Chapter 3
It didn’t take long for Twilight to get the baby to stop hugging Spike and then get him to send a message to each of their friends, informing them to come to the castle right away to discuss an important topic. Within a couple minutes or so their friends, the loyal Rainbow Dash, the generous Rarity, the kind Fluttershy and the always laughable Pinkie Pie soon appeared in the castle.
“Ok, we’re here.” Rainbow announced. “What’s the emergency?”
“Is everypony ok?” Fluttershy asked, worried.
“Did somepony's outfit get ripped?” Rarity added, even more worried.
“Did a party get crashed!?” Pinkie exclaimed, freaking out.
Twilight and Applejack then stepped forward. “No, it’s not that serious…” The Princess said, slowly. “We just found something very interesting and we thought you should all see up close.”
“See what?” Rainbow Dash inquired.
“Well…” Twilight began, unsure of how to say it. “Uh… Applejack? Could you bring him in here?”
“Sure.” AJ nodded, before she turned and left the room.
“Uh… bring who here?” Rainbow asked them.
“Is there somepony else here?”
“Yes… though he’s not exactly a pony per say…” Twilight admitted.
“Oh! Then what is he?” Fluttershy questioned, curiously.
Pinkie Pie then got very close to her and looked very excited. “Is it a new playmate!?”
“Sort of…” Twilight said, slowly.
They all turned and soon noticed Applejack walking over with the little bare and blue eyed creature sitting on her back and sucking his thumb.
“Tada.” Applejack smiled, sheepishly as the little boy on her back turned and blinked at them. They all gasped, surprised.
"Uh... what exactly is it anyway?” Rainbow Dash questioned, looking him over.
“He’s a baby RD, simple as that.” Applejack stated, somewhat annoyed, as she placed him down on the ground near her and rubbed his head affectionately.
“A baby huh?” Rainbow remarked. Upon realizing this the others then began see how cute he was and smiled brightly.
“Oh, he’s adorable!” Rarity gushed.
“Yeah, he’s the cutest thing ever!” Fluttershy agreed.
“Hey, haven’t we learned our lesson about ‘cute’ things?” Rainbow pointed out.
“Oh, please don’t bring up the Parasprites again…” Rarity sighed.
“I’m just saying…” Rainbow said, before Pinkie quickly got in front of the baby and hide herself.
“Where’s Pinkie Pie?” The pink party pony said before she popped up. “Here I am!”
The baby laughed at that, Pinkie then hide herself again.
“Where’s Pinkie Pie?” Pinkie said before she popped up once again. “Here I am!”
The baby giggled once more Pinkie Pie grabbed him, rolled onto her back and held up high with her hooves as she laughed as well. The others joined in the laughing as well, course Rainbow Dash still looked suspicious.
“Well, I see you’ve taken a liking to him, Pink.” Applejack remarked.
“You bet! He’s an awesome play mate!” Pinkie beamed.
“That goes without saying.” Twilight agreed, amused. “Babies are usually very playful things and this one, despite him being another type of creature, is certainly no different.”
“Got that right, aren’t you a playful little one, aren’t you?” Applejack said to the baby affectionately as she picked him up and held him close while tickling him and making him laugh.
Rainbow then noticed just how much Applejack was nuzzling and comforting the infant in her forelegs and frowned a bit.
“Uh… AJ? Are you sure you’re not getting too attached?” Rainbow Dash asked her, concerned.
“What? Is that a bad thing?” Applejack questioned, sounding insulted.
“I’m just saying its… well just look at him! He’s not a pony!” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “We gotta find a way to send him back!”
“Rainbow, we don’t even know if his parents are still around or not.” Applejack stated, firmly.
“Nor do we know how to get him back.” Twilight added.
“You mean he’s stuck here?” Fluttershy asked, worried.
“Seems like…” Applejack said, sadly.
“Oh, the poor thing…” Rarity said, sympathetically.
“Yeah, what about his family?” Pinkie asked, worried.
“We don’t know.” The farm pony said, her eyes staring at the ground. “There was no note, no sign of anypony being there… nothing. It’s like they just left him there…”
“Oh, the poor thing!” Fluttershy said, sadly, feeling greatly sorry for the little guy.
“I still think we should find a way to send him home.” Rainbow Dash stated.
“Twilight already said we don’t know how to do that!” Applejack reminded her.
“We’ll find a way!” Rainbow Dash insisted.
“I won’t risk leaving him on his own again, Rainbow!” Applejack told her, stubbornly. “Not when I can protect him!”
“But I…” she began before the little guy started to grab onto her mane. “Hey!”
The baby then stroked her head and moved his hands all over her muzzle and face, which seemed to tickle her a bit as she then took him from Applejack’s hooves and smiled.
“Hey, cut that out!” Rainbow Dash giggled as she continued to laugh.
The others all laughed in amusement as Rainbow Dash continued to play with the little guy and tickle him.
“Well… I guess he’s not that bad.” Rainbow Dash admitted, as she nuzzled him affectionately before he suddenly started crying. Her face then fell. “And… I’m wrong.”
Everypony held their ears as his crying continued to and echoed throughout the entire castle. They tried and tried to block it out but the crying continued to hurt their ears and drive them nuts.
“Oh, make it stop!” Pinkie Pie cried.
“Rock him to sleep or something!” Rainbow Dash shouted.
“Something tells me the same trick ain’t gonna work twice!” Applejack said, distressed.
“So what are we supposed to do!?” Fluttershy wondered, stressed.
Twilight thought long and hard, what else did babies need? Warmth, comfort… then it finally hit her like a sack of bricks.
“He’s hungry!” Twilight realized.
“Then get him some food!” Rainbow Dash cried out.
“Got it! Spike!” Twilight called out.
The little dragon walked over, holding his ears also. “Yeah?”
“Could you get some food from the kitchen, please?” she asked him. “This little guy is pretty hungry…”
“Well it get him to be quiet?” Spike grumbled.
“Hopefully…” Twilight gulped.
“I’m on it!” Spike saluted before he quickly ran off while the baby continued to cry.
“Ooh, I haven’t heard crying this loud since Sweetie Belle was born!” Rarity proclaimed.
Applejack then took the baby and attempted rocking him again. “Come on, come on, stop your crying, we’ll get you some food so you don’t worry…” she assured him. “Everything’s gonna be just fine, alright?”
The baby continued to cry but seemed somewhat comforted by her words. Then Spike came running back over to them.
“Ok, I got something!” Spike said as he held up a familiar apple.
“Hey… isn’t that the apple he sucked on?” Twilight inquired.
“Ew…” Rarity said, disgusted.
“Who cares!? Just feed it to him and make him stop crying already!?” Rainbow exclaimed.
“He doesn’t have any teeth RD!” Applejack stated.
“So how do we feed them then?” Rarity questioned, distressed.
“Ooh! I know!” Pinkie Pie said.
Pinkie then took the apple from Spike and placed it on the floor before crushing it with her hoof and turning into mush.
“There! Mashed apples!” she beamed.
“Great work, Pinkie!” Applejack congratulated her. “Now to get him fed!”
“Got it!” The princess said. “Spike?”
The baby dragon then held up a spoon. “Way ahead of you,” he smiled.
Twilight then took the spoon with her magic, scooped up some of the mashed apples and lifted it up.
“Ok, here comes the train…” Twilight said, sweetly as she guided the spoon full of mashed apples into his gummy mouth. The baby seems to enjoy it and giggled a bit, causing some of the food to fall out of his mouth which Twilight scooped up and placed back in his mouth. “Ok, I think he’s fed.”
“Good, now there’s just one more thing left to do.” Fluttershy said as she took him and patted him on the back, causing him to burp. “There all better.”
“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Applejack said, as she took him back and rocked him a bit before placing him back on the ground. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“Not a problem.” Fluttershy blushed.
“Well… there’s still one problem we need to sort out.” Rainbow pointed out.
“What’s that?” Spike asked her.
Rainbow gestured to the baby currently rolling from side to side on the floor, giggling happily. They all loom over him.
“What are we supposed to do with a baby?” Rainbow questioned, bluntly.
“Ooh! Can we keep him!?” Pinkie asked, excited.
“Pinkie, we can’t just keep him… can we?” Twilight inquired.
“Well he doesn’t exactly have anywhere else to go.” Applejack pointed out.
“And we can’t take him back to where you found him…” Fluttershy added, concerned.
“Well I don’t think he can stay here, I already have enough trouble looking after Spike as it is” Princes Twilight Sparkle said, stressed.
“Yeah, well he can’t stay with me, he’s not a Pegasus so he probably can’t walk on clouds.” Rainbow pointed out. “He’d fall right through my home if he stayed.”
“I’d take him, but… I think the Cakes would say that it’s already pretty crowded at Sugarcube Corner…” Pinkie admitted.
“And I am simply too busy to watch over a child, I can barely make dresses with just Sweetie Belle around!” Rarity expressed.
“I’d love to take in him for a little while! But… with all my animals living there also…” Fluttershy began.
“Aw, come on! You’re a great caretaker, you could totally take care of him!” Rainbow Dash told her. “You too Rarity, you have some experience dealing with little kids, remember?”
Rarity gasped. “Oh, don’t try and force him on me!”
“I’m not! I’m just saying!” Rainbow stated. “Plus, don’t try to weasel out of it!”
“She’s not trying to ‘weasel out of it’ Rainbow, she has her reasons, we all do!” Twilight said, sternly.
“Yeah, really lame reasons, mine actually make sense!” Rainbow told them.
“And ours don’t!?” Rarity questioned.
“No they do not!” Rainbow exclaimed.
The three of them then began to start arguing, much to the dismay of their other friends.
“Oh dear…” Fluttershy said, sadly.
“Help us…” Spike whimpered.
“Ooh, this is getting good!” Pinkie commented as she took out some popcorn and started enjoying the show.
While everyone continued to argue and worry, the baby in the center of them watched blankly, unaware of what they were talking about. Then he noticed that the front door to the castle had been accidently left open, liking the cool air and sunny weather outside he began to crawl toward it. At the same time, Applejack’s eyes gazed to side looking concerned, like she wanted to say something, but couldn’t work up the nerve for some reason. Then after a bit, she finally did decide to say something.
“Well I…” Applejack started to say to them before Rainbow noticed something.
“Hey… where’d the little kid go?” she asked, confused. The others looked around and much to their shock and horror, the little baby was gone. They all screamed.
“He’s gone!” Pinkie exclaimed, dramatically.
“But… but he was just here a minute ago!” Twilight gasped.
“Oh no, this is bad… this is bad…” Applejack said, looking around extremely worried. “I should have never have taken my eyes off of him…”
“This isn’t your fault, Applejack.” Twilight assured her, comfortingly.
“Yes, it is.” Applejack stated, firmly. “Like you said; I found him, I’m responsible for whatever he does or whatever happens to him… and now I have to find him…”
“We have to find him.” Twilight Sparkle stated, firmly with everypony else nodding in agreement.
Applejack smiled, touched. “Aw, thanks gals. To be honest I could use a little help.”
“Of course you could!” Rainbow Dash smiled, proudly. “Now does anypony have any idea which way he could have gone?”
They all looked left and right for any trace of the boy, and then finally, Twilight noticed something up ahead.
“Look! The door is open!” Twilight cried, gesturing to the clearly open front door.
Rarity gasped. “He must have crawled outside when while we talking!”
“Boy, that kid is fast!” Pinkie remarked.
“Not as fast as me!” Rainbow Dash declared before she quickly flew off.
“Come on everypony, we have to find him!” Twilight told them all as they all ran off.
The Mane Six and Spike then began searching all over the grassy landscape, looking for the child, hoping that he was ok but so far, even with all of them wandering around together and looking they still couldn’t find him.
“Here, baby! Here, baby, baby, where are you?” Pinkie Pie called out.
“Pinkie, he’s not a dog.” Spike stated, annoyed.
“Huh, and here I thought he was just some kind of naked dog…” Pinkie Pie remarked, surprised. She shrugged. “Oh well.”
“Why would you… never mind.” Spike shook his head. “Just keep looking, ok?”
“Ok!” Pinkie chirped as they continued searching.
“Just FYI; it’s a sign of bad parenting when you lose the baby!” Rainbow Dash pointed out.
“Oh just button and look for him!” Applejack told her, harshly.
“Maybe we should ask someone?” Fluttershy suggested.
“I think if somepony had saw him, we’d probably be hearing shrieks by now.” Rainbow Dash stated, flatly.
“Oh… right…” Fluttershy admitted, while lowering her head sadly.
“Well, it couldn’t hurt.” Twilight shrugged. “So who should we ask?”
They all looked around for anypony nearby and then spotted Dr. Whooves, who just happened to be walking by.
“What about that guy?” Pinkie asked. “You know, the Doctor!”
“Who?” Rainbow asked, confused.
“Him!” The party pony said, gesturing to Whooves.
“Worth a shot.” Applejack said as Twilight approached him.
“Uh… excuse me? Did you happen to see something resembling a hairless little monkey wearing a diaper crawl by here just now?” Twilight inquired.
“Monkey huh? Hmm… well I can’t say I have, but maybe you’ll find something closer to the Everfree Forest, a lot of little creatures tend to go there.” Doctor Whooves replied.
“Ok, that’s a start. Come on, this way girls!” Princess Twilight told them as she ran off ahead and they all trotted right after her. Unbeknownst to any of them, they had completely missed the child for he had been hiding inside a thick bush the whole time. He poked his head out, looked around curiously then spotted another blue butterfly flying close by making him giggle. As it began to fly off toward town, the baby then began to happily crawl after it whilst heading straight for Ponyville.
While the girls searched in the wrong direction, the baby boy continued to make his way through town, where everypony was currently enjoying going about their everyday routines as usual and were also conversing amongst themselves until they noticed something entering the village. To them it was the freakiest thing they’ve ever seen and despite its giggling and happy face they all gasped and started screaming and heading for their homes like the used to do when Zecora first appeared.
The baby, blissfully unaware of the effects he was having on the ponies scampering and screaming in terror around him then snorted, a bubble of snot coming out of his nose.
A mare by the name of Derpy screeched as she tried to backpedal through the air. Her clumsiness had nearly gotten her on a crash course with the baby, who was still crawling along happily. She landed on the ground and slowly screeched to a stop in front of him.
Derpy screamed as her wing popped the baby's booger bubble. The goo from it covered her wing, and Derpy flapped away shrieking into a nearby cottage.
Just then, Lyra and Bon-Bon saw him as well and the shock caused them and collide with Berry Punch and Roseluck. They groaned as they got up, then noticed the little baby in front of them.
“Gah!” he happily squealed.
They screamed and sprinted away in total fear.
The baby then began to crawl intently, its gait reaching the speed of a normal pony walking.
He was squirming right by the spa when Aloe exited the shop. She looked down at the baby, who suddenly clamped down on her leg with his toothless gums. He looked up at her and blinked once.
Aloe fainted as the baby released. He then left the unconscious spa pony in his wake and then continued his innocent rampage. The baby then noticed the blue butterfly from before and then began to happily follow it.
Around the same time, the Mane Six and Spike were still searching for the kid but were having no such luck. They looked in every tree, bush and under every rock and crack but found no trace of him, for obvious reasons of course.
“Ugh! This is getting ridiculous! We’ve been searching for almost an hour now! We’ll never find him!” Rainbow said, frustrated before they heard a scream nearby.
“Found him!” Pinkie Pie chirped. They all turned and quickly figured out that the screams were coming from their home.
“He’s in Ponyville!” Twilight cried.
“Ooh… that’s bad…” Fluttershy voiced.
“Yeah, and I think it’s pretty obvious that he’s been spotted.” Rainbow Dad stated, deadpan.
“Then let’s get over there!” Twilight declared.
“Yes, who knows what kind of trouble he could be in!” Rarity gasped.
“What if he’s hurt, or sad, or scared!” Fluttershy whimpered.
“Or all the above.” Spike pointed out, which freaked Fluttershy out even more.
“Spike!” Twilight scolded.
“Sorry… let’s get going!” Spike told them.
“I’ll race ya!” Pinkie chirped as she hopped on ahead, with everypony following her.
By the time they had reached the town, the whole place was deserted. So deserted in fact that some of them actually expected a tumbleweed to roll by. They spotted one filly, but she was quickly pulled inside by her mother who slammed the door shut and locked it.
“Ok… where is he?” Applejack wondered as they looked around for him. Spike was the first to notice something.
“Up there!” Spike pointed out. They all turned and much to their shock they saw the baby happily climbing across the roof, still giggling and following the blue butterfly.
“Oh, the baby’s on the roof. I wonder…” Pinkie bean to say, casually before she suddenly gasped, shocked and then screamed. “THE BABY’S ON THE ROOF!!?!”
“How the heck did he get up on the roof?” Rainbow Dash questioned, incredulously.
“He must have climbed up… using those boxes” Fluttershy said, noticing the big stack of wooden boxes next to the house that led up to the roof. They quickly noticed that he was nearing the edge of it. They gasped, again.
“He’s going to fall off!” Rarity cried.
“Ok, somepony get him down and quick!” Applejack yelled, sounding very distressed.
“On it!” Rainbow declared as he flew forward, just as he reached the edge. He then went a little too far and began to fall off it, causing the girls to gasp in horror but Rainbow managed to catch him in a flash. “Gotcha!”
They all started clapping their hooves and cheering as Rainbow floated back to the ground with the baby safely.
“Great job, Rainbow!” Twilight congratulated.
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Rainbow Dash said, proudly.
Applejack then rushed over. “Quick, let me see him? Is he alright?” she asked, worried.
“Yeah, he’s ok. Here you go.” Rainbow said as she gave him to her and she promptly held him close.
“It’s ok little guy, you’re safe now.” Applejack assured him as he wrapped his arms around her neck tightly while she held him close. “It’s ok… It’s ok…”
“Come on, let’s get out of here before ponies start asking as us questions.” Twilight instructed.
“Right!” They all said before they all left town.
It didn’t take everypony long to get out of town before anypony could see them and as soon as the kid left, everypony then started coming out of their homes looking shaken. Meanwhile the ponies and their Dragon sidekick huffed and puffed as they tried to catch their breaths. The baby however, seemed to be enjoying himself and laughed happily.
“Ok, now we’ve saved him, what are we gonna do with him?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“Well, as I’ve said before… we don’t know how to send him back and we can’t take him back to where Applejack found him.” Twilight state.
“So he can stay?” Applejack asked, hopefully.
“I’d have to ask Princess Celestia about it… but I don’t see why not.” Twilight Sparkle shrugged with a smile. “Yes. He can stay.”
“Hooray!” Pinkie cheered.
“Oh, how wonderful!” Fluttershy beamed, she then gently ticked the little tyke’s face with her hoof. “Welcome to Equestria little one.”
Rarity happily gasped. “I just realized something!” she said.
“What’s that?” Spike asked, curiously.
“With a new intelligent creature in Equestria… a great opportunity has just revealed itself!” she exclaimed.
“An opportunity?” Twilight echoed, confused. “What do you mean?”
“I mean an opportunity to make a whole new line of clothes that nopony has ever seen before and just for him!” Rarity declared, happily gesturing to the drooling baby. “Whoo! This is so exciting!”
The others all sighed. ‘Typical Rarity’ they all thought.
“So what do you think? Can I?” Rarity asked Twilight, eagerly.
“Well… I don’t know anypony else that will so…” Twilight began.
“Yes!” Rarity cheered, happily.
“And whose gonna take care of him?” Rainbow pointed out. “We already know that he can’t stay with most of us, so…”
“I’ll take him.” Applejack interjected. They all turned to her surprised.
“Really Applejack?” Fluttershy asked, stunned.
“You sure about this?” Spike added.
“Yeah, I know a thing or two about taking care of a baby, I took care of Apple Bloom most of her life after our folks passed away.” Applejack pointed out. “I’m pretty sure I can handle this little guy.”
“But you still don’t know what he is!” Rainbow pointed out.
“Nor anything else about him for that matter.” Rarity added.
“We’re not saying you shouldn’t…” Fluttershy began.
Pinkie Pie then popped up in front of her from out of nowhere. “We just want to know if you’re absolutely, super-duper sure about this despite knowing zip about him,” she finished.
Applejack looked at the little guy currently resting in her foreleg and narrowed her eyes. ‘I’m sure,” she stated, she then turned to the Princes of Friendship. “Twilight?”
“Well… he does seem to like you.” Princess Twilight observed as the baby continued to hold Applejack and nuzzle her chest. Applejack smiled at his.
“Yeah, I guess we’ve bonded in a way.” Applejack shrugged.
“Plus, you were the one who rescued him in the forest.” Fluttershy pointed out.. “I think he needs you now.”
“Yeah… I think your right…” Applejack agreed, gazing upon him, lovingly. “So… he can stay with me?”
Twilight thought for a minute. “Yes.”
“Aw, thanks ya Twilight!” Applejack said, hugging her.
“Just make sure he doesn’t go climbing onto any rooftops anytime soon.” Rainbow Dash smirked.
“She won’t, because I know Applejack will take great care of him, and raise him to be just as good as she is.” Fluttershy stated.
“Yes, I’m sure this adorable child will be very happy living with you.” Rarity smiled.
“Thanks ya’ll. Really.” Applejack nodded.
“Not a problem.” Twilight smiled.
“So… what’s his name?” Spike inquired.
“Hmm… I think I’ll call him… Johnny Appleseed!” Applejack declared as she held the baby, now known as Johnny Appleseed high into the air, causing him to laugh.
“Ooh, catchy name!” Pinkie smiled.
Applejack nuzzled him and chuckled. “Yeah, for some reason it just seems to fit him.”
“Yeah… it kinda does.” Twilight realized.
“Absolutely!” Rarity nodded.
“I really like it.” Fluttershy voice.
“Think the rest of your family will be ok with him?” Rainbow Dash questioned.
Applejack thought for a bit and stared at the child blinking innocently at her. “Only one way to find out,” she said in a determined tone as she looked toward her home, Sweet Apple Acres.
All hail to his royal majesty, King Fluttershy.
5297809 Huh?
Ah, so amazing and funny to boot.
You have a small typo when you're introducing the rest of the mane 6 buddy. I just used it as a quick joke.
Ooh, liking this development so far.
I do enjoy the part about the baby crawling around town. I honestly thought that Lyra was going to scoop him up and beg Bon Bon to let her take him home.
I'd add a "the" there to make it more comprenhendable
Mission comma
Note: you may want to look into the use of colons (:),semicolons (;), and dashs (-).
Remember to add ponyisms; the best way to do this is to use CTRL + H to find and replace words like someone with somepony. However, it can be awkward to do so in some HiEs where the main character uses the normal speech. You did this multiple times but I'm not pointing it out again.
Either use, "get ripped". Or, "rip". Or replace "did" with "is".
Really, now you use " somepony"? I swear you're doing this to annoy me.
Either remove the "I" or add the appropriate word.
You know, RD is correct here, they could make room and change schedules whereas RD would need to move house.
"our's" not "our".
Missing comma. Ignore me.
Revise the fragment, I've added a possible solution but may have chamged the context by accident. Also, try to avoid using "the Mane Six" when none of the characters know it's a cartoon, it is fine in 3rd person narrative but it'd look better if you avoided it anyway.
Semicolon's are used of different things such as: separating items in a list, like this one; for use between clauses that make sense on their own; but not for starting a list, that is the job of colons. Colons can also be used to separate and identify a set fact - as seen in my correction above.
I think that's all but I probably missed something along the way. Seriously though, look into advance punctuation. There were quite a few commas where semicolons should be. I usually avoid correcting them though - unless the author is already using semicolons effectively - because I aim to correct it as the author intended and only change brain
How sad is it that an entire town can go into a state of panic over a baby.
5306039 They did the same with Zecora before they knew her and I don't think they are ever gonna live that down
That's racist.
5438842 well, at least we know for certain he's not a saiyan, but only time will tell...
Johnny Appleseed, weird but not to bad as a name for him.
He really don´t seems to be a normal Baby sometimes, but i guess he don´t have to be, it is a fanfiction, and well if i am honest i like him already.
The two made sense but the others....
only they would be this irrationally concerned.
Smooth Tarzan reference.
They all turned and soon noticed Applejack walking over with the little bare and blue eyed creature sitting on her back and sucking his thumb.
“Tada.” Applejack smiled, sheepishly as the little boy on her back turned and blinked at them. They all gasped, surprised.
“Well…” Rarity started to say.
“That’s uh…” Fluttershy began.
“Yeah, it’s freaky looking that’s for sure.” Rainbow interjected, nodding.
“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded.
“Well it is! I mean… what exactly is it anyway?” Rainbow Dash questioned, looking him over.
did u use words from Tarzan 4 this part ^
Stops reading before looking at the bottle of cider in her hand
I think this is the sign to stop drinking...
Appleseed I can see, but where the hell did she get Johnny from? That's a Human name. How would she know it?
Her dog has a human name as well, and she knew it