One day in Canterlot, a mysterious violinist comes into town looking for a job. But after he's hired by Fancy Pants, he accidentally lets out a secret, he's an alicorn. But why is he ashamed of himself? Is it because he's an alicorn, or illiterate, or is it something else entirely?
After both of the Princesses took him under their wings, they are bound to not only help him, but to find out what he's hiding.
A Warning: This story contains a kind of charater peice of an OC Alicorn. It also contains light F/F shipping along with light M/M shipping. Also contains some dark elemtents as well as a few, (what one might call) sad moments.
But if you are interested in a story that is about an alicorn accepts himself as he is, opens up to his past secrets, then by all means, read on.
P.S. In case you haven't noticed, I've taken the advice from Flutter_Bat about editing this again and combining chapters as well. Hopefully I've improved the story. But if anyone finds a mistake, please let me know in the comments so I could fix them as soon as possible.
And a special thanks towards Ariin for editing and pokewarrior21 for proofreading. And a huge thank you to Solereclaimer & Snoman for helping me reedit this.
Music for the 1st and 3rd Movement is from the soundtrack of "The Red Violin." And for the 4th Movement, Music of Zadok the Priest, coronation anthem No. 1 by G.F. Handel; and the Flashmob of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, 4th Movement.
I'm smiling like an mad man
"Why isn't the fires going out?! We're giving it tons of oxygen?!
4929056 Story of my life.
If you replace "like" with "and".
5083924 O.o
5084837 My sentiments exactly.
Soo sad need more now
"Pare of wings" . *pair
5501525 Thanks.
5014062 He was just kid, he reacted to the situation with what knowledge that was available to him.
5691940 Not only that, but remember, the poor guy didn't know how to read until he was 17.
I love that both of them are taking that chance; I only hope it won't backfire too bad.
5729944 To the first, originally, the thing was sixteen chapters long, and someone suggested to combine some of the chapters, so I did.
As to the other, see the next movement.
5730047 My editor for this advised me that with some of these chapters they seemed to need one or two to make it whole so each chapter could be six or eight thousand words long. In fact, I noticed that several chapters in the original were like that, so I combined them. In fact, have you noticed this sign "_*_" this where the chapters were supposed to end or start, just to give ya a bit of an idea.
I hope this answers your question...
5730285 Oh! Lol. That... I have no idea.
5730285 So... are you going to read the others by chance?
I ended up getting hanged, drawn and quartered while the children played jump-rope with my entrails.
Excuse me, I'll be in the bathroom if anyone needs me. Losing my lunch
Was enjoying it for quite a while. I even looked past the laughing in dialogue he was doing, and that's usually a dealbreaker for me in stories.
The pacing is much too fast. Way too much going on and pinkie's party was where i stopped. It would have been great to add it, but it was all way too soon. Literally going from a homeless/broken character to near royal student admired by all in one night didn't help.
An editor would benefit you.
Sorry, had high hopes for this.
5999338 You have nothing to feel sorry for. At the moment, (slowly but surely) this along with the other two stories are getting reedited. To be honest, I'm not quite sure myself how to slow down the pacing a bit. Perhaps you could suggest something, like a missing scene or two that would transfer from this to that.
5999338 So you wish it, so shall it be done.
5842595 Hmm? Oh dont be such a baby. I once saw a pony get drawn and quartered and then his body was used to make: a jumprope for kids, the brain was used as a football, the heart was a baseball, and the bones where used as a birdcage.
6054403 ok that is gross but try including their blader as a water bag
I now loath what ever asinine country Harmonica hails from.
Also... when did Kenny get displaced?
Okay....... Questions.
What? Are you saying that these two are....?
And, also, why da fuck did those two stallion NOT tell the most peaceful and kindly and subject-worrying Princess in Equestria that Harmonic said he's died many times!? WAHT DA FUCK!?
6866714 Good point. Because of this, I think I will be adding that bit into the story. For now, however, since it is the middle of the night, I need to think about how I can carefully weave that in without making too many changes to the story.
several furry comic stories that i used to read had a gay theme to them.