i live to serve the princess of the night, aka the goddess of the moon aka princess luna...^^
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Good so far. Can't wait for more![:pinkiehappy:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/pinkiehappy.png)
6669442 what do you think, does it have enough a holiday feel to it? Aside a silver bells duet a few references to both earth and equestria holidays and some mentions of their past there isnt as much a holiday feel to it...yet![:rainbowhuh:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/rainbowhuh.png)
There is a holiday feel to it.
Such a heart warming chapter![:pinkiesad2:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/pinkiesad2.png)
uuuuuu, nice taste in music. but the story, the ending of the chapter repeated twice then ended OOOOOOOO
discord did GOOD for once... cool
6675625 and the next?
6675846 tje repeating endings are kinda a great minds think alike thing, also its a bit of a mini remake of an earlier fic i made A moonlit duet. Discords one, i always believed in the Equestria girls verse that he wasnt bad or villainous, just not very well respected being a school janitor and all.
Good for Cloudchaser. He seems to be having a good winter.![:raritywink:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/raritywink.png)
6678474 you mean thunderlane? Because cloud chaser is flitter's sister's name also funny thing, the original title was winter roses and i initially meant for this to be a ThunderlanexRoseluck chapter but halfway through it I realized Either flitter or cloud chaser would be a more fitting choice
Whoops! I meant Thunderlane
Trolluna strikes?
It's just that little bit easier to survive Canterlot High because you've got the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony there!
6683155 but the dazzlings arent element bearers, they just saw someone in need and realized even the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in life ]![:twilightsmile:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/twilightsmile.png)
Oh I think I know what she means...
6686089 a lot of this sublot wa influenced by Edward Scissorhands, from the character generally being a fan of it to the similarities, almost to where you could almost call this an ES crossover in everything but name since the oc isn't really Edward. (Yes im on a bit of an Edward Scissorhands kick rn it happens) the dinner scene is even meant to invoke a few of the ones early in the film but of course some details are altered, like instead of it feeling awkward about eating with his hands, it's more "so do I use this fork for salads and this one for meat?" As well as noodle implications into the new character's back story.
Also brandon Crowe is a reference to another dark tragedy character from the 90's, can you guess who?
Also sorry if this comment is going on too long, i had a lot to say after this one.
okay this is really funny and good even the bulk and snip scene it makes me laugh harder![:rainbowlaugh:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/rainbowlaugh.png)
6689240 you have NO idea how hard it is to make snips funny, and your
says it all friend.
6693158 comedy and erotica are. The two hardest genres to write about, i only hope i pulled it off!
And you did
6694099 did you catch the reference to an actual weird Al Song?
There was? I didn't catch that![:pinkiegasp:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/pinkiegasp.png)
Is grom his song weasel stomping day, robot chicken did a whole animated skit of it
I'll look up this skit as soon as possible
How sweet![:heart:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/heart.png)
6700913 ik how could 12 out of 16 readers give this story a thumbs down?
i work so hard to make sure to have a new chapter...a new story a day with this one ![:fluttercry:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/fluttercry.png)
Don't worry my friend. I still like it![:pinkiesad2:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/pinkiesad2.png)
6702516 I know friend and im glad you do, of only others gave the quirky and informative feedback you do...i still love seeing others add this and my other work to their libraries, i just wish they'd tell me why
Well...that's their decision I guess. So sorry![:ajsleepy:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/ajsleepy.png)
6707363 you know initially I was going to try and have this fic up dated every day with a new chapter that could almost be read like a new story in its own right, but recently i decoded to slow down a bit on that, didn't want the quality hurt by the quantity,
P.s yeah there will be some typos ill try to to fix but it happens a look when you write with your phone![:derpytongue2:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/derpytongue2.png)
Finally caught up, this is still going good so far. I have to admit that I like the interactions between flash and sunset.![:heart:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/heart.png)
Love the references in this chapter![:pinkiehappy:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/pinkiehappy.png)
finally back to reading this thing, i've been holding off until it was finished but realized its not a full story, just mini stories![:derpytongue2:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/derpytongue2.png)
this is NOT the play I'd do for a SCHOOL play, but this chapter is great
1. im stupid for writing on the last chapter 2. these TWO chapters were cool
So sweet
6742293 what did you think of it happened one night?
I just twitched the fuck out... Shows how far I've gone. I don't know about this chapter yo, average![:ajsleepy:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/ajsleepy.png)
So... Starlight's father is in the mafia?!?![:rainbowhuh:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/rainbowhuh.png)
Cute bro, this is better than that pinkie chapter lol![:pinkiecrazy:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/pinkiecrazy.png)
I don't understand what makes me like this... But this story is golden
6752675 its a long story.linked to an eariler one i wrote
Sunset stealing Mack daddy pimps now huh![:raritywink:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/raritywink.png)
Best LJN game ever, this kid has style
Good chapter
I ran out of words for this fic lol![:twilightsheepish:](https://static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/twilightsheepish.png)
6753182 I gotta read that now... What is it called?