• Published 2nd Dec 2016
  • 9,452 Views, 223 Comments

You're All Too Easy! - Dr Atlas

Twilight starts realizing her friend's minds are too easy to control.

  • ...

Third Lesson: Don't talk

“Come on, Dash! We need to do this!”

“By we you mean just you, because I want no part in this!”

“But you gotta be apart of it!” Twilight pointed toward town while the five of them stood on the outskirts. “What if some nasty villain comes into town and brainwashes everypony, including you!”

Rainbow Dash continued looking away from Twilight, her front legs crossed and her head high. “I don’t wanna be apart of this weird experiment of yours, Twilight. For all I know, you’re just doing this for your own sick mind.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “W-Who in the right mind would like doing this to their friends?”

Dash shrugged. “I dunno, but I’m sure someone else might.” She looked forward with a raised eye, knowing exactly who she was talking to.

Knowing this wouldn’t be the last time she’d hear this today, Starlight turned away and said, “Dash, I said I was sorry.”

“You don’t get it, Starlight, that spell gave me a worse headache than that time I got in AJ’s cider cellar!”

Twilight forced Dash to face her again with her magic. “Dash, if you don’t prepare for this, then there will be worse things that happen to you besides headaches!”

“Like what?” Dash asked.

“Well...uh, f-for starters, you wouldn’t be able to control yourself, a-and they could turn you on your friends.”

“But you have spells for that, don’t you?” Dash pointed out.

Twilight brought her hooves to her temples. “Dash, this isn’t about spells, this is about controlling your own mind by sheer will, not with magic.”

“Can’t you just cast a spell so we can’t get affected by other spells?”

Twilight was on the verge of losing it. “Dash, magic doesn’t work like that. It’s like you’re asking me to keep a drink cold without any ice.”

“But that’s a pretty easy spell to cast, Twilight.” Starlight pointed out, reciving a glare from Twilight seconds later.

“That’s not what I’m talking about. Mind control can be thwarted by other things besides magic.”

Dash thought of another example. “But didn’t it take a spell to make me not act like a jerk when Discord-”

“YOU’RE MISSING THE POINT!” Twilight shouted, causing all eyes to go to her, besides Fluttershy’s. “All of you need to prepare for this! I’m not always there for you girls, and I know there will be a time where my own magic just isn’t enough to help, I need all of you to do this, i-it’s not even that hard.”

Dash turned her head to her other two friends. “Seems like they’re having a tough time.”

Twilight turned to Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity seemed to be shivering and looking around, trying to find some form of flashing colors while Fluttershy continued standing straight with her eyes swirling and a stack of books still on her head. Spike was starting to get just as concerned as everyone else. “Uh, is she still suppose to be like this? The watch isn’t even in front of her anymore.”

Twilight tapped her chin, trying to find some logical answer to this. “Maybe having prolonged exposure to the hypnosis has caused her to stay in a trance. We’ll worry about it later, right now, we need to make sure Dash can do this.”

“I told you, I’m not doing it!” Dash started walking away. “And there’s nothing you can say to make me be apart of this weird experiment of yours.”

Hearing this gave Twilight the perfect idea on what to say next. “Fine, I understand. You obviously don’t want to do this. You probably can’t even handle it anyway.”

Dash froze. “What did you just say?”

Twilight smirked. “I said that Rainbow Dash can’t handle any type of hypnosis that could come her way, she’d have her mind in the hooves of a foe in ten seconds fla-”

Dash flew right up to her, her face inches away from her’s. “Like anyone can do that! I have a brain that’s strong enough to handle any kind of trick that’ll come my way!”

Twilight continued smiling. “Prove it.”

With gritted teeth, Dash stepped back and stood tall. “Alright, fine! Do it again! Do that same spell Starlight did on me!”

“Same spell?” Starlight walked up to Dash. “A-Are you sure that’s a good idea, Dash?”

“It’ll be good practice, Starlight.” Twilight pointed out. “If she’s already experienced the spell before, she might have a more powerful resistance to it.”

“Yeah! Come on, just try to get in my head.”

With a smile on her face, Twilight levitated another book off of Fluttershy and opened it. “Alrighty then, Dash, you ready?”

Rainbow Dash held up her front hooves as if she were ready for a fight. “I was raised ready!”

Twilight lit up her horn and flipped through the pages. “I suggest all of you close your eyes while I do this.” Starlight used both her front hooves to shield her’s and Fluttershy’s eyes while Spike closed his own, as for Rarity, she continued looking away from them, still trying to find some source of colorful colors. After a bright flash, all of them looked back at Dash, her eyes glowing for a split seconds before she closed them herself.

Spike walked up to her. “Uh...Dash, you okay?”

Rainbow Dash blinked, her irises seeming to change sizes rapidly. “Y-Yeah…” Was all she could say before they slowly got smaller and smaller.

Twilight smiled. “See, you’re doing fine, right Dash?”

“I...I think so?” Dash held her head, still not sure what to expect from this. “S-Shouldn’t I be...taking things literally or…”

Twilight held up the book. “Well...The spells a tad bit different, I made it so there’s a phrase I need to say before I tell you what to do, or a Post-hypnotic Activation Phrase. If you will.”

Dash rubbed her head. “A post-what?”

Starlight tilted her head. “Who made that kind of spell?”

Twilight shrugged. “Some guy who’s probably under the ocean by now, or writing stories…” Knowing that explaining it would be pointless, Twilight continued. “Anyways, Dash, test number one.” With her eyes still closed, Twilight waved her hoof toward her. “Would you kindly step toward me.”

The second she uttered that sentence, Dash stood right in front of Twilight, her pupils the size of pinpriks. “Yes, Miss Sparkle!” She called out before shaking her head. “What the...w-whoa, Twilight, personal space here…” She was about to back up, but Twilight continued.

Would you kindly hover in the air.” She asked, Dash’s eyes shrinking and her smile growing again.

“Yes, Miss Twilight!” She hovered above, her eyes and smile still the same.

Twilight rubbed her chin while Starlight and Spike watched in confusion. “Uh, Twilight?” Spike asked. “I-Is it not working?”

Twilight shook her head. “She seems to respond to continual tasks, but not ones that involve achieving one goal.” She waved her hoof again. “Dash, would you kindly stop flying, please.”

“Yes, Miss Sparkle!” Dash sat on the ground, still no change in her expression.

Seeing this made Twilight flip through her book again. “Now why the hay is she doing this now?”

“Doing what?” Starlight asked, looking into the book as well. “I thought you said-”

“I know what I said, but it’s not working. She’s suppose to be back to her normal state, not wait for-”

“Waiting for orders, Miss Sparkle!” Dash said with a wag of her tail.

Seeing this made Twilight shut the book and sighed. “Looks like the phrase already broke. Her mind’s probably too easy to even need one.”

“What now?” Spike asked, standing in front of Dash.

“I guess we should go get Applejack next.”

Dash saluted. “Okay, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide, now realizing she should’ve worded that differently. “N-No, Dash, WAIT!” But it was too late, Dash flew right past Twilight, making her spin several times before coming to a stop, feeling dizzy. “Ugh...so much for that…”

Rarity turned her head toward the rainbow trail Dash left behind. “D-Did you see those colors! T-They were so-” Rarity couldn’t finish as the trail of colors whizzed past her again

“Here she is, Miss Twilight!” Dash held up an orange, stetson wearing pony, who seemed to look very confused.

Once Applejack got her surroundings, she turned to Twilight. “Uh...Twi, ah take it you know why Dash snatched me away from my work?”

Twilight sighed. “I’m trying to teach her how to control her mind while she’s hypnotized…”

“And ah also take it it’s not going well.” She asked, eyeing Dash.

Twilight shook her head sadly. ”No...no it’s not…” Twilight looked back at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, would you kindly drop Applejack and sit next to Rarity.”

“Yes, Miss Sparkle!” Within a second, Dash was next to Rarity, her expression still as mindless as ever.

Rarity’s eyes wend wide as she looked at her friends rainbow colored hair. “Um, D-Dash, you don’t mind if I...l-look at your hair, do you?”

With a smile, Dash shook her head. “No problem at all, Miss Rarity!”

Rarity smiled and held onto her mane while Twilight started talking to Applejack. “Listen, AJ, I’m trying to get all my friends to get their minds clear enough to handle hypnosis.” She turned to the three ponies. “As you can see...it’s not going to well, b-but I’m sure with enough time and effort, we can do it!”

Applejack crossed her front legs. “So lemme get this straight, ur usin’ magic so we can have a resistance to magic?”

“It’s not just that, AJ! It’s about your safety! I don’t want my friends to be brainwashed again!” She stepped closer to her. “Please, AJ, I need you in this too.”

Applejack looked back at her other three friends, seeing the state they were in. Part of her just wanted to walk home and hope this was just another thing Twilight would freak out over, but she knew Twilight had a point, if her mind was under someone else's control again, it would be terrible. “If it’s so ah can get a stronger brain, then go ahead, Twalight, I’ll do mah best!”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, grabbing another book. “Thank you for understanding Applejack, now, let me see how you girls respond to mind tricks.”

Starlight was starting to believe she was making this up. “Mind tricks, really Twilight?”

“You can never be too sure, Starlight!” Twilight said. “I have to check everything.” She turned back to the book. Going though the pages. “Alright, AJ, no matter what I say after this, don’t do what I say, okay?”

Applejack adjusted her stetson, prepared for whatever Twilight will do. “Go ahead Twa, just try to git in mah head.”

“Alright, here goes…” Twilight took a deep breath then held up one of her hooves, slowly waving it across AJ’s face. “You will take off your hat.”

Applejack blinked, not understanding what Twilight was doing. “Uh, what?”

Twilight looked down at the book, hoping she was doing this right. After some more skimming, she looked up at her again. “You will take off your hat~” She repeated, gliding her hoof in front of Applejack’s face even slower.

It took a few seconds for AJ to respond, her eyes going into a thousand yard stare. “Ah will take off mah hat...” Starlight and Spike’s jaws went to the floor as AJ grabbed her stetson with both her front hooves and took it off her head.

“You’ll toss it when I say so~” Twilight continued, making the same motions.

“I’ll toss it when ya say so...”

Using her other front hoof, Twilight pointed to the stack of books. “You will make it land on top of the books~”

Applejack stood up, her hoof preparing to toss her hat. “I’ll make it land on top of the books…”

In her mind, Twilight knew this wasn’t working, but part of her hoped Applejack would fail, giving her some confidence that if she were to be tricked like this, she wouldn’t try her hardest. “Throw it!” As if her hopes were the hat and the books were her fears, Applejack flawlessly tossed the hat on top of the stack of books, her face still expressionless. Seeing this made Twilight slump to the ground.

After recovering from seeing this new type of mind control, Starlight run up to Twilight. “W-What kind of spell is that?”

Twilight got up and looked closer in the book. “I’m...not really sure if it’s even a spell. It’s more of a mind trick.”

Spike looked up at AJ, her face still blank. “Looks like AJ’s just as much of a lightweight.”

Starlight cringed and looked back at Twilight, seeing the look of hopelessness in her eyes. “W-well, uh, what now Twilight?”

Knowing there was one friend left, Twilight turned around and said, “Let’s go get...er- go to Pinkie’s house next.”

“Okay, Miss Twilight!”

“I will go to Pinkie’s house next…”


“Dash! Hold still, I can barely see all the colors!”

Twilight tried her hardest to ignore the responses and continued moving forward. “This day just keeps getting longer and longer…”

Author's Note:

Would you kindly ignore the references.
These aren't the tropes you're looking for~