• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,484 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Interlude: Relaxed Conversation

As the celebration continued, various individuals gathered together for conversations, whether discussing the past, planning for the future, or just asking 'what now?' In the garage where she'd spent so many years, Keira relaxed alongside Ashelin and Tess as they discussed various things they found of interest.

"Seriously?" Tess gasped out as she giggled. "That's what Daxter was like before he became so cute?"

"Yup!" Keira replied with a chuckle. "He was the idea man of the trio, but never had the guts to go through with anything on his own...except when he was the perv of the trio. I lost count of the number of times Maia Acheron tried to blast him for peeping on her...or her brother Gol tried to blast him for the same. The transformation certainly matured him quite a bit."

"He's such a sweetheart now!" Tess sighed dreamily. Keira and Ashelin rolled their eyes.

"So what was young Mar like growing up?" Ashelin asked curiously. "I watched over him as a toddler, and I thought I'd failed in making sure he would grow up...but seeing what he's grown up to be..."

"Jak was always just...Jak," Keira explained, smiling softly. "He was always rather quiet, and...I could always rely on him. If he said he was going to do something or be somewhere, you could count on it. A bit of a natural leader, which was why he was the ringleader of the three growing up."

Ashelin chuckled. "I guess Dad was right. Krisma does run in Mar's line."

Keira blinked. "You mean charisma, right?"

"No, I don't," Ashelin countered. "Similar, but distinctly different. You've met charismatic people before, right? People who can convince you something is the right idea, that they know what they're doing and you should go along with what they're saying even if it doesn't make complete sense at the time?"

"That's my Dad," Keira replied with a chuckle. "Even though Sandover had a Mayor, Dad was the one who was really in charge."

"Krisma's like that, but more so," Ashelin explained. "Have you ever known someone who could talk to you about something that needed to be done, and by the end of the conversation it not only made perfect sense but you'd swear it was your idea all along? When they look at you, you know that they're seeing everything you are inside, and a smile makes you feel like you're truly worthwhile for the first time in your life? And even when something they're going to do doesn't make complete sense, you go along anyway because you believe in them and you're sure they'll pull through somehow?"

"...yeah..." Keira replied softly, thoughtfully. "When I was a lot younger...that's the effect Jak had on me. It's...it's what first made me fall for him." She chuckled a bit. "Of course, that feeling faded overtime when I saw how much of a klutz and idiot he could be at times, as well as how awkward he started to get with me. Put him on less of a pedestal."

"That was Krisma, as my father calls it," Ashelin explained. "The sign of a true, natural leader. The sort of person who would never seek leadership or a crown, but those who know them will give them a crown on their own. It's how Mar first became the leader of the settlement that built Haven City. He didn't come in and takeover, he just started gathering everyone together and started nudging them towards safety." She laughed softly. "It's not in the standard history taught, but once the city was completed the populace offered Mar the throne and crown, and he actually thought they were joking at first...and then it took three days to track him down once he realized they were serious!"

Keira burst into loud laughter. "That sounds like Jak, actually," she managed to say. "He's a natural leader, but he'd hate being stuck in the position of authority."

"It's bred true in the bloodline," Ashelin continued. "It's why everyone in the city responded, almost instinctively, to Jak as a hope for the future. He didn't even have to do anything special...he just had to be." She turned towards Keira. "So what's it like being all but betrothed to the city's 'once and future prince'?" she asked teasingly.

Keira rolled her eyes at the tease. "Difficult," Keira replied. "Of course, most of the difficulty comes from being my father's daughter..."

"I thought you liked your Dad?" Tess spoke up, confused.

"Oh I do, don't get me wrong!" Keira said quickly. "But both my parents were Green Eco sages, which means whether I choose to train as a Sage or not, I have Green Eco in my very blood. That has some...interesting consequences that makes things...difficult with Jak."

Ashelin and Tess both sat forward. "How so?" Tess asked, confused. "Does it make things weird in the bedroom or something?"

"More makes things impossible in the bedroom," Keira countered. "Green Eco's the energy of life...which means I'm always fertile. Short of someone coming up with a way to prevent insemination, if I go all the way with Jak, I will get pregnant. And don't even bring up pulling out or anything like that: according to Dad, Jak's Eco abilities are similar to that of a Sage, and when two Sages become intertwined, their Eco resonates, leaving them consumed by their instincts. So if we go too far like that, I'll end up with a bun in the oven."

Ashelin winced. "Damn. That's rough...so you can never...?"

"Not until we're ready for kids," Keira confirmed. "Although Dad tells me there is a plus side, not that I've noticed..."

"What sort of plus?" Tess asked. "It's gotta be a big one to make up for that."

"I'm not sure what he meant by this, but he said Mother Nature would never leave me a crimson present," Keira explained. "Any idea what he meant?"

Tess and Ashelin exchanged glances. "Keira," Ashelin began, "I fully understand the frustration about what you can't do with Jak, but...you got damn lucky, girl." With that, she chugged her drink, leaving Keira very confused.

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