• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 11,256 Views, 246 Comments

My Little Pony: A New Apple - Hopeful Soul

The Apple Family tree gains a new apple as Applejack becomes a mother to a young colt. The only thing is... he's not from Equestria.

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Chapter 1

My Little Pony: A New Apple

Chapter 1

It was just another peaceful day in Equestria, and an even more peaceful day down in Ponyville, where its citizens continued to enjoy their carefree lives in the sun and continued their individual jobs like every other day. Speaking of working, down on Sweet Apple Acres, the Earth Pony known as Applejack of the Apple family was currently bucking and hauling buckets of apples to her hearts content. She sighed.

“Ah… what a day…” The farm pony expressed to herself.


Applejack ears stood up once she heard her Granny calling out to her and quickly trotted over to her old grandmother, who was currently rocking in her rocking chair.

“Yeah, Granny? What’s up?” Applejack asked.

“Applejack, I was wondering if you could do that… that involving the Zap… something…” Granny muttered, her memory failing her.

“You mean the Zap Apple trees?” Applejack guessed.

“No, that’s not it… oh wait! Yes, it is!” Granny said. “Yes, could you handle that?”

“Sure as sugar, Granny” Applejack smiled. “I’m already on it.”

“Thank you, young’un.” Granny smiled before giving her a little map, along with her saddle bag. “Here’s where you can find that orchard, you know how it is to locate sometimes.

“Indeed I do, Granny.” AJ nodded, tipping her hat. “See ya later.”

Granny Smith waved to Applejack as she turned and made her away toward the place where the Zap Apples were currently located.

Later, Applejack soon found herself trotting through to innards of the Everfree Forest, watching as shadows and tricks of the light danced around her.

The Zap Apple tree orchard had been partially destroyed after a fire was lit by a ravaging gang of teen, zit faced colts who were looking for a good place to stick their snout into and cause lots of trouble a few weeks ago.

Now, following Granny Smith’s directions, she was forced to venture into the woods to find some more Zap Apples and get their seeds so the Apple family could have some Zap Apple Jam when the time of year came around.

She looked down at the scribbled directions form Granny Smith, Applejack wasn’t even sure if half the shapes on the paper were either doodles or actual letters, but she tired her best to unscramble the cryptic hoof writing.

Applejack wondered if she had made a mistake a while back. The trees were growing closer together, and she had yet to see an animal in about ten minutes. Not to mention, she was starting to feel like she had gotten lost.

“Aw shoot… I wish Granny had come with better instructions then this…” she muttered to herself. “Now where is that gosh darn orchard anyways?”

The orange pony continued to look around every nook and cranny and past every tree that was in front of her but it was soon clear to her that she was undeniably, unquestionably, totally lost.

“It’s gotta be around here somewhere, I mean it’s not like it just…” Applejack began.

Then a strange noise was heard far off yet close by. Now she was starting to get scared. Her eyes spun widely around at the surroundings looking for its source.

“What was that?” she wondered. “Hello! Apple Bloom you better not be sneaking up on me ya hear?”

More sounds then began to go off all over the forest, especially in the deeper parts of the Everfree forest and as they continued, Applejack’s fear grew and no amount of words or comfort could stop her from shaking fearfully.

And the sudden crying didn’t help at all.

Loud wails carried across the wind, meeting Applejack’s ears and surprising her greatly.

“What the…?” Applejack remarked, she then listened closely. “Is that… a baby?”

As she tried to get over the thought of a baby being all alone out there, she shivered as a cool breeze blew over her coat and whoever or whatever was crying continued to wail.

“Be-better go check that noise out-t.” The farm pony said, stuttering.

And so she slowly made her way towards the noise, scared and curious of what she might find.

Applejack soon found herself in a slightly shady part of the forest, with sunlight shining from the cracks behind the trees. There was a soft grassy pathway between the thick trees on the left and right and darkness behind them. She glanced around but saw nopony there, just a breeze.

“Uh… hello?” Applejack called out. Nopony answered her. “Anypony here?”

The farm pony continued to gaze around, cautiously minding her surroundings. The crying seemed to have stopped but she knew deep in her heart, that it came from around there.

She was stopped by something unusual; a stray wooden basket just sitting there in the middle of the forest surrounding by shady trees but with some light still shining on it.

“Now what do we have here?” Applejack muttered to herself, as she approached the basket.

Once she got close enough and stopped at the basket she could hear the cries coming from the basket clearly and could also see something small, roughly about the size of a puppy, with four limbs wiggling around and crying underneath what appeared to be a red blanket.

“What the hay?” Applejack remarked, baffled.

She then pulled away the red blanket off the wiggling creature and was greatly surprised by what she found underneath.

The creature had no fur, except for the small amount of top of its head and was very flesh, it possessed a small muzzle, blue eyes and had little ‘thing’s on the end of each of its hooves. It also appeared to be two legged. The creature also only wore a single diaper and she assumed it to be a male due to observation though she wasn’t fully sure.

“Huh?” Applejack said, raising a brow in confusion. The creature just blinked at her.

The farm pony didn’t know what to do, she was completely lost in thought while the little creature before her just blinked at her with a blank expression of its face.

Applejack continued to stare at the creature befuddled and he continued to stare stared back at her. Eventually Applejack decided to try and say something.

“Uh… howdy there little feller.” Applejack waved to the creature nervously, who just blinked at her again and didn’t responded. “What are you doing out here, anyway? And more importantly… what in Equestria are you?”

It became quickly apparent to Applejack that the creature could not talk, only babble unintelligibly at her. Applejack continued to look at in confusion, then leaned down to inspect him a little more, she sniffed him a bit touched his chubby little body with her hoof, which made him giggle and she yelped and quickly backed away.

“Gah!!” She said, somewhat startled.

The creature stared at her again then laughed and reached out towards her playfully.

“Uh, ok…” Applejack said, slowly unsure of what to do. The creature then began shivering due to the slight breeze and Applejack couldn’t bear to see him like that. “Better get you into the sun.”

Applejack then picked the creature up using her teeth and grabbing onto the edge of his diaper.. His eyes widened as he stared at her while she gently placed him on the ground. He then struggled to try and reach out to her with his chubby little arms. She backed away a bit.

“Whoa, easy there partner… I don’t wanna hurt you… and I think you don’t want to hurt me…” Applejack said. The creature then lowered its arms and tilted its head toward her in a cute manner. “Aw… you are a cute little feller ain’t ya?”

Applejack ruffled the fur on his head and he giggled a bit. Applejack smiled at him, then her smile faded.

“So… what am I gonna do with ya, anyway?” Applejack asked him. “Can’t just leave ya out here… but I can’t just take ya home without knowing if your parents are around and without knowing what in Equestria you are…”

The farm pony thought for a bit while the little creature continued to stare at her before being distracted by a blue butterfly which seemed to make it smile.

“Maybe Twilight knows something about you…” she wondered. “Yeah! She’ll know something! Come on ya little scamp, let’s go see a Princess!”

Applejack then took the giggling creature by the edge of his diaper again and carefully placed him into her saddle bag where he fit half way in, with his head and arms sticking out. She then began to trot out of the forest.

She then looked back and noticed the red blanket still hanging on the basket and after a moment of thought she grabbed it with her teeth and placed it on her back, before trotting away with the strange creature in her bag.