• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 3,272 Views, 776 Comments

A Study In Nonsense - Professor Piggy

A compilation of stories written for Thirty Minute Ponies

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Dear Elements of Harmony,

It’s funny what tradition can do, isn’t it? I don’t mean ha ha funny either, though it’s definitely a joke. Tradition shapes everything about our world, and our society. Given enough time it can change history, erase mistakes, move mountains and become so ingrained in us that we follow it and believe it unthinkingly. Tradition is the stepping stone upon which society is built and failures are buried. It’s what lets us survive as a society. What let us survive as a society. And it’s what made me write this letter.

After all, I’ve never missed writing a Hearthswarming letter before – even after I figured out you probably weren’t quite what the stories made you out to be, I still wrote them. It made Grandpa happy, Star Swirl loved it and I liked it too. Kind of a little tribute to my heroes, you know? The only thing I could do to let you know that I hadn’t forgotten you. Then they came, and everything went bad. Canterlot’s gone. The Princess is dead. Luna too. And Grandpa wasn’t around to save us this time. So we ran, Star Swirl and I – right where Grandpa and Luna always told us to if it happened. Only we didn’t. I did.

Star Swirl didn’t make it. You know that, I think. Maybe she’s up there with you? If she is, tell her I’m sorry. She was the best little sister in the world, and I couldn’t keep her safe. Some hero I am, huh? But I don’t really want to dwell on that. This letter isn’t about me. It’s about you. All of you.

Your library is amazing, Twilight. Grandpa always said that he’d kept it safe for you, and he did. The rest of Ponyville is in ruins, now. Swallowed up by the Everfree Forest, where nopony could find it. It shouldn’t be this way. But I guess this is how Princess Celestia wanted it. I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been here. About magic, mostly – it’s been almost a year now, and I’m getting stronger every day. Maybe soon I’ll be strong enough to try your spell. I hope so. I hope I can fix things. I guess it’s okay if not though. There’s noone to let down but myself.

But I’ve also learned a lot about history. Not from books. I hope you don’t mind, but I found your letters. And I read them. I’m really sorry. I know I shouldn’t have, but it was so quiet, and I was scared and, well, you’re my heroes. All of you. I bet you all would have done the same, if you’d found letters from the other Star Swirl, or the Wonderbolts, or cute little forest animals. So yeah. I read your letters, and I realised just why none of the stories ever mention how you all died. History props you up as these amazing, infallible heroes who never faltered, and tradition says you all joined with your elements to watch over ponies everywhere. Because history needs you to be perfect, so that you can inspire future generations.

Ponies could never be allowed to know that the plague that stripped three generations of their magic was caused by Twilight Sparkle. Heroes don’t do things like that, not even by accident. Not even when it’s the only way to save the world. Only monsters do things that way. We’re all told that nopony ever found out what caused it. Nopony knows that you – all of you – gave up everything to save the world. We just know you did it. So yeah. We got our magic back. If you didn’t know. Spike says that we’re much more powerful than most Unicorns in your time were, and Cloudsdale is thriving. Or it was. And we were.

We don’t talk about Rarity, and how she died of internal damage from the burns she got saving Twilight. Or how she was probably happier that way, given what her injuries cost her. Nopony knows that Rainbow Dash lost it after that, and started drinking all the time – Celestia forbid anypony ever find out that the Element of Loyalty was killed in a barfight, broken from losing the pony she loved. Or how Sweet Apple Acres fell into ruin once the Earth ponies lost their magic, and Applejack spent her last days doing everything she could to keep her family secure and safe.

And then there’s Fluttershy. I guess you know why we don’t talk about Fluttershy. But we should. We should talk about these things, because they’re part of who you are. It’s easy to look up to an ideal – I did it my whole life. But these things don’t make you less amazing. They make you more amazing. You were ponies. Real ones, with hopes and dreams and flaws and fears. And sometimes you failed. But you never once gave up. You saved us all, so many times. No matter the cost.

What happened to you doesn’t make you not heroes. I hope you know that, even if history doesn’t. If anything, it makes you more heroic. It’s easy for a legend to stare death in the face. But it’s hell for a pony. So I just wanted you all to know, no matter what, you are the greatest heroes Equestria ever knew.

I’m going to try the spell tonight. If it works, I guess I’ll see you – meet you – soon. If not…maybe you’ll find my corpse. I don’t know. If not that, Grandpa always said you were watching over us. Give him a hug for me, okay?

With greatest love and respect from your number one fan,


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