• Published 21st May 2014
  • 592 Views, 5 Comments

The Princesses of Harmony, The King of Chaos - Aquatic-Seana

Harmony and chaos? Together? They'd never run together. . . .or will they?

  • ...

When we first met

Queen Faust zipped from one side of the nursery to the other. Her magic adding needed accessories and finishing touches to the dark blue decor, it was stunning to say the least, the walls were painted dark blue like the night sky, small stars painted here and there, making the room look as if it was just the stuff needed for a nursery, except that it was outside.

She poked her head in and out of the cupboards, using her magic to levitate a quill and some parchment laying around. Mmmhmm, so far it seems like we have everything needed for a new- Her thinking was cut off as she saw some things were missing and quickly scribbled what was needed, down.

Young Celestia cocked her head to the side, "Um..mom? Are you sure you're not let's say....planning a little a head of time? I thought my sister's going to come like, eight months from now!" The young alicorn stated, confused magenta eyes looking at her mother.

Her mother turned around and gave Celestia a soft smile. "Oh what a smart child you are, but, as I believe your father told you, I did the same thing when I heard that you were coming. And besides, would it not be hard to decorate a room if your foal's too big and about to come? So, that's why I'm preparing for Luna now" Faust explained.

The filly looked around confused "Who is this 'Luna' you speak of?" She raised an accusing eyebrow at her mother. Who just simply put a hoof to her chin and looked at her daughter.

"You honestly don't remember? It's your baby sister's name!" Faust exclaimed, her expression being one of bewilderment. Sweet Elements Of Harmony,didn't I tell her that yesterday? Or was it just a dream?- The expecting mare's thinking was cut of as Celestia, once more, kept on filling the mother up with questions.

"But what if it's a 'he' ? What if she isn't like dad? I mean, doesn't 'Luna' stand for the moon? What if her cutie mark isn't related to anything based of the moon? Didn't nurse Luna Lovegood's cutie mark stand for something more about magical healing than anything even close to something as the moon?" The princess babbled quickly.

Despite her daughter's suspiciously curious manner, Queen Faust just beamed at the young pink-mane'd filly. "Now," She started as she took some steady strides towards the crib at the side of the room, then she turned her attention back to her daughter "Why don't this energetic filly go out and play in the gardens? Or perhaps, could you go and get me some roses?"

The filly's eyes automatically brightened, "On it!" Before the last word even left her mouth, she dashed out the door.

The mare chuckled, seeing how fast her daughter went, it seemed that the young filly did not enjoy adding a few finishing touches to room decor as much as her mother did.

Then, all of a sudden, her sister dashed in "Faust, oh Faust! Did you hear,did you? there's a new alicorn colt here at the Crystal Empire! Oooh, he is such a darling! I don't think that there ever has been one any more fanciable!" The mare exclaimed, hooves together cooing.

Then, her exited manner turned into a devilish smirk as she glanced at her sister "Well, on the contrary, he's just only a tad bit older than that darling Celestia of yours, and maybe..they should meet, don't you think?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Who knows riiiiiiiiiight?" So, the faster they meet, the faster they become friends. And the faster they become friends, the faster they will get along together, and the faster that they get along together, the faster they will be attracted to one another!

Faust looked at the overly exited mare over her shoulder, her facade was of a raised eyebrow and a bare hint of a smile "Honestly dear, the girl maybe young, but she's not that old-" The expecting mother's words were cut of again by the enthusiasm filled mare.

"Yet anyway~" She sang teasingly. Still grinning from ear to ear.


The bored filly walked along the soft lush grass that the ground had to offer. Her shoulders slumped, ears flattened against her head. "I used to be right here with my mother on first day of spring," She sighed sadly, looking at her reflection inside the pond, her hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the back of her head, some strays of cotton candy pink hair falling over her sad magenta eyes.

"But with my new sister on the way, she saaays:"

"Not now dear Tia I must pre-pare now," She sang in a voice intimidating her mother as she dragged her feet across the harmless blades of spring green grass as she walked through the gardens, admiring the arrays and varieties of flowers in bloom. The princess bent her head downward a little to smell the sweet odor that the sun flowers had to offer.

Her eyes caught on something flying by, and when she looked, it was a few breezies playing together, the filly's expression saddened as she remembered, when her mother had heard that she had a new foal on the way, she had been spending less and less time with the child she already had and more time on preparing for the foal, ages before he or she would come.

"We can play sooner, but we can't play now" She whispered, her voice cracking at the end.
" When you are here, the clouds go away,
and riiight now, My only wish
is that you would stay,
here by my side...." She sniffed.

Celestia looked up to see that a few clouds had begun to cover the sun, blocking the rays of warm sunlight from seeping through to the ground. The air was going damp, and it lingered around for a while. When you're around..the clouds go away and the suun appears, I wish you'd stay...with me..


From a distance, hiding in the deep shadows of trees and bushes, a pair of bright amber eyes looked at the sad filly with sympathy, a large tuft of cream colored hair found it's way falling over the pair of amber eyes. One part of it wanted to go out from it's hiding spot and give the filly a big well deserved bear hug or a loly-pop to offer.

But the other side of him dis agreed. He shook is head "No, I should just stay here, besides, any minute from now..somepony will come and she'll be better again. And, why would she want to be friends, or even except you? You're a freak. It's better if you don't go near to anyone at all" He muttered to himself.

He took just one step back...


He had stepped on a stick, lost his footing, fell onto the ground, rolled down a hill and fell into a huge bush and is trapped.



Clesestia gasped. Out of pure shock she jumped, adrenaline was coursing through her veins, her breath coming out in shacking puffs of air. Everything was quiet, too quiet.

The filly stood rooted to the ground as her frightened eyes searched the place, trying to find where or who was causing the sound. "...W-who's th-the-there..? S-show y-you-you're s-self!" She demanded shakily, even though she was trying to put on a brave and bold pose on the outside, all she wanted to do was go home and run to her mother crying, terrified, the filly took a cautious step forward and looked around.

As she looked at the darkened shadows of the trees in the Everfree Forest, something, her guts maybe, was telling her to go in that direction. Her body was moving on its own with every step closer she went, soon, she was so deep in there, there was not a single smidgen of the suns warm, comforting light. The leaves on the branches were too thick for the light to seep through.

Celestia gulped and gingerly trotted around the place, being as careful as she could to dodge the thorn's and gorges as she walked along the path. With every step, the sun's light was dimmed from her, with every new step, she was getting even more frightened.

"Uh..is anypony there?" She asked meekly. It echoed in a way which seemed as if it never ended, there was the sound of an annoyed grunt, it sounded as if someone, or something was stuck.

The young princess advanced towards the sound taking, slow but steady, cautious steps.
Celestia had to squint her eyes to see what was trapped inside those thorny vine's, it looked like something for sure, or specifically a bunch of somethings were in there.

Suddenly, a pair of pale yellow and amber eyes sprang opened. The frightened filly yelped, shocked and stumbled backwards, falling down in the process, whereas the creature also stumbled back and hit a branch of a tree, which made some of the vine's col-laspe on him, but also let some sun light in as well.

"Who are you...?" She asked the creature, or more specifically, a bundle of animals put together to make...whatever the sweet alicorn twilight thing that was.

As she looked at the tangled creature a bit more clearly, she realized that the strange creature was made up of all sorts of animals. "More like...what are you?" She breathed.

Author's Note:


Ummm, this IS my first fanfic so..don't blame me if it sucks, blame my mind =P

Could you please give me some feedback on how I could improve? Thanks in advance!

Comments ( 5 )

I am having difficulty finding any serious faults with your concepts or grammar, so thumbs up for you.

True Harmony need both order and chaos (order is stability, chaos is change) so....it's not really opposite.

it's very interesting; like and fav:twilightsmile:

4428732 Thank you, I really appreciate it :pinkiesmile:

i like this story can't wait for more:twilightsmile:

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