• Published 27th May 2014
  • 526 Views, 4 Comments

Beyond Cosmos - Lion Tale

I went kamikaze into a black hole, and crashed. What else could not go wrong?

  • ...

Living a half-life

A cold wind blew by in the dark— smelling of nothing but death and emptiness. The black shadows stretched for what seemed to be forever, with nothing visible—not even a hint of light. A grey alicorn dressed in a black pinstripe suit appeared holding a lantern, lighting nothing, and walking on nothing. The alicorn then placed a fedora on his head and continued with his lonesome walk. He stopped, and a door opened revealing light on the other side. He grinned and walked into it. The passageway closed behind him as he walked down a dark grey hallway. The alicorn looked to his left, and found a door labeled ‘Shanghai’. He smiled even wider— revealing his sharp fangs and a purple, forked tongue—and opened the door. He entered the room, and was instantly teleported to a floating, fiery spaceship. Nothing moved as thought everything was frozen, and there was no noise to be heard.

The grey alicorn walked into the front, and ghosted through the windows. The yellow alicorn sat in a chair clearly tattered and injured. With a smile, he touched the pony and he instantly breathed. With a scream, the alicorn struggled and tried to release himself from whatever pain he suffering.

“Hush now mortal,” the grey one spoke with calming, yet disturbing tone. The pony stopped, and stared at him. “You must listen to me, but do not tell of anyone of this.” He nodded. “Good; my name is Garry, but everyone calls me G—well, everyone that’s living. Now I must say that you are in a very, very unpleasant situation. As you can see, the chances of you living in this are next to zero, but I shall give you two options. Are you ready?” The yellow alicorn nodded again and winced at the pain in his neck. “Option one; first, you will live and be sent to a world named Equ in a country named Equestria, where ponies are the dominate species. Civil war occurred two years ago, so they need someone to be a new, upcoming leader in this ever growing country.

Secondly, I need you to start the country in a new era. I don’t mean to destroy the land and become an emperor like the dynasties back at your home,” G chuckled. “I want you to start a mechanical and electronic time—the Technical Era. Third, I want you specifically because only you were available to do this duty, failure to do these orders I’ve given you will automatically turn into option two; death and nothing will ever be remembered of you. Your soul will belong to me and you’ll never be re-incarnated by your gods. Do I make myself clear?” The yellow alicorn nodded. “Good, now that I’ve told you what to do, you’ll be returned to your situation but you’ll be transferred to be sent to Equ.” The grey alicorn turned to leave, but paused. “See you next time, I guarantee it when your hour comes. You won’t remember this conversation, but you will remember this one phrase; ‘Prepare for unforeseen consequences’.” The grey alicorn opened a doorway leading to a bright light and walked into it, leaving a very tired pony.

The doorway closed, shutting out all of Shanghai’s vision.


A zebra placed a river cane pole on its flat end, making it stand vertically. She then jumped on top of the pole, and stood steady with her back hooves covering the small surface on the opposite end. Without shaking, she then swapped her back hoof for her foreleg. The zebra wobbled, but quickly straightened herself as she prepared to swap to her head. Satisfied with her progress, the zebra then lowered her head to the butt of the pole. As quick as lightning, she suddenly was balancing on the top of her head and was holding still.

The zebra smiled, and meditated. In her mind, a vast open meadow had appeared, covered with tall grasses and scattered trees. A feeling of calm washed over the zebra as she had planted herself within the dream. She looked around for a village of some sort, but was disappointed by seeing nothing other than the meadow before her.

The zebra looked up into the open, blue sky and with a whisper; wings sprouted from her back and took her straight up into the atmosphere. She stopped when she reached her desired height, and soared. Like a vulture, she flapped her wings in a rhythmic pattern. “It’s such a perfect dream,” she whispered. “Never thought the sky could be so blue; father, I don’t mind if I did not have someone like you.” She whispered to herself with a wistful sigh.

Suddenly, a rumbling, deafening roar from outside of her dream jolted her out of her concentration. She lost balance and fell to her side. The pole clanked on the ground, and rolled away as the zebra tried to find support to pick herself up. She saw a broadsword laying down next her, and used it as a staff. She stood and rushed to get outside to find the source of the sound. The zebra opened the door to find a purple alicorn standing in the doorway.

“Zecora!” the alicorn yelled over the falling volume of the noise. “We need you to help us find the crashing object! Will you come?”

Zecora looked past the pony, and found five different coloured mares holding various weapons different than the kukri the alicorn held. The zebra nodded and reached for her sword. “Of course, but we must leave immediately without any remorse!”

“Right behind you, Fluttershy!” a yellow pegasus appeared from behind a light blue mare. “You have a better idea of what’s inside the Everfree Forest; help lead Zecora to take us to the source!” The pegasus nodded. “Alright then, let’s go there before some other pony ruins our chance!” The mares around her cheered and followed Fluttershy and Zecora deeper into the dark Forest.

(Sp - 117)

Everything in his body hurt, it seemed like nothing felt, or went right. Shanghai tried to move his forearm from his chair, but instantly felt a jolt of pain as he did. He gritted his teeth, and turned his head to view the damage around him; a sparking dashboard, monster cans scattered everywhere with some spilling its innards, his helmet facing towards him with one crack at the top—I’ll fix that later, no need to do it now—, and a broken window in front of him revealing a large clearing in a forest. A smear of crimson at the dashboard caught his eye and instantly assumed his, until he saw the corpse of a chicken nearby.

“Cytherea,” He said, trying to remove his seatbelt with magic. “Cytherea! Are you there?” A crackle came from behind him. “Cytherea, is that you?”

“Yea,” her voice crackled, distorting the pitch of her voice. “Your vitals are okay, you’ll live. The only problem you’re having is pain from several fractures and a couple of broken bones.”

“Is it healable?”

“Some of the fractures are, but one major fracture comes from one of your ribs. But these are alicorn magic healable. Everything else is healable with the medicine we have.”

“So what’s the problem?” He removed the seat-belt holding himself and slumped to the floor. Shanghai yelped in pain as his left side slammed into the metal floor. “So that’s where the rib is.”

“The medical area of the ship is in the room behind us. I cannot bring them over here using the automated machine. You’re going to have to manually get them and heal yourself.” The door to the cockpit opened. “This is the only way I can help you, you’re gonna have to crawl or limp from here.”

Shanghai rolled over, and concentrated on his wounds. Using his horn magic, the alicorn felt his bones mending together and a couple of broken bones partially healing. He stood from the ground, and felt pain on his left hind leg. He limped towards the door, and tripped. “Dammit!” he yelled.

“I’m getting heat signatures nearby, it seems like the locals have found our crash site,” Cytherea said from her podium nearby the door.

“What are they? Ghouls? Banshees? Or are they reptiles?” He groaned, using his magic to move his helmet to his head. He then looked inside and tried to find the motion tracker “Whatever they are,” Shanghai grabbed his solar pistol from his side. “They better be ready to fight if hostile.”

“They’re ponies!” she gasped. “Like the ones from home.”

“Then we might just be home, what is the class?”

“It seems like they don’t have a class. Also, they’re not carrying any weapons from our age, more like vintage weapons like a broadsword or a battle-axe. They’re also wearing what seems to be golden armour,” Cytherea pulled up a holographic screen before her and studied it. “I’m getting photos from our onboard camera when we entered orbit saying that this isn’t our planet. So we should be careful about what we’re doing.”

“Seems like we just met another colony,” Shanghai reached a red box labeled with a white cross near the door. He dissembled the kit, pulled out a bottle of pills, and popped a couple into his mouth. “How far are they? The ponies I mean.” He swallowed and tried to moisten his mouth. The alicorn then propped himself next to the wall.

“They’re about half a kilometer away. You might want to hurry faster; I think they exactly know where we are.”

“Don’t worry about it,” the alicorn then jabbed himself with a syringe filled with white liquid. “Whoa! This morphine is really powerful!”

“It’s not morphine; it’s a healing ingredient before taking morphine. But that’s all you really need to take,” The AI disappeared into her podium. Her voice was heard over the ship’s speaker system. “I’m transferring myself into your helmet; I have a feeling that we’re not going to be back for a while. Also, you might want to grab a plasma rifle and some solar batteries to charge it.”

“I’m on it!” Shanghai stood from his medical area and rushed into a doorway leading into the armoury. Various colours of weapons and ammo lay scattered everywhere from the crash. Shanghai then grabbed an orange and purple rifle, small cartridges of red, and a small battery to recharge his suit. “I’m pretty sure that I have everything. Hmm, I might also need to bring a health kit in case.”

“No time!” Cytherea yelled from the helmet at his feet. “They’re already here and they’ve already opened the doorway.”

“Dammit! Where are they?” the alicorn said in a deep voice. He chuckled softly about the joke he made.

“They’re at the south end, where you entered before launch. Be careful though, they don’t seem very friendly, or very forgiving at the least.”

“I forgot to ask,” Shanghai whispered. “Is this planet infested with radioactivity?”

“Not the slightest bit,” the AI replied. “But I’m applying little quantities of Rad-away into you just to get the amount you have gone.”

A loud bang and a clatter of metal came from the back. “I see nothing over here your majesty.” A stallion’s voice said.

“Your majesty?” Shanghai whispered.

“Sounds like these people are still ruled by a monarchy,” the AI said. “If possible, we might want to be on this person’s good side for as long as we can.”

“I’m sensing a pony through this way,” a female’s voice replied. “Make sure it’s clear, and bring him or her to me alive. I want to know how he or she got here first!”

“Yes ma’am!” A chorus of stallions spoke. Instantly, a door slid open from the back of room, making one of them yip in surprise. Hooves clanked on the metal floor as they had entered the room.

“Wow, look at all of this food!” a stallion exclaimed. “Think anyone that crashed here was an herbivore?”

“I doubt it,” another spoke. “There’s blood heading into another one of those doors.”

“Crap!” Shanghai whispered to Cytherea. “They’re heading our way, what do I do?” He turned on the pistol and rolled behind a box to hide himself.

“Either fire a couple of warming shots, make an attempt to escape” she replied from within the helmet. “Or reveal yourself and get this over with.”

“Guys, check this out! I found an egg!” a stallion spoke.

“Put that down! You don’t what’s in it!” another said in a gruff manner. “Be sure to put back how it was too!” Sudden clatter of metal and a hoof clop was heard. The stallion before moaned in pain.

“Hey you fool!” Shanghai appeared from behind the box he was hiding behind and leveled his solar pistol on a stallion. “Get off of my ship!”

“Get him!” a white stallion in gold armour yelled. “And be sure to bring him alive!”

Shanghai then pulled the trigger of his gun and sent a small laser of red into the chest of one the stallions. He fell, limp from the burning of his inner organs. The alicorn then shot another stallion in the neck, and another in the head. A roar from the side of him caught his attention and was knocked to the ground by one of the stallions. He struggled to get up using his magic, but was punched at the head, disorientating him.

“Got him!” the stallion said at the others, then turned his gaze at Shanghai. “You’re pretty big for a pony-like creature. Is this armour?” he said, knocking at the alicorn’s chestplate

“Yes,” he replied. “And I am a pony.”

“A unicorn, that’s what you are!” The stallion spoke, poking at the horn protruding from the helmet. A door opened from the back of the room and the stallion turned his head. He backed away from Shanghai and stood as though as at attention. “Your majesty, I have captured a unicorn. But he doesn’t seem like he belongs from this world.”

“Very good,” the same mare’s voice spoke. Shanghai turned his head at the source of the voice, and dropped his jaw.

A white, tall female alicorn stood before him with a long, multicolored ethereal mane. Shanghai stood from his tackled position and cocked his head. The mare did the same, and her face instantly turned into a studious one. She lifted a hoof decorated with a golden slipper—in fact, all of her hooves were decorated with the same design slipper— and rubbed her chin.

“Tell me,” She spoke, with a voice smooth as silk and firm as Shanghai’s mother’s burnt rice patties. “Exactly who are you?”

Shanghai removed his helmet, and placed it on the ground. He backed up away from the large alicorn, sensing a feeling of judgment. Go along with what the stallions said- a unicorn. “I uh,” he started, entranced by the mare’s mane. “I’m a unicorn. Now if you’ll excuse me, I uh, I forgot something in the cockpit.”

The white alicorn tilted her head and stepped closer. “What is this cockpit? And what is your name?” She got closer to him with every word.

Shanghai reached behind him and pressed a button, opening the door leading to the room. “It’s this room, and it controls this ship,” he turned around and ran to the main chair. “But I’m not telling you my name.”

“Why not?” Her voice changed into a seductive one. “Don’t you think that you’ve had enough trouble? My name is Celestia, I’m pretty sure you’re going to tell me yours now, are you?” The stallions behind her chuckled and shook their heads, as though they were saying ‘you done fucked up’.

At least that’s how Shanghai was interpreting it. “I know I’ve had a ton of trouble, but just let me press this one button…” He turned with his back behind the alicorn and his hoof raised.

“Oh no you don’t!” Celestia grabbed him with a magic force and pulled him away from the dashboard. She then threw him to her hooves and placed one on his chest. “You’re coming with us back to Canterlot. Just tell me who you are, I’m pretty sure you’re an alicorn! Are you?” Shanghai grinned, confirming Celestia’s assumptions. He then opened his mouth.

“Dascarlek Dramatic!” He casted a spell at Celestia, forcing her to release her magical hold that also pushed her away from him. The stallions gasped—but instantly recovered—and charged at Shanghai with the pointy end of their spears at him.

Shanghai then pulled his helmet into the room, and slammed the door. The alicorn then jumped into his chair and propped his feet into the dashboard, relieved that he no longer had to worry about them.

“Don’t you think that this is a bit too reckless?” Cytherea spoke from the helmet. “I mean, that tall, white alicorn did look strong.” Banging came from the doors as he adjusted himself.

“Nah, she can’t go through blast doors,” he pulled his mini-fridge out and opened a can of Monster. “Even if she did, I have my self-eject to go through,” A pause of silence as he grabbed another can. “Something’s off…”

“The heat signatures are still in the present spot, but I’m not finding the alicorn anywhere!” Cytherea said.

Shanghai stood from his seat, and replaced his helmet back on. “Whelp, let’s go and make a run for it. I have a feeling that since she now knows where the cockpit is, she knows where to get us.”

“Check your motion sensor,” Cytherea stated. “She may be nearby.”

The armoured alicorn stood, and looked out of his window. Seeing nothing but the dark forestland and a nearby mountain, Shanghai calculated his chances of escape. With small sigh of disappointment, he crawled out of the front of the cockpit and unto the forest floor. A squished sound came from beneath his hoof and he paused—nothing. Without making a sound, he then walked a safe distance away from ship Pillar of Autumn and analyzed her. “I’m going to miss this ship,” he said with a sigh. “I’ve had so many memories with it.”

“Well, we need to go if we’re going to go somewhere,” the AI spoke. “Now, I have a few ideas about how to disguise into the local town...”

Celestia stood on top of the ship with an invisibility spell on, watching as the oddly-armoured alicorn walked away from her in the forest clearing. “I’ll get you soon,” she whispered. “Guard,” A pegasus dressed in dark clad armour appeared. “I want you to spy on him, whenever he reaches a populated town; I want you to notify me ASAP.”

“But your majesty,” Royal Guard started. “This trail leads to Ponyville; do you want us to prepare a trap for him and at the same time spy on him?”

“Perfect!” she clapped her hooves together in glee. “You go do that and I’ll just wait at the village. Operation ‘Cat and Mouse’ is a go!”

“Just keep walking, just keep walking…” Shanghai spoke to himself. “What we’re going to do is walk, walk, walk… Ugh! Why can’t I use my wings?”

“Because, you need to lose a pound or two be able to properly fit your armour,” Cytherea said. “This isn’t exactly stretchable. Besides, you need to disguise as a regular person so that’s why I had you minimize your armour to a simple block.”

“But the block isn’t exactly storage compatible.”

“That’s why we made a pouch—and a bag—made out of manticore hide!” The AI ecstatically said from the helmet in the bag. “Besides, he was going to kill us anyways.”

“Yea, but it doesn’t mean we had to brutally murder him,” Shanghai adjusted the saddlebag and cloak covering his wings. “Don’t you think that the locals might think we’re animal killers?”

“They can think whatever they want,” she replied. “But when they ask, just say faux leather.”

“Yea like that helps,” He muttered.

“I’m seeing heat signatures from your sensor!” Cytherea said. “It looks like a group of six ponies and a zebra!”

“Friendlies?” Shanghai reached for the concealable solar pistol.

“They seem like a poor excuse for a rebel faction if they aren’t. So assume they are until they try attacking you.”

“Got it!” The alicorn then went into the bushes and hid.

“What are you doing that for?” the AI whispered.

“I’m waiting for a good chance for me to suddenly appear like I’m lost,” a mare’s voice was heard in the distance. “I’ll give it a minute.”

“…And I appeared was like pow!” a tomboyish voice spoke. “The thief fell to his knees and practically begged for me to stop showing him my awesomeness!”

“So Rainbow Dash,” a fine and posh voice spoke. “Do you have any idea about who he was?”

“Nope!” The rainbow pegasus said, hovering over the group by softly flapping her wings. “All I do care is that justice was done to my good friend Pinkie!”

“That’s right!” A pink and upbeat pony replied beside a purple alicorn. “And it happened exactly¬ – Hey look! Somepony’s lost!”

Shanghai looked up from the blue plant he was boringly staring at, and looked at the group of approaching ponies. He then smiled and jumped out of the bushes at the group. “Oh thank the gods I found you, er,” he counted the number of head there was. “Seven ponies! Thank the gods! I’ve been stuck here for about uh, two days!”

“Where are you from?” the purple alicorn spoke. “You look like you should be from Ponyville.”

Shanghai put a hoof to his chin. “Yea, of course I’m from Ponyville! I uh, I just moved there just today!”

“Ooooo!” Pinkie gasped and jumped around him. “Then you must give you a party for being a new pony in our town!” She hugged him. “And it’ll be so great! Oh! I must go home and prepare!” She sped away, leaving a trail of pink behind and a wall of dust.

“So uh, is she always like this?” Shanghai asked, pointing at the direction she disappeared to. The five ponies and zebra nodded. “Well, my name is Shanghai and pleased to meet you.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, and of course I’m a princess,” the alicorn started and pointed to each pony. “And these are my friends; Rarity,”

“Pleased to meet you,” the white unicorn fluffed—or was it bounced? — Her hair.

“Here’s Fluttershy.”

“Hello,” a butter-yellow, quiet pegasus whispered behind a zebra.

“This is Rainbow Dash.”

“The one and only,” The pegasus puffed out her chest and did a loop in the air.

“That’s Applejack.”

“Howdy!” an orange earth pony tipped her hat.

“Here’s Zecora, our potion mare.”

“Pleased,” the zebra said, with a curious glare in her eyes.

“And the one that had just left was Pinkie Pie, the party mare. So now that you’ve met us all,” The lavender alicorn said. “Think you could help us take care of a crashing object from Celestia-knows wherever?”

“No need to find it,” the yellow ‘unicorn’ said. “The uh, stallions with a white alicorn named Celestia has already taken care of that.”

Twilight let out a grunt and mumbled to herself. “Well, at least we know it’s in safe hooves. Let’s go home girls, no need to wonder what was inside of it,” she said then mumbled. “I’ll go back eventually, just not now.” She started walking the trail the opposite way, with everyone else following her.

“What was that sweetie?” Rarity asked.


Shanghai rolled his eyes. “Anyways, I really don’t have a place to uh, sleep. So it seems logical that I need a place to rest at the moment.”

“No worries!” Applejack spoke up startling the ‘unicorn’. “You can sleep at my place; I have enough rooms to not worry about it!”

“But uh, would that make it counter-productive for me to do that?” Shanghai paced a hoof on the farm pony’s shoulder.

“Yea, you’re kind of right,” she lowered her head then perked it back up. “Instead, let’s take you straight to the town hall! It’s only one o’clock anyways.”

“Yes, let’s,” Dash sighed. “Even better, let’s go to a boring museum tour!” she said with a sarcastic tone.

Twilight gave a large gasp. “Can we? Please, please, please, please, please, please?”

“She was only making a smart-flank comment,” Applejack replied, slowing the ecstatic alicorn to a halt. “Besides, do we even have a museum in town?”

“No, but we can go to Canterlot and check out their museums,” Twilight quietly said behind her bangs.

“And where are we going to find enough time to get Shanghai a house and then head to Pinkie’s for her party?”

“Well,” Shanghai lifted a hoof. “We could forget getting me a house for the night.” He suggested. “I guess I’ll sleep at Applejack’s,” he paused. “Also, I think we’re near town because the path opens up. Also, Zecora, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash disappeared.”

“Don’t worry about them,” Rarity said. “They’ve gone to do whatever they got to do.” She turned to a different path. “I do too, so see you girls, and stallion, later!”

The last two ponies left with Shanghai said their farewell to Rarity and then turned to face him. “Ah think we should at least try and find him a home,” Applejack stated. “Come follow us, and don’t worry if anypony finds you weird because of your unusually long mane”

“Yea,” Shanghai ran his hoof through the shaggy mess. “I do have a beastly mullet; may not be the best kind of hairdo to pick, but I like it.” He kicked a pebble and hit a tree.

“Actually,” Twilight started. “We’ll take you to the beauty salon to get that fixed. Now, do you have any bits on you?”

“I uh,” he rubbed the back of his head, thinking of a clever excuse. “I don’t have any; I lost all of it in a gamble with the devil.”

“Who’s the devil?” She replied.

“It’s a person that uh, that’s like a game shark and he uh,” He stammered. “He practically loots you of all your money via gambling.”

“Uh huh,” Applejack rose an eyebrow. “You’re not even from the country of Equestria are you?”

The yellow alicorn chuckled, “Looks like you caught me! I’m not even from near here.”

“So are you from Grayphon?” Twilight asked, starting the walk again. “Or somewhere further?”

“Uh, further you can say,” Shanghai chuckled. “If anything, you probably don’t even know where I’m at!”

“I’ll take your word on it,” Twilight giggled.

A decorative building slowly grew in size as the small group of three trotted towards it. Eventually, they reached the door, and entered the building. Upon entering, a grey mare nearly crashed into Shanghai, knocking him over. With a quick apology, she exited the building with a rush.

The alicorn took a long look at the surroundings around him, and saw that this was no different from any other salon; white walls around him, tile flooring, a table with fashion magazines—which actually looked interesting—, shampoo and conditioning advertisement on shelves, and a register worker not really paying attention to the area around her. Shanghai took a deep breath, and exhaled.

“Feels just like home,” he whispered.

“What was that?” Applejack asked, looking up from reading a magazine about clothing fashion.

“I’m just getting a familiar vibe of home at the moment,” the ‘unicorn’ replied. He then walked up to the register and coughed, getting the worker’s attention. “I would like a haircut of professional quality and I heard that this was the place to do it.”

“That’s right!” a mare beside him spoke, startling him. “In fact, we’ll make sure that this… mane of yours becomes something bigger! My name is Lotus by the way.”

“Nice to meet you Lotus,” Shanghai said. “My name is Shanghai, and my friends here are-“

“Princess Twilight Sparkle and Element holder Applejack,” Lotus said. “Yea, I know. Princess Twilight came to the back and told me about you Shanghai. There’s so little that she said about you. Are you just new friends?”

“Yea,” He fiddled with his hooves and rubbed the back of his head. “Anyways, this mane of mine needs a cut and pronto. I’m kind of getting tired of my mullet-“

“Wait,” the earth pony raised her hooves to stop him. “That’s mane-style is called a mullet? Heh, that’s got to be the silliest name ever, I’m sorry if you made it up, but just know that it’s a silly name.”

“Don’t worry, this hair style was made about eighty years ago where I’m from,” Shanghai walked towards a chair and propped himself up to sit on it. “I’m just trying to bring it back into fashion.”

“Well,” She looked at the style and put a hoof on her chin. “We could patch it up to make it look like current times. Heh, I hate myself for saying this but, you might bring up a new fashion idea before anyone here. Except for Rarity of course, everyone just loves her work.” Lotus shook herself and lowered her voice to a whisper. “To be honest with you, I don’t like Rarity sometimes. She’s a fun pony overall, I just don’t like how she sometimes calls out the faults in your fashion ideas. Like right now she’ll be probably trying to take over and make this something not even close to the original idea.”

Shanghai nodded, took off his saddlebag, and lain his head back. “Let’s do this,” He said with a hoof-bump.

Lotus chuckled and kicked his chair back to level. “I’m pretty sure this will be one of my best works yet.”


“If you keep messing with it, it’ll eventually start falling out,” Applejack said. “I know it feels weird Shanghai, but just deal with it.”

“Fun fact,” Twilight spoke. “Your name means to trick somepony with a move just to gain advantage. Does it really explain you though?”

“I don’t really know, but sometimes I live up to name’s sake back when I was in my home-city,” The yellow ‘unicorn’ said, nearly bumping into a royal guard. “Jeez, what’s with these people? They seem to be everywhere today.”

Twilight looked around, and sure enough, she spotted at least four guards scattered. If that’s in a point of one kilometer squared, then there’s over forty guards here in town! Her eyes shot open. But who, or what,are they looking for?

“If they’re here, then that means either Celestia’s in town, or we’re gonna have some trouble,” Applejack guessed.

“I hope they’re not looking for me!” Shanghai joked, nudging Twilight on the shoulder. “I would hate to be arrested for just hanging out with a Princess!” Applejack chuckled with him, but the lavender pony remained quiet.

“Something’s not right,” Twilight whispered. “And I believe that something is nearby.”

“Don’t worry about it!” the yellow ‘unicorn’ replied, not changing Twilight’s look one bit. “Eh, it was worth a try. Anyways, let’s head to Pinkie’s! She was supposed to be throwing a party right? Or the cake a lie?

“Yep!” Applejack licked her lips. “I’m actually hungry for those cupcakes she makes right about now, and we should go!” She started in a random direction down the boulevard. “Come Twi and Shanghai! We got a party to go to!”

“I’ll be right there,” Twilight replied. What could so wrong at the moment? Maybe it’s just that Celestia is here. Yea, I guess that’s what it is. Ought to go and say hi. She trotted behind the disguised alicorn, with her head filled with questions.

A left at a busy intersection revealed a large building that seemed to resemble a gingerbread house, and with a smell of the bakery strengthened that assumption. Shanghai’s mouth watered, he was obviously lost for words as the strength of the sweets inside the building grew ever stronger as he got closer. Once he reached the front door, the sugary scent was strong enough to make him hyper and overwhelmed.

He opened the door and walked inside into a highly decorative lobby with a sign that said ‘Welcome new unicorn!’ Shanghai smiled; although he only celebrated birthdays every five years, this was just a makeup for every other year that wasn’t celebrated.

Pinkie appeared from what appeared to be nowhere flashing Shanghai a palette of cupcakes. She motioned him to go ahead, and he lifted one. The ‘unicorn’ studied the colourful cupcake, and decided eating it was probably the best option. He bit into the bakery item, and nearly gagged on the sweetness of it.

“Does it taste that bad?” Pinkie muttered nearby.

“No,” Shanghai tried to bite into it again, but recoiled at how the sugary flavor attacked his taste buds. “I’ve never had anything this extremely sugary. I’m sorry Pinkie, but this cupcake frosting is way too sugary for me.” The ‘unicorn’ placed the cupcake on a nearby table.

“Oh…” she trailed off, losing some of her smile. “How about this one?” the pink pony pulled out another cupcake of a similar look, but had a more glossy sheen to it.

Shanghai again bit into it, but was less disgusted by the sweetness. “It’ll do,” He lied. “If anything, it’s pretty good.” He said with a hint of truth.

Pinkie’s grin grew wider as she had earned another praise of approval for her cupcakes. “Thank you!” She squealed, and leaped at the ‘unicorn’. Shanghai—with a couple months of training to be a peacekeeper for space—dodged the hug, and glomped the pony as an act of surprise.

“Gotcha!” He said, hugging her neck. “I’m also a vampire,” the yellow pony then opened his mouth and playfully nibbled on her.

Pinkie giggled, and shoved him away. “Next time, I’ll be sure to glomp you!”

“My turn!” Shanghai felt a force collide into his side and a couple of hooves hugging him. He turned his head, and found Rainbow Dash attacking and nibbling on the hood of his cloak.

“Dash dear,” Rarity said from the doorway. “Would you please get off of him? I’m pretty sure he has been bothered a lot about it. Nice cut by the way.”

“Not really, and thanks about the mane!” the yellow alicorn replied. “Oh, and hello there Fluttershy.”

The pony squeaked and made herself as small as she could behind Rarity. “Hello,” she whispered as quiet as she could.

He chuckled, not really knowing what she actually said. Shanghai then turned to face the small snack bar near the back of the room, and decided that it was a good time if anything to become the hunter. The alicorn crouched and slowly crept up to the table, mimicking a panther. A bowl of red punch sat there, a plate of potato chips, and the assorted amount of candies, all clearly mocking him. Shanghai then did a small roar and shoved his face first into the plate of chips, making an audible nom every time he ate a chip.

A cough from behind him caught his attention and he stopped. He turned his head, and found not only a guard facing him, but found Princess Celestia there as well, giving him an angry glare.

Shanghai smiled and wiped his mouth for crumbs. He then slowly backed away after quickly grabbing a pre-made cup of punch and walked away to a group of quiet ponies in hoods also. He took a sip, and slowly turned his gaze towards the princess. Her stare remained unwavering by anything, not even a fly could change her look, and staring directly at him.

Shanghai then chugged the rest of his cup and reached into his saddlebag. He then grabbed the cube containing his armour and pressed a button at the very top. Celestia stared at the box, then back at him, but decided nothing against it. He grinned then grabbed the shoulder of his cloak and tore it away.

But it didn’t work out as planned; the cord tying the cloak together choked against his neck, and he nearly gagged. Celestia jumped in surprise at him and so did the ponies around him. “Sorry, it looked a lot more awesome in my head,” he announced after recovering such self-harm. He then untied the cord and then removed the cloak in a casual way. “I couldn’t do it again, it would’ve been better if it happened the first time. The second time just isn’t as epic you know?” Dash nodded in agreement and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Thanks Rainbow Dash.”

The cube completely disassembled itself and crawled around his hoof, then slowly covering his body with carbon-fiber metals. As the inner cover was surrounding his body, the armour self-assembled itself and adjusted to its positions. Everypony in the room backed away and watched as the mysterious armour surrounded the pony. An audible click happened, and the assembly suddenly stopped.

“One final preparation,” Shanghai spoke. He then lifted his helmet from the fallen saddlebag at his hooves and placed the Ranger level helmet on his head. With a pop, it connected and small spark surrounded the pony. “Almost done…” He trailed off.

“Shields are fully charged and you only have two solar rounds left,” Cytherea said from within the helmet. “Also, your radiation is gone. But a new kind of radiation appeared, the magical kind.”

Everyone in the room exploded with a wow, leaving Shanghai with an opening. “What’re my chances?” He whispered. “I can worry about the rad later.”

“Run right about… now!” the AI said.

His legs propelled his body forward to the doorway. Suddenly, a pair of guards appeared, blocking his pathway to freedom. “Dammit!” Shanghai yelled, turning to head upstairs.

As he had reached the top stair, a yell came from a mare downstairs. “I will get you Shanghai!” Celestia yelled in frustration. “I don’t care if you’re an alicorn! Just come back here and explain yourself! You’re not going to get arrested!”

“Nope!” He yelled down the stairs. “Leerrroooy Jeeenkiiins!” Shanghai then turned and ran down the hallway to a window where he had jumped out of it.

“Shields are at twenty-five percent,” Cytherea said, after landing on rocky gravel. “Be careful, I think some of the guards are going to be hunting you.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he replied, running past a curious group of ponies. “In fact, I’m going to use my wings. Prepare the boosters; I think they’re going to get the cavalry on us.”

A loud, booming noise sounded from behind him and he was suddenly tackled, removing more of his shield to near nothing. “I got ‘em!” Dash yelled.

“Dammit!” The yellow alicorn yelled. “I was so close to getting away! I thought we had a mutual agreement!” He struggled to escape the pegasus' pin, but noticed that it was futile as she then pressed his forelegs to the ground.

“What agreement? That I wouldn’t betray my leader? And why are you running?” she asked. “She probably isn’t going to do anything to you if you just do what she asks. Besides, you are an alicorn, right?”

“Yea I am,” He looked around. “And be sure that no-one else other than the building knows; but I’m actually playing a game on her, just a simple game of cat and mouse. If she wins this, then who knows what’s going to happen to me. I don’t want to lose this game. So you can release me, then this game is gonna to keep going.”

“You know that you’re going to have to lose one way or another, nopony usually wins against her.”

“Is it because she’s royalty?”

A pause, “…Yea.” Dash lifted her hoof, “But I’m going to do something that you’ll probably never forget about.”

“What? You’re going to knock me out?” Shanghai joked while removing his helmet, but his chuckle slowly turned to realization. He then scrambled to escape, but was pinned harder by Dash. “Okay fine! But please don’t break my handsome cheekbones and nose! And please be soft on my eyes, they’re colourful!”

Dash grinned, “No promises.” She balled up her hoof, and swung with a hook to his face with a jab to his armoured stomach, but instantly recoiled from the stiffness of the metal protection.

Shanghai’s face suddenly hurt, vision grew clouded after a couple punches, and hearing disabled as the last thing heard was a certain alicorn yelling incoherent, scolding phrases.

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