• Published 27th Nov 2011
  • 1,175 Views, 3 Comments

Mutants Story - Skywing the Mutant

Six mares and a stallion with a scarred past, whats the worst that could happen.

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Hangover Ahoy

Skywing pulled the blankets over his head as the blinding light, combined with the throbbing headache, hammered at his conscious. He didn't even know what he was grabbing onto, yet at the same time he didn't even care. All he knew was that his head was in pain. 'Ugh, what the hell did I do to get this?' It took ten minutes before Skywing decided to get out of bed, in which he argued with himself, tried to remember what happened yesterday, and opened his eyes to the blinding light. All of which led to a bigger migraine. Skywing swayed as he tried to analyze his surroundings, and worsened his migraine.

'Ah screw it!' Skywing started staggering to what he thought was the doorway, tripped on his own front hooves, and stumbled into the shelf. Skywing grunted and fell to the floor, the pain now equivalent to being hit with a sledge hammer. Skywing clutched his head in pain as tears started forming in his eyes, and quickly convinced to get up. Standing proved futile as he slammed his head on the shelf again. This time the knots in the ropes holding the shelf gave way and dropped one of Big Macs trophies on Skywing. "Shit!" Tears started flowing down the mutants cheeks now that the pain was equal to having a piano sized anvil crushing his head on pavement.

"Ah don't care how much the hangover hurts, you-" Applejack stopped short of entering her brothers room. The sight of Skywing withering in pain had silenced her, but the fact the solid gold yoke Big Mac won, laying on the ground next to Skywing stopped her in her tracks. 'Ah kin only imagine the pain...' Applejack slowly stepped into the room towards Skywing, who was unaware of her presence.

"WHAT!? NGH" Barking at Applejack was painfully futile for Skywing. With his horn pointed at her, Applejack approached the mutant and attempt to help him through the worst part.

'We're havin' a talk later.' Applejack could sympathies with the hangover, but would not tolerate his words and current actions. She pushed herself up to Skywing's side so he could lean against her. "C'mon, up you go. we have an ice pack in the freezer." Her words were like nails on a chalkboard at the infrequency of a dog whistle to him. This made Skywing clench his head tighter. "ah ain't going downstairs without ya."

"SHUT UP!" Skywing took her advice after withering in pain for an added three minutes. With all four hooves, on the ground he pushed his body off the ground. Which felt like a ton. With a huff, Skywing managed to straighten all four of his legs. He then draped his head on applejack's back. He didn't know that would happen next, but he was desperate for relief.

"Alright, you just follow me and we'll get an ice pack out of the freezer." Though Applejack was speaking softer, It still rattled Skywing's brain. She moved slowly to be sure she wouldn't lose him.

'It wasn't the kind of dream ah was expectin'. Still, it felt close to it.' Applejack was expecting a romantic dream which ended with what most stallions supposedly wanted, instead It was one with a more curious Skywing. As she sold apples, he would go out of his way to question what things were. He would look at objects and question what they were; objects like jump ropes, cameras, even the various baked goods in her wagon.This wasn't a true surprise, at the party it was brought to light that he didn't know what a cupcake was, nor a balloon. What really set the dream apart from others is where Applejack would call him part of the family, Skywing would actually take things a little further and nuzzle her occasionally. At the end of the day, he was starting to show deep affection towards her. When it finally came time to sleep, Skywing ended up sleeping with her. While he didn't do anything sensual, what he did was bad enough. Skywing fell asleep in seconds, and said 'I love you'. It was at that point when Applejack woke up.

"Why me brain hurt?" Skywing was in no condition for critical thinking, but he had countless questions in his head. The least he could do was ask about his condition.

"It's called a hangover. You get one every tahm you drink too much." Applejack was forced to lay Skywing's head over her back as they maneuvered down the stairs. Each step was enough to cause his throbbing brain constant pain. "Stay quiet everypony, our guest has a hangover."

"What's a hangover?" Sweetie Belle's voice rang out like nails on a chalkboard in an opera house to Skywing. There was no school today because it was Saturday, and the CMC decided to try something at the farm to get their cutie marks.

"It's something that happens when you drink a lot." Applebloom’s voice was not that different.

"Maybe we can get our cutie marks by drinking." Scootaloo voice was probably the easiest, but still sounded like a train was screeching to a halt.

"That's a terrible idea." Applejack spat her words like venom from a spitting cobra. "Nothing ever comes from drinking. Look at our guest, he's a perfect example of what drinking does to you." Skywing was nothing short of a prisoner to the pain in his head. "now you think of something else to do whal I git a Ice-pack for him."

"why is he colored like Granny Smith?" Scootaloo was too focused on colors to make a plan.

"Rarity would know what to do." Sweetie Belle provided the key to what would be Skywing's modern nightmarish hell.

"Then let's take him to her." Applebloom looked at Sweetie Belle, then to Scootaloo. As the three exchanged looks one thing became clear.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TAXI PONIES!!!" The three fillies jumped into the air as they yelled.

"Please, no more, I can't take it." Skywing's cries made no difference to the CMC, who would not stop until they got Skywing to the Carousel Boutique. The fillies grabbed Skywing from the couch before Applejack got him the Ice pack, and ran outside to their wagon. The cool morning air did little for Skywing as blinding sun, combined with the hard drop into a metal box thing made him feel like hell all over. Applebloom hung his head off the back, and Sweetie Belle put his hooves to his side. They got on either side of Skywing and signaled to Scootaloo to hit the gas. As soon as they started moving Scootaloo's wings generated a ringing sound in Skywing's ears that was worse than a mosquito hovering around your ear.

"We better hurry up girls, he's lookin' a little green." Applebloom became concerned when she noticed him making a face she makes when she feels like she's about to throw up.

"I thought he was already green?" Sweetie Belle, as usual, didn't understand.

"Skywing can't turn green if he's already green." Scootaloo protested with logic, as she was focused on the road and only listened as Skywing unloaded his stomach behind the wagon.

"I give up. Please, just kill me already." Skywing begged as Scootaloo tried to go faster, consequently making his situation worse. His horn began dragging in the dirt for a few seconds before Sweetie Belle and Applebloom Pulled his body back. He watched the blinding colors fly by during his trip, each more brain splittingly painful than the last.

“You sure about this Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo questioned as the Carousel Boutique came into view.

“She has to know.” Sweetie Belle responded surprisingly chirpy.

“Ya mean, she might not know?” Applebloom was taken back by what she said. Skywing groaned as he blinked.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle called out as Rarity closed the door. It was saturday so that also meant it was the day of the week where Rarity and Fluttershy would go to the spa. Rarity looked over just as she was about to leave. Scootaloo put her right hoof to the ground and skidded to a stop in front of Rarity. “We need you to help Skywing with his hangover.”

“I’d love to but I-” Rarity’s words turned into shrill screaming as she looked at Skywing in the wagon. Skywing clenched his teeth and put his hooves over his ears as brain drilling shriek pummeled his brain. “He should have stayed in bed.”

“It was Sweetie Belles Idea.” Scootaloo tried to shift some of the blame to her as the three of them looked down in shame.

“Well get him inside, I-” Rarity stopped herself and thought back to the day they met, more specifically when he said they were celebrities. “Idea!” Rarity sang out as Skywing groaned in pain. “Girls, you did a wonderful thing bringing Skywing to me. A visit to the spa should perk him right up.”

“But you said-” Rarity cut into Sweetie Belle’s sentence.

“You run along, and remind me to treat you three out to some ice cream sometime.” Rarity trotted over to Skywing as the CMC cried out with joy, then checked their flanks. As they groaned over their still blank flanks Rarity whispered. “Skywing can you walk?”

Skywing groaned and staggered to his hooves. “Barely.”

“Follow me.” Rarity quickly whispered. Skywing followed without question.He followed her uncomfortably close, but as she tried to get personal space he began to stagger. Rarity quickly jumped back before he could fall over, and his head draped over her back just as it had with Applejack. Rarity winced, but stayed. “Alright just follow me and You’ll be fine.”

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