> Thunderbolt > by HiddenlifEpony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There I was, running from the zombies. I saw a portal in the dark forest I was running through. Desperate to get away, I jumped through the portal. That is everything I can remember seeing before I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in an empty field at about noon time. I walked north until I came to the town of Ponyville. I thought it was a normal town until I saw everyone in the city was a talking pony. I ran to a window to look at my reflection and I saw that I was a pegasus just like some of the ponies living there. “Hi! I`m Twilight Sparkle, who are you?” she said not realizing I just screamed at my own reflection. I quickly remembered a name I had. At the time, I couldn`t remember if it was a nickname or what the name even meant. “My name is Thunder Storm.” I cautiously told her. After we exchanged greetings, she showed me around Ponyville and introduced me to everypony. I explained how I got to their town, but everypony I told thought I was crazy. I ended up being the most popular pony in Ponyville because I fell in love with my sickle and katana. I had no idea why I had them, all I knew as that they were on the ground next to me when I woke up. Anypony who didn`t think I was crazy already, thought I was crazy when they saw me walking around with my two blades. Before I could even find a home to live in, zombies were sighted in the Everfree Forest. Some extra guards came to get Zecora and bring her into Ponyville and to keep everypony from going into the forest. I didn`t like having limited of choices of where I could go, so I snuck into the forest with my sickle and katana to kill every last zombie. When I stepped into the forest, the zombies had no problem of showing where they were hiding. It was a slow process, killing every zombie. But after a while, my grey coat turned a red color, blood red. I got carried away, and got careless though. I thought it was the biggest mistake of my life, until I got drafted into the army. I was slicing the head off of a zombie and when my left arm was level with my shoulder, a zombie that snuck up behind me bit me on the hoof. I killed that zombie, cut off my hoof to avoid being infected, and continued killing. The sun was setting when I couldn`t see anymore zombies. By this time, I was tired and weak from blood loss. I dizzily staggered back into town and passed out near a few houses. I woke up to a throbbing pain in my front left leg. The first thing I noticed was that I was in the hospital with several thank you and get well soon cards on the table next to me. I was still slightly dizzy, but I could tell they put something made of metal on my leg to replace the cut-off hoof. After my eyes focused, I could tell I was looking at a metal hand that resembled the hand of a gorilla`s, just the same size as my other hooves. When I left the hospital the next day, I was greeted by everypony who lived in Ponyville or lived near the Everfree Forest. They were all happy I killed the zombies, but Zecora was the most thankful. After everypony walked away, Twilight approached me. “I have something to ask you Thunder, would you like to be my boyfriend?” she asked shyly. I had to say yes because to me, her eyes and hair were to beautiful to just say no. Because I agreed to be her boyfriend, she gave me a small, old house to live in. The first thing I did was dive onto the bed and get some sleep. About a week later, I was walking through town and everypony there was saying that they saw Twilight with somepony else. I ignored them all and just started walking back to the old house Twilight gave me. I almost didn’t believe the rumors, until I saw it was actually true. I saw her kiss another pony, and that was proof enough for me. I was walking angrily back to the house, when I saw a grey pegasus with a blonde mane struggling to lift a package that was meant to be delivered to the mayor. Her name was Derpy Hooves. I helped her deliver the package and any other thing that was too heavy for her to carry and we said goodbye to each other. While I was helping her with the mail, I found out she likes muffins so I went to her house the next day with a dozen of fresh blueberry muffins. We never got together in a relationship, but we did become best friends. It was a Sunday so we stayed in the house and talked while eating the muffins. We talked about our favorite music, our friends and family, and our cutie marks. I was the only one who couldn’t remember why his cutie mark was a storm cloud. We got bored so she introduced me to few more ponies in Ponyville. While we were walking through town, we bumped into Twilight. “Why are you with her?!” Twilight demanded. “She`s just showing me around town.” “Yea right! You two are probably already boyfriend and girlfriend!” “We`re not, and how do I know you`re not cheating on me?” “I would never cheat on you!” “I saw you kiss that other pony on the lips.” She walked away, muttering to herself after I that argument. A few days later, I took a walk near the edge of town. It was a beautiful night, nothing could ruin the perfect scenery, so I thought. Somepony came up behind me and hit me with something hard, knocking me out. When I woke up, it was morning. When I opened my eyes, I realized my vision was derped. I started to walk to Ponyville, when I ran into a tree, then another tree, and then tripped over a rock. “Damn, it sucks being derp-eyed!” I screamed out loud. After hours of cursing loudly, tripping, and running into trees, I finally made it back to Ponyville. When I got there, the first thing I did was go to Derpy for help. I explained to her what had happened as she was guiding me to the eye-doctor. When I finally got checked in, the doctor had to go get something so I snuck through his medicine cabinets. I started pulling random bottles off the shelf and grabbed an unused needle. I mixed random medicines together, put the mixture in the needle, and injected myself. Sadly when I injected myself, Derpy and the doctor were both watching me. Derpy, not wanting to be my friend anymore, walked out of the hospital. My eyes were fixed, but it wasn’t worth losing my best friend over. Soon, it was October, and Nightmare Night was coming. I didn’t believe the legend, which made me the only one not collecting candy. I still wanted to dress up in a costume so I went to Rarity`s boutique to get help on a costume before the party started. While I was walking there, Luna came over to Ponyville to help set up decorations. When I got to the boutique, Rarity dressed me up as a cyborg. I got fourth place in a costume contest after everypony was finished collecting candy. First place went to Rarity, who dressed up as Princess Luna. I wish I had enjoyed myself a little more than I did that day, because life was about to start going horrible. About a week later, everypony started hiding from me. I managed to hear a group of friends talking about me. Apparently, Twilight had told everypony that I had killed a prince about 1400 years ago. I couldn’t figure out why they all believed her because I didn’t even know that there was a prince in Equestria. I would have just ignored the fact that they were ignoring me, until I came home to see my house on fire. “If those assholes really believe I killed royalty many years ago, let’s just see if history really does repeat itself.” I said quietly to myself. I repeated that sentence several times in my mind, which made me go psychotic. I hijacked a train and rode to Canterlot, forgetting I could’ve just flown there. I snuck into the castle and kidnapped the princesses. I took them to a secret location and almost killed them over live television. I don’t know why, but something came over me, and I couldn’t let myself kill them. I ended up cutting the rope that tied them up and fleeing the city. While walking in a random direction, I ended up finding a lake. It was night time and I was exhausted, but I couldn’t fall asleep. So I sat at the edge of the lake staring at my reflection, crying, wishing I had a friend to talk to. I was about to cry myself to sleep when a blue, misty figure came out of the lake. My eyes were so full of tears, I couldn’t tell if it was real, or just a hallucination until it started talking to me. It said, “Long ago, when Equestria was only partially developed, Prince Blueblood kept order in the country. He had plans to take over the country by killing Celestia, and you were the only one who knew of these plans. He was aware of your knowledge of his plans, and came to kill you, the only obstacle in his plan. He came to the Everfree Forest where you lived and you two started to sword fight. When a stray lightning bolt hit your katana and sickle, it made the metal stronger, but the lightning bolt also hit Blueblood. While he was in pain, he accidently made a portal which sent you through time. The reason you went through the portal is because a horde of zombies were attracted to the sound of the lightning bolt, which made you panic, run, and go through the portal.” The figure vanished back into the lake when I realized that the lightning bolt must have killed him after I teleported, which made it look like I killed him somehow. I knew the truth, but it didn’t help my depression. I laid down in the grass, tears still in my eyes, and went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of hoof steps. When I looked up, I was looking at Celestia, Luna, and Rainbow Dash. “We want to help you.” Celestia said. “My sis told us what really happened that night.” Luna said. “And we all agree you need a friend.” Rainbow Dash said. “I saw the lightning bolt hit Blueblood, which killed him.” Celestia said trying not to show sadness. They took me to the castle where they let Rainbow Dash and I spend the night. They only put me in the same room as Rainbow Dash because they tried to make me accept her as a friend. She was persistent, but I kept pushing her offer away. Eventually, she got angry at me and put a pistol to my head. “Why don’t you want to be my friend!?” she screamed. “I don’t want you as a friend.” “Why not!?” “I want you to be more than my friend.” After I said that, she dropped the pistol, and I kissed her. She was frozen out of shock, so I laid down next to the wall to get some sleep. Right when I got comfortable, Rainbow Dash`s lips touched mine. I just smiled and fell asleep. The next day Celestia told everypony what happened to Blueblood. Everypony agreed to let me come back into town and I moved in with Rainbow Dash. Twilight though, still hated my guts. She used a spell to let her walk on clouds, came to the house, and poisoned me. When I wouldn’t wake up in the morning, Rainbow Dash got scared. She took my katana and sickle, found Twilight, and put the blades to her neck. “What’s wrong with Thunder?!” Rainbow Dash demanded. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “You know what I`m talking about! Why won`t Thunder wake up?!” “You have no proof that I was there!” “Actually Twilight, you`re hoof prints were on the cloud.” Rainbow Dash took Twilight back to where I was, almost dead. Twilight tried to escape, but when she tried the blades cut her neck. She healed me with her magic and quickly teleported away. I spent the rest of the day recovering from the poison, and went for a walk with Rainbow Dash that night. We stopped at the lake where we first met. “Thank you for saving me.” I said. “It was the nicest thing anypony has done for me.” “I saved you because I love you. You would`ve done the same thing for me.” We both started crying out of happiness, but when we looked at each other, we were both crying rainbow colored tears. We laid down on the grass and stared at the stars until she fell asleep. I carried her back to the house and put her in bed. While she was sleeping, I went to go find Scootaloo. When Rainbow Dash woke up the next morning, there were balloons all around the room and Scootaloo and I stood in front of the bed, smiling. “What`s all this for?” Rainbow Dash asked. “How would you like to marry me? I couldn’t buy anything so I adopted Scootaloo as our daughter if you do marry me.” She jumped out of bed, grabbed us both, and hugged us while jumping and screaming in joy. When she let go of us, Scootaloo flew into the air. We both looked at her, mouths wide open, while she was flying around the room happy as she could ever be. Next Nightmare Night, the mayor asked Vinyl Scratch and I to play music at the party. While we were in the middle of playing a song, Luna came up from behind and scared us both which made the two of us fall off the stage. After a few relaxing days, Rainbow Dash was sent to court. It was another lie from Twilight but she was sent to court for it anyway. If she was found guilty, she would be sent to only Celestia knows where. About four days into the trial, I was getting furious. I pulled out my katana and sickle and threatened to kill everypony in the courtroom. Immediately, Rainbow Dash jumped out of her seat, pulled the blades out of my hoof and hand and hugged me. “It’s gonna be alright.” She said. “How are you so sure?” “My lawyer has strong evidence that I`m innocent.” After she let go of me, I ran outside with tears in my eyes and flew to the roof. A few seconds later, Rainbow Dash joined me on the roof. I was trying hard not to cry, and she could tell I was trying not to cry. “Thunder, believe me, it’s gonna be okay.” She repeated again. Even though she kept reassuring me, I was still scared of what might happen. For the rest of the day, we laid on the roof staring at the sky. We ended up sleeping on the roof when night fell. It was about noon when I woke up. I snuck into the courtroom and overheard the verdict. “We find the defendant, Rainbow Dash, not guilty.” I flew back to the roof, woke up Rainbow Dash, and told her the verdict. Then we both started cheering and flew back to Applejack`s farm where Scootaloo was spending the night, and told her the good news. On January 19, the unthinkable happened. Canterlot wanted to split apart from Equestria, which started the Equestrian Civil War. All the male pegasi who helped with the weather were drafted into the military. They sent Rainbow Dash and the other females to work at factories to make guns, ammo, and equipment. I was a sniper, and my spotter, out of all the ponies in Ponyville, was Twilight. Five months went by until we finally made it into Canterlot. When Twilight and I were alone, in our sniping position, she put a pistol to my head. Turns out, she was a spy for Canterlot. I threw her pistol onto the ground and tried to fly away, but she magically restrained me from flying. She took me into the dungeon in the castle and threw me into a cell with Derpy and Fluttershy. Derpy managed to smuggle about eighteen muffins with her. None of us knew how she managed to do that but we didn’t care, they were better than the decaying flowers the guards fed us. We tried to think of a plan, but none of us could agree on anything. Derpy`s plans were impossible to do, Fluttershy wanted to dig a tunnel out of the castle, and I wanted to kill a few guards. Eventually, Derpy and I agreed on a plan, but Fluttershy wouldn’t help us with it. “Why won`t you help us?” I asked Fluttershy. “I don’t want to kill anypony!” “You`ll only have to kill a few guards.” “I`ll do it if you do something for me.” “Okay, what?” “I want a kiss from you.” I stared at her like she was crazy. I was still married to Rainbow Dash even though we were in the middle of a war. But right when I told her that, she grabbed me and kissed me. After giving Fluttershy the “I hate you” look, I made a bow and five arrows out of miscellaneous objects scattered across the ground. I also went with Derpy`s idea and put two pieces of flint rock into each of the left over muffins. I threw one of the muffins at the guard patrolling the dungeon. The muffin caught on fire, which made the guard run into the wall. He fell right next to the muffin, and his mane, then he caught on fire, killing him. After the guard died, I picked the lock, and we made a break for it. We flew through the castle and found the front door exit, locked. I put one of the helmets the guards wear on, and flew straight towards the door. I broke through the door, and with Fluttershy following me, went to hide in the Everfree Forest. I didn’t realize Derpy wasn’t following me until I landed, but I was sure she was okay so I didn’t worry too much, since she had the muffins. While we were navigating through the forest, we saw Twilight. Without thinking, I flew as fast as I could and slammed into her. When she lifted her head off of the ground, I broke her horn off. Trying to make her suffer, I broke her legs in about five different places. The broken bones were jagged enough to tear through her skin, spraying blood on me and the grass. I grabbed four arrows from Fluttershy and came back to Twilight. I stabbed two arrows into her chest where no organs were located. I used a third arrow to cut open both arteries in her neck. I then got the bow, and shot the last arrow straight through her eye and into her brain. When we got back to Ponyville, the war was over. Twilight was the reason for the war, but nopony knew that, not even Fluttershy or myself at the time. I went home and lived the next few days happily with Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolts came to our house and offered me a spot with them. I turned them down and told them to take Rainbow Dash instead. They agreed, but they said we would have to get divorced because she wouldn’t be able to take care of me or talk to me. So we divorced and she became a Wonderbolt and I spent the night at Fluttershy`s house. When I woke up though, I was in the Everfree Forest, tied to a tree. I saw Rainbow Dash holding my sickle, and Fluttershy holding my katana. “What are you doing?” I asked “Fluttershy told me what you did to Twilight, so we`re going to kill you.” “Everything that happened yesterday was part of our plan. The 'Wonderbolts', the divorce, everything.” With an evil look in her eyes, Rainbow Dash punched me in the jaw. Then Fluttershy stabbed me in my leg. At the same time, they kicked me in the chest as hard as they could. While I was struggling for air, they were taking turns punching and kicking me. When I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, a muffin hit the ground and caught on fire. While they were looking up to see Derpy flying above us, I saw the sickle on the bottom of the ropes. So I kicked Rainbow Dash`s arm and cut the ropes. Derpy threw another muffin, hitting Fluttershy in the head, and we flew to Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy following us. They landed right behind us after I told Derpy how thankful I was for the help she gave me. They threw the blades at me. They would’ve killed me, if Derpy didn’t jump in front of me. They fled the area once they saw Derpy had saved me. The katana cut off her front-left leg, and the sickle curved into her lung. “Why did you save me?” I asked. “We were friends, nothing will change that. That`s why I saved you.” I pulled the sickle out of her chest and put my hand and hoof over the stab wound. I was crying while trying to stop the bleeding. The bleeding wouldn’t stop, once my hand was covered in blood and my hoof was soaked in it, I gave up and just held her. She managed to say one last sentence before she died. “I`ve always loved you, even though you`re crazy.” I held her in my arms crying until the cops got there. They took me in for questioning and made me a prime suspect. After I finished telling them everything I knew, they found Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and questioned them. Fluttershy confessed and told the cops everything that happened. Celestia and Luna didn’t care that I killed Twilight because they were the only ones who knew Twilight started the war. But Luna had the privilege of sending Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to the sun for murder and attempted murder. While I was flying back home, I remembered Scootaloo was still missing. A pegasus was dropping letters to everypony who had a child. The letter said to go to Town Hall to retrieve the children. When I got there, Scootaloo didn’t look happy. She was still sad while we were walking home. “What`s wrong?” I asked. “Where`s mom?” “It`s a long story.” “Tell me anyway.” “You`re not going to enjoy what you hear so don’t worry about it.” “Tell me anyway!” I explained what had happened starting from when I killed Twilight. “So mom is, dead?” Scootaloo asked, eyes full of tears. “Yes, she is.” “Why didn’t you save her!?” Even with tears rolling down her face, it was easy to tell how angry she was at me. “I did everything I could!” I lied, trying to calm her down. “No, you didn’t try! If you had actually tried, she`d still be here with us!” “Scootaloo! You have to understand!” “Shut up! I don’t want to be your daughter anymore!” Scootaloo then spread her wings and flew away. After she flew away, I was alone in the world again. I couldn’t handle the loneliness that time though. If one pony who wanted to play a game with me didn’t find me, I would be dead. Pinkie Pie wanted to play a game with me, so she tried to find me. She found me at the lake that was so full of memories. I had my sickle in the stab wound Fluttershy gave me and I was holding my katana, trying to think if I really wanted to commit suicide. I didn’t notice she was there while she was pulling the sickle out of my stab wound. But when she pulled the katana out of my hand, I looked at her. She threw the sickle and katana into the lake and slapped me back into reality. “What were you doing?” she asked me with a confused look on her face. “I couldn’t handle being alone so I was about to kill myself.” “You`re never alone silly!” “I`m not?” “Nope, everypony has a best friend. And ever since I heard of Rainbow Dash`s banishment, I declared you as my new best friend!” “Thank you” I said smiling. “Now, can I ask you a very important question?” “Sure.” “Will you play a game of hide-and-seek with me?” I laughed and agreed to play the game with her. Here I am now, one week after my almost attempted suicide. Me, Thunder Storm, the grey colored pegasus with a black mane and purple eyes. Nopony, not even me, would’ve guessed that I`d go from being a psychotic hero, to being hated, to being what I am now, an average citizen in Ponyville. I sold what was Rainbow Dash`s house and got my own house. Vinyl Scratch and I agreed to play songs every year for Nightmare Night and Celestia won`t allow any more weapons in Equestria. My physical scars are healing, I`m making more friends, and my emotional scars don`t hurt much anymore. Equestria, in only two years, had a zombie outbreak, a civil war, and is now peaceful again. I just hope nothing else goes wrong. > the start of nothing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day I saw a unicorn running away from something. He ran into me and a spell hit me. I woke up the following morning as a colt. I saw this as the start of a new life. I forgot how to fly, I had no cutie mark, and I had all four of my hooves. I walked around and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders. When they saw me and asked me who I was, I started running. I was running for about a minute. That’s when I got tackled by Scootaloo. Once she realized who I was she backed away. I was out of breath and fear of what might`ve happened next kept me from moving. Her friends finally caught up and were shocked to see me the way I was. “Is that who I think it is?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Yes it is.” Scootaloo told Sweetie Belle. “But why is he young?” “How should I know and why do I care?!” As if things weren`t already bad enough being young again, what I did next made everything worse, even though it seemed worth it at the time. I finally got the strength to stand up. But before I ran away I kissed Scootaloo on the cheek. I could hear Sweetie Belle and Applebloom laughing while I was running away. It was then I realized I had nowhere to live. I couldn’t fly and my house was in the sky. I went to Applejack`s house and asked if I could live there for a while. She said I could if I didn’t mind sharing a room with Applebloom. I felt awkward for a while since I`m sleeping in the same room with Applebloom and just a few hours before I kissed her best friend. It didn`t matter though since she fell asleep almost instantly when we had to go to bed. Applejack told me if I was going to live in her house I`d have to live by her rules and I didn`t believe her. I was tired anyway, even though it was only 8:30. I would`ve been able to get some sleep if I didn`t have to lay on the floor. It didn`t matter if I was tired or not though. Every time I closed my eyes I saw that moment where Scootaloo yelled at me and flew away. That repeated for awhile. When I was finally able to ignore the thought and keep my eyes closed, Applejack came into the room to wake us up because apparently living by her rule meant that I had to go to school. We got ready and left the house. When we walked outside we were greeted by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. “Ughh! He has to come with us!” whined Scootaloo. “My sis said he had to.” Applebloom told Scootaloo. We were quiet almost the whole trip to school. On the way there, Scootaloo whispered to me, “If you make me or my friends embarrassed or angry, I`m telling everypony that you kissed me!” When we finally arrived, everypony were whispering to each other and pointing at us, or more specifically, me. School finally started, and we all rushed inside. Diamond Tiara must have noticed I didn’t have my cutie mark because she kept giggling. She tried to pass me a note. But when she tried, I did what nopony in that class has done before, I told on her. “Ms. Cheerilee! Diamond Tiara is trying to pass me notes!” I said loudly. Even to this day, the look on Diamond Tiara`s face when I said that is priceless. Ms. Cheerilee took the note from her and read it to the class. It said, “Why would a cutie like you want to lose your cutie mark to hang out with those freaks? Stick with me and I`ll give you your cutie mark and maybe something a little something special…” I never saw her at school after that day. Actually, I never saw her anywhere after that day. Either way everypony was happy, except for Scootaloo. She seemed jealous of the popularity I had. The bell rang and we all went to lunch. Scootaloo and Tiara both punched me on the way there. During lunch, a young colt came to talk to me. He asked me tons of weird questions. After a few minutes of questions, I had apparently said something without realizing it, and he didn`t hesitate to scream it to everypony in the lunchroom. “Hey everypony! Thunder just told me that he loves Scootaloo!” he screamed out loud. I was so embarrassed so I left the room and ran back to the house and hid in Applebloom`s room. It was a few hours before Applebloom got home and found me under the bed sheet. She pulled the sheets off of me and sat next to me. “Leave me alone.” I mumbled to her. “I just wanna talk with ya.” “Why?” “So I can cheer ya up.” We started to talk a little bit and we found out we had a lot in common. I still didn’t feel any better though, and Applebloom could sense this. She started thinking for a bit, and came up with an idea. “I know how I can cheer ya up.” she told me. “How?” She put her hooves around me and hugged me. When she looked at my face again and saw the look on my face, she started to lean forward to kiss me. I started to lean forward as well. Right before we touched lips, Applejack walked in on us. “Supper`s ready ya- what in tarnation!?” Applejack had exclaimed. She then walked over to us and pulled me aside. “Look ya little rascal, if ya know what`s best for ya, then leave this house immediately.” she told me. I took one last look at Applebloom and left the house. I was desperate for a place to live, so I snuck into the attic of Sugar Cube Corner. I forgot to try to be stealthy so when Mr. and Mrs. Cake saw me walk down the stairs, they told me to never come back again. I walked to school by myself the whole trip. When I got there Applebloom tried not to make any eye contact with me. The bell rang and while I was going inside, Scootaloo told me to expect everypony to know that I almost kissed Applebloom. It didn’t seem so bad, except everypony in the school was trying to protect Applebloom from me like I was a rapist. The only one who did anything physically to me was Sweetie Belle, who gave me a black eye. It was the last day of school so when the bell rang, everypony was tripping over eachother to be the first one out the door. I tried to ask Rarity id I could stay with her for a little while, but she heard what had happened. She told me to get lost and to stay away from Sweetie Belle, just to say it nicely. What she said wasn’t near as nice. I was so sad. Nopony liked me at all. While I was thinking of a place to stay, a bag covered my head. When the bag was finally taken off my head, I was tied to a post in the center of town hall. I saw that Scootaloo was the one who kidnapped me and I could see all of Ponyville watching us. After a while of talking to the crowd, Scootaloo turned towards me after picking up a knife. She ran the unusually sharp knife across my chest. Then again, then again. I passed out from blood loss after four or five almost two foot long cuts. She then stabbed me in the chest, barely missing any vital organs. Then, I woke up. I was still young and when I looked around, I could tell I was in Applebloom`s room. I looked down at my chest and I saw four long cuts and a stab wound. Applebloom walked into the room and when she saw that I was awake she ran over to me and hugged me. “I`m so glad yer finally awake.” She said. “How long have I been unconscious?” “About three days.” “Scootaloo tried to kill me, didn’t she?” “She tried but luckily Applejack and I were there to get ya outta trouble.” I could feel the pain in my chest. It was intense and hurt worse than when I cut off my hoof. Applebloom had to help me walk to school and back. I stayed quiet most of the day while Applebloom stared at me most of the day. On Saturday I went to Zecora`s house first thing in the morning. I snuck into her house when she came outside to gather some ingredients. I stole an aging potion and ran back to Ponyville. I took a sip of the awful tasting liquid. After I was my normal age again, I saw that I had my cutie mark back, my hoof was gone again, my scars were healed, and I was able to fly again. While I was walking to Applejack`s house Applebloom walked near me and I could see that she had a card in her mouth. When she saw me, the card fell out of her mouth and she ran away crying. When I picked up the card and read it I felt like a jerk for only thinking of myself. I dropped the card and started running after Applebloom. I lost sight of her quickly and I spent the next half hour looking for her with no success. I thought I would look for her later so I continued on towards Applejack`s house. On the way there though, I passed by a tree, with Applebloom hanging from it. She had tied a bed sheet to the tree branch then tied it around her neck. She wrote the word “why” on one of her hooves using blood from a cut she gave herself. I guess she couldn’t handle the pain because she had a knife sticking out of her heart, which was in a pool of blood on the ground below her. I immediately flew as fast as I could to tell Applejack and Big Mac what happened. Neither of them could hold back their tears when I told them the tragic news. I left them alone so I could tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo the same thing. Scootaloo wasn’t sad at all, she was furious at me. “You just love making my life horrible, don’t you!” Scootaloo screamed at me. “Scootaloo, I was only trying to let you be one of the first few to know about her death.” “It doesn’t matter! You let my hero and mom die and now you tell me my best friend killed herself!” “I couldn’t keep either of them from dying Scootaloo! Rainbow Dash would’ve been banished to the sun even if she killed me!” “Save your lies for anypony who is willing to believe them and stay the hell away from me and the clubhouse!” I was angry and disappointed; all I want is for her to believe me for once. I probably would’ve done something about it if there wasn’t a new mare in Ponyville. Obviously I had to introduce myself to her…