• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th, 2024

RealJoke Pota

Sup I'm Pota and hope you enjoy my work & can becomes friends anywho ciao!


When the flow of time is being messed with in another world the most unlikey person calls for someone to help in the form of a young boy and a imajin , Climax Jump and Save The Flow of Time In this installment of Magical Tripping Ride! ORE SANJOU!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

Nice it would be interesting to see if you design new forms for strike deno. I doubt Kai has the odd quirk kotaro had with imagin. Except for teddy I doubt every imagin would become weapons for the new singularity point. ... why am I getting the feeling Emily will soon join Kai as a kamen rider in this journey? Just from this chapter alone I can see those two are close and won't be seperated for long. Anyway I got some suggestions for new imagin that decided to make Kai their host.

Grimtaros- a reaper based imagin who is as the name states grim but has a duty to help those in need. He uses a scythe as a weapon.

Inutaros- a dog based imagin who uses a pair of tonfa in battle and likes to keep guard for any situation. Hates being confused for a wolf or a shepard.

(This imagin I'm going to next suggest is put in as a joke as unlike the usual taros this one's a girl just to see the reactions)

Kitsutaros - a kitsune imagin who uses a staff to fight and like to play pranks but has a kind and caring personality seeing the deno crew as family and tries her best to keep things peaceful. She hates it when one of her nine tails get damaged and goes into a berserk rage when it happens making use of fire based abilities in her fighting style. Has a kind of sister like relationship to Hana as both tend to react similarly to the taros antics.

How you use these three in terms of interaction is up to you. I want to see how well you can handle the antics with these three to the mix.

6984064 thanks I will take all this in consideration, but yes I will be making more forms for Kai ain't fun if he uses the same form all the time and no he will be different from kotaro hes well Ima try to make him like a mix between kouta and kaito from Gaim but I will say if you wish to help me you can mostly cause I'm not good at detailed writing such writing how the armor looks and all but thanks for givngnmy story a look means a lot to me :heart:

6985342 your welcome! :pinkiehappy: I'll see about sending you some armor designs in a pm soon. Now that I think about it if your character now protects equestria's timeline does this mean he can appear in any of the displaced stories like my cosmic friendship story or cyberlord99's friendship kita story? Those are considered alternate timelines of equestria. Kai does count towards The Displaced as there has been a few Displaced done by discord in the group though I know only one involving a puppet user more as a example. Puppets of tragedy I think the story was called. And of course I would give this story a look I'm a huge fan of both series here. The three imagin I suggested were what I would have used for a original deno rider but can be adapted to the original rider if needed.

6986305 thank you and the idea of a displaced is a YES and most likely Kai will use the of imaijn you commented about mostly cause it be funny Kai being taken over by a fem-Imaijn and kicking butt, but thanks for the comment,like, and help means sooo much to me and now Armors Rider Baron BANANA, LOCK ON, COME ON BANANA ARMS KNIGHT OF SPEAR! :pinkiehappy:

*Listens to music*

And it is at this moment that someone, somewhere, is yelling two infamous words...


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