• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 4,456 Views, 61 Comments

I Hate You, Twilight Sparkle - overlord-flinx

Have you ever hated? Fleur has. It keeps her awake every night!

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Hatred. It's a chemical reaction in the brain that's triggered at the sight or thought of some form person or thing that invokes extreme dislike. Or, very simply, it's not liking something more then anything else. It makes your blood boil, your head hurt, and your eye twitch. You can't stand whatever it is no matter how much you try to rationalize why you shouldn't feel so negatively towards it. But you just do.

And no one can stop you from disliking it so much.

That's what hatred is.

That's what Fleur feels every waking day. All because of one thing. One person.

Look at her...

Eyes of a hawk rested on the nervous 'rat' within the halls. Twilight Sparkle, the star of Crystal Prep and most brilliant student the world wide, stood where she always did in the halls during the early morning. Her private room where she sequestered herself each day wouldn't be opened for another hour; much like every day. Fleur knew because she watched Twilight each morning. And each afternoon. And the evenings as they went home after school. Then back to the mornings again.

Just standing there...

The eyes narrowed with menace; trying to slay the little thing with imaginary daggers. Like every time she tried to do it, Fleur's daggers never succeeded in putting Twilight Sparkle down. Instead it just made the nerdy creature glance over at her visual assailant. The little nerd's contorted into some disgusting display as she mimicked what normal people would call smiling. Only when normal people like Fleur smiled, they looked normal. When Twilight did it, it was only a face a mother could love. Some would call it cute and sheepish; the smile of someone without a friend in the world but trying her darnedest to get one. Those people are the mother mentioned before.

You bun headed geek...

Fleur balled her hand into a fist that she kept at her side. Violence wouldn't solve her problems... Even if she does use it on Twilight regularly. Purposely ribbing her in the halls, scuffing her shoes whenever they pass one another, that time she took a croquet to Twilight's kneecap; but she wouldn't hit her. Instead, she would take the high road and flip her hair at the shabby little thing and turn away. Snubbing her. Sure enough, Twilight sulked against herself and took to holding the straps of her backpack in defeat. A flawless victory.

Feel it, Twilight Sparkle. Feel my unbridled hate for you...

In rapture at her rising victories in destroying Twilight's holier-then-thou ego, Fleur nearly missed the chime over the intercom to signal passing period was nearly over. That would mean Twilight would be slinking off into her lair soon and she wouldn't see her until she had to crawl out of the shadows for food. It made no difference either way. Fleur always had something more important to do then watch Twilight Sparkle. For now, Fleur would take her business to class; where normal people go to learn.

She took one final look towards that nappy Twilight Sparkle. Though, when she looked, she saw Dean Cadance gracing Twilight's hideout. The dean was too nice. Spending even one physical moment with Twilight Sparkle was punishment enough on a bus for all of the well adjusted students like Fleur. Yet, there she was voluntarily spending extended time with the nerd. Some people just have hearts of pure gold. And then there's Twilight who just has a heart filled with dark matter looking to suck up everything good and decent in the world simply to destroy it...

The thought put a hard pit in Fleur's gut and she took herself as far as she could from Twilight: her classroom. Which, admittedly, wasn't that far away in a spacial sense. But walls and doors between Fleur and the girl with dark matter in her heart was good enough until a restraining order could be accepted. For whatever reason, the courts kept declining Fleur's requests to have Twilight Sparkle at least five miles away from her person at all times. Eventually the courts would see it her way. They just needed to understand Twilight the way Fleur did.

She's a horrid person. She never even said sorry for that mallet she broke on her knee...

For the first moments of the day, much like every day before, her mind started to grow free of her most hated enemy. Fleur could focus on her fourth love: education. Education being behind her beauty but in front of gardening. Her first and second love changed at the day. One day it was hating Twilight Sparkle and everything she believes in, on other days it was her family. While she hated Twilight more then life itself, her family mattered... Just sometimes less so then wanting Twilight Sparkle to fall off a cliff while she video taped it.

But there was that thought again. Twilight Sparkle. Even when she was trying to gain a good education and focus on what makes her happy, that bun head has to go and ruin it. Like she ruins everything. Just thinking about her stupid nerdy bun head reminded Fleur of that day... The day Twilight ruined her life and showed the sort of crap person she truly was. That memory burned deep into her subconscious. A deep burn that all of the therapists and psychoanalysts that money can buy can't seem to reason out of her.

Thinking about that day was interrupted when she heard a distant sound over her own thoughts. From outside the classroom. Without asking the teacher or giving a word, Fleur stood up and went to the little window that looked out into the hallway. When she looked, she knew exactly why that sound sparked her attention so quickly. Twilight Sparkle, squirrelly little nerd that she was, had been walking through the halls. Singing.

Singing in the hallways. Of all the things she could be doing, she was singing in the hallway. And for some ungodly reason, she poked her face near the window looking into the classroom. Still singing.

For the love of...

Fleur silently fumed; like she always did. She quickly and quietly drew the curtain down over the window, shutting Twilight Sparkle out from looking into the room. The only good thing to come out of seeing her annoying face again was seeing the look of dismay she made when Fleur took the curtain down. That almost made up for Fleur having to see her. Almost.

It's always her singing in the hall. Who sings randomly? Twilight does... Attention loving bun head...

Now, even returning to her education, her mind swam with images of that woman. For years every one of the doctors her parents sent her to tried to defuse her hate towards Twilight Sparkle. If for no other reason than to have her more focused on school or her clubs or getting a date. But the fires of hate are not so easily dowsed. And Fleur's hatred was among the greatest blazes in all the world. A fire born from one action many years ago. The single act brought by betrayal, spite, and all sorts of wicked feelings that only Twilight Sparkle could find a way to birth.

She would never forget that day... Nor how Twilight Sparkle flaunts their feud each day.

"So I've been thinking of wearing my hair in a sort of top bun. What do you think, Sugarcoat?"

"I think you talk to me because you have no other people to talk to."

"I'm not hearing a no! I'll wear it tomorrow and change hair styling at Chrystal Prep for the ages."

"Oh, uhhh... Fleur, that sounds like it'd look great."

"You think, Twilight? Maybe you should try it sometime."

The very next day they both showed up to school sporting what's now Twilight Sparkle's signature hairstyle. The fires of hate do not easily forget such an act. Especially when the other keeps wearing that hairstyle. But one day will come when Twilight will finally get the message through her stupid, nerdy, geeky bun head... Even if Fleur needs to break her other kneecap with another mallet. But, for now, ribbing her and snubbing her will do the job.

For Fleur shall never forget the day she was made to look like a nerd.

I hate you, Twilight Sparkle...