• Member Since 18th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 3rd, 2020

T W Hoof

Prepare to be worded.


Love Meal hasn't always lived in Canterlot, he didn't even use to live in Equestria. Life started deep below the ground surrounded by darkness and filled with gnawing hunger. After daring to think for himself he is ejected from his hive and thrust alone into a land of ponies.

After living by himself trying to fit in among ponies for so long he was bound to change. He doesn't realize how deeply he has until one day he encounters a wild changeling.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

My name is Love Meal, formerly Drone 1215-V05 of the dank and musty hole in the ground known only as 'the hive'. I am no longer welcome there for committing the high crime of thinking for oneself. The next thing I knew after having a thought some of my mindless brothers snatched me up, epoxied my limbs, and left me far away from home.

I stopped reading here. I've heard this far too many times.

6392056 I'm really sorry about this. But I just can't say I enjoy seeing the same premise over and over. Again I'm sorry just my opinion.


Fair enough, I can't say I tried to reboot what the changeling race is as a whole. Though they (the entire race) aren't exactly the focus of the story.

6392130 I don't think you even needed to mention changeling society. Or even needed to make it "that" dark ((not to mention that such headcanons are meant for dystopian universes. If it was that bad all changelings would move out)).

nice story

Does Clear know then that Lovey is a changeling?


Whether or not she knew before the attack, Love Meal lost his disguise when the other changeling drained him. The end line is a reference to Clear Bells special talent, being able to tell the authenticity of something which comes in handy working at the antique shop (Tomes and Tombs).


Ah. I wasn't sure if he lost his disguise or not.

This was really good! I very much enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

I wish it was the first chapter of a longer story (I want more) but it's good as a oneshot, too.

I wonder, how come the other changeling didn't recognize Love Meal as a changeling? Why was it all alone? Why does this have to be a one-shot?


The reason why the other changeling doesn't know Love Meal is a changeling is down to love lines. As far as general changeling knowledge goes, changelings simply don't and can't have them. For them, love is food, not something they can feel.

As I passed by an alley filled with especially dark shadows I felt eyes on me. Pausing I glanced more closely and could just make out a brown unicorn stallion staring back. I was about to continue on when I looked again. He didn't have a love line at all, it was another changeling.

Love Meal sees through the disguise because the other changeling lacks love lines. Unknown to Love Meal he actually had developed one with Clear Bell. Due to this, the other changeling assumes that Love Meal is actually a pony.

As for why the other changeling was alone, I intended for it to be a changeling that gathers/hunts love for the hive. It wasn't supposed to be an invasion, so having a group or groups of changelings in close proximity didn't seem wise if the goal is low-key food runs.

I really like the idea of those love lines. Good story^^


Thank you, I took inspiration from the story Lovey Dovey and the Business Pony with my own added twist of changelings. I highly recommend checking it out.

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