• Published 27th Nov 2011
  • 1,172 Views, 3 Comments

Mutants Story - Skywing the Mutant

Six mares and a stallion with a scarred past, whats the worst that could happen.

  • ...

Is She Serious

"Dear, you can't be serious!?" Rarity spoke immediately after Skywing, leaving no room for Rainbow Dash to accept his challenge.

"Yeah, what makes ya think ya'll can beat Rainbow?" Applejack was convinced Skywing would lose.

"A race though Whitetail Woods." The mutant stallion took a pose on his stone board. shifting the nose of the board in the air

"Ah hope ya know what your doin', gal like you don't need to be gettin' hurt." Applejack spoke with concern, for good reason to. Rainbow Dash's had a competitive streak, doing almost anything to win.

"Skywing isn't a filly." Pinkie Pie lead Applejacks hoof around to Skywings rear, and to his crotch, Swiftly and gently. Applejacks face turned a deep red. Rarity gasped and fainted, bringing a hoof to her forehead as she did. Fluttershy backed down and hid behind her main, clinching her eyes shut. Twilight gawked at what was happening. Rainbow Dash felt herself heating up. And Skywing despite his green fur, turned bright red. His board fell to the ground. He himself went limp, his forelegs gave way then backlegs. All in seconds of each other.

"Pinkie! Ya could've just told me he was a colt, instead uh just doin' that!" Applejack yelled defensively "Ah didn't want to feel his things!"

"Really? I saw you feel Big Macintosh's spooge boulders." chirped with excitement.

"T-That's different, Ah accidently got him hurt there!" Applejacks yelling proved useless.

"To do such an uncivilized thing. I will never get that horrid image out of my mind." Rarity spoke on wobbly hooves.

"Can we get past what Pinkie Pie did and to my race?" the annoyance in Rainbow Dashs voice was hard to miss.

"As soon as we wake Skywing up." Twilight said walking to him.

"Well actually... He's conscious but um... limp." Fluttershy spoke to her friends before addressing Skywing directly. His eyes twitched, a signal of nervousness. "Take as long as you need." She laid down next to Skywing.

"Whats wrong, afraid I'll beat you?" Rainbow Dash worked to aggravate Skywing. seconds later his horn started to glow, and a large rock was ripped from the ground.

Skywing got up in his hooves, and turned directly to Rainbow Dash. "Go into Whitetail Woods, get to the end. Circle this rock, skim along the lake. first one here wins. Got it?" Skywing didn't hesitate with the route. Moments later the rock was flung over Whitetail Woods. He than grabbed his board with his magic and put a line in the ground. "This is the starting line and finish line." Skywing than jumped back onto his board.

"Ooh, this music will go great with the race." Pinkie Pie started jumping with the music.

"Pinkie, we cant hear anything." Twilight turned to Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, sorry." Pinkie left the story to start the music. In seconds the music started. "I'm back. Did I miss anything?"

"No, but Fluttershy is starting the race." Rarity watched as Fluttershy got to the middle of the starting line, Skywing on the left Rainbow Dash on the right, scarf in her mouth just like last time. Both racers on the ground, they were itching to be the first one out of the starting line. The scarf went up, Skywing and Dash leaned forwards. Fluttershy brought it down and they flew by her. Dash and Skywing could not have started any faster if they tried.

Slowly Skywing lifted himself on to his back hooves, bringing his right hind-leg forwards. His right forehoof was held in front of him, He started to slowly pull away. "I honestly hope there's more to your flying than this." Skywing turned his attention from Dash to the fast approaching trees. Whitetail Woods provided a technical challenge requiring more precise turning. Rainbow Dash stayed low to the ground to avoid as many branches as possible, and it was working. The slight lead skywing gained was quickly lost.

"See you at the finish line!" Rainbow Dash gained an increasing lead. Skywing left the dirt path for a direct route. Avoiding the branches became problematic, however time and distance was an issue with dash in the lead. It was only ten seconds flat and Skywing gained an entire foot lead against Rainbow Dash. "Hey, that's cheating!" Rainbow Dash accused.

"I said circle the rock, skim along the lake, and get back first. Not how to get to them. speaking of rock." Skywing pulled a hairpin turn around the rock, Rainbow had a wider turn. luck had it for Dash the lake was a straightaway, Rainbow got directly behind Skywing. The slipstream he was producing was perfect. Rainbow pushed herself to her limit, she felt different. she should've made a Sonic Rainboom at these speeds. Rainbow Dash pulled up right behind skywing, threatening to throw him off at that speed.

Instinctively, Skywing moved right, this proved to be fatal. As soon as Rainbow Dash exited the slipstream, a sonic rainboom erupted sending Skywing and his board flying. "Hope you know how to swim." Rainbow mocked as Skywing plummeted into the lake. the sonic rainboom was short lived as the straightaway lead to an area difficult to maneuver at her typical flight speed. The dense foliage proved challenging, Dashes speed drastically fell to manage the barrage of sharp turns.

"Are ya sure Twi'?" Applejack was concerned with what she was she was hearing.

"Yes, he's not a mutant. the last known mutant died over three hundred years ago." Twilight spoke confidently.

"You don't suppose there is any other way to give birth to a mutant, do you Twilight?" Rarity spoke up.

"For the last time, Skywing is not a-" Twilights words were cut off by the arrival of Skywings board. It came in at an angle nose first, burying itself two thirds in the ground.

"Skywings board." Fluttershy squeaked out of surprise. the stone board stuck out of the ground two feet from the finish line.

"Dashie's coming, Dashie's coming!" the sudden outburst of Pinkie Pie grabbed everyponys attention. The speeding cyan pegasus had a smug grin painted on her face. It had changed when she noticed Twilight grabbing Skywings board with her magic.

Rainbow Dash stopped mere inches from the finish line. "How'd he beat me!?" she failed to notice Skywings absence.

"Dash, Skywing's not here, his board just came flying through the air." Twilight spoke calmly.

Rainbow dashes facial expression shifted to fear. 'I really hope he knows how to swim.' she took a moment before flying over Whitetail Woods. as the lake came into view, the fear in Rainbow Dash only grew. the search for where her Sonic Rainboom started was quick, distinct features were present. upon realizing Skywing was not in sight, she immediately feared the worse. without hesitation Rainbow Dash dove to the bottom of the lake.

To her horror, she found Skywing unconscious. Rainbow grabbed him with all four legs and used her wings to swim to the surface. Reaching it was the hard part. Upon breaking the surface, Rainbow Dash flew to shore. "If you can hear me, stay awake. Just stay awake!" no response. Reaching shore was a simple task for the cyan mare. Rainbow Dash dropped Skywing near the waters edge. His hooves fell to the right, his drenched main and tail splayed out.

Dash put an ear up to Skywings chest. She couldn't hear the heartbeat she so desperately wanted. The thought of killing somepony got Dash to unconsciously perform CPR. Never actually learning it, she copied how she saw it in the movies. fifteen seconds in and Skywing was still unresponsive. Rainbow Dash took a hard kick on her head, sending her back a foot or two.

"ah can't believe you," The familiar voice called out. "you'd just leave yer friends waiting whal y'all got comfy with each other." The accusive words did little to the briefly dumbfounded pegasus.

"What was that for?" Rainbow Dash yelled, forgetting Skywing for the moment.

"Ya invite us to see fluttershys friend, and then run off ta get ta know him intimately!" Applejack turned her attention to the motionless Skywing. She starred for a few seconds before raising her voice. "Ah know ya aint trying to get out of this!" Applejack brought a hoof up and struck Skywing with just enough force to cause a decent amount of pain.

"OhmygodIkilled'em!" Rainbow Dashes panic brought confusion to Applejack. She quickly moved to her panicked friend. "What if the wonderbolts find out, what if Princess Celestia finds out. MY LIFE IS" A third voice cut Rainbow Dash off.

"It finally happened! I'm dead, I'm finally dead!" the voice belonged to Skywing. Applejack and Rainbow Dash watched as he went on. "My body is at the bottom of a lake with no radiation to revive it, so now I'm stuck in hell just waiting to have burning coal shoveled into my ass!" His panicked voice echoed in every which direction.

"Uh, ya aint dead yet." Applejack stated to the panicky pony, her voice slightly colder than usual.

"Oh, um... Oh." Skywing looked towards both mares. "so who performed CPR on me?"

"Is that you were doin'?" Applejack spoke with a hint of guilt in her voice. "Ah guess ah got a little ahead of mahself, ah'm mighty sorry."

"I hate to interrupt but I walked several miles and got into a race, now I'm beat." Skywing stretched his jaw out.

"Yeah, it is getting late. I aught ta get back ta the farm." Applejack brought attention to Celestias fading light. "Ya got a place to stay Skywing?"

"I was actually planning on finding shelter in the Everfree Forest." Skywing spoke expecting something to happen.

"Are you crazy, you're liable to die if you go in there!" Rainbow Dash yelled, showing concern due to the fact it was Fluttershys friend.

"I was actually sent to investigate the Everfree Forest in an attempt to... Uh where's my board?" Skywings attention temporarily shifted to his missing stone board.

"First of all, don't go changin' the subject. Secondly, can't ya just make a new one." Applejack questioned Skywing.

"That stone board took me years to build, I can't use some powerful magic to instantly alter the shape of some rock. It was a time consuming process." Skywing answered.

"hey girls, I just wanted to... What's going on?" Twilight was rather confused about the situation. She carried the stone board with her magic.

"He was about to tell us why he wants ta go into the Everfree Forest." Applejack addressed Twilights Question.

"Thank you for bringing me my board Twilight Sparkle." Twilights magic disapated only to quickly be replaced by Skywings. "Now back to the matter of the Everfree forest. Basically the Canterlot Magic and Mutation research center thinks its controlled by radiation. So with that in mind they sent me to investigate these claims."

"Skywing, how did you-" Twilight was cut off by Rainbow Dash.

"I don't care, I'm not letting Fluttershy get hurt." Rainbow Dash wouldn't tell the whole truth.

"How does me going into the Everfree Forest at night hurt Fluttershy." Skywing was genuinely stumped on this one.

"I think she means emotionally, if something happens to you in the Everfree Forest, it would... Fluttershy is really sensitive to this Kind of things." Twilight answered for Rainbow Dash.

"If you insist. But where do you suppose I stay, I didn't go into town." Skywing tried to prove a point, without ant success.

"My place." Rainbow Dash quickly answered. 'And the rumors will finally end.'

Skywing only looked at Rainbow Dash with a deadpan expression as she turned from cocky to annoyed. "Very well. Lead the way."

Applejacks and Twilights jaws simultaneously dropped as Skywing jumped on his board. "Rainbow. Ya hardly know him, whah ya takin' em home so soon."

"Because if Fluttershy trusts him, Thats good enough for me." A smug look crossed Dashs face. "Besides I can handle myself."

"Shes got a point you know. Fluttershy does trust him, and that's a lot to go by." Twilight Spoke.

"So what of the others?" Skywing suddenly questioned.

"Went home."

With a respectful huff, Skywing turned to Dash. "Shall we go, or to you intend to keep me here." With that, Rainbow Dash was off with Skywing not too far behind. The distance was no further than their race, but their speeds were more casual.

"Hey, can you walk on clouds?"

"I'm a mutant pegasus, aren't I."

"I don't know."

"I'm the Cloudsdale Mutant witch should imply that originally I was a pegasus."

"I guess that makes sense."

The trip was was slightly longer than the conversation. Dashs cloud house had an ancient Rome feel to it. "I guess I shouldn't be impressed by a B list celebs house, but I am."

"Wait till you see the inside." Rainbow Dash spoke. Skywing threw is board at the earth after setting hoof on cloud. The interior had a more modern design, complete with secondary carpeting of fast food wrappers, empty beer cans from years past, and old worn out clothes. A coffee table with a few uncrushed beer cans sat in front of a couch. "Well the place is kind of a mess, want anything." Rainbow Dash moved to a mini fridge located behind the door.

"What do you got." Skywing stood by the door visibly nervous through his best efforts to suppress it.

"I got Bronyweiser. Uh... you can relax, ya know that." As if on cue Skywings tension eased. Rainbow Dash pulled two beers from the mini-fridge and hoofed one to Skywing.

"Can't complain with Bronyweiser." Skywing took his making his way to the couch. Though the mare-faced stallion could easily open the can with his magic, he opted for his hoof like a earth pony of pegasus.

"So if were all celebrities, then why aren't well all mobbed by everypony?" Rainbow took a drink.

"that's an easy one, Princess Celesta has put it where the paparazzi cant bother you directly." Rainbow said nothing as she starred at her can of Bronyweiser. "Nothing like a couch to show you how exhausted you really are."

Dash looked up from her can to Skywings face. "Hey, there's been something I've been wanting to ask you." Skywing only raised an eyebrow. "I was wondering if you'd wanna have some fun with me?" Rainbow spoke seductively

Skywing only glanced away. "Not happening."

"What, why!?"

"Simple, I hardly know you outside of what the media has gathered, even then I don't entirely trust them. But more importantly, I don't think I'll stay awake to finish you off."

"I doubt anypony could fall asleep during-" Dash was cutoff mid-sentence by Skywing.

"Obviously you haven't been as exhausted as I am right now." Skywing took a short pause before continuing. "I haven't been this relaxed in... I can't remember. every waking moment I keep from returning to my past life, they hunt me down relentlessly. Though I haven't seen them lately." Skywing finished his beer and placed the empty can on the coffee table.

"You wanna another?"

"No, the fatigue is really getting to me." Skywing let out a big yawn before proceeding. "I'm calling it a day right here, right now."

"Before you go to sleep, at least tell me what the media is saying about me." Rainbow Dash was intent on learning about what they were saying about her.

"The most talked about thing the media says about you is that your a lesbian, but something keeps telling me you're bi. Another thing they talk about is..." Skywing looked up for a moment before his head came crashing down on the sofa.

Rainbow poked at the now fast asleep mutant on her couch. Skywing only curled up like a little foal. Convinced he was not waking up soon, Rainbow took two steps towards her mini-fridge before deciding against it. As she went up the stairs to her room a thought pop into her head. The thought followed her to sleep. 'How did he know I'm bi?'