• Published 28th Oct 2015
  • 392 Views, 1 Comments

A matter of words. A Big Macintosh story. - ShadowStar_IMHP

The last moments of a Father and Son. When Ma and Pa Apple disappeared things were hard on the Apple family. More so for the foolish words Macintosh said in a moment of anger.

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Foolish words.

Big Macintosh hoof steps were heavy today as he made his way to the hill. Years have passed and every year he felt the weight of his foolish words. Everyone knew in town he didn’t speak much. Few even remember he stopped being so talkative after Ma and Pa disappeared. Only Granny Smith knows why.

Eight years ago.

It was Apple Bucking season and this was the first year he was allowed to buck the trees himself. He looked at the loaded tree judging the right spot like his Pa showed him. Then he turned and bucked with his hind legs against the tree. Not moving fast enough a few apples hit his head and back.

“Not too bad Mac. Soon ya be as big of a Stallion as me.” Said his Pa Cortland Apple. The big Red bodied and Red Mane stallion bucked the nearest tree filling the baskets set around it. Little Macintosh was nearly his copy but had a yellow mane and tail. Of course where Cortland was big strong and powerful, little Mac was scrawny lean and even timid, he didn’t even have his Cutie Mark.

“You been real helpful Macintosh. Think ya and me can sneak over to the Sugar Cube for a treat after dinner. Don’t tell anyone else it just be ya and me.”

“Really Pa?” Macintosh said as he helped put the baskets in the waiting cart.

“Eeeyuup, the filly wearing ya ma out, a hard pregnancy. AppleJack trying her part but she still a little filly herself.”

Cortland started pulling the cart with a big horse collar on to help with the pull. “Ya getting to be a true big brother.”

“Your Teacher Miss Cornflower talked to me the other day. Ya doing good in class as well. Thought ya need to work on ya spelling.”

Little Mac rubbed one hoof being his other forelimb. “Words are hard.”
“Ya can do it I believe in ya.” Cortland put a hay straw into his mouth as they headed for the barn.

“Making the shapes not hard, it what to write. Like the words stop when I try to put them on paper. Spoiled Rich says I’m dumb, that there no words in my head that why I can’t write.”

Cortland stopped and looked to Mac. “Ya Grandpa told me once, that some ponies think so much that words aren’t enough. We can’t really say how beautiful a sunset is for example. Oh, we can say things like grandeur and other fancy words, but we can’t really tell someone what it’s like. They have to see Celestia’s creation to be able to understand it.”

Mac thought about that and nodded “Ya right Pa. But it’s not like that it like all the words get jammed up and stop. Like too many ponies trying to get in a door at once.”

A deep chuckle came from Pa “I remember a time words were like that to me.”

“You Pa? But you talk to people all the time.” Mac said as he looked to his Pa like he was telling a story. No way was his Pa ever shy. He has seen Cortland start chatting with strangers just to be friendly.

“Now I do, when I was a young colt it was different. Then I met ya Ma. Oh, I couldn’t say anything, no writing no nothing.”

“Why it changed?”

“There was a dance. One where the Fillies ask the Colts to dance. She asked me, here I was such a coward and she asked me.”

“You said yes!”

“Nope, Mac I didn’t say anything.”


“It broke her heart she turned and ran off crying. Broke my heart to see her in tears I forgot all my own fear and ran after her. That was a chase running all over Ponyville.” Cortland smiled remembering that event. “I caught up to her and every feeling, every fear, everything I thought of her came out. Often so fast my words seemed to blur together.”

Little Mac made a face this was mushy stuff, but it was also important.

Seeing the face of his son “Well enough about that. I said ya deserved a special day just ya and me. Now run along and get ready for dinner I will be there after I drop these bushels at the barn.”

Macintosh took off running and sure enough his long skinny legs got tangled up he tripped but stood and then bolted again.

Courtland walked into the house with a grin on his face. The type of smile one gains after a hard days work. The look of his family was a pleasure the two youths now playing a board game and his wife coming into the living room from the kitchen.

“Dinner almost ready, ya all got enough time t..ugh” Ananas Reinette Apple collapsed in the living room. Her forelimb moving to her rounded barrel.

“Sugarcube!" Cortland rushed to her side soon followed by the two children.

“Cort... the baby."

Granny Smith came from the kitchen “Don’t just stand there Cortland! Get your legs moving and get help. Macintosh, Applejack get some pillows. We get ya Ma as comfortable as we can till the Ambulance arrive."

“Right... help." Cortland was worried, but the swift commanding tone of Granny Smith cut through the fog of his mind and he bolted out the door. The door banged against the house with such force it came off the hinges.

It was about 10 minutes before the Ambulance wagon arrived. AppleJack crying and Macintosh trying not to stood there in the corner as the Paramedic Unicorn lifted her up via a levitation spell.

“Don’t ya be worrying youngins those doctors be finding out what’s wrong. Then she'll come home.” Granny Smith said, but the worry in her eyes wasn’t hard to miss even if she tried to hide it. Cortland went with his wife Ananas to the hospital.

Granny Smith looked to the two young apples. “Come on you two I got a fresh apple pie that needs gobbling down.”

That morning the two young Apples ran down the hall to the room their mother was resting in. “Don’t go running.” came Granny Smith’s voice as she tried to keep up without yelling.

The two burst into the room and skidded to a stop. Cortland huffed as the baby Applebloom woke up and started crying.

“She just settled down. Well, come on you two there a baby sister to meet. The doctors say she’s very strong and healthy even if she was premature.” ” The two moved up to the bed where Ananas nuzzled apple bloom. Smiling with pride at her now three children.

“She sure got a healthy set of lungs.” Applejack looked at the yellow and red-maned filly still trying to process the idea of her being a big sister.

It was two days later and Father and Son were working the fields once again. With Ananas recovering the workload fell on his Cortlands shoulders. He looked to the side seeing Macintosh pulling a wagon as well. Of course, it wasn‘t fully loaded

“It been a hard month with ya baby sister giving us a scare Macintosh. How about we go to the Rodeo in Appleloosa.”

“You mean that Pa?” Looking up with shock and then Joy at the idea.

“Eeeyuup, you got my word. A nice family outing. Ya doing more than your fair share of the chores these las few days. so it shall be Ya, me and Applejack.”

“Why Applejack?” Making a slight pout face.

“Well, she been working hard too. She deserves it as much as you. It’s only fair.” Cortland said then he shifted the hay straw to the other side of his mouth.

Macintosh thought some then nodded “Alright but not Applebloom she’s too little.”

Cortland chuckled and rubbed his Colts head with his hoof. “Spoken like a Big brother. Speaking of which I think we should be changing that nickname of yours. Big Mac. Now hurry up ahead and get ready for Dinner I be there in a bit.”

Big Mac ran ahead for the house excited to tell Applejack that Pa was going to take them to the Rodeo.

A week before the trip to the rodeo a fire broke out in Dodge City. Homes, stores, and most of the stored food was destroyed.

In the market square, Cortland heard the news as Mayor Clydesdale stood there reading the proclamation from Celestria. “By Royal decree all aid to Dodge City shall be fully refunded by the Crown. Aid for the affected city is deeply requested.”

Cortland snorted knowing the folks of those towns going to need more than well wishes. Heading back to Sweet Apple Acres.

By the time he walked into the house he made up his mind “Listen up ya all I got important news. Dodge city have been hit hard by a fire. So much so that the crown requesting aid. I know I made a promise to ya two but, the ponies in Dodge city need our help.” He said as he looked to Macintosh and Applejack.

“No Rodeo?” The two young apples asked at the same time.

“Ponies are homeless. I will be taking anything we can spare to them once it all loaded and settled.”

Ananas stood up “you won’t be the only one Cortland I’m going to.”

“Honeybun you still recovering.”

“Like heck, I am. I know more about stretching supplies and organizing then anyone here. I ran the winter round-up for the last ten years. Without me, I’m sure they get Winter Roundup all out of whack. Helping managing aid in Dodge City will be easy compared to that. Applebloom nice and strong now she will be fine without me for a few days. Honeydew Mellon got plenty of milk to spare.”

“I want to help. I can go too.” Spoke Macintosh.

“No Mac you be staying here. we are going through the bogg and the path is dangerous.”

“Then stay!” Macintosh yelled scaring Applebloom. It wasn't fair he had such hopes of spending a whole day or more with his Pa and now. Now both Ma and Pa are leaving.

Cortland thought a moment looking at his two oldest fillies. “Because we are apples. We are dependable and trustworthy. That not just meaning we speak the truth. It means we are there when we are needed. Willing to do what must be done to get the job done. Those ponies are hurt, scared, and going to be mighty hungry. Now I made up my mind. I and ya Ma are going you two stay with Granny Smith and Applebloom.”

“You said we are going to the Rodeo now you leaving!” It wasn’t fair he worked so hard for so long. Looked forward to spending time with his pa. Now instead of that his pa be gone even more. That anger only a teenager can get erupted “I HOPE YOU DON’T COME BACK.” With that, he ran up the stairs to his room and slammed the door.

“Macintosh” Cortland shook his head “What got into that boy.”

“Reminds me of you Cort. He is young, wishes lost, and dreams now put aside. He knows there be other Rodeos, it wasn’t about that. It’s now the one Stallion he looks up to going away for days. It will pass. Now let's make a list for supplies ya be needing.” Granny Smith said as she headed to get the pad and pencil.

Applejack sniffed determined not to be a disappointment like her brother put on a brave face. “Ponies depend on us, well ya two.” Ananas hugged her daughter.

The next day cart was loaded and Cortland was ready to pull the load to Dodge City. “Macintosh still got a chip on his shoulder?” He shakes his head.

Ananas Reinette nods “He’s pretending not to look, but he’s over by that lone apple tree on the hill.”

“The one where me and him sit and watch the sunset.” Cortland smiled looking a the tree to see Macintosh quickly look away.

“He will be the first one running to greet ya when ya get back.” Said Granny Smith with a swift nod.

Ananas hugs Applejack and then kisses Applebloom on the forehead. “We'll back as soon as we can.”

Together the two headed off on the long trek to Dodge city. They were already far off just a pair of dots when Macintosh came running.

“MA, PA” He yelled as he soon ran out of stamina and came to a slow walk the run from the tree to the road was enough to tire him out.

“Came to your senses lad?” Granny Smith said trotting up to the colt.

“I...” He nodded his head drooping. “About time ya as stubborn as a mule. Ya will able to say your sorry when they are back ya see.”

Day after day he waited once his chores were done. Then one day Granny Smith met them on the porch after school holding a paper. Tears rolling down her face. “Macintosh, Applejack...”

Granny smith was the toughest old mare he has ever seen. She could face a pack of Timberwolves without flinching. To see her break down, sobbing caused a lump to form in his throat. A fear awoke in him far greater than he ever known before even when his mom collapsed.

“They.. they found the cart torn up. No sign of... I’m sorry. They aren’t coming back.”

“NO... No...” Macintosh word came crashing to a halt. The only thing he heard after that was his own words ‘I hope you don’t come back.’ repeating in his mind.

What happened next was a blur of sadness and regret. Sometimes it was slow and mournful, other times it seemed as if the world was spinning out of control. A few days off school, visits of relatives and friends. Nothing joyful or happy.

He ended up under the Lone apple tree Granny smith came up and sat beside him. Her hoof drew him close and he let himself cry.

“It’s going to be hard, but we make it. I called in the family they send a few hands to help with the rest of the harvest. Even the Oranges have said they help in their way. If Applejack wants she be able to go to live with them get an education at them fancy schools in Manehattan.”

“What about Applebloom?”

“We figure something out. The Oranges won’t take her says they have too much to do for them to handle a baby filly as well. Honeydew said she don’t mind sharing her teats so Applebloom won’t go hungry.”

Macintosh dried his eyes and stood up “I will be needing sleep.”

“Sleep? The sun just went down why a whippersnapper like you wants to sleep so early.” Mac looked out at the orchard “I’m the stallion of the family now. Got work to do in the morning.” He turned and started walking for the house.

Granny smith spotted something a flash and on Macintosh flank was now a large green apple. “So Ya the stallion huh?”

“Eeeyuup,” he said still unaware he just got his cutie mark. Granny smith didn’t have the heart to tell him.

Once he was far enough away “He’s an apple alright, right to the core.” she said looking off to the star filled sky tears in her eyes.


Macintosh sat under the apple tree watching the sunset. “Ma Pa, Applebloom got her cutie mark today. She’ll make ya proud. A bit rambunctious but a real good apple if a bit tart. Ma, Pa, I miss you.”

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfiction, ever. I wrote some short stories a long time ago, but all my own content. Macintosh being quiet a running joke in the show. I always wondered why doesn't Macintosh speak up more. Well, I came up with a reason. Tell me what you think.

Why did I put the Ma and Pa Apple disappearing before Applejack went to the Oranges? Well, I thought about why would she leave in the first place? If she felt it would help her family would make going a logical reason. Also makes sense why a young filly would make a trip to Manehattan in the first place.

Macintosh also gaining his Cutie mark after making the determination to keep the Orchard going no matter what makes sense as well.

Ananas Reinette and Cortland are types of apples.

Comments ( 1 )

Nice story I liked the plot but I think theres less southern speak than I expected sense you know they speak with a southern accent and all plus some minor spelling and grammar errors that kinda stopped my reading flow maybe find someone to touch it up with some of that and you got a good read.

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