It's the holiday season in Canterlot city, the season where life, lives and those involved with them, come together.
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Oh I think I know what she means...
6686089 a lot of this sublot wa influenced by Edward Scissorhands, from the character generally being a fan of it to the similarities, almost to where you could almost call this an ES crossover in everything but name since the oc isn't really Edward. (Yes im on a bit of an Edward Scissorhands kick rn it happens) the dinner scene is even meant to invoke a few of the ones early in the film but of course some details are altered, like instead of it feeling awkward about eating with his hands, it's more "so do I use this fork for salads and this one for meat?" As well as noodle implications into the new character's back story.
Also brandon Crowe is a reference to another dark tragedy character from the 90's, can you guess who?
Also sorry if this comment is going on too long, i had a lot to say after this one.
1. im stupid for writing on the last chapter 2. these TWO chapters were cool