• Published 7th Dec 2014
  • 526 Views, 5 Comments

Surgical Relations - Dementia Ravenmane

How far is a mentor willing to go when she falls for her student? How far is Twilight willing to go in her battle against her own phobias?

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Chapter 1

“The final test is a real surgery?” Twilight threw her hooves in the air. “I can’t do that, you know I can’t do that. Please don’t entrust me with this, please don’t let me entrust myself with this!” She clenched the steaming mug of coffee with her magic and gave her tutor an appealing look. “Aren’t there books I can read on it instead? Can’t you explain what happens, Sirona?”

Sirona sighed. “Twilight, you’ve been my trainee for almost three years now.” She opened one of the drawers in her large desk and pulled out a thick binder. “See these? These were your grades back then. Almost all straight A’s; medicine, physiology, microbiology, genetics, all the important theoretical subjects and more.” Sirona dumped the binder on the desk in front of Twilight and pulled out a much thinner binder from the same drawer. “It’s great, right? I managed to get a star student who knows pretty much everything you need to know to become a surgeon, that doesn’t happen very often. And I’m glad I did, there was already so much to do here at Canterlot State Hospital.” She paused and went through the thin binder.

“So I’m a great student… Is that what you’re saying, medicinae doctor?” Twilight shifted uneasily in her chair and took a small sip from her coffee. “Have I done something wrong? Do you regret taking me in?” she asked and put down her cup. Sirona continued to read through the binder for a couple of seconds under complete silence, she only paused to adjust her square glasses.

“No, you haven’t done anything wrong. You see, Twilight; what you’ve done is great, there’s nothing to say about it, you’re almost everything an office physician could hope for.” Sirona dropped the binder in Twilight’s lap, who opened it and read through the extensive reports. “But you’re not aspiring to become an office physician, are you? You want to become a surgeon, perhaps even an M.D some day. Isn’t that correct?”

“Y-Yes…” Twilight stammered. “I want to actually help other ponies directly, not just tell them what may or may not make them better.” Her ears dropped further and further as she continued deeper into the thin binder. “But what if I can’t? I don’t know anything else, it’s what I have wished for my entire life! Now what will I do? Will I have to quit training and become unemployed? Move out to the countryside and make a living as a feldsher?” Twilight began hyperventilating, an act which was halted by a soothing burst of Sirona’s magic through Twilight’s mind.

“No, Twilight. If you would please calm down and listen, that would be great.” Sirona levitated her glasses off her muzzle and took up a cloth from a pocket on her coat. “You have too little practical experience. I don’t know how, but you’ve somehow managed to avoid almost every practical aspect of your trainee program,” she said as she polished her glasses. “Now, I’m not accusing you of anything, I’d like to think of it as coincidences; but you still need more practical experience before I can give you your title as surgeon.” Sirona put her glasses back on and eyed Twilight.

"Um, I h-had other things. That's right, I had family business," Twilight blurted out. She couldn't bear to meet Sirona's jade eyes and instead decided to stare at a stain on the floor. "I-I..." she began, but stopped as she felt a tear run down her cheek. "I'm sorry, I just can't- I can't bear to put a scalpel against something living and breathing. I can't even be an observer; what would happen if something went wrong? What if I could help but wouldn't? What if it'd be my fault somepony dies?" She shook her head and slumped over. Tears streamed down her face and she sobbed. "I-I don't want anypony t-to die..."

"Twilight, let me tell you something about being a surgeon." Sirona levitated Twilight a box of tissues. "Let's be honest: it's the most ironic, or maybe contradictory, profession you can have. What is the first saying you learn at the medical academy? It's 'first do no harm'. It makes sense, doesn't it? Our job is to repair the delicate machinery that makes up a living body." She moved the trash can over to Twilight for her to throw tissues in.

"Y-Yes, I know," Twilight mumbled. She sniveled and used a tissue to blow her nose. "I don't want to harm, I want to help."

"Of course, Twilight. That's why you've aspired to become a surgeon your entire life. Granted, I don't know what triggered you at such a young age. But I don't need to either." Sirona gave Twilight an understanding look. She stood up and cantered over to the window behind her seat, where she stood and gazed out over the rooftops of Canterlot. "So, our mantra is to ‘do no harm’, to heal and protect. But how do we do this? By cutting living ponies when they're at their weakest and most fragile point. Do you see the irony? Cutting ponies to heal them?”

“I never thought of it like that..." Twilight stopped sniveling and gave Sirona a miserable look. "But, what if I mess up? What if somepony dies because I wasn't skilled enough? I, I don't think I could live with that." Her ears dropped along with her head, and she stared at the floor.

"Twilight... Even if somepony dies while under your responsibility, it won't be your fault." Sirona grabbed Twilight's chin with her magic and lifted Twilight's head. "You see, most of the times the death of a patient is beyond the capabilities of any doctor. If anything, know that you did what you could and that the patient's life simply was destined to end."

"I know, I've read all the books about it..." Twilight mumbled. She tried to avoid eye contact, but found herself unable to do so. "I know how to perform coronary artery bypass surgery, all the details, routines and everything. But when I think of actually putting the scalpel in somepony?" Her head dropped again, and she fiddled with her front hooves. "I'm not sure if I can handle the responsibility..."

"Twilight, I think I see the problem." Sirona grabbed the two binders and put them back in their drawer. "You seem to suffer from mild atychiphobia, fear of failure." She paused for a second to contemplate everything again. "But I wouldn't be completely wrong if I say there's a fear of blood and intestines as well, would I?"

"N-No, I think that's right." Twilight sighed. She took another sip of her now cold coffee and cringed on the inside at how bitter it had become. "Is there anything I can do about it? I really want to continue with this, it feels like I'm meant to."

"Unfortunately, no." Sirona shook her head. "There's no real cure for most phobias besides 'hardening the brain', so to say." She scratched her chin for a minute before she continued. "What we could try is making you associate those situations with more pleasant experiences. That way I suppose you might be less stressed out by the situation. What do you think?"

"If you think it would help..." Twilight murmured. "How would we do that anyways? Wouldn't the hospital be too crowded and busy?" She threw Sirona a questioning look in hope of an answer.

"That is true," Sirona replied. "However, I have a fully equipped laboratory at my home. We could practise the more applied aspects of anatomy and physiology there, as well as have it act as recreational time." She pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil from a drawer and made some quick notes before she gave it to Twilight.

"What's this? Where's 'Grove street fourteen'?" Twilight asked.

"It's my home address, phone number and a list of equipment you'll have to bring yourself. My laboratory isn't stocked with more than one pony in mind," Sirona explained. "I understand this may seem overwhelming at the moment, Twilight. But I've known you for about three years, and I can trust you enough to entrust you this information." She put back the pencil and headed for the exit. "My shift ends now. Call me when you've made up your mind."

"B-But..." Twilight stuttered. "I-I don't know if I have the time." She followed Sirona through the hospital corridors. "It's really kind and all, but..." Twilight trailed off. "I, I can't. I mean, we are, you know... It's like, professional. I, I can't just..."

"Twilight, neither of us have a social life to speak of," Sirona interrupted and gave Twilight an unimpressed look. "If anything, I'd also see this as a valuable lesson in social interactions for both of us. A chance to become more than just teacher and student, if you will." She fetched her time card from her coat and stamped it in the time clock.

"You mean..." Twilight mumbled, she froze in place and attempted to decipher Sirona's intentions. "You want us to, you know... Become friends? Is that what you're saying?" She stamped her card in the same time clock and followed Sirona out of the hospital.

"That would be one way of putting it, yes." Sirona replied. She trotted to the bus stop and seated herself on the bench. "You should be heading home, there's a workday tomorrow as well."

"Yes, of course," Twilight exclaimed. She turned around and trotted over to the bike racks outside the hospital entrance. She unlocked her tricycle and pedaled her way down the street. "Why would Sirona do this though? Why does she want to become friendly all of a sudden?" Twilight mumbled to herself as she made her way home through the afternoon.

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" Twilight yelled as she entered her parents' house. She hung off her coat and headed into the kitchen, where both her parents were.

"Hello, honey! How was your day?" her mother asked as she pondered a crossword. "Did anything interesting happen?"

"Did you meet any cute stallions?" her father asked as he chopped up a carrot and threw it in a pot. "Or maybe some cute mares?" he continued. He looked at Twilight and gave her a sly smile.

"Night Light dear. Can we not ask Twilight those questions, just for tonight?" Twilight's mom retorted. She looked up from her crossword and glared at Night Light. "You focus on the dinner, I think that's more important than Twilight's possible love interests at the moment."

"Alright, you're the boss, Velvet." Night returned his focus to the stew and decided to listen to Twilight and Velvet as they conversated. "I was just kind of curious."

"Did you hear, Twilight?" Velvet said and showed Twilight a page from her newspaper. "Princess Celestia has chosen a new student! Some stallion named Comet Tail."

"For his incredible abilities not only in the arcane, but also through his will to learn and understand, I have no doubt Comet Tail will prove to be a worthy student of mine," Twilight read out loud. "That's fun for him, I guess... I can't imagine being Celestia's personal student though, she must be really bossy and harsh." She shrugged and gave the newspaper back to Velvet.

"I wonder what kind of 'late night studies' those two will be doing," Night Light remarked and giggled. "I mean, surely the princess must see more than just magical potential in him, if you catch my drift."

"Night Light, you're talking about the princess! Show some respect!" Velvet exclaimed, shocked. "Princess Celestia would never use a young stallion such as Comet for that!" She turned to Twilight. "Ugh, sometimes I wonder how old your father actually is, sense of humour like a seven year old... Anyways, didn't you want to become Princess Celestia's student, honey?"

"Yeah..." Twilight sighed. "I failed to get into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Stupid entrance exam, why did it have to be 'hatch a dragon egg' instead of something doable?" She buried her face in her hooves and groaned.

Velvet reached over the table and patted Twilight on the head. "Don't be like that, I know you did your best, honey." She got up and cantered over to the counter. "There'll be dinner in... I dunno, ask your father."

"Dinner in twenty," Night Light announced. "Why don't you come over here and help me with seasoning, dear?" He opened the cupboard above the stove and took out numerous jars, each filled with colourful powder.

"But I need to set the tabl-" Velvet was interrupted as Night Light pulled her into a playful kiss. "Ohh~" She giggled and dropped the cutlery on the floor. "Night, you terrible, terrible cook. I guess you do need a mare to help you with the seasoning." Velvet teased. "Twilight honey. Why don't you go to your room while your father and I finish making dinner? Don't worry about the table, it can wait." She pulled Night Light into another kiss and shooed Twilight out of the kitchen with her magic.

"There goes my appetite..." Twilight muttered and cringed. "I'm in my room, if anypony needs me. I mean, you seem to be doing just fine, so I guess I won't be needed for a while." She closed the door to the kitchen and trotted upstairs to her room, where she collapsed on her bed. "Maybe I should order takeaway instead? Leave dad and mom alone to do their... Whatever it is they're doing." Twilight condemned all images popping into her head. She pulled out the card Sirona had given her and grabbed her phone.

"Please be home..."

The phone beeped once.

"Please be home..."

It repeated its long, dull tone.

"Please be home..."

Twilight found the calm beeping surprisingly soothing; it almost cast her into a state of calm drowsiness. As she was about to give up all reason to stay on, she heard the subtle click, the sign that somepony picked up the phone.

"This is Sirona Isangoma, medicinae doctor and lead surgeon at the Canterlot State Hospital. Is there anything I can assist you with that does not require my physical presence in any way, shape or form?"

"Hi Sirona. It's me, Twilight. I just wondered if you had already eaten dinner." Twilight listened to her own breathing as it echoed through the phone. She grabbed her book on pony anatomy and flipped through it whilst waiting for Sirona to reply. The images in the chapter on reproductive organs are pretty graphic, I wonder why there's no age restriction...

"Hello Twilight. What made you call me at this hour? And no, I have yet to start preparing dinner, how come you're asking?"

"I was just wondering if I could, I mean..." Twilight hesitated. "I wanted to ask if I could have dinner at your place." Her cheeks grew red. "I-I mean, I need to get away from my parents for the night, you know how they can get. Heh..." she allowed an awkward laugh to escape her lips.

"No, I can't say I know how they can get. I haven't really had the chance to socialise with them properly. So, why exactly would you give me the honour of letting my very talented student eat and sleep with me tonight? Have you decided upon my offer about practical lessons?"

"Oh, not yet. I need a little more time, Sirona," Twilight replied. "About coming over... Well, ah, um, it's my parents. They seem to think they're twenty again, in the intimate way. I just... I just need to leave them alone for tonight," she explained. Velvet's giggles found their way through the floor and Twilight's blush intensified.

"As you most likely have read, Twilight: a reasonably high libido at their age is only a sign of good physical and mental health. If anything, you should be glad they are as romantically engaged as you make them out to be."

"Sirona, they're doing it while making dinner," Twilight groaned. "I don't want to eat that, it's gross."

"With respect for your concerns about eating food that has been near your parents performing possibly erotic activities, I welcome you to spend the night with me. I would recommend you come immediately, as it's getting rather late and I have not eaten since lunch."

"Oh thank you so much, Sirona." Twilight exhaled and got up. "What should I bring? I can probably grab a sleeping bag if you want me to." She took a bag standing next to her wardrobe and filled it with everything she'd need. "Let's see here... Toothpaste, toothbrush, bathrobe, work clothes, keycard... Is there anything else I need, Sirona?" she asked as she tried to close the rather small bag.

"I would prefer if you were to bring some sort of dinner attire, it is after all the first time in a while I have guests. It doesn't have to be particularly fancy, a fairly casual attire will work as well."

"Sure, I understand if it's a special occasion for you," Twilight said as she folded a dress and placed it in the bag. "Will a soft green dress do? I read that colour complements my coat."

"I trust you to be capable of picking clothes you find fashionable without my help, Twilight. You're a smart pony, I'm certain a task such as choosing a dress is simple for somepony like you."

"Oh, I wouldn't know about that," Twilight replied. Her cheeks heated as she finished packing and closed the bag. "I guess I'll be on my way then. See you at your slumber party, Sirona." She allowed a silent squee to escape her lips as she heaved the bag onto the mahogany floor.

"Slumber party? Oh, yes, of course. That would be one way of putting it I assume. Terminology aside, you are welcome to drop in at any time, Twilight. I will begin with dinner, hopefully you'll arrive as I finish."

"That sounds great! I have to go, gotta tell my parents where I'll be going and when I'll be home. Bye, Sirona!" Twilight threw away her phone on the bed and scuffled the bag downstairs.

”Until then: take care, Twily"

The phone clicked as Sirona hung up. She turned her attention to the stove and continued with what she had done before Twilight had called her: dinner.

"Dad, mom!" Twilight yelled from the tiny vestibule. "I'm sleeping at a friend's place, you don't have to make me dinner!" She pushed the door open and placed her bag on the pavement outside.

"Are you sure, honey?" Velvet replied from the kitchen. "Your dad's stew is delicious, I'm sure there's enough for you!"

"Ew..." Twilight mumbled. "I'm sure! My friend invited me to a private mares' night and slumber party, I just couldn't decline!"

"Alright sweetie! Just be safe out there, okay?" Velvet said. Twilight exited her home and cantered to the bus stop down the street. She got on the first bus to stop at the station and sat down next to a window, where she watched the sun dip below the horizon and Canterlot's nightlife emerge from the clubs. Twilight dozed off and was woken by the soft announcer voice of the bus.

"Next stop: Grove street. The bus will continue towards: Canterlot University and Canterlot Central Station."

Author's Note:

OCxTwilight shipfic is go!

Tell me what you think; is Twilight in-character? Is Sirona a believable character? Does it feel rushed? Is it interesting in the slightest?

Comments ( 4 )

This is quite good so far!

Question 1: yes.

Question 2: also yes.

Question 3: not in the slightest.

Question 4: it is very interesting. enough, so, that I will add this to my favourites so I can be updated on it's progress.

This is a very nice and well-done fic.:twilightsmile:

It's nice to see a well done OCxCannon fic that doesn't break the OC's character.

I think this definitely deserves more attention on the site.

Twilight is in-character, yes. Sirona seems nice. I'm interested in more. Twilight as a doctor? Interesting. :)

This story is really good. The shipping seems like one I'd enjoy. Waiting for this next chapter.

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