• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen January 27th


Comments ( 15 )

Just tell me grammatical errors please, I don't need to hear how fucked up it is... I already know that.

Wait, does this have any relation to FMA Brotherhood? Cause I've been watching it and my mind switched Bucky to Barry The Butcher. I was just wondering.

I didn't mean it to, but I realized the connection in there while writing it xD
There will probably be references in there at some point.
I guess you could imagine it if Barry the Butcher never got caught? and is a pony?

Also, I thought Bucky the butcher was the best name for what he... uh... worked on. If you have any other name ideas please throw them my way :D

424438 While I only read these out of a morbid curiosity for how dark the story is, and how disturbing it is to me (in this case, I've certainly read worse. So far it's all downhill from mai chan), I did notice that you typed "liking" instead of "licking" twice. And since you requested error notices, I decided to break my "no comment, no watch, no thumbs up, no thumbs down, no favorite, no nothing" rule I have for squick fics.

Thanks for the help! And I'll pretend you were never here, sounds good? :3

he grew found of a name thought up by those out west
grammar errors are a pain in the ass to get to I know, but it's just one little one I found.

Got me interested already, good job.:pinkiecrazy:

I don't understand how i keep missing these xD

well i think that was good looking forward to the rest.

Why has it been so long with out update?
i need my gore!

lol sorry, as you may have heard from other writers, school finals.
I'm from New York, so we go on longer than everyone else.
And because of my terrible Trig grade from last quarter, I'm studying alot in that.
Dun worry though, I am still thinking stuff up! (Mainly because of my hate of my Spanish Teacher)

Spot the FMA reference, get your OC killed next! (that's right, I'm doing that)

YAY :pinkiecrazy:

is it wrong that i like this?.... probably but fuck it more ponies dying in horrible ways!

Lol, there's nothing wrong with it... as long as you aren't copying it, xD
Glad to know I have someone following this story.
So, can ya find the full metal alchemist reference? :3

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