• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 396 Views, 6 Comments

The Four Primal Alicorns - Brinde

We all know of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Yet we do not know of the other two, the ones forgotten throughout time.

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The Four Primal Alicorns

In the beginning, when the world was still young. Guardians were set over it, to nurture it and those within it, to fend off the evils, and watch over all other pony kind. The youngest two of the four, we all know to be Celestia the Alicorn of the Heavens and Sun, and the other Luna the Alicorn of the Moon. What of the other two? The ones whose names are forgotten or misplaced throughout the passing of the years?

Indeed, what of Terres? The Alicorn of the Earth, the one who keeps all that which is in it growing and balanced. The one who creates life, for all to enjoy, where is she mentioned in the history books? For without her work, the world would be in disarray, and crumble to pieces, into the depths of space and eventually the void. For it is she, the second eldest of them all, twin to another. Who brought the world together, gathered the water and the winds, and caused life to flourish under her wing.

It is she that created the Trees of Harmony and Disharmony, for one cannot know one without the other. It was through her wisdom, that guided her little sisters Celestia and Luna, to gather the power of the tree to defeat Discord. It was she, who with the help of her twin brother, guided the new bearers unaware, back to the Tree so that it’s power may fully flow.

What then of her brother? The eldest of them all. What of Horace? Otherwise known as Father Time. What then of him? Or do they not know that he was there when time began and life was created? And do they not know, that he will be the last of them all when time is finally destroyed? What then of his fate, as he allows the seasons to pass, his sisters to bring up the Sun and Moon, and for his twin to keep the world spinning and whole?

The answer is simple, for those who understand. The Sun and Moon were beacons, as such it would be the Alicorns of such to lead, as beacons of Day and Night. It would be they whom all would devote themselves to, for they are the brightest, and most easily recognized and seen. So it makes sense that the others have faded away into obscurity, into that which is Myth, and that which is Legend.

This does not mean that the eldest do not exist. Terres is very real, yet always with a sense of wanderlust, as she travels her creation to and fro. It is said that wherever barren she sleeps, meadows grow, rivers rise, and animals come to rest. There are those who have but a part of her unique understanding of nature. Those such as The Element of Kindness known as Fluttershy, Element of Honesty Applejack, and finally sister to Pinkie Pie, Maud.

She does not seek attention of companionship, at least not in the way we understand. For it is nature who gives her, its undivided attention, and it is nature, who gives her constant companionship. She has no need for the attention of ponykind, even though she may walk amongst them unknown. When she does enter civilization, she always picks one form, that of her favored form. So know that, should you ever see a mare with a coat as brown as the purest dirt, and the mane the color of the most luscious leaves or grass ever seen. You may have just been so graced by the humble presence of Terres, the Alicorn of the Earth.

There are those, who might say she is the weakest of the four, despite being the second eldest. They would be both correct, and incorrect. For while it is true that she does not hold the power of a million burning suns, and the heavens itself, nor does she control the gravitational pull of the moon, and it’s effect upon the world she holds together. What use is such immense power, when only a slight fraction of it can be used? Because of this, Terres, or Mother Earth as some would come to call her, is able to wield far more power than her younger sisters.

All of them of course, have the capacity and the power, to destroy the world and all that is in it. None of them however, ever will, for this is the world they watch over, and while Terres and her brother may be taken for granted. She continues to remain humble, for she has what her younger sisters do not, and she does not take it for granted. Freedom after all is a precious commodity, for although the ponies admire and worship Celestia and Luna, they don’t get the luxury Terres does. Thus she does what no other can, with her freedom to roam, and help those she deems worthy, even if time passes them all by.

Time as it was, or rather Horace, had simply disappeared. They knew he still was, for there always needed to be one to watch over time, but where? They did not know, although they searched. Terres of course always had her suspicions, but she kept her observations quiet, for she knew her brother did nothing without reason. All he did, was on the grand scheme of things, for he could see what the others couldn’t, time and all of it’s workings.

He was never far from the two youngest sisters, although they did not know it, he was always there helping. He could never help as Father Time or even under his name of Horace, for to do so, would throw all into chaos. Chaos which he had helped his sisters defeat and bring order to the world. No, these were different problems, and his Sisters did not fully have the wisdom required. What was a brother then to do? What any loving brother would, step down from his pedestal, and help those he loved the most.

Like his sister Terres, Horace too had a favored form, and it should be no surprise that it was that of a Unicorn, the only type that could accurately work with time, even if it was just a little. Of course, even as a powerful Unicorn, who would eventually fall in love sometime later. He still kept his distance, he knew too much after all, and most came to see him as either secluded or reclusive. During this time, he had advised his sisters, and tutored a select few other unicorns, who it seemed were extremely persistent after they had discovered his adventures.

Only one however, stuck together with him, and had the pleasure of knowing who he really was, while guarding that very secret from his sisters. On her deathbed, he gave her a gift, such as none had ever received before or after. To her he showed her all of her descendants from that point on, when all was shown, she shut her eyes one final time, with a blissful smile on her face. For Clover the Clever, knew that all would be well in the end, and there were no regrets to be had.

Now I, Starswirl the Bearded must close this last chapter of my journal. My youngest sibling is about to fall, and I must be there to leave Celestia one last message, and one last prophecy, before I too must fade away. Tales of my deeds and legends will surely be spread throughout time, as was intended. Yet while there may be tales of all the things I have done, I as a unicorn will forever remain a mystery. One whom some will say dies of a broken heart, others from a miscast spell, and others still who will claim it’s from loneliness.

The fight I fear has already started, and although my little sister Luna will be banished for a time. I know, that one of my descendants, will be there to bring her back. For this cause, I stepped down, to truly save my sister, and while I cannot directly interfere, I can set things in motion. It has truly been fun, living out these many years as a Unicorn, perhaps after all this, I can seek out Terres finally, and have that long awaited talk of ours.

The skies lit up with their battle, it will not be long now till I must console Celestia, so a moment for a few last words. I have created many spells, some which will be considered forbidden, others which only the most powerful can use. This too had to be done, for there is a time and place for everything under the Sun. While it may not be used so soon, or even after a thousand years, I know my descendant Twilight, will finally awaken her bloodline, as it was meant to be.

A thousand years later, a filly sat under a tree reading a certain fateful book, which had been placed fatefully directly in her line of sight. Knowing her curiosity, she would of course pick it up, and study it, she wouldn’t be Twilight if she hadn’t. And so, what had been set in motion more than a thousand years ago, finally began to come into fruition. All while Horace looked and smiled, inside that of a ruined castle, the place where he knew his sister Luna would be redeemed.

“Tell me Horace, do you still like your tea as dark as the night? Or have you finally come to your senses, to try something truly heavenly?” Terres asked as she walked softly towards him carrying two sets of tea cups.

“As wonderful an aroma your herbal teas are. I do think tonight, I will have the tea as dark as the night. It would seem only fitting that I do so after all, both in remembrance, and celebration of our sister Lunas return.” Horace replied with a smile, accepting the tea cup that was given to him.

“To think, that they would never know or suspect, that we both would be here on such a fateful night.” Terras mused slightly, as wind gently escaped from her lips as she spoke, causing a breeze to go throughout the everfree forest.

Bringing the tea cup to his mouth as he took a sip, all while giving a slight smirk. “Sometimes such is the way with things, as it is with all things. Besides, what better place to hide, than right under ones nose?” Horace replied as he looked up at the ceiling, towards the place it would all happen.

Author's Note:

Well here it finally is, that head canon of mine that I so desperately needed to get out of the way before I can continue. Of course I am of the mind the Starswirl the Bearded could of secretly been the Alicorn of Time, and not this silly Discord nonsense that's been going around. Of course I had to add in Terres in here too, which is if you haven't guessed it yet, short for Terrestrial. Coming up with Starswirls actual "name" was a little hard, as I needed to look through names which either meant time, or Timekeeper, or you know something along those lines. So when I found the name Horace I decided to keep it, since it fit.

Anyways hopefully you all enjoy my own little creation tale of Equestria or the World of Equestria. Like I said, it had been bugging me, and since I'm going to be going with this head canon of mine in my other story as well as videos. It was only about time that I wrote it and posted it.

Comments ( 6 )

This was quite nice. I'm sort of iffy about the names, but the concept is actually not bad. It was a fairly enjoyable read.
(On an irrellevent note, it was made more... mystic? -I suppose the word is- by listening to this bit of soundtrack.)

6231959 The names were extremely hard for me to figure out for the other two. So I had to go with something that sounded like it made sense (and a lot of names in Equestria can tend to make you go "huh?"). I also didn't want to blatantly call them Father Time or Mother Earth either, I wanted something that meant what they did, such as Luna and Celestia. As for that soundtrack, it does fit rather nicely with the story, now that I'm listening to it.

6232088 I was referring more to 'Horace' and the phrase 'Primal Four'. Primal generally refers to animalistic instinct, which doesn't really fit that theme. And Horace is just a Human name. 'Tempo', 'Tempora/o', or something along those lines, perhaps.

6232323 Ah but I was going by this definition of Primal: first; original; primeval: primal eras before the appearance of life on earth.
2. of first importance; fundamental: the primal resources of a nation.
So it kinda worked for me, as for Horace well... In Latin the meaning of the name Horace is: Timekeeper.
Speaking of Latin, here's Celestias meaning In Latin the meaning of the name Celestia is: Of the heavens; Heavenly.

So you could say I used things most people don't normally think of, to have them learn something new. Which is what any writing should be, having them learn something they didn't think of, or know before.

6232346 Right then. A fair reasoning, good work. I'm glad you didn't outright refute my viewpoint. Nice work!

Very good authoritative voice, like what you find find in a text book. Very, very interesting ideas and a great twist! It all comes together well in the end.

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