• Member Since 18th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 3rd, 2020

T W Hoof

Prepare to be worded.


Velvet Step may be an amazing dancer but sometimes after a long night she is weak to temptation. When the lights grow dim after an exhausting performance will another mare come out to play?

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 11 )

This is simply amazing.

:rainbowlaugh: Velvet, don't blame your mom. She is as innocent as an icing snowflake.

Was that scream of panic toward the end from Velvet, or from you? :rainbowwild:


You know she can.

What I find amusing is the sidebar of purportedly similar stories. From them I can glean that this is a non-serious story bordering on a spoof wherein the title character has questionable sanity, her mother may or may not be out to get her, and she is on her way to becoming the Princess of Frosting or at least a sugary facsimile.

Fairly accurate algorithms.

I was lured here by the promise... and delicious smell... of somepony... drenched in frosting... :derpyderp2:

Wait, what?

I didn't mean...!

*Suddenly flees*

That was glorious.

I lost it at the cupcakes in formation.


Thanks, it seemed like a good opportunity to reference Silent Knight and poke fun at the soldier game Crystal bought at the naughty game shop.

What the...? Oh dear lord. :rainbowlaugh: That was brilliant

I probably shouldn't have read this in public.


That is just how Velvet rolls.

This is taking "sticky situation" to a new level. Velvet is a secret agent, specialized in making cupcakes disappear without a trace.
Well... mostly without a trace, she'll get to that with that bath, I reckon. Then, nopony will ever know whodunnit.

Well done, had some good laughs; stickiness, uninhibited gluttony, plans beyond plans, conspiracies, and orbs.

I now have cupcake cravings, I hope you're happy. :trixieshiftleft:

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