• Member Since 5th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 8th, 2017


I like to write horror and sometimes romance...Yeah...


(WARNING: This is intended to be a Creepypasta. You have been warned...Also, if you dislike, please comment a reason so I can work to fix the issue...)
(UPDATE: Writing has been improved and there is an additional scene. Sequel is on its way, official title is "Sarcastic Applejack Returns: Liars Never Prosper"

What would you do if someone you trusted and expect to be open and honest, betrayed you? After a horrible storm, an Apple family member passes away, but how will Applejack cope? Was it truly an accident? After discovering secrets her sanity begins to spin.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Need more! This is really good, id like to see what she would do if one of her friends lied too her :S


Thank you so very much! That would make for an interesting sequel! Definitely will keep that one in mind! :ajsmug:

yep,your soooosarcastic:ajbemused:

love the story :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::raritystarry:


I so glad you liked it! :heart: If I get some more likes I'll consider making more, but it's very time consuming! Thank you for reading!

Woah, now that's a dark story! Since this is considered a Creepypasta by you, it really does feel like one! Tragedy, gore, darkness. NyaLittlePony, you certainly did a great job! This story had a little bit of the Purple Unicorn Syndome. But overall. I really liked this story :twilightsmile:


Thank you so very much! That made my day! :heart: I'm so very glad you enjoyed it! It took time and I worked really hard!

i thought it was okay.... needed more Ummm... idk Sadness or umm MORE GORE!!! :applecry::rainbowwild::scootangel:


Thank you for your opinion. I tried not to go too overboard with the gore...Oh well, I tried...

Hmm...this is a good story, but I wish there was more though. Are you planning to do sequel of this. because I would like to know what else happens next. Would insane Applejack kill more ponies or would she be caught? And what about Big Mac? ^_^;


Thanks! There might be a sequel....Hmm....I'll have to think on that! I'll let you know if I make a sequel :)


OK, then. That would be great, if you did decide to write a sequel to this. Because truth be told, there's not nearly enough insane Applejack grimdark fanfics, then there are Pinkamena fanfics :pinkiecrazy:, and they're dime a dozen on both FimFiction and FanFiction. :twilightsheepish:

So....BRING ME MORE SARCASTIC APPLEJACK, FRIEND! :applejackconfused: LOL! :rainbowlaugh:


If you insist, darlin' :applejackconfused:

I will never look at Granny Smith the same...


After I wrote this I couldn't see her the same way either :pinkiesick:

Interesting... :trixieshiftleft: Please... do go on... :trixieshiftright: I find this story... intriguing. :pinkiecrazy:


Sequel is on it's way darlin' :ajsmug:

Don't know what to say. It is that good. I found it interesting to see what would happen if Applejack went insane. Can't wait for the sequal.

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