• Published 24th May 2014
  • 16,094 Views, 2,010 Comments

A New Dragon in Ponyville - Vedues

Cliff Runner has just one goal in life: find his egg-napped brother, and bring him home where he belongs.

  • ...

Chapter 33

They're gone. Spike's legs gave out beneath him. Nearby, Fluttershy let out a heart-wrenching cry. He looked up in time to see her fly away, followed closely by Rainbow Dash. The young dragon watched them fade into the distance, gritting his teeth in anger. They had fought their way though scandals, misunderstandings, and even the fundamental differences between species, but in the end, the Cultural Exchange Program had been a failure, and he had lost his dragon family because of it.


Spike froze. It was a reporter, and dozens more were starting to snap pictures or run forward, asking for an interview.

It was almost funny how anger brought such clarity.

He saw Autumn in the crowd. Her coat had lost its crystalline appearance, but she looked him in the eyes and nodded.

As you wish. “Congratulations, you irresponsible, self-centered, short-sighted morons!” he yelled over the crowd. “You finally did it. You drove away my family, cementing a gap between wyrms and ponies that we were trying to mend! Why don't you all give yourselves a round of applause as we think about what you've accomplished?

“You took a group of beings who instantly healed any injured ponies they saw without a single thought of profiting from it, who put their lives on the line to protect our town three separate times, who shun selfishness and jealousy in any form, and you said to yourselves, 'hey, let's convince Equestria that they're a bunch of evil, invading monsters!'

“Somepony tried to kill my brother, and you didn't care! It was in the papers for a few days, and then everypony forgot about it! The crime of the decade ignored, because it was against a dragon. They refused to kill themselves when you were all insisting that you somehow had more right to live a dragon's lifespan than an actual dragon, and how did you respond?! 'Oh, how could they be so selfish?'” Spike mocked. “Try looking in a mirror, you hypocrites!”

Autumn walked up to him and turned to the crowd. Spike didn't know if her furious expression was from her own sense of outrage, or because she was reflecting his own emotions. At the moment, he didn't care. “Do you want to know what happened today?” She managed to make her voice both calm and condescending at the same time. “We made it quite clear that Fire Eyes only killed that drake because her magic warned her that it was about to attack, probably killing you eleven,” she pointed at several of the reporters, “who were idiotically standing too close. Yet, instead of thanking her for saving your lives, you started attacking everything about her. Eventually you managed to make her feel so worthless that she would have done anything to feel needed again. When a dragon feels that desperation, she becomes a berserker, which almost always forces the others to kill her. In other words, you repaid Fire Eyes by attempting to torture her to death!” She was shouting by the end. After a deep breath, she turned to Spike and nodded for him to continue.

“So now they're gone,” Spike growled. “Why don't you just revel in your victory? Try not to think about the millions who will die because no dragons are around to heal them, or the hearts you've broken, or the lies you've spread, all because you wanted a good story.” He laughed. It was low and bitter. “The sad part is, I doubt most of you even care. You couldn't possibly do the decent thing and tell the truth for once. That would require moral fiber, wouldn't it? So go ahead. Lie to everypony again. Don't admit that this was your fault, that you said so many cruel lies about my dragon family that they started to believe you, and left because they were afraid of hurting this town and the ponies in it.”

He held up a clawed hand and summoned the remains of his willpower. “Let's turn the tables for once and give you a taste of your own medicine. Let's make you understand exactly how I feel right now.” Spike surged Heart's Mirror.

The effect was immediate. Nearly everypony collapsed as waves of despair, loss, and helpless frustration washed through them. Spike only had enough willpower to hold the spell for a few seconds, but it was more than enough to get his point across. “Now if you'll excuse me, I have to catch the evening train to Canterlot. My dragon family needs me.”

He had only taken the first step when a warm feeling spread from the young dragon's chest to fill his whole body. Fresh tears trickled down his cheeks, but it wasn't because he was sad. Quite the opposite, in fact. His life finally made sense.

“I'm coming with you, Spike,” Twilight said.

“I am as well,” Autumn added.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack followed after him too, but the young dragon barely noticed. He could even ignore Twilight suddenly calling him by a nickname. Something Cliff had said was starting to click in his mind. “Equestria has been attacking wyrms since they got here,” he whispered to himself. “They didn't like it when we brought the dragons to them, but the research team that went to the coven is doing just fine. The entire coven agreed to let them come. Dragons need to go to the ponies, but the ponies also need to go to the dragons.” More ideas started to go off in his head. Choice. A tributary state. Smaller population. Mixed culture. “We'll need somedragon to visit the other covens,” he muttered. “Cliff would be perfect.”

“Spike,” Autumn asked, “what are you talking about?”

Great, now Autumn's calling me by that nickname too. “Cliff's right. Individual ponies might be willing to accept having wyrms as neighbors, but an entire town full of ponies that didn't ask for it is just begging for trouble, especially with the media selling a million papers a day telling everypony how horrible wyrms are. They'll only stop that if dragons and ponies living together is already normal enough that they don't consider it newsworthy.” He grinned. “I think I know what we need to do.”

“I'm afraid I don't understand,” Rarity said as she pulled up alongside Autumn. “How are we to make dragons and ponies living together seem normal, if the media will not allow them to live together in peace until after it already is normal?”

“With a couple of decades, a lot of volunteers, and the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“I'll explain it once we're on the train.” They were only a few blocks from the station anyway.

“Okay, Spike,” Twilight said, “but I hope your idea is as good as you seem to think.”

Enough is enough. “Seriously, Twilight, what's up with the nickname all of the sudden?”


“Why did you call me 'Spike?'”

Twilight frowned in confusion. “Because that's your name?”

He frowned right back. “No it isn't. My name is Spirit Shield.”


Fire Eyes was shuddered as yet another memory attacked her. Cliff curled around her more tightly. He didn't know how long it had been since Celestia brought them to this room, since they had all collapsed on the large bed. The only thing he knew was that neither he nor his old friend could sleep, and so they held each other tight in the pile of dragons, offering whatever comfort they could to the other.

Cliff? Fire Eyes sent.


You should go talk to Fluttershy in the morning.

Just thinking of his fiance drowned Cliff in so many conflicting emotions that he had to abandon the emotion-based language and reply with a soft whisper, “I'm not abandoning you again.”

It isn't abandoning me. I'm trying to talk you out of abandoning her. She held Whisper's sleeping form a little more tightly as she continued. I've been thinking about what you said. How you're leaving because you can't stand the idea of hurting her one day.

Cliff nodded into the back of his friend's neck.

Look, Cliff... that's stupid, even for you.

“I can't be the cause of her death, Fire Eyes.”

“Cliff, I nearly killed all of you today.” Pure sorrow began to course through the white dragoness. “I might finish the job tomorrow, or maybe it'll be you, or Whisper, or your grandparents. That's what it means to be a dragon.” She had to pause and fight down a wave of self-loathing. “The first time I had to kill a berserk hatchling, Fire Claws told me that, even if we are all just berserkers waiting to happen, if you want to be near anydragon, you have to accept that you might hurt them one day, and they have to accept it too.”

Cliff remained silent.

You know, you might kill one of us someday, or one of us could kill you.

“I know.”

But you still don't want to abandon us.

He swallowed a lump in his throat. “No.”

Then what makes things with Fluttershy any different?

“I don't know,” Cliff admitted.

So you're abandoning your fiance forever, and you don't even know why? Fire Eyes released a surge of anger. She deserves better than that.

They were silent for a moment before Cliff found himself nodding.

Just talk to her, okay? Stay with her, or let her come with us. It doesn't matter. Just don't throw away your happiness because I made you panic about going berserk.

...Okay, his emotions whispered. Just the thought of seeing Fluttershy again made him shake, partially because he loved her so much it hurt, and partially because he was terrified that he had ruined things between them.

Good. Fire Eyes gently nuzzled her little sister. The rest of us don't have a place in Ponyville anymore, but maybe you still do. Another wave of guilt hit her.

Cliff fueled as many positive emotions into the link as his troubled heart could manage. “Thank you, Fire Eyes. I was supposed to be helping you, but it looks like you helped me instead.”

“You fought a rank six berserker to save me.” She radiated guilt and gratitude equally. “I'm just trying to even the score.”

The young dragon wordlessly pulled her closer, and since there wasn't much else to say, the two dragons were content to simply relax and bask in their mutual feelings of companionship and support.

Minutes passed before the silence was broken by a gentle knock at the door.

“Of course,” Cliff groaned. He and Fire Eyes had a quick, emotion-based argument about who would get it, before he won on the basis that he wanted to eat another of the jewels Celestia had left for them. He disentangled his arms from the white dragoness, and pushed his grandfather's tail off of his waist before rising.

Whoever it was had just started knocking again when Cliff opened the door.

“Ye-” That was all he got out before a yellow and pink blur crashed into him, knocking him to the floor. “Fluttershy?!”

Both of Cliff's grandparents jumped up, awoken by the sudden noise. They relaxed as soon as they saw who it was though.

The yellow pegasus hugged Cliff so tight that he could barely breath. “Y-you meanie! Why did you run away?” Tears ran down to where her cheek was pressed against his. “I always knew you could turn into a berserker one day, but I didn't care! So why? Why did you leave?

I think we can handle bringing her into the link for a little bit, Fire Eyes sent him as the two older dragons joined it. Unless you'd rather do things the hard way.

Cliff barely noticed her. He just held his fiance with as much strength as his weakened limbs would allow. Tears of his own began to flow. “Fluttershy, I am so sorry.”

Fire Eyes took that as his answer, and added the pegasus to their link. She and the others weakened their connections, giving the two some emotional privacy.

Love was the first thing they both felt. Real, pure, romantic love, built on mutual interests, respect, and attraction, nourished by time spent together and cherished during times apart. Other emotions existed in both of their hearts, a tangled mess of them, in fact, but everything else stopped mattering as the two realized just how much they loved each other, and how much it had hurt them both to imagine being separated.

“I'm sorry for everything,” Cliff whispered. “I won't ever leave you again.”

“I won't ever leave you either.” She nuzzled into his scales. “Can you forgive me for being afraid of you?”

“You aren't anymore,” he pointed out, as his heart said that he would forgive her for anything.

“...Uh, Fluttershy, were you ever going to get off of him?” a familiar voice asked.

The two jumped apart.

“Rainbow?” Cliff gasped. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, somepony had to carry Fluttershy the second half of the way here.” She came forward. “Just one thing first.” The pegasus smacked him across the face, hard enough to knock the young dragon flat. “That's for running off on her!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy jumped between them. “Hitting Cliff won't solve anything.” She knelt beside the young dragon and helped him up.

“It's fine,” he assured her. “I deserved that.” He wrapped his tail around her waist and pulled her a little closer.

She responded with a wing around his shoulders and a warm feeling of gratitude.

“Yeah, anyway,” Rainbow blushed a little at their display of affection, and walked back to the door, “now that that's taken care of, you two can talk things out and make up.”

Fluttershy smiled a little at Cliff. “Um, actually, I think we already did.”

The other pegasus blinked. “Look, Fluttershy, I get that you're quick to forgive and all, but you've been talking for like ten seconds.”

“Linking magic.” Cliff massaged his tender jaw. “It's tough to argue when you can both sense exactly what the other is feeling.”

Fluttershy nodded. “We're going to stay together from now on. No matter what.”

“Okay.” Rainbow seemed to notice the other dragons for the first time. “Oh, uh, sorry about disturbing you all.” She motioned to the door. “C'mon, let's talk outside.”

Cliff looked back at his coven-mates. Even Whisper was awake by then. They all nodded sadly, and gently severed him and Fluttershy from the link. His heart felt hollow now that it wasn't filled with the emotions of his friends and family, but they recognized that he might be leaving with Fluttershy, and weren't going to risk letting their emotions influence his decision. “Alright...” Cliff rubbed away a tear, “let's go.”

The three of them relocated to the hallway. Rainbow turned to Cliff immediately. “So you're coming back to Ponyville then?”

“We can try that,” Cliff said, “but I don't think they'll want me anymore.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “We should go to Redstone, at least for a little while.”

Rainbow paused, and looked at her friend. “Wait, Fluttershy, you can't mean that you're actually leaving us.”

The yellow mare looked down as she hugged Cliff with her wing again. “Ponyville is dangerous for Cliff right now. I can't make him face that when we could go somewhere safe.”

“Fluttershy,” Cliff whispered, “you don't have to do this.”

“We can come back to visit sometimes, but until you can live in peace in Ponyville again, I'll stay with you at Redstone.” Her eyes glowed with quiet determination.

Cliff sighed, and then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. He kept his face there, eyes closed, as he whispered, “I don't deserve you, but I love you.”

Rainbow scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. “Uh, maybe we can talk about this tomorrow? Celestia might have some other ideas.”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Alright,” Cliff said. “For now, let's find somepony we can ask about a room for you two.” He really didn't want to leave his fiance, but, well... pony culture.

“No.” Fluttershy's wing tightened around him. “We can get a room for Rainbow, but I'm not letting you go again.” She blushed. “Uh, if that's okay with you.

Cliff looked back at the room he had been sharing with his family. Fluttershy would never be comfortable sleeping in there, as much as he wished otherwise. “We'll ask for two rooms,” he said. “One for Rainbow, and one for us.”

Dash's jaw dropped, but Fluttershy just smiled and said, “Okay.”


Somepony was knocking at the door.

Again? Cliff resisted the urge to growl. For a single moment there, curled up in bed with his arms around Fluttershy, he had been able to forget about his worries and relax. Then the knocking came. Knowing my luck, that will be an angry mob.

Fluttershy smiled apologetically as they untangled themselves. “Let's just see who it is.”

He nodded, and the two of them climbed out of bed. He pulled the door open. “Yes, what is it?” Cliff's eyes widened. “Oh... hi?”

Next to him, Fluttershy turned bright red.

Spike, Twilight, Autumn, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie stared at the couple in shock.

It was Spike who finally broke the silence. “Well, I was going to tell you that I earned my true name, but I see you have bigger news. I gotta say, bro, I didn't know you had it in you, or in her, as the case may be.”

Fluttershy passed out, Twilight and Autumn smacked the younger dragon, Rarity and Applejack blushed heavily, Pinkie somehow already had a cake that read, “Congratulations on your first time!” and Cliff did the only logical thing to do in that situation. He facepalmed.

“Nothing happened! We just decided that neither of us will leave the other behind.” Still covering his face with one hand, he knelt down and gently shook his unconscious fiance.

“Suuuure.” His brother grinned.

“Ignore him,” Twilight said as Fluttershy started to wake up. “I think we've finally figured out how to make things work, and as luck would have it, you two working together would be perfect.”

Cliff and Fluttershy exchanged a look. She nodded slightly.

He turned back to Twilight. “What do you need us to do?”

---Six months later---

“I think we might be lost,” Fluttershy said as she studied the map. “There aren't enough landmarks for me to be sure where we are.”

Looking around, all Cliff could see was grass, scrub, and the occasional tumbleweed. They had lost sight of the mountains some time the day before. “Yeah.” He checked his saddlebags, made by Rarity and enchanted by his grandmother to be several times larger on the inside, as long as he fueled some willpower into it every day. Otherwise, the larger inside would tear the bags apart. “The good news is we have enough rations to keep going for another week, but we're running low on water.”

Fluttershy turned to the bird that had landed on her shoulder a few minutes ago. “Excuse me, Mr. Chickadee, but do you know of any streams nearby?” Her mane and tail were both trimmed shorter these days, and her entire body was more toned and lean from endless days of travel, but some things never changed.

The bird chirped and whistled before taking off.

“Oh, thank you!” She put the map in her own bags and turned to Cliff. “He says there's one this way.”

Cliff nodded and followed after her. He didn't know how he had survived in the wilderness without Fluttershy. A year ago, 'Mr. Chickadee' would have been a small meal. Now, he was a valuable source of information. Granted, Cliff was starting to miss fresh meat, as his fiance objected to him eating her new friends, but the jerky in his bags was at least decent.

They found the stream a few minutes later. It was small enough that spotting it from the air would have been difficult.

While Cliff filled and sanitized several bottles, Fluttershy asked Mr. Chickadee a few more questions.

“He says there aren't any berserkers in the area. He does see wyrms sometimes, usually over in that direction,” she pointed, “but he doesn't know where their coven is.”

Cliff considered that. “Well, at least we're probably close.”

“Silent Halls said it's a very small coven. Do you think we'll be able to convince anydragon to come with us?” Fluttershy's wings flickered, revealing her nervousness. “I hope I didn't slow you down the whole way out here, and then have it be for nothing.”

“You don't slow me down nearly as much as you think,” Cliff assured her. The yellow mare couldn't reach mach speeds, true, but she had enough speed and endurance that Cliff needed at least basic magic enhancements to keep up with her. “Besides, you're the one who changed everydragon's mind when they didn't want to listen to me at the Seacliff Coven. With how cute you are, I can't say I was surprised.”

Fluttershy smiled gratefully and leaned in for a quick kiss. “You convinced them at Rock Hall before that.”

He kissed her back. “And what about Snowspire a few weeks ago?”

“I think they just wanted to go somewhere warmer.” She nuzzled his cheek before looking up at the sky. “Do you think we'll find the Emerald Meadow Coven before dinner?”

Cliff shrugged. “Maybe. I can shoot up and take a look.” If there really was a coven nearby, it would be too risky to let Fluttershy fly around on her own. Many covens still believed that all ponies were evil.

“Would it be easier to send up a signal fire?”

As soon as the words left her mouth, a burst of bright red fire appeared in the distance.

Cliff and Fluttershy exchanged a look. That probably wasn't the strangest coincidence of their journey so far, but it was definitely in the top five.

“Either somedragon else is looking for the coven, or they know we're out here somehow. In any case, I guess we should answer them.” Cliff took a deep breath, then shot out two large puffs of green fire.

Two more red puffs in the distance.

Fluttershy turned to the small bird that was still on her shoulder. “It looks like we found somedragon. Thank you for all of your help, Mr. Chickadee.”

The bird chirped a few times and bowed before taking off.

“You too,” she called after it.

With a nod, the companions set out towards whoever had created the red signal fires. Fluttershy rested her wing across Cliff's back as they went.

They had only been walking for a few minutes when somedragon shouted, “Get away from him, you monster!” A purple and red shape exploded out of the bushes nearby.

Seriously, this again? Cliff snapped a link into place with Fluttershy and threw out a shield immediately. “Wait, she isn't attacking me!”

Unfortunately, the dragoness leaping at them didn't seem to hear. Cliff was sure he recognized her from somewhere, but most of his attention was directed at the blue light extending from her claws.

Most of the time, he thought it was great that Ghost Claws could pass through any shield. Right then, not so much. Cliff moved forward, surging Scale Armor as he deflected the blow with his forearm. It left three bloody gashes there.

Sensing his pain, Fluttershy hit their attacker with an extra powerful version of The Stare.

The dragoness instantly collapsed in a shivering wreck.

A second dragon, gray with green spines, appeared behind her, clutching his chest and trembling. The Stare tended to have that effect when it was used on a linked group.

Cliff tackled the newcomer before he could recover, throwing him into a headlock with his face pressed against the grass.

“W-why are you helping that pony?” the dragon gasped.

His voice made Cliff freeze. “Dad?” He let go and stumbled back, glancing at the fallen dragoness. “Mom? What the hay, you two?”

The gray dragon flipped onto his back. “Cliff, run! That pony must have been controlling you!” He sent a blast of green fire at Fluttershy.

She shot into the sky to dodge. Not that it was really necessary. Cliff had already cast a spell to make her immune to heat. Oh my goodness, she sent. These are your parents? I'm so sorry, Cliff! I didn't know!

It's fine, he sent back, healing the cuts on his arm. “Dad, she hasn't been controlling me.” He extended a link to his father. “See for yourself.”

His eyes shot nervously to the hovering pegasus, and then back down to his son before he accepted it.

Cliff gasped as waves of terror and regret hit him. Whoa, Fluttershy, how strong was that Stare?

“I'm sorry,” she squeaked as her face turned red. “She hurt you, and it made me really upset, and I just wanted to make her understand that it isn't nice to attack strangers like that. Here, let me fix it.”

With a nod, Cliff looked up into the eyes of his fiance.

Fluttershy hit him with something they had been working on for a few months. She called it the Love Stare.

As the name suggested, love and warmth poured into the young dragon, and from him to his parents, erasing the lingering effects from her first Stare.

Cliff went to the fallen dragoness and helped her up. “Not exactly the reunion I was expecting, but it's good to see you, Mom.”

“It's good to see you too, Cliff.” She pressed a hand against her forehead. What did that pony do to me?

Sorry, Cliff sent her. The Stare is a magical effect, so not even the Stillness can block it out completely.

Fluttershy landed slightly apart from the wyrms. Experience had shown that getting too close to nervous wyrms too quickly only caused problems. “I, um, I'm sorry for hurting you.” Embarrassment and nervousness radiated from her.

Cliff, his father glanced at the pegasus, why are you working with one of the creatures that stole your brother from us?

Fluttershy cringed a little.

Dad, she can understand you.

It's still a valid question, Cliff, his mother sent back.

The young dragon resisted the urge to sigh. My brother is the one that convinced me to try getting along with ponies in the first place, and she happens to be one of his best friends.

Wait, you found him?! Both parents shouted simultaneously.

Now that he was confidant that she wasn't going to fall over, Cliff released his mother and moved to stand next to the yellow pegasus. “Yeah. There's a lot that I need to tell you both, but let's get introductions out of the way first. Fluttershy, meet Scenic Trail, my mother, and Sky Painter, my father. Mom, Dad, this is Fluttershy, my fiance.”

They stared at him in shocked silence for a moment before Sky Painter turned to his wife and asked, “So what's your vote? I'm sticking with mind control.”

Scenic Trail facepalmed. “Cliff, start talking.”

Author's Note:

Hey, happy feelings. I remember these.
Spike finally got his true name; Spirit Shield. You all knew it was going to happen eventually.
I'm curious what you think of Fluttershy's decision to leave Ponyville with Cliff, and your theories about what Spike, now Spirit, has been cooking up.
Cliff's parents are finally back from their travels. Boy are they in for some surprises!