• Published 11th Jun 2012
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A Study In Nonsense - Professor Piggy

A compilation of stories written for Thirty Minute Ponies

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The unicorn knew she should be calm. Knew she should be collected, and ordered, and ready to do whatever it took to save her home – no, not just her home. Her world. Her friends, her family – they were gone. Maybe dead. As she remembered the terror that had been etched into her sisters face when the things caught her, the hopelessness and pain as she had begun to fade and then disappeared entirely, she couldn’t help but hope for dead. Nopony deserved whatever those things were doing to everyone. Had done to everyone.

Because she was it, now – she was sure of it. It had been weeks since she had seen any signs of life beyond animals or those things. Not that there was any difference: whatever they were, she had no doubt that they were monsters. And with nopony else around, they were coming for her. Not in waves, or a combined effort – why would they? She was no threat to them, anymore. She was no hero. Just a scared, exhausted kid who’d decided to chase a legend on the off chance it could save her even more frightened sister. And she’d failed at that, too – Star Swirl was gone, and now she was alone in the dark halls of the ancient library, surrounded by cobwebs and dust. Right where she’d always wanted to be.

A laugh escaped her, echoing through the dark, empty place. A broken, defeated sound but one that she had to let out – it really was funny, in a way. All the stories she’d heard – the legends, the songs, the rumours and even the occasional snippet in an old history book – seemed so stupid now. They were kind of thing you told foals so they wouldn’t be afraid of the dark, and she had dedicated her entire life to them.

But what if the monsters eat me?

They won’t. I’m here – I’ll keep you safe, I promise.

But what if you can’t stop them? What if they get you too?

Oh, I’m not afraid. I know just how to fight monsters. Great-Grandpa taught me.

As she had stood atop the mountain and seen for the first time the great tree that towered over the rest of the Everfree forest, her breath had been stolen away. She’d believed, for that one moment, that it had all been true. That six ponies had banded together and saved the world – how many times? Once? Twice? A thousand? She didn’t know. It varied by the telling. All she had known was where to find what was once Ponyville. A dragon had told her that – an honest to Celestia, real life dragon – in his last breaths before he had died peacefully of old age.

He had been happy. But she had cried for weeks.

Grandpa Spike? Really?

Yep. And I’ll never let anything happen to you. You have my word.

Do you…do you Pinkie Promise?

Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

And so she had trekked through the forest, dodging death and never once looking back – she wished she could claim that was bravery, but really she just hadn’t wanted to glance back and see the things chasing after her. And she had arrived – most of the town was ruins now, overgrown and torn apart by the forest. But not all. Two structures had been completely untouched – the first was the enormous tree, the legendary library of the great Twilight Sparkle. Supposed resting place of the elements of harmony. Dusty, abandoned – and devoid of the one thing she had thought could save them. And the other had been the tomb.

It stood in what must have been the centre of Ponyville – a large, magnificent structure topped with a statue of six grinning friends embracing each other. She had been able to name them all, of course. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and – somehow balanced atop the heads of her friends, striking a pose that could only be some kind of dance – Pinkamena Diane Pie.

She’d been awed. And when she read the inscription she had cried.

The Heroes Who Saved Us All

Divided in life

Reunited, forever

It was a simple thing, but it had struck home. She had heard it of course – the rumour that the elements had not died as friends. But she’d never believed it. It had seemed impossible. And yet Spike had told her once – again insisting that he had known them personally – that they had insisted on being buried together. Even when life broke them apart, he had said, eternity was going to be for them.

She stared down at the tome at her hooves, trying desperately to believe her plan could work. She was no hero – but they were, and maybe – just maybe – they could help.

She opened the book -Theories On Advanced Time Travel by Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie - and began to read.

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