• Published 11th Jun 2012
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A Study In Nonsense - Professor Piggy

A compilation of stories written for Thirty Minute Ponies

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A Strange Game

Pinkie Pie tore through the streets of the city as fast as her legs would carry her, hooves thundering against the surprisingly soft cobblestones and mind racing faster than Rocky when she’d had a little too much sugar. The earth pony supressed a shudder at the recollection and resolved never to let the little rock pile near the sherbet again, but a moment later she forced the troublesome thought, that most perilous of ponderments out of her mind: Rocky wasn’t the point of the story. And still isn’t. The point of the story was her friends, and the nightmare she’d accidentally unleashed upon them.

She veered left around a corner and gasped as a cupcake shot towards her – but this was no ordinary cupcake. It was a super duper mega cupcake – a pastry of pony-sized proportions. Well, it would have been. If cupcakes were pastries. She supposed that evil pie had been too much to hope for. Effortlessly she bounced into the air, executing a perfect triple somersault and landing atop the cupcakes…top. She took a bite and kicked off, sending the dastardly dessert - oooooh, that was a good one – careening frosting first into a big brick bastion, whatever that is, as she had all baked bad bullies before it.

A scream cut through the air, and Pinkie knew immediately who it had come from.

“Help us, Pinkie Pie!” Cried Twilight Sparkle, her unusually high pitched voice somehow echoing across several city blocks. Probably because of magical amplification or something. Though Pinkie had to wonder, how would magical amplification even work? Would it actually make your voice louder, or would it just make it echo more or something? Was Twilight echo-locating! Was she part bat!? That had to be it! It explained everything! Even her name! Especially her name!

Really? It’s not. Oh. Okay. Are you sure? Because it’d be really cool if –

Aw. Well, okay. Twilight isn’t part bat then. Thanks!

Pinkie stopped, and turned her brain – what’s that? Oh! – turned her amazing brain back to the task at hand. She had to do what she was here to do. She had to provide…a distraction.

“Pinkie!” This time it was Rainbow Dash’s voice which rung out over the city, “Hurry up! We’ve all been captured and had our special powers somehow taken away, rendering us helpless!”

The pink pony wondered how that had happened.

“How did that happen?” She called out, curiously.

A voice in her ear interrupted her question, and she turned to see Fluttershy beside her. You know…if um…if that’s okay with you. I…I can go away if –

Pinkie immediately tackled the perfect Pegasus, pinning her to the ground and kissing her repeatedly, giggling as she did so because she was so happy to see her! Of course it’s okay, silly.

Oh…oh my. Um…Mwah. Fluttershy kissed Pinkie, but then reminded her that they had friends to save.

Oh yeah! Pinkie was on her hooves in a flash, off down the street as fast as she could go, which wasn’t as fast as Fluttershy because wow that pony could move but that was okay because it gave her a great view and –


And she meant of the city, duh! It wasn’t all blurry from how fast she was going.

Aw, come on. Don’t give me that look. You know you want to smile for me. Go on.

There we go!

As Pinkie charged up the street she – AH! No! What are you doing!? You put me down right now mister!

Aw, it’s okay. He just wants to play too!

How can it be okay!? He’s eating me! HELP ME FLUTTERSHY!

Fluttershy watched as the pony she…um, you know…

Say it! Sayitsayitsayitsayit!

…the pony she loved was lifted high into the air by the powerful jaws of the giant attack-alligator, no doubt sent by their enemies to stop them rescuing their friends. Fluttershy was sure he wasn’t a bad alligator really, he was just bored. So she asked him very nicely:

“Gummy, could you PLEASE give me back Pinkie Pie?”


The alligator blinked up at them, expression unchanging, before slowly opening his jaws and allowing the tiny Pinkie Pie figurine to clatter to the ground. As Fluttershy smiled and kissed Gummy gently on the head, Pinkie whooped loudly and snatched up the toy. “Thanks you thank you thank you! You’re the best!”

The Pegasus smiled, cheeks reddening slightly as she mumbled something under her breath. As Pinkie threw her forelegs around her, Fluttershy felt warm, and loved, and happy. She cast a quick glance towards Pinkie’s bed, where her book lay forgotten and abandoned, and then looked back into Pinkie’s breath taking eyes.

“Thanks for coming to play with me today, Fluttershy.” The pink pony whispered.

Fluttershy grinned at her. “You’re welcome,” she spoke softly, before picking up the tiny Fluttershy figurine and pressing its face into the tiny Pinkie’s own.


“I’m so glad you’re okay! I was so worried!”

“I’m just fine, Flutters! Now come on! We got friends to save!”


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