• Published 11th Mar 2015
  • 627 Views, 2 Comments

Get Well Soon - JusSonic

Lorcan ends up in a mystery coma, much to the concerns of his friends and brother. Will he ever wake up?

  • ...

Chapter 1

My Little Pony: Get Well Soon

The scene opens up at the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle as "Ahsoka's Farewell Suite" begins to play in the background. Right now, it cuts to the interior where Ben approaches Twilight in the hallway.

"Hey, Twiley, can we talk?" Ben speaks softly to his love at the time.

"Of course." Twilight nods her head in listening in.

"There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about, what Lorcan said before you...well, banished him." Ben was slowly speaking in an uneasy voice, rubbing the back of his head in bringing up the subject about Lorcan just before the mare banished the guy due to a misunderstanding of Drago's set ploy.

"What do you mean?" Twilight looks to Ben in not understanding this.

"When... Lorcan brought up about how Boris almost ruined our relationship during Winter Wrap-Up." Ben replied. "I know he was controlling both of us with that necklace of his, the Hate of Eternal, but it didn't matter. I, uh...I-I broke up with you." Ben was stating these facts in recalling how the two had been played by Boris, but their actions suggest that what they did afterwards nearly cost the two a special relationship.

"What's done is done, Ben." Twilight lightly nods her head with a little sorrow off her face.

"I know, but it's been bugging me since Lorcan brought it up." Ben stated to rub his left front leg in having felt bothered about the topic again.

"Lorcan may have brought it up, but it's better not to think about it at all." Twilight shook her head in stating that the subject was better off left forgotten.

"But, I thought you had gotten over it. When I said what's passed is passed." Ben stated in recalling what they did to let such a thing go, but Twilight seems to have not forgotten it.

"I know, but Pinkamena's hallucination serum kinda brought part of it back." Twilight said in sorrow. "I'm sorry, for accusing you of breaking your promise and not following my heart last year, and for losing my temper at Nyx, my friends, and even you." Twilight spoke off to regrettably state these claims while feeling much grief, over her action, it caused her to almost lose what was important in her surroundings.

"It's alright." Ben calmly spoke this out, as he takes Twilight's hoof to hold close to him as he speaks. "I think we've both said some things that we regret. But I still love you, Twilight. I will always love you and that will never change." Ben stated his feelings of never forgetting about how he feels for the mare he loves despite what they went through.

"Still, why didn't you just talk to me in the first place?" Twilight stated off to say this in feeling lost on such a matter over their feelings.

"I know I should have, but...I didn't want to hurt you all over again. I guess part of me wanted to forget about the breakup, too." Ben nodded his head off to briefly issue how he too, wanted to not remember such a terrible past.

"Let's just leave it at that...and never talk about the breakup again, Ben." Twilight stated this to her love, wanting to not be reminded of what hurts them the most.

"Besides...what's done is done. We have to put the past behind us, Twi." Ben smiled off to say this in feeling like they can move on better now.

"But it's still been bugging me for weeks." Twilight looked away in feeling bothered with something on her mind.

"Twiley...please. Just let go of that incident. I've already forgiven you. Part of growing up is making mistakes." Ben held Twilight's cheek to look to him, trying to help her see & let go what is holding her back with regret.

"Still, I can't stop thinking about it." Twilight spoke off to say while her eyes focus on the floor.

"I know what you mean. But still, how were we supposed to know that Boris was gonna pull off such dirty tricks?" Ben nodded off in feeling bothered over such a scheme that was pulled over them from the Winter Wrap-Up.

"I wasn't expecting it at all." Twilight stated this in not have expected such a thing to have almost tore them apart.

"I wasn't either. He tore us apart." Ben said with a frown on his face. "If I ever see Boris again...he'd better hope that I'm in a good mood, because the last thing that I want is to become just like him." Ben stated in showing a serious face that the last pony he wants to become, is the jerk of his bullying moments, Ben never wants to become someone like that.

"I see what you mean." Twilight lightly nods her heard in having heard that.

"But it still doesn't matter. The past is in the past...and it's not good to dwell on it." Ben stated that no matter what happens, the must let what happened in the past...stay in the past & not ruin their future.

"But I'm glad we're back together, Benny." Twilight smiled off to look to her love with such happy words.

"Me, too, Twiley. Nothing will ever tear us apart again." Ben stated off in making this claim for the both of them.

Twilight places her hoof on Ben's cheek to guide him in for a soft, but passionate kiss. As they break their kiss, they remain close together with their foreheads touching and their eyes closed. They open their eyes, nuzzle each other and stand erect once more.

"I'll always love you, Twilight Sparkle." Ben stated off in wanting to always love the mare.

"And I'll always love you, Benjamin Maregillian." Twilight stated to say this, as the Alicorn then slowly begins to walk off now after having a moment with Ben.

As Twilight was leaving, the background music ends here with Ben watching the mare he loves go off. Then without warning, Discord pops in to slide next to the Earth pony after the two had a heart-to-heart chat.

"Smooth work, Romeo." Discord lightly teased Ben while the latter seemed to be distracted, which made the guy feel left out. "Perhaps...you want a hug?" Discord then suddenly grabs Ben into a tight hug without warning.

"Um, thanks Discord....but your hug is...too tight." Ben yelps from feeling too much affection from Discord wanting to help him be cheery.

The scene begins to fade out from here after both a touching scene...and an awkward scene were displayed. Hopefully, this will be the last time Twilight & Ben ever come close to losing themselves & what they cherish most in their lives...


It was breakfast as the family are downstairs, eating. Three days has passed since Lorcan is now living with the Sparkles, now an official member of the Royal Family. Although Twilight still hold some grudges to him, it isn't insane like it was before. Until the mare can find any traces of Starlight's whereabouts, she will have to keep the level down to grudging respect.

"Lorcan? Come on down." Twilight calls out to Lorcan. "Your breakfast is getting cold."

"Right! Don't be a hater!" Phobos exclaims to Lorcan while eating his own breakfast. Nyx roll his eyes as she continues eating. That pal of hers.

Lorcan came into the kitchen, groaning and appears to be sick. The others notes as he goes over to the table. Ever since the party, he appears to be slow and low-witted, on both body and wits. Unknown to everyone, even himself since he had forgotten somehow, Lorcan was attached. He is trying to keep the poison at bay but the effects are catching up to him.

"So what's for breakfast, ma?" Lorcan ask Twilight weakly.

"Cereal and apples." Twilight said to Lorcan in concern. "Say, are you doing all right?"

"Right, you appear to be getting sick lately." Ben said in concern, noting the changes. "Is it because of what happened with your dad and his cult army?"

"What? No, no, I am just groggy." Lorcan lies a bit. His tail winces, much to his and everyone's notice. "Uh oh."

"Lorcan, you're lying to us." Nyx said with a deep frown. "Now what is really going on?"

"Hey, come on! I am fine! I am just groggy, okay?! It's nothing to worry about!"

"Liar, liar Dragon!" Phobos taunts, pointing out Lorcan's wincing tail. "Come on, admit it."

"Lorcan, what happened?" Twilight ask Lorcan gently as she pats her former enemy on the back. "You can tell us, we're your family."

"Right, please tell us." Nyx said to Lorcan seriously.

Lorcan pauses, looking concerned. Perhaps it's time to stop with the lying and tell them the truth...though he doesn't remember how he got sick in the first place. The Scarred Dragon looks up, preparing to speak...then fell head first into his cereal.

"LORCAN!" Everyone exclaims in shock and horror. Spike shakes Lorcan, trying to wake him up.

Lorcan doesn't wake up.


Twilight manages to get Lorcan into the bunk bed for some sleeping, then alerted everyone, including the Royal Sisters and Spykoran, as to what happened. They came as fast as they could.

As Spykoran was upstairs (his head was peeking through an upstairs window since his body is outside) checking on Lorcan, Celestia ask, "Are you sure you don't know what happened?"

"I don't know! He was groggy and sick and won't tell us!" Twilight explains to Celestia in worry. "He was going to tell us apparently when he passed out."

"I don't understand. Was it the side effects of his new size and the spell?" Fluttershy ask worried for Lorcan as well.

"That's yet to be decided." Luna said seriously, looking upstairs in worry. Her friend...who could be more than that...could be sick and worst...

Spykoran now peeks in through the room's window, looking serious, Celestia spoke to her old friend, "The diagnosis?"

"I have seen this before: my grandson Lorcan....has been poisoned." Spykoran said seriously to everyone.

"POISONED?!" Everyone yelps in shock and horror.

"Yes, I have seen this kind of poison in Dragons before. Dark Plague Poison, the kind that victims almost never survived from."

Almost everyone looks at Twilight. The Alicorn concerned spoke, "What? You think I did this? Look, I have gotten over most of my grudges. I wouldn't poison Lorcan now."

"Just checking." Applejack said, making sure that Twilight wasn't still wanting Lorcan dead. "How did he git it?"

"It happened 3 days after the party. Someone must've poisoned him, but who?"

"We may never know." Ben said in concern. "Spykoran? Will he live?"

"No one knows. The plague itself is hard to survive from." Spykoran explains seriously, sighing a bit while shaking his head. "Right now, he's in a coma. Who knows if he will ever wake up?"

Spike comment, "We'll keep an eye on him until he comes out of his coma. Considering what Twi put him through and he did for us, it's the least WE can do."

Most of the ponies nod in concern. They got to keep an eye on Lorcan, hopes that someday he will wake up from his coma....and hopes that the Dragon would even live it!


As the heroes of Equestria are busy, they take turns in watching Lorcan, hoping he will wake up. Spike is first waiting patiently for him to do so...no sign.

"Lorcan, big brother...I hope you wake up soon." Spike said, patting the unconscious Lorcan on the side. "I don't know who promised you...but we will find out and make him or her pay."

Next Golden Heart and Pinkamena took their turn, lying down extra blankets. Even for a Dragon, Lorcan shouldn't get cold.

"There you go, so you won't get very cold." Pinkamena said happily, grinning at the unconscious Lorcan. "No worries, good pal. You will wake up to friends and family."

"Right, a hero of Equestria deserves every help he can get." Golden Heart said, nodding in agreement.

The CMC even took turns, giving out gifts to their friends. The Girls calls out, "Lorcan, Cutie Mark Crusader Friend! Yay!"

"Eeyup. When yew wake up, we're making yew an honorary member o' 'de Cutie Mark Crusaders." Apple Bloom said happily, patting Lorcan on the head.

"Right! Then we can harass Diamond and Silver again!" Scootaloo exclaims, smirking devilishly.

"And we still care for you, Lorcan. Despite what you used to do, you are forgiven, not just as a friend, but a member of our family." Nyx said gently, hugging the unconscious Lorcan. "We will find the creep who did this to you...somehow..."

Downstairs, Celestia was having a conversion with Luna, "Were you able to find out who done this, sister?"

Luna sighs in frustration, "No, Tia. I have been inside Lorcan's dreams...but there is no memory as to whose has attacked him. I think whoever the attacker is, must've used an Amnesia ingredient to keep others from knowing."

"We didn't see any of our enemies at the party the other day...it must be someone we know."

"Right. One of our allies...is a traitor. But who?"

The Royal Sisters went silent, trying to figure out who could've done the hit on Lorcan...unaware that someone they know is responsible...the mystery shall remain close...for another day...


Shay walks back and forth in his cabin on his ship. The one responsible for attacking Lorcan had been pursuing a target for 3 days now...so far, no close to finding and bringing him down.

"Sir, are you sure this is the way?" A Demon Knight ask Shay as he walks him trot back and forth. "The Pirate Lord of the Powerful Sphere is tough to find. Not to mention, he made an alliance with the Water Tiger Kingdom. This could make things difficult."

"I'm sure of it." Shay snaps furiously to the Demon Knight. "The traitors can run all they want. I'll get them back. I'll make sure that the world will be in safe hoof. Full speed ahead. To Horsebay - more information can be found. If not, I'll make one Assassin reveal what I want to know. They may have cut their alliance with the pirates, but it doesn't mean the Assassins are willing to reveal everything."

"Yes sir."

"I'm coming for you, Jack. I thought you and I were friends until the earthquake at Hottingham."


The Powerful Sphere was days ahead of Shay's ship, managing to avoid them...but it may not be long before reports of Shay are discovered.

"Captain!" Adewale said, saluting Jack. "Reports from our scouts. Zero and Namida said that Shay Cormac is coming for us now."

The crew mumbles comments and remarks in concern. Shay Cormac won't be easy to escape, no matter how fast and far away they are.

Griff the Griffin huffed, "I've always wanted to fight with that jerk! He owe me a punch!"

"Don't! Fighting with him is not wise." Billy Crones said to Griff sternly. "He knows of every move we make. It's wise to ignore him for now and build our might and strengths."

Andrew nods as he adds, "They're right. It's best we should get the manuscript and box away from them. Hidden somewhere so no one else can deal with it."

Jack Silver sighed, "Fine. We should run and hide the cursed treasures. I don't want to fight my old friend."

Loudmouth the Parrot squawked, "Why call him that?! SQUAWKED! WHY?!"

"Because... He's still a good stallion. I have to find a way to get him back to us and the Assassins. That's the promise. Set sails, mateys!"

The Powerful Sphere set sail once more, trying to get further away from Shay Cormac. Hopefully they will get the stuff away from him before he catches up to them...

The End?

Author's Note:

Major Cast List

Vic Mignogna: Lorcan
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle

Minor Cast List

Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
John de Lancie: Discord
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Andrea Libman: Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie
Tabitha St. Germain: Princess Luna
Charlie Adler: King Spykoran the Old
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Steven Piovesen: Shay Patrick Cormac
Brian Murray: Jack Silver
Billy Connolly: Billy Crones
Rob Paulsen: Loudmouth the Parrot
Jim Cummings: Griff the Griffin
Tristan D. Lalla: Adewale Jr.
Andrew Kishino: Mystic Andrew Thief

Poor Lorcan. The mystery of his attacker will be unknown...for now. Will he ever wake up? That's for another story. Until then, here's the next one...

"Lorcan's Last Name: (takes place during "The Redemption") As Lorcan is redeeming himself further and gaining trust, Spike request to Twilight that his brother has the same last name as she is. But Twilight isn't keen on the idea of having Starlight's killer in the family."

Yep, the story that happened during "The Redemption" will be told. Until next time, read, review and suggest.

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by null_name5656 deleted Mar 11th, 2015

I think this was a pretty good short story. Keeps us in the dark until it is time to know what's going on.:pinkiehappy:

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