• Published 25th May 2014
  • 623 Views, 19 Comments

Winter Star - Roxanne10

The pain still stings like the day when she first found out, that very same day when she lost the only friend the truly understood her. And it was later that day she had became Nightmare Moon. Not from jealousy, but from sadness at her lost and anger

  • ...

Sadness. . .

Author's Note:

I don't know why I wrote this. I think it was because I wanted to see if I could write a good story without it being edited. Or because I've had this idea in my head and just wanted to get it out. But whatever the reason may be, I hope everyone enjoys this story.

It was just an ordinary night. The moon and stars glowed brightly over Equestria, and everypony was happy. Everypony except Princess Luna. You would probably think that her life as a princess would be perfect, but even she felt pain. Pain that stung like a dagger, and that was always there, no matter what. Sometimes she would cry herself to sleep, remembering her dearest friend. But tonight was a night Princess Luna had not been looking forward to, and never would look forward to. It was the last day of winter, and everypony was celebrating, not for the beginning of spring, but for when the first snowflake came to be. This day was known as Winter Star Day. . .

"Luna?" a voice asked, breaking the princess out of her trance and train of thoughts. She turned and saw her older sister, Celestia, standing by her door, with it slightly open.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Luna asked, bitterly, turning her head away from her sister.

"Yes, I have," Celestia answered. "But I knew you would not answer, so I just let myself in. I hope that's alright."

Luna looked at Celestia angrily. "Well, it's not alright, so you can just go away now!"

Celestia sighed. "My dear sister, you know I am always there for you, right?"

Luna slowly nodded.

"Then I don't see why you cannot tell me what's the matter," Celestia said. "I want to be there for, but I cannot if you are just going to push me away."

"You wouldn't understand," Luna said flatly. "You're the perfect Princess of the Sun. You can do no wrong! Not to mention, everypony adores you, while most of our subjects would prefer me dead!"

"Luna, that's not true—"

"It's true and you know it!" Luna interrupted. "Everypony hates me for what I did! Everypony hates me for being Nightmare Moon!" A few tears started to fall down her cheek as she yelled. "Everypony. . . hates me. . ."

Celestia pulled Luna into a warm sisterly hug. "It's alright, Luna, everythings alright."

"E-Everything is n-not alright, Tia, a-and you know i-it."

"I know of the troubles you have been through," Celestia said, calmly. "I know what you have lost, and what you could of gained."

"H-How do you know?" Luna asked, still crying. "How do you know?"

"I don't," Celestia answered, truthfully.

"Exactly!" Luna said, raising her voice a little. "You know nothing of that pain I've been though!"

"I know," Celestia said, smiling. "How about you tell me about it."

"W-What?" Luna asked, surprised. She pulled away from the hug.

"Tell me about it," Celestia said, repeating herself. "It sometimes makes you feel better when you talk about your pain."

"B-But, Tia—"

"Don't 'but, Tia‘ me," Celestia said. "I understand that it might be hard to talk about your feelings, but if you ever want to feel better, you must. Do you understand me, sister."

"Y-Yes, Tia," Luna said, looking at the floor. "But do I have to tell you right now?"

"It would be best, sister," Celestia answered.

"Okay," Luna said, looking up. "It all started more than a thousand years ago. . ."

The sun was shining brightly over Cloudsdale, and everypony was happy. Even Snowdrop was as happy as she could be. Snowdrop was a blind pegasus filly. But even though she was blind, she had made great accomplishments. Snowdrop had invented the snowflake only a few short years ago. She had also become close friends with Princess Luna. Actually, that's where Snowdrop was going. To see Luna!

As Snowdrop skipped along, she wonder what kind of fun things they would do. Maybe, Luna and I will pay hide and go seek or we can read a story together! Snowdrop thought, smiling as she picked up her speed.

"Snowdrop?" said a familiar voice in Snowdrop's ear.

"Luna!" Snowdrop yelled, happily.

"Yep!" Luna said as she began to recite their handshake. "Moonlight, Moonlight. . ."

"Fireflies awake. . ." Snowdrop joined in, doing the movements.

"Make a wish, and do a little shake!" they finished together, doing the last of the moves. They both began to laugh loudly.

"L-Luna," Snowdrop managed to say through all her laughing tears. "W-What are we going to do today?"

"I'm afraid I have a very important meeting," Luna announced . "I just came to let you know."

Snowdrop drooped her head in disappointment. "Ahhhhhh........."

"Snowdrop," Luna said. "I promise that tomorrow we'll spend the whole day together."

Snowdrop jumped up, flapping her wings a little. "Thanks, Luna! You're the bestest princess in the whole wide world!"

"Well, you're the bestest pegasus in the whole wide world," Luna said, smiling.

Snowdrop smiled. "Thanks, Luna."

"Your welcome," Luna said. "But now I'm afraid I must go."

"Can't you stay just a little bit longer?" Snowdrop asked with pleading eyes.

Luna shook her head. "I'm sorry, Snowdrop, but I cannot."

"O-Okay. . ."

"Snowdrop, please don't be upset," Luna said. "Remember I promised that tomorrow we would spend the whole day together."

"Yes, I know," Snowdrop said. "But I wanted to play today."

Luna signed. "I'm sorry, Snowdrop, but I must go now, or I'll be late." Luna began to flap her wings as she lifted herself into the air and began to fly towards Canterlot. "Good bye, Snowdrop, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Luna!" Snowdrop yelled after her, waving her hoof in the air.

"Bye," Luna yelled back as she departed from Cloudsdale. As Luna flew through the sky, wind began to whip through her short, dark blue hair. I can't wait until tomorrow! she thought, picking up speed. Luna began to giggle as she did a flip in the air. Yes, tomorrows going to be just perfect! Luna landed on the platform which led into her room.

"Luna!" Yelled, a somewhat, younger Celestia. The only big difference was that her hair was a light pink instead of the multi colors of green, blue, pink, and purple. "Where have you been?" Celestia asked. "The meeting's about to start."

"Sorry, Tia," Luna apologized. "I just wanted to tell Snowdrop that I wouldn't be able to hang out with her today."

"I understand," Celestia said. "But you should have left sooner."

"I know, but does it really matter now?"

"No, it does not," Celestia said. "But it is time for the meeting. So let us go."

Luna followed Celestia into the great hall. There stood three very important and boring looking ponies. This is going to be a long, long day, Luna thought.


After what seemed like days, the meeting was finally over. Luna tried to leave the great hall quickly, wanting to get out of that horrid place, but a guard stopped her.

"What is the meaning of this?" Luna asked in a booming voice. "Why have you stopped me?"

"I have news, Your Highness," the guard answered. "News from Cloudsdale."

"What is it?" Luna asked, quickly.

"Part of the city has collapsed, Princess."

"H-How, what happened?" Luna asked, in a worried voice.

"That has not yet been made clear," the guard said.

"S-Snowdrop!" Luna said to herself. She flew out the nearest window as fast as her wings would take her. She didn't stop, nor catch her breath. All she wanted was to make sure Snowdrop was OK.

When Luna finally made it, she landing on the closest cloud. The guard was right, part if Claudsdale had falling. Luna took flight again as suffer flew towards Snowdrop's house, but when she got there, she could see nothing the resembled a house. All there was were remains.

Luna began to cry. "SNOWDROP!" Luna yelled through all her tears. "Snowdrop, please answer me!"

There was no answer.

Luna collapsed on a nearby cloud. "This is all my fault," she said quietly to herself, crying. "I-I should h-have been here, I c-could of saved her, s-saved everypony. I have failed." Luna rested her head on the cloud. And for a long time, she just laid there and cried. But eventually she had falling asleep.

When Luna opened her eyes, all she could see was darkness. Then she heard a faint, but clear voice whisper something in her ear. "Why, Luna," the wispy voice said. "Such a lovely sunny day it has been, don't you think? And also a lovely night is to come. To bad everypony will be sleeping, instead of enjoying your lovely night."

"W-What do you mean?" Luna asked the voice, trying to see through the dark

"What I mean is that nopony enjoys your night, instead they only sleep."

"But when else are they supposed to sleep?"

"They could sleep during the sunny day," the voice said. "Or better yet, there should be no day, only night."

"No," Luna said. "Everypony needs the sun, for it gives them warmth, and energy, which is used to grow foods."

"But what if the moon could do that to?"

Luna closed her eyes, tightly. "Just go away!" she yelled at the voice through the darkness.

"Alas," the voice answered. "I cannot. I am apart of you, Luna. I am the dark half of you. I am the nightmare."

"N-Nightmare?" Luna asked.

"Yes, Nightmare Moon. That is my name, and it soon shall be yours also."

"No, it won't!" Luna yelled. "I will never betray Tia, or any of my subjects, for that matter."

The voice giggled. "You don't really have a choice, for you have left yourself weak."

"I don't understand."

"The reason why I haven't been able to talk to you before is because you had love and light in your heart, protecting you from the darkness, but now it is gone."

"How?" Luna asked. "How has it gone."

The voice giggled again. "Are you really that big of a fool? The little blInd pegasus loved you like a big sister and you loved her like a little sister. She is the one who gave you love and light which protected you from the darkness, but now, she is gone! And, you have nothing but sadness and anger in your heart, and that it what has made me stronger!"

"I'll never let you win," Luna said, standing up. "As long as my heart is pumping and there is blood in my veins, I will never let you win!"

"I'm afraid, you don't have a choice, dear Luna."

Luna suddenly felt something pulling on her, trying to make her go deeper into the darkness. What ever that as pulling, began to wrap around, keeping her from opening her wings, or moving her legs.

"Show yourself, coward!" Luna screamed, trying to fight back.

The only answer she got was a truly wicked laugh.

Something began to wrap around Luna's neck, choking her. Eventually, the already darkened world, began to fade. . .


When Luna had woken up, she was no longer in control. All she could was watch, as Nightmare Moon made her look like a monster.

Nightmare moon walked on to a small circular platform and looked down at Celestia. "There is room for only one princess in Equestria!" she said, giggling a little. "And that princess. . .shall be ME!" Nightmare Moon slammed her front hooves on the platform, which caused part of it to crumble away. She then raised to moon in front the sun, and using the power from the dark rays, she transformed herself into her true from. "The night shall last FOREVER!"

Comments ( 19 )

Good story! Made me want to cry.:raritydespair:
Just one thing...
Plot gap: Where's the body?:duck:

Not Snowdrop! :fluttershysad:
Nice story!

Wait, it's not edited?
You did a great job! There were some places where you should of put a comma instead of a period. Like before you have a character talk. Besides that, you've improved since the first couple chapters on "Once A Crusader."

4447147 Thx.
And the reason why its not edited because I wanted to see what people would think if I wrote it by myself.

She's not dead.:twilightsmile:
Oh Luna, always getting all worked-up over nothing.:facehoof:

I'm working on a story that builds off this little plot gap, just so you know.:twilightsmile:

4457873 YAY, CANT WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!

Get this, it all starts when Winter decides to go to Cloudsdale for reasons that you'll just have to wait and read.

Just posted it, and now I'm off to bed. I mean, it's 1:00 am, and on top of that, it's a school night! No wonder I have trouble concentrating during the last class of the day, but I consider my work here more important. Be sure to read it when it gets approved!

Once Upon A December is about to hit Teen rating! (The next chapter involves beheading Discord and running around with his head as a trophy

4487407 someone carrying discord's head like a trophy.

Honestly, it was going to be a straight-up sequel, but it kinda just snow-balled from there.
Don't worry, Snowdrop will be the one to save the day in the end!

The little blInd pegasus


4512618 No. The "i" in "blind" is capitalised.:ajbemused:

A link to PrinceOfTheNorth 's Once Upon A December for convenience since there doesn't otherwise seem to be a direct one... which the site should probably allow to be selected as a sequel despite the different authors. I strongly suspect they built it that well.

I assume you would NOT like spelling and grammar suggestions on this particular story?

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