• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 11,238 Views, 246 Comments

My Little Pony: A New Apple - Hopeful Soul

The Apple Family tree gains a new apple as Applejack becomes a mother to a young colt. The only thing is... he's not from Equestria.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A little while later, Applejack arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres and walked up the steps to her home, which was near a big red barn with a purple roof, with little baby Johnny Appleseed in her saddlebag. She opened and door and stepped inside and seemingly, there was nopony home.

“Granny? Big Mac? Apple Bloom? Anypony home?” Applejack called out.

“We’re in here!” she heard Apple Bloom yell from the living room.

Applejack then proceeded to the living room where she found her little sister Apple Bloom and her big brother Big McIntosh sitting in front of each other with a checkers board in-between them and Granny Smith herself sitting on her rocking chair watching them.

“Hey, ya’ll. Whatcha doing?” Applejack inquired, interested.

“Playing checkers, Big Mac’s teaching me.” Apple Bloom told her.

“Eeyup.” Their big brother confirmed.

“And I’m supervising… although to be honest I probably should have had my nap five hours ago…” Granny Smith admitted as kept rocking in her chair and almost fell asleep.

Just then, the three of them then noticed the strange creature known as Johnny Appleseed sitting inside Applejack’s saddle bag.

“Uh… Applejack? What’s that there in your bag?” Granny Smith inquired, slowly.

Applejack turned to Johnny. “Oh, well… he’s… something I found while I was out looking for the orchard earlier,” she admitted. “By the way… still couldn’t find it…”

“Oh… knew I should have written better instructions…” Granny muttered.

“Hey… isn’t that the monster everypony’s been yelling about?” Apple Bloom inquired. “We could hear them all the way from here.”

“He’s not a monster, he’s a baby. Name’s Johnny Appleseed.” Applejack told them, she turned to the baby. “Say hi to my family, Johnny.”

The baby babbled at them and stared at them in a cute manner.

“Oh, well ain’t he the cutest thing?” Granny Smith remarked, rubbing his head affectionately.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded.

“But… what exactly is he anyway?” Apple Bloom asked, as she approached the baby, curiously.

“I’m not all that sure Apple Bloom, but it doesn’t matter.” Applejack reasoned. “He’s all alone with nopony else to take care of him now. That’s why he’s staying with me. I’ll take care of him and… and I was wondering if that was ok with ya’ll. I mean… I don’t want to do anything any of you don’t wanna do but… he needs me.”

The Apples all saw how much Applejack had grown to care about the child in her hooves as she nuzzled him affectionately and exchanged glances.

“Say… since you’re taking care of him… doesn’t that make you his mother now?” Apple Bloom inquired.

Applejack’s eyes widen once Apple Bloom pointed out that important fact and wondered it herself. Was she his mother? She had never really thought about having children before but she wasn’t against it. Plus, this kid had no mother, as far as she knew, and he needed someone to raise him. He needed her. She looked at the child, who looked at her and a smile appeared on her face, which he returned. The child seemed to have accepted her as his mother, so it was only fitting that she accepted him as her son.

“Yeah… I guess I am…” Applejack admitted, softly.

“And you know what that means.” Big McIntosh said, smiling knowingly.

“What?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Since your my sister and he’s now my son, that makes you this boy’s Auntie, Apple Bloom.” Applejack told her.

“I’m an aunt?” Apple Bloom repeated, stunned before a big grin appeared on her face. “I’m in aunt!”

“Guess that makes me an Uncle.” Big McIntosh smiled.

“Eeyup, ‘Uncle McIntosh’… has a ring to it.” Applejack smiled at her brother.

“I’ve always wanted a great-grandchild and now it looks like I do!” Granny Smith smiled.

“So… you ok with it?” Applejack asked.

“You really need to ask?” Granny Smith smirked. “Of course he can stay!”

“Eeyup!” Big McIntosh agreed with a nod

“Wahoo! Welcome to the Apple Family, Johnny Appleseed!” Apple Bloom said, happily. “Ooh, can I play with him, sis? Can I?”

“Sure thing!” Applejack said as she set Johnny down.

Apple Bloom then walked over to Johnny and began to tickle him with her tail, he laughed happily and she quickly joined in.

“Coochie, Coohie, coo!” Apple Bloom giggled as she continued to tickle the baby, who kept laughing.

“I see you two have already bonded.” Applejack remarked, smiling.

“Yeah, he’s really fun!” Apple Bloom told her.

“Huh, Pinkie said the same thing.” Applejack pointed out.

“They know?” Big Mac inquired.

“Yeah, I couldn’t kept him from them and all of them agreed to help but… I’m kinda wondering if I have what it takes to be this little guy’s mother…” Applejack admitted, sadly. The Apples all exchanged glances.

“Don’t worry sis, we’ll help you take care of him no problem!” Apple Bloom assured her big sister as she gave her a hug, along with Big Mac and Granny.

Applejack hugged them back. “Yeah… I know you guys will,” she smiled while Johnny smiled.

They then heard a knock at their door and all of them turned toward it.

“Who is it?” Apple Bloom asked before the door opened and a familiar tall, white and beautiful alicorn with a flowing and colorful mane stepped through to greet the Apples.

“Greetings Apple Family,” she said. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“Princess Celestia!” Applejack gasped as she and the rest of her family bowed in her presence. “What are you doing here?”

“Twilight told me that a new creature had made an appearance in Equestria, so I decided to see it for myself.” The Princess explained. “May I?”

“Uh… sure!” Applejack responded. “One sec.”

Applejack walked over to Johnny and picked him up, making him go ‘Ooh!’ as he was lifted up high.

“Well, here he is.” Applejack said as she held Johnny out. “Johnny, this is Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria.”

Princess Celestia looked at the baby in her hooves closely and smiled at the sight of him, she didn’t even mind when he started to feel her long face. The Apples eyes all widened.

“Uh… heh, heh, so sorry Princes… he’s… kind of a grabby little critter.” Granny said, nervously as she pulled him away, which made him cry. “Oh dear… any ideas? Anypony?”

“Hold on.” Princess Celestia said as she closed her eyes, lowered her horn, which started glowing. Johnny then stopped crying and stared at it, amazed.

“Wow… he calmed right down.” Apple Bloom remarked.

“Yeah, that happens when he’s around magic.” Applejack said. “Again, sorry about the grabbing Princess.”

“That’s alright, I can tell just by looking at him what a pure hearted child he is.” Celestia said, smiling at Johnny.

“You got that right Princess.” Applejack agreed with a smile.

“And from using my own magical scan I’ve also learned some more things about this child’s species as well.” Celestia added.

“Like?” Apple Bloom inquired.

“Well… his dietary habits are both similar to ours… as well as animal such as a full grown bear…” The Princess said, slowly while looking toward a bear sitting by a far off creek and currently eating a giant fish.

“What!?” The Apples all exclaimed.

“You mean… this little guy… might just…” Applejack began, sounding fearful as she gazed upon the child in her fore legs, scared that he might one day eat them.

“But don’t worry, he is perfectly capable of only eating vegetables and fruits, though another means of increasing his protein and muscle levels must be found.” Princess Celestia told them. This seemed to calm them down.

“Uh… we’ll think of something, don’t you worry Princess.” Applejack assured her.

“Thank you, I have complete faith in you Applejack.” The Sun Princess nodded.

“So… I can keep him then? He can stay?” Applejack asked, hopefully.

Celestia smiled, sweetly. “Of course he can,” she said. “And in just a little while he will become an official citizen of Equestria.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Applejack said, gratefully.

“Your very welcome my little pony, and good luck with that little one.” Princess Celestia told her as she turned to leave. “I have a feeling that you will be a fine mother, Applejack.”

Applejack felt very happy and proud to hear her Princess say that and smiled as she watched her boy while holding Johnny tightly as well.

A little while after the Princess had left the Apples quickly started to make some room for the newest addition to their family. They got out all their old baby items that they had stored away, bought some new stuff, some new food and everything else that a child could need.

Next was getting the child a room, which was easy since they happened to have an empty spare room that nopony ever uses and it was the perfect place for him to sleep. Applejack opened the door to the room, which was super plain and empty and had one window on the left side.

“Ok Johnny boy, this is your new room.” Applejack said, as she stepped inside the plain room with Johnny in tow. She turned and called out. “Big Mac! Bring in Apple Bloom’s old crib will ya?”

“Eeyup.” The big red stallion said as he pushed the crib inside the room easily.

“Thanks, set it right over there.” Applejack told him, gesturing to the far end of the room.

“Right,” he said as he pushed it right over there. Applejack then took a carpet that Granny Smith had just brought in and placed it in the middle of the room along with a lamp.

“There, now it’s complete!” Applejack declared.

“Hold on!” she heard her little sister call out before she ran with some more baby stuff.

“Ah, good work Apple Bloom.” AJ said. “Let’s get them into the crib.”

They then put some toys inside the old crib and with a decoration that had mobile toys attached also.

Now it’s complete.” Apple Bloom said.

“Eeyup.” Big McIntosh agreed.

“Thanks for the help, ya’ll.” Applejack expressed.

“Always happy to help, honey.” Granny Smith smiled.

“Yeah, and it was a nice touch bringing in my old crib.” Apple Bloom added.

“Been a while since you were in that thing, huh Apple Bloom?” Applejack remarked.

“Yeah, haven’t been it since I was a foal myself.” Her younger sister mused, nostalgically. “Seems so long ago now…”

“Indeed it does…” Applejack agreed.

“And I’ll be happy to build him a big boy bed once he’s ready.” Big McIntosh added.

“Yeah… thanks big brother… my only concern though is… he may be too young understand now but… when he grows up he’ll know he’s different.” Applejack said, concerned. “He’ll wonder who and what he is… and we won’t be able to tell him… so how do I tell…”

Granny Smith put a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t you worry Applejack, I have a feeling those answers will come to you both in time.”

“You think so?” Applejack inquired.

“Well anything’s possible… except when it comes finding a simple orchard… but hey, that’s beside the point right now.” Granny Smith stated.

“Ok…” Applejack said. “Well, thanks ya anyway, Granny. Honest.”

“Like I said, happy to help, honey.” Granny Smith smiled.

Applejack returned her smile while the Apples all gathered next to each other closely.

“Apples forever…” Applejack began to say.

“Apples together.” The rest of her family finished while the little creature in the middle giggle with joy.

Later on, just after Princess Luna, Celestia’s younger sister, had raised the moon, it was nighttime in Equestria and already many ponies were getting ready for bed. Including the Apple Family. At the moment, Applejack was currently walking into the bedroom of her new son with the little creature holding onto her while she had her foreleg wrapped around him.

“Ok, time for bed, Johnny boy.” Applejack told the baby. The baby cooed at her, innocently. “You sure had a busy day, huh? Found yourself in a new world… met me and my friends and climbed a roof! Not bad, sugarcube.”

Applejack then got close to the crib and began to slowly place him inside it.

“There you go…” she said as she then set him down, she then noticed him shivering. “Oh, you’re cold…”

Applejack then remembered the red blanket that he was with before, took it and quickly wrapped him up in it.

“There ya go, nice and warm.” Applejack said, smiling satisfied. She then placed Johnny in the crib. “Now, time for light’s out. But first… do want to hear a lullaby?”

The baby babbled in response and wigged his arms at her, which seemed to mean ‘yes’. Applejack smiled and then began to sing the ‘Hush Now, Quiet Now’ lullaby that Fluttershy usually sang and soon enough Johnny was out like a light. Applejack smiled at him.

“Don’t worry Johnny, you may not be a pony… but that doesn’t matter… you’re an Apple now, and I’m gonna teach you all you need to know about being an Apple and a Pony.” The farm pony promised. “Trust me, your gonna love who you turn out to be.”

She then stroked her new baby boy’s cheek with her hoof as he slept peacefully.

“And I promise you, I won’t let anything happen to ya… Johnny, my son.” Applejack told her new son, tenderly. She then began to sing a song similar to 'You'll Be in My Heart'.