• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Spargus: The Strong Survive

By the end of the hour, Jak, Shining, and Daxter had filled Damas in on the pertinent details regarding their time in Sandover and Haven, as well as pertinent names and faces of people inside Haven who were on their side, as well as the real reason behind Praxus' betrayal. Damas had taken it well.

"This is the most unbelievable story I've ever heard," Damas concluded at the end of it. "About the only reason I'm even lending it any sort of credence is because one of you is an adorable critter capable of feats that defy the laws of physics, and one of you is a talking unicorn. If I'm already believing two impossible things as fact, I might as well accept the third."

Jak managed a smile as he pushed himself out of the waters he'd been resting in. "So now it's...training?" he asked.

"Well, it would be," Damas began. "But from the sound of it, training's the last thing you three need. Let's get you three ready for the arena."

"Oh joy," Daxter groaned. "Back into combat we go."

"Cheer up, Daxter!" Shining suggested. "This time you get to fight with us!"

"What in that is supposed to cheer me up?" Daxter demanded, throwing his hands up in the air. "How is that different from when you guys used me as a slingshot-"

A small burst of Light Eco erupted from Daxter's paw to slam into a nearby wall, disintegrating a chunk of the stone and blasting more, leaving a crater disproportionate to the size of the blast. Jak, Shining, Damas, and Pecker all stared, their gaze moving from the hole in the wall to the smoke coming off Daxter's paw.

"...ooh! Paw blasting!" Daxter marveled. "Me likey!"

The Arena of Death was much as the trio expected from such a name. A vast number of platforms were suspended in midair on stone columns anchored in a pit of lava. The platforms were connected to each other by bridges, ladders, ramps, and the frequent gap just small enough to be cleared by a running leap.

The first trial the trio underwent in the Arena involved racing across the deadly obstacle course collecting glowing dots of light that had been scattered across. Since it was the three of them, there was even a time limit. Even so, it didn't prove a challenge to any of them.

Once the trial was completed, the next challenge involved actual opponents on a rearranged arena. Damas provided Jak and Shining with Scatter Guns to use for the fight to 'test their abilities'. The platform they fought on was placed directly above the lava, and raised and lowered regularly while hostile foes leapt out from blocks in all four directions.

Jak watched the East and North sections with his gun, while Shining focused on West and North. Daxter focused on South, his paw blasts more than enough to send each attacker flying off into the lava. When the platform lowered, the three would leap away from the lava onto one of the four boxes that stuck out of the lava when the platform lowered, somehow undamaged. Between the three of them, all 14 enemies were taken down in a relatively short time.

As they were lifted on a platform up to before Damas' throne, Jak clutched his head, feeling something resonating strongly with the Dark Eco inside of him. Shining shuddered, feeling it as well but to a lesser degree, since his Dark Eco wasn't fully manifest. Noticing this, Damas signaled someone on a distant platform to back away, and the sensation passed.

"Your bravery has earned you three your first Battle Amulet," Damas proclaimed. "If you are victorious in two more arena fights, you will earn your citizenship to Spargus."

"Then bring 'em on already!" Daxter proclaimed eagerly, accidentally discharging another Eco blast. "Whoops! No more paw blasting!"

"Patience, young warriors," Damas replied. "Time enough to face the arena again when you've done more for the city. Here!" He tossed Jak a small device. "This is a gate pass to allow free passage in and out of the city. But beware, there is no true refuge outside the walls." He then gestured to two blaster mods sitting on a raised table on the trio's platform. "Your prizes for victory."

"And where's mine?" Daxter demanded angrily. "I fought in there, too!"

"You lack a gun," Damas pointed out logically.

"...fair point," Daxter grumbled. "Still don't like getting nothing..."

Rolling his eyes, Jak led the way out of the arena. On the way out, they encountered a rather hefty older man dressed in the same armor style as Damas. "Those were some sweet moves in the arena, boys," he muttered as they approached. "But you wouldn't have done so well alone, now would ya?"

"I didn't even show a fraction of my abilities," Jak countered.

"I'd have done better with a sword," Shining muttered.

"Any idea how I stop paw blasting?" Daxter asked worriedly, his front paws clenched together.

"Heh, not bad," the man chuckled. "You got spunk. You three from the Big Smoke?"

"...the what?" Shining asked, confused.

The man rolled his eyes. "Haven," he spat.

"...who wants to know?" Jak asked defiantly.

"The guy who runs this place, that's who!" the man proclaimed angrily.

"But we already explained everything to Damas," Shining responded, still confused.

"Not the King. I'm the Quartermaster! I'm in charge of our supplies." Rolling his eyes, the man patted his chest. "Name's Kleiver. You lot don't seem too on the ball, but stick with me, and I'll take care of ya. Got a job for ya right now, actually." He gently tugged on the reigns of a black lizard like creature with a saddle on its back. "Ride my leaper lizard here and catch a few of those little buggers that have been raiding me storerooms. Snag me 6 of them puppies, and I'll let ya drive one o' my racing vehicles...that is, if Damas ever lets ya leave the city."

"I think we can handle that," Jak agreed readily.

"Umm...he did see Damas give us a gate pass, right?" Shining whispered to Daxter, who shrugged.

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