• Published 16th Jun 2012
  • 720 Views, 9 Comments

Thunderbolt - HiddenlifEpony

My OC (Thunder Storm) has weird adventures involving murder and dicoveries of his past.

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the start of nothing

One day I saw a unicorn running away from something. He ran into me and a spell hit me. I woke up the following morning as a colt.

I saw this as the start of a new life. I forgot how to fly, I had no cutie mark, and I had all four of my hooves. I walked around and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders. When they saw me and asked me who I was, I started running. I was running for about a minute. That’s when I got tackled by Scootaloo.

Once she realized who I was she backed away. I was out of breath and fear of what might`ve happened next kept me from moving. Her friends finally caught up and were shocked to see me the way I was.

“Is that who I think it is?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Yes it is.” Scootaloo told Sweetie Belle.

“But why is he young?”

“How should I know and why do I care?!”

As if things weren`t already bad enough being young again, what I did next made everything worse, even though it seemed worth it at the time. I finally got the strength to stand up. But before I ran away I kissed Scootaloo on the cheek. I could hear Sweetie Belle and Applebloom laughing while I was running away.

It was then I realized I had nowhere to live. I couldn’t fly and my house was in the sky. I went to Applejack`s house and asked if I could live there for a while. She said I could if I didn’t mind sharing a room with Applebloom. I felt awkward for a while since I`m sleeping in the same room with Applebloom and just a few hours before I kissed her best friend.

It didn`t matter though since she fell asleep almost instantly when we had to go to bed. Applejack told me if I was going to live in her house I`d have to live by her rules and I didn`t believe her. I was tired anyway, even though it was only 8:30. I would`ve been able to get some sleep if I didn`t have to lay on the floor.

It didn`t matter if I was tired or not though. Every time I closed my eyes I saw that moment where Scootaloo yelled at me and flew away. That repeated for awhile. When I was finally able to ignore the thought and keep my eyes closed, Applejack came into the room to wake us up because apparently living by her rule meant that I had to go to school. We got ready and left the house. When we walked outside we were greeted by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

“Ughh! He has to come with us!” whined Scootaloo.

“My sis said he had to.” Applebloom told Scootaloo.

We were quiet almost the whole trip to school. On the way there, Scootaloo whispered to me, “If you make me or my friends embarrassed or angry, I`m telling everypony that you kissed me!”

When we finally arrived, everypony were whispering to each other and pointing at us, or more specifically, me. School finally started, and we all rushed inside.
Diamond Tiara must have noticed I didn’t have my cutie mark because she kept giggling. She tried to pass me a note. But when she tried, I did what nopony in that class has done before, I told on her.

“Ms. Cheerilee! Diamond Tiara is trying to pass me notes!” I said loudly. Even to this day, the look on Diamond Tiara`s face when I said that is priceless. Ms. Cheerilee took the note from her and read it to the class. It said, “Why would a cutie like you want to lose your cutie mark to hang out with those freaks? Stick with me and I`ll give you your cutie mark and maybe something a little something special…”

I never saw her at school after that day. Actually, I never saw her anywhere after that day. Either way everypony was happy, except for Scootaloo. She seemed jealous of the popularity I had. The bell rang and we all went to lunch. Scootaloo and Tiara both punched me on the way there.

During lunch, a young colt came to talk to me. He asked me tons of weird questions. After a few minutes of questions, I had apparently said something without realizing it, and he didn`t hesitate to scream it to everypony in the lunchroom.

“Hey everypony! Thunder just told me that he loves Scootaloo!” he screamed out loud. I was so embarrassed so I left the room and ran back to the house and hid in Applebloom`s room. It was a few hours before Applebloom got home and found me under the bed sheet. She pulled the sheets off of me and sat next to me.

“Leave me alone.” I mumbled to her.

“I just wanna talk with ya.”


“So I can cheer ya up.”

We started to talk a little bit and we found out we had a lot in common. I still didn’t feel any better though, and Applebloom could sense this. She started thinking for a bit, and came up with an idea.

“I know how I can cheer ya up.” she told me.


She put her hooves around me and hugged me. When she looked at my face again and saw the look on my face, she started to lean forward to kiss me. I started to lean forward as well. Right before we touched lips, Applejack walked in on us.

“Supper`s ready ya- what in tarnation!?” Applejack had exclaimed. She then walked over to us and pulled me aside. “Look ya little rascal, if ya know what`s best for ya, then leave this house immediately.” she told me. I took one last look at Applebloom and left the house.

I was desperate for a place to live, so I snuck into the attic of Sugar Cube Corner. I forgot to try to be stealthy so when Mr. and Mrs. Cake saw me walk down the stairs, they told me to never come back again. I walked to school by myself the whole trip. When I got there Applebloom tried not to make any eye contact with me.

The bell rang and while I was going inside, Scootaloo told me to expect everypony to know that I almost kissed Applebloom. It didn’t seem so bad, except everypony in the school was trying to protect Applebloom from me like I was a rapist. The only one who did anything physically to me was Sweetie Belle, who gave me a black eye.

It was the last day of school so when the bell rang, everypony was tripping over eachother to be the first one out the door. I tried to ask Rarity id I could stay with her for a little while, but she heard what had happened. She told me to get lost and to stay away from Sweetie Belle, just to say it nicely. What she said wasn’t near as nice.

I was so sad. Nopony liked me at all. While I was thinking of a place to stay, a bag covered my head. When the bag was finally taken off my head, I was tied to a post in the center of town hall. I saw that Scootaloo was the one who kidnapped me and I could see all of Ponyville watching us.
After a while of talking to the crowd, Scootaloo turned towards me after picking up a knife. She ran the unusually sharp knife across my chest. Then again, then again. I passed out from blood loss after four or five almost two foot long cuts. She then stabbed me in the chest, barely missing any vital organs. Then, I woke up.

I was still young and when I looked around, I could tell I was in Applebloom`s room. I looked down at my chest and I saw four long cuts and a stab wound. Applebloom walked into the room and when she saw that I was awake she ran over to me and hugged me.

“I`m so glad yer finally awake.” She said.

“How long have I been unconscious?”

“About three days.”

“Scootaloo tried to kill me, didn’t she?”

“She tried but luckily Applejack and I were there to get ya outta trouble.”

I could feel the pain in my chest. It was intense and hurt worse than when I cut off my hoof. Applebloom had to help me walk to school and back. I stayed quiet most of the day while Applebloom stared at me most of the day.

On Saturday I went to Zecora`s house first thing in the morning. I snuck into her house when she came outside to gather some ingredients. I stole an aging potion and ran back to Ponyville. I took a sip of the awful tasting liquid. After I was my normal age again, I saw that I had my cutie mark back, my hoof was gone again, my scars were healed, and I was able to fly again.

While I was walking to Applejack`s house Applebloom walked near me and I could see that she had a card in her mouth. When she saw me, the card fell out of her mouth and she ran away crying. When I picked up the card and read it I felt like a jerk for only thinking of myself.

I dropped the card and started running after Applebloom. I lost sight of her quickly and I spent the next half hour looking for her with no success. I thought I would look for her later so I continued on towards Applejack`s house. On the way there though, I passed by a tree, with Applebloom hanging from it.

She had tied a bed sheet to the tree branch then tied it around her neck. She wrote the word “why” on one of her hooves using blood from a cut she gave herself. I guess she couldn’t handle the pain because she had a knife sticking out of her heart, which was in a pool of blood on the ground below her.

I immediately flew as fast as I could to tell Applejack and Big Mac what happened. Neither of them could hold back their tears when I told them the tragic news. I left them alone so I could tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo the same thing. Scootaloo wasn’t sad at all, she was furious at me.

“You just love making my life horrible, don’t you!” Scootaloo screamed at me.

“Scootaloo, I was only trying to let you be one of the first few to know about her death.”

“It doesn’t matter! You let my hero and mom die and now you tell me my best friend killed herself!”

“I couldn’t keep either of them from dying Scootaloo! Rainbow Dash would’ve been banished to the sun even if she killed me!”

“Save your lies for anypony who is willing to believe them and stay the hell away from me and the clubhouse!”

I was angry and disappointed; all I want is for her to believe me for once. I probably would’ve done something about it if there wasn’t a new mare in Ponyville. Obviously I had to introduce myself to her…

Comments ( 6 )

I want to help you with this story.
Give me some time to read it and give some long paragraph with harsh and constructive criticism.
But mostly constructive.

When are you putting the next part?:heart:

841244 i got the whole thing written out on paper, but i`ll let u revise it when i type it up

I'll edit it out as you type it up.

841299 as soon as i can feel goood enough to type it

Why is it cancelled:fluttershysad:

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