Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash spend a week together alone while the rest of their friends are on a trip to Baltimare. Rainbow might think its just parties and cake but Pinkie Pie thinks this is a chance to tell Rainbow how she really feels.
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash spend a week together alone while the rest of their friends are on a trip to Baltimare. Rainbow might think its just parties and cake but Pinkie Pie thinks this is a chance to tell Rainbow how she really feels.
It is always good to see this couple in a story. This is a good first attempt at a ship story. Very basic but tried and true. Keep trying to watch your grammar, spelling, etc but also see if you can give us more about what Pinkie is feeling and see if you can use more descriptive language too. That can make a story pop more for the reader.
7244567 Thanks for the feedback! I was kind of rushing so I wasn't suprised to see a bunch of spelling mistakes and stuff, but i'll make sure to fix that.
This story is pretty cute!!!!
There are some grammar mistakes every now and then, but this story has a cute and interesting plot. Good job person!!!