• Published 23rd Sep 2015
  • 786 Views, 20 Comments

Catatonic - FaelaArts

A string of murders pushes Equestria to the brink of collapse.

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Settling into a glide, Luna looked to the approaching town of Ponyville. Magic enveloping her, she changed her appearance to that of a sky blue Pegasus with black hair and a storm cloud Cutie Mark. That would serve as her disguise while she was in town. She smiled.

Arriving in Ponyville, Luna made a detour to see the scene of the crime. Watching ponies amble toward the doors. One stallion pulled out a set of keys, letting everypony inside. Looking around, their eyes briefly met, before he glanced toward the guards. Turning, the stallion closed the door behind him as he entered.

Looking toward the guards as she walked past, she noticed Twilight was actually talking to them. It seemed to be some sort of argument. Slowly approaching, Luna took in the appearance of the guard she was speaking too, and glanced toward where the Cutie Mark would be.

“We appear to have company.” Before she got within earshot, the guard turned to look her in the eyes. Pulling out Twilight’s letter, and a small note of her own, she handed them to Twilight with only a quick apology.

“Wait this is my, L-Luna?” Turning, Twilight took in the completely normal Pegasus before her, and received a nod. Music Box began to bow, but was halted by Twilight’s hand.

“Don’t bow here, what if the killer is watching. Let’s take her to where Mike is being held.” Glancing around, Twilight saw nopony giving them any looks, and breathed out.

“Very well, I shall get Guitar String, and Sprinter Surprise.” Turning, Music Box walked over to the stationed guards, and returned with two by his side. Leading the way, Music Box led the party toward Twilight’s castle. Surprisingly, it was the only place that could hold a containment cell. Once inside of the castle, Twilight nodded to Luna.

“I apologise for the disturbance, but I have questions for the ponies you called ‘guards’, and the one you called ‘Mike’.” Transforming back to normal, Luna gave everypony a small bow, which they returned. Giving a nod, Twilight led the way to the basement of the castle. Opening the door, she held it open for Luna and the others to enter the small cell area.

“W-Princess Luna?” Giving a bow, Singer and Pizza shared a glance, looking toward Mike. Raising an eyebrow, he sat up.

“Thank you, but my visit is not for pleasantries I’m afraid. Excuse me, are you Mike?” Walking over to the bars, Luna watched Mike give a nod, and walked over. Holding out the picture of the Restaurant opening, Luna began to speak.

“We have reason to believe the pony in this picture is the true culprit. Do you know anything about this pony that may help our investigation?” Taking the picture back from Mike a moment later, Luna watched the stallion picking his words.

“Not as much as you would think I’m afraid. We were just a class of kids the restaurant asked the school to provide for a photo. I think it was some sort of business deal, but I don’t know much else about it.” Shrugging, Mike gave a small bow, and walked back to his bed to sit down. Nodding once, Luna put the photo away, and turned toward the guard ponies.

“Onto my second order of business, Twilight told me that you are reincarnated souls from a different world. Would you mayhap know the cause of your reincarnation into this world?” Raising an eyebrow, Luna looked between them. All but one was showing confusion. Breathing in, Music Box stepped forward.

“When trying to prevent the killer from reincarnating, he escaped into a different world. In doing so, we were all dragged through the hole he created.” Blinking, he stood there. Singer narrowed his eyes, stepping forward and giving a stupefied chuckle.

“Wait a second, you are the reason we’re in this world?” Before he could receive a nod, Singer glanced toward the sound coming out of Mike as he scoffed.

“You mean you didn’t know? No wonder I’m the one in a cage.” Eyes narrowing, Mike leered at Music Box.

“That is correct in a sense. My error in trying to prevent his rebirth resulted in us being sent to-“ Cut off by a sudden shaking, Music Box looked down to Guitar.

“Are you smashing my guitar right now? You’re the reason we’re here? Why didn’t you let him reincarnate, he would have lost his memories, and we would be able to live lives without any memory of what we’ve been through!” Growling, Guitar glared at Music Box as his hoof was removed from Music’s shoulders.

“Should crimes such as what he committed be rewarded with the possibility of reincarnation?” Taking a step back, Music avoided another grab for his shoulders.

“What does it matter what his crimes were, they would have at least stopped!” Glancing back toward the other three, Guitar wondered if they were siding with him. All three nodded, and stepped forward.

“That would not have absolved him of his crimes. Those who fell to him must be-“ Once more cut off, Music Box didn’t even react as Sprinter shouted at his face.

“ ’Oo cares ‘bout bloody revenge! We ‘oulda ‘ad a ‘ew ‘ife!” Stamping toward the door, Sprinter left the room, slamming it behind him.

“Mike was right, you really don’t care whom you step on…” Glancing toward the bars, Sprinter felt guilty for thinking Mike was overreacting. Pizza walked past them, going after Sprinter. Guitar raised a hoof, as if to say something, but lowered it and followed them out. Walking over to the bars, Sprinter pulled out the keys, and unlocked the door.

“You’re letting me out? Why?” Standing up, Mike slowly approached the door.

“Because there’s someone whom deserves to be in there more than you. Follow me, we need to discuss who is going to be monitoring you until we can confirm you are not the killer.” Dropping the keys on the hard floor, Singer walked toward the door. Cautiously avoiding Music Box’s gaze, Mike followed close behind. The door closed with a quiet click.

“He is right, your methods are far too vengeful, and I cannot have a rogue element on the force.” Levitating up the keys, Luna looked down at Music Box. Narrowing his eyes, he didn’t move.

“I don’t obey your rules.” Turning, Music Box began to leave.

“You are in Equestria. You were born Equestrian. Therefore, unless you want to lose your job and access to information that might otherwise be classified, you will obey Equestrian law.” Magic enveloping the door, Luna stared down Music. Turning to face her, his eyes narrowed to pinpricks.

“ARGH!” Music Box dived toward Luna’s neck, hooves reaching out with single minded purpose. Purple magic grabbed him and flung him into the cage. Locking the door, Luna looked toward Twilight.

“Well, he did just try to kill you,” was her response. Turning, they both began to head out of the room, hearing something slamming into the bars.

“Get back here! You can’t treat me like this!” Slumping against the bars, Music Box closed his eyes.

“…Let me out…”

“So will you be staying at Fluttershy’s again?” Looking to the x-prisoner, Twilight wondered why he was staring at the guards. Blinking, Mike chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

“Uh no, I’ll probably go back to my place now that uh…well…” Trailing off, Mike gave the guards a sheepish smile as they glanced back.

“You know there’s no killer robots after you?” Giving a small smile, Guitar glanced to the others, who looked away.

“Uh, heh, yeah…” The silence stretched between them, and Mike looked away.

“So who’s going to be watching you while you sleep?” Blinking, Twilight wondered why they were giving her pointed glances.

“We’re going to take shifts watching him, as much as our hours allow that is. Is there any chance your friends could help with surveillance duty?” Singer winced, and glanced toward Mike.

“Sorry, it slipped out,” he muttered, looking away. Mike raised a hoof, closing his eyes and grimacing a smile.

“No, it’s alright, it happens.” Looking away, Mike noticed the restaurant, and slowed.

“Speaking of it actually, I wonder if I’d be able to get my job back. I mean, it’d allow you to watch me during the day as well without worrying about being on shift. Right?” Glancing toward them, Mike stopped right before smacking into their backs.

“N’other ‘ead in ‘ere ‘ould ‘elp ‘it tha ‘vestigation,” suggested Sprinter, looking to everypony. Singer turned, facing Mike.

“Are you sure? You don’t have to force yourself.” Biting his lip, Singer could see sweat beading down Mike’s face.

“Suuuuureee,” he breathed out, managing a fake smile.

“Hello? Ok, yeah, alright, goodbye.” Placing the phone down, the stallion sighed, and walked out towards one of the staff.

“Hey Autumn? Gotta go to the Manehattan branch for a meeting. If anyone calls forward them the number I left on the desk.” Seeing the staff nod, the stallion turned and walked toward the back door. Leaving through it he glanced toward the stationed guards, before heading for the Train Station.

Fritz glanced toward the crows, ears twitching as he picked up the word restaurant. Frowning, he put a hoof to his chin. It seemed another murder had occurred, and this time in Canterlot. Stepping onto the train, he smiled, looking out the window.

Hopefully they’re on duty so I can tell them.

“I just received a letter from my sister. A murder has occurred in Canterlot.” Glancing to the group, Luna double checked her disguise was in place, and quickly burned the letter.

“Fritz…” The four shared a glance, and Singer turned to explain.

“One worker at the restaurant, a guy named Fritz, just took a visit to Canterlot.” Sighing, Singer knew that made him a potential suspect.

“My question is why would he tell us if he was the killer?” Frowning, Pizza shrugged.

“To throw you off?” Biting her lip, Twilight looked at everypony. Giving a yawn, she remembered the fact she’d had very little sleep today.

“Now they’re going to move the guards back to Canterlot,” grumbled Guitar, scowling in annoyance.

“Actually, Celestia has been trying to distribute guards to all of the restaurant establishments. It is likely why the scene was discovered so quickly. I will be informing her about the events here, and ensure you stay together in this location for as long as you see fit.” Giving a small bow, Luna gave a yawn of her own. It had been quite a long flight.

“Well, I think we’re all tired. I’ll see you tonight before me and my friends start our street watching.” Giving them a small smile, Twilight flared her wings, and began to fly back towards her castle.

“I shall go too,” bowed Luna, taking off after Twilight. The five remaining shared a look, and Mike rolled his eyes.

“Do you even have proper housing? Jeez, just come and sleep on my couch and spare bed. There a mattress that could probably fit two if you were sleeping side by side.” Turning, Mike began to lead the way toward his apartment.

“Well, there’s the hotel, but we pay night by night. Or day by day depending on our guard shifts.” Glancing toward the others, Pizza wondered what bed she would be stuck with.

“Well, the good news is you don’t have to watch me, considering a murder happened without me here.” Glancing back, Mike watched them for a moment, before turning and unlocking the door.

“That’s true,” admitted Guitar.

“Just don’t tough anything in the fridge and we won’t have a problem.” Pausing at the door, Mike stiffened for a moment, before shaking it off and walking inside.

This is going to be fuuun,’ thought Guitar, seeing Mike still battling with his fear response.

Slipping into the bed that night, the purple pony paused, and glanced toward the window. Closing the blinds, he nodded as the room was made completely black like he liked it.

Slipping into his dreams, he was once again visited by both presences. Paying them no heed, he cheerfully led a kid towards the back room.

Sadly, his dream vanished, and the two presences got into an argument about something. Smile fading, his ear flickered, listening with a bored expression on his face. Apparently the Princess had found out about the puppet messing with the reincarnation cycle, or something like that. Really, those two needed a reality check.

Stepping between them, the purple guy dreamt up a screaming little kid, and slit the neck with a blade. Glancing between them, he raised an eyebrow, before breaking out into a smile and laughing like a hyena. Their faces, they were always so priceless! The two shared a glance as he rolled around laughing, covering himself in 'red paint'. Licking it, he wished dreams came with a taste other than pillow.

“This is never going to work unless we learn to either respect each other’s boundaries, or work together.” Looking to the puppet, Luna waited as it seemed to hover in the air.

“Very well, we will discuss this tomorrow. That is, if you plan on releasing me FROM THE CELL!” Wait a minute, the mannequin had gotten himself captured, and was in prison? This was priceless! Smile reaching both sides of his face, the purple pony began gasping for breath between his laughter.

“I will know if you return here, and you know precisely why you will not be released.” As the argument once more continued, purple pony sighed, sitting up and walking away from the two. Shaking his head, he began returning his dreamscape back to the dream he had been having, and tried to continue it.

Shouting rippled through the dreamscape, and his dream crumbled before him. Narrowing his eyes, the purple pony glanced toward the two, and growled in annoyance. Some ponies were trying to get some sleep you know! Rubbing his face, the purple pony slammed his hoof into the floor, shattering the dream and cutting all conversation off.

Waking up, he walked toward the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

“Freaking demigods,” he muttered.

Comments ( 10 )

I have seen the cover art. I MUST read this now~:rainbowkiss:
For Fazbear!

6469896 :scootangel:
Just awaitin' an update now:rainbowkiss:

To pg : I know right!

*silently walks behind your back and places a hand on your shoulder*
So, kind pony, is there an update in the hopefully soon but possibly far future I see?

6570573 Sorry, real life.

6570598 I see. Real life is rather important.
Whelp, I'll be awaitin'. Good stories deserve stalkers after all:twilightsmile:
*jumps out some window and takes out binoculars*
I'll be stalking...:pinkiecrazy:

//slides by

Not to be a bug or anything but is this story ded or...?:pinkiegasp:

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