitable. In the end, the show had to stick you and Rarity out together and that's where the second Sonic Rainboom in living memory was preformed."

Five mares blinked at me - the sixth just staring dumbfounded. I was surprised, actually. I was sure Rainbow had told her friends how difficult it had been, dealing with Rarity's show-stealing 'high art' garbage. But would that be Rainbow? Would she really let them think Rarity had gotten to her that badly? Of course not. Rainbow Miriam Dash would never let anypony think somepony as frou-frou as Rarity had managed to get to her. I wasn't sure of that until I saw the old pain renewed in her eyes. Until I saw the slight quiver of her lips, the sudden wetness under her eyes. The shock as I spilled one of her most deeply held secrets. I think I heard Pinkie's sharp intake of breath as she remembered her own secret. The one I knew. This is why I wanted to talk to everypony alone.

I'm sorry, Rainbow.

"Rainbow? Is that true?" Rarity's voice sounded more like Fluttershy as the depth of how much her friend had been hurt by her own actions sunk in. It was a very old wound, I think, but I don't know if they had ever really talked about it. Too often, hurts are ignored in favor of being solved. In favor of being healed. I was not the only one to see Rainbow swipe her hoof across her face.

"Wha-eh, no! How in the hay did-" I didn't let her ask, I had more to show. 'All's fair' after all.

"Leave me alo-o-o-one! I vant to be alone! I want to wallow in ... whatever it is ponies are supposed to wallow in! Do ponies wallow in pity? Oh look at me! I don't even know what I'm supposed to wallow in! I'm so pathe-e-tic!" I threw myself into the role, tossing hoof to forehead and collapsing as I remembered Rarity doing so long ago.


"Soda! That'll wet those potato chips. A cup of sour? Wheat worms?" My southern accent was impeccable. I hope so, I lived in the south for so many years that I was confused as to why it hadn't ever been noted before. I closed my eyes as I dug through my memories. Every show quote I could think of, every situation where the ponies were alone or where it would be so minute that it would be unremarkable in a book about the saviors of the world, every single thing I could wring from my mind - I told it all. "'Iron Will isn't a monster - I'm the monster.' 'Dont go confusin' th' issue with yer fancy mathematics!' 'She's an evil enchantress! She does evil dances!' 'A tacky cloud of purple smoke just whizzed by and tore half my mustache clear off!' 'The Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me, oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me!' 'Tardy! And what do teachers do when you're tardy? They give you a test! But this won't be just any test. And what if I fail? Do you know what they do when you fail? They send you back a grade! But no, Celestia won't send me back a grade, no. She'll send me back to - gasp! Magic. Kindergarten.' 'Loss of control. Screaming and hollering. Passion! Yay!'"

I panted as my tirade finally came to an end, my eyes wild as the truth was finally let out. Six pairs of eyes stared at me with a mixture of horror and wonder. Even Twilight - once so convinced that I was simply deluded - couldn't help but blink in utter confusion at me. Finally, one pony managed to find her voice and speak the words everypony was thinking.

"... fuck." The fact that particular phrase came from Rarity of all ponies made me realize just how much I actually - finally! - reached them!

"You're all a cartoon. All of you. You're the 'Mane 6' - the Elements of Harmony and main characters for a show for little girls to teach them about friendship and life. 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.'" I finally said it, I finally said it. Their faces remained unchanged as my words were weighed by each according to my evidence. Slowly, I think they came to the same conclusion - I knew too much to be normal.

Rainbow was the first to speak her mind.

"... that name's really frou-frou."

I never said her words were pertinent though.

Author's Note:

Edited by Genjen cause he's cool.


Yes, Twilight is lacking wings here. This was started before Twilicorn was a possible thing and it was set in the 'future' of the show. Because of the massive change this would necessitate in the previous chapters, I'm going to go from the point of view that Twilight was offered the chance to become a winged-unicorn and declined. Maybe that just never happened. I'll firm up my thoughts as I write I suppose. But yes, Twilight is still a unicorn.


So this was a bitch. I am never doing this again - fuck group scenes. I kept getting off-topic, it was boring, no one was in character, I kept trying to 'force' shit to happen and it was bad, blah blah blah ... bottom line is, NEVER AGAIN. The 'break' came when I realized that it was more Pinkie leading the conversation than Bruce. After that, it all fell in place - for a while. And then I had more 'what am I doing?!' time - then I got busy at work and it seems that me AVOIDING work helps me create!

Wow, I am a hack. Nirvana helped.

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