Latest Stories
- Blueblood faces certain death by Discord's chaos but is saved at the last moment by the Elements of Harmony. Why did he become so arrogant? What is his story? Can he ever change?ItsfromPeople · 14k words · 44 0 · 1.7k views
- Fluttershy encounters a changeling in the deeps of the Everfree Forest.ItsfromPeople · 2.9k words · 52 2 · 2.7k views
- Trixie returns after a long time with a completely new performance about the encounter between the Elements of Harmony and Nightmare Moon.ItsfromPeople · 8.1k words · 51 2 · 2.7k views
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Thanks for all the favs.
Yow, thanks for all the faves! They're very appreciated!
are you planning on eventually uploading the rest of your elseworld POV fiction from deviantart soon? You know, the discord one, the grandfalloon one and the rainbow dash one?
I think the folder Comedy would fit it the best, since Trixie (unintentionally) parodies Twilight's first adventure.
And I just joined the group.
what folder and would you like to join