• Published 27th Nov 2011
  • 1,174 Views, 3 Comments

Mutants Story - Skywing the Mutant

Six mares and a stallion with a scarred past, whats the worst that could happen.

  • ...

Skywing the Imposter

Skywing had a habit of waking up at five am every morning, a habit he'd rather get rid of. Skywing shifted positions during his sleep, and was now splayed out on his back. He wasn't fully awake but he didn't need do be to know that he was fully erect, a nuisance if he ever knew one. He took five minutes to fully wake up, before a foreign sound invaded his ears.

An alarm clock that sat on Rainbows night stand had gone off. 'Did I leave the alarm on again' The alarm was for yesterdays early morning work. Dash searched for the annoying noise until she finally found it. The call of a full bladder was the second thing that came to her mind.

Curiosity got the better of Skywing, prompting him to go up to Rainbow Dashs room. The odd sound had disappeared leaving Skywing to speculate. Opening the door undetected to dashs room was easier than expected. A full look around from the door revealed little save for Dashs absence, until a new sound broke the silence. The new sound was easier to recognize, It caused him to blush. As the sound came to an end, the shortly followed sound confirmed the thoughts that had invaded his mind, causing Skywing to blush even deeper. Rainbow emerged from her bathroom with an empty bladder, a shocked look covered her face as she discovered her unwanted but greatly appreciated ease dropper. It quickly turned into a devilish smile.

'crap!' Skywing stood motionless other than his quickening breaths as Rainbow repositioned herself to get a better of his stone hard member. Ether by choice or distraction, she didn't acknowledge his fully regenerated ear, or the skin that generated over where his wings once were, none witch scarred up.

"You enjoyed what you herd, Didn't you?" Rainbow seductively moved forwards, Skywing stepped back. "Now you can enjoy me."

'Okay it's official, this is the most scared I've been in a long time. Now what do I do then all I everything I know is from a pony mill outside Equestria?' Skywing continued to inch back as Dash moved forwards twice his speed.

Rainbow pretended to not notice how nervous the Cloudsdale Mutant was, and chose her next words without excess thought. "Oh I know, I'll start you off with foreplay." The suggestion made Skywing rear up and loose his hoofing. Rainbow could only watch and cringe as the mare-faced stallion painfully descended the stairs. "You okay?"

Now at the bottom floor, Skywings first thought was to check for dislocated limbs and found that his right hind leg was, at the base. With a bit of magic he was able to put it back in place. "You really are persistent, aren't you. If it means anything, the media normally print what will get the readers attention, and half of it isn't usually true."

"So, then we just have to convince then were dating." The cyan mare was concerned about the mare-faced stallion, but more so about how the public saw her since she learned she was a celeb.

Skywing got on his hooves and decided his next words wisely. "Nice plan, but there's one catch. Mutants are seen quite literally as the scum of Equestria. We are looked down upon as a sub species, or a an entirely different and inferior race. 'Desperate lesbian mare dates mutant freak.' My god, the media would eat that up like a pack of starving wolves. Are you really prepared for something like that?" Skywings appendage had receded into his body during his once around, much to his relief. Dash sat there dumbfounded at the top of the steps as Skywing made his way out the front door.

The predawn air sent a chill down the mutants back. peering down from the cloud, Skywing searched for his board. 'Okay too dark to see the ground. Very well, looks like another skydiving trip for the stallion that looks like a mare.' The Cloudsdale Mutant plunged off the edge, with desired results. The stone board quickly came into view as he prepared a falling mount. The board shot out of the ground, circled around from above Skywing. The board made contact with his hooves as Skywing leveled out. 'Right than. Next stop, Everfree Forest.'

Spike typically woke up between six and six thirty, and snuck into the main library to avoid waking Twilight. However this time she was not in her bed. It was not a mystery to why Twilight was not in bed, but what she was trying to explain. Twilight was sleeping in the main library, with book on her face. Now in the main library, Spike took this as an excuse to wake her up. He didn't like to see what was essentially the only family he had like this. Twilight was slouched up against the center table when she fell asleep, and was now on her belly. Hind legs fully extended and forehooves at each end of the book on her head. "Twilight, I thought we talked about you overworking yourself." Twilight was a light sleeper but only mumbled something in complete gibberish. Spike decided on nudging her to wake her. It didn't take long before Twilight was alert.

"Thanks for waking me up spike." Twilight tried to get back to her studies as Spike made sure to prevent her, at least until he got answers.

"I want to know why your're doing this, You promised me you would at least give an explanation when you overwork yourself."

Twilight sighed. "Somepony is claiming to be a mutant, and I want to prove he's not." Spike interjected reminding her about what she learned from Pinkie. "Spike, your a genius. I need to prove that he isn't a mutant, not that he can't be a mutant."

"But isn't that the same thing?"

"No they aren't, now I'm going to need 'Ancient Races and Religions' and 'Hidden Dangers of Equestria.'" Twilights stomach growled loudly. "and maybe some breakfast." She grinned sheepishly as Spike acknowledged the order for breakfast, deciding on daisy pancakes for a good choice as he left Twilight to search for the books she spoke of. They weren't books that peaked her interest, but books she kept track of none the less. The first book was 'Ancient Races and Religions' a complete guide to races lost to time. Her first thought was to brows the index. Twilight was disappointed when the word mutant was not listed in the book. The second book 'Hidden Dangers of Equestria' had not a few pages, but a whole chapter. It was sub-section three that would give her the answers.

Creation of Mutants

Contrary to popular belief mutants are not a separate race but an unnaturally modified version of a preexisting race or animal. the most common way a mutant is when both or ether parent is a mutant. However a mutant may also be conceived if ether parent is exposed to direct radiation or mutagen. the odds of a mutant being conceived are drastically raised if both parents are exposed to radiation or mutagen.

Twilight stopped reading thinking thinking it was referencing non-ponies, and skipped to sub-section nine.

Mutants and Ponies

Ponykind is not exempt from mutants, however for three hundred years mutants were rarely conceived. Mutant ponies typically die young with an average of twelve percent of them actually reaching maturity, with most being killed by a residential pony.

Twilight got restless and proceeded to the next sub-section. It was dedicated to the mutant ponies as far back as four hundred years ago. The book itself was less than ten years old, the odds of exposing Skywing were in Twilight s favor. The list was thirty-eight pages long, consisting of each mutants name date of birth and death with a short description. she browsed the names until she came upon what she had half heartedly searching for.

D.O.B 4/5/1991
Death 6/3/1993
'The Cloudsdale Mutant' was one of the last known mutants in existence. Born without ether humerus in his wings, thus both wings had to be surgically removed. other notable mutations were his mares skull and his unicorn horn. weather it was fully functional or not may never be known. Death was by a fall from cloudsdale to the ground below by local pegasus trying to quote "Dispose of the monstrosity." after seven years, the search was called off. The body was never found.

Twilight was dumbfounded. It was now obvious this new unicorn was using a spell to change his or her appearance. Finding the name was surprising, But the fact the real Skywing was dead was all the proof Twilight needed.

The rest of the morning progressed smoothly as vendors and shops opened for busness. Sugarcube Corner was doing exceptionally well keeping up with customers. Pinkie Pie had been creating a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party for Skywing, the next problem was getting him to the party on time. That had been fixed by the arrival of an amber colored mare. "Boy howdy, you'll throw a party just for the time of day. wouldn't ya?" Applejack attempted small talk as she brought in apple based pastries.

"Applejack, I need you to get Skywing. Were almost done." The ecstatic pink pony made her way to her amber colored friend.

"Beg your pardon, but ah don't know where he is."

"Well somepony's bound to know where he is." Pinkie Pie finished putting up the decor for the party as her eyes scoured the room ensuring everything was in place. "Who was he with last?"

"Never mind that, I think ah know where Skahwing might be. ah won't let ya down." Applejack pulled Pinkie Pie into a short brief hug, before galloping out the door. Her first thoughts were to head to the Everfree Forest. 'Now ah know he said somethin 'bout The Everfree Forest.' Applejack didn't gallop everywhere but she did enjoy the wind in her mane from time to time, a pleasure she had in common with Rainbow Dash. It wasn't hard to tell weather she was galloping for fun or another reason. Applejack slowed to a stop as she neared her destination, Everfree Forest. The cowpony cautiously entered waiting for something to jump out and attack her. The pre-noon sun would lower the chances of an attack, but they were still possible. Applejack was only a half a mile into the forest before a manticore came into sight, something was off.

"A manticore of her size seems well fed, but I'm going to need a blood sample to be certain." The sudden voice scared Applejack, sending her to a momentary state of fear.

"Come out, Ah ain't afraid of you!" Applejack yelled into no particular direction to mask her fears.

"Jeez, you don't have to yell. I'm right here, it's a pain when you blend into your surroundings. By the way, you're a horrible liar, uh Applejack was it?" Applejack searched the area with her eyes until Skywing seemingly emerged from the brush towards the head of the manticore. "I suppose there is a reason you came looking for me."

"We here in Ponyville have a unique way of welcoming new pony folk to our town." Skywing walked past Applejack before turning to face her.

"Okay. Lets get out of here, I don't want to be near that manticore when she wakes up." Skywing turned his head back around as the two walked a few feet before he turned his head towards Applejack again. "Weren't you going to take to Ponyvilles welcoming comity?"

"Oh, uh. Yeah..." Applejack nearly forgot about the Party at the shrinking sight of the manticore. She got to Skywings side before he started walking by her side. Skywing couldn't help but glance at the cowpony as the two made their way out of the Everfree Forest.

"Has anypony told you how pretty you are?" Skywing spoke nonchalantly.

Applejack was caught off guard with the Question. She felt her face heat up from the new complement. "No, ah think you're the first." Applejack averted her eyes upon completing her sentence.

"You don't say, and here I am thinking you would've at least had two or three colts ask you out or something." Skywing had feelings for her, but buried them deep. He wanted to know more about modern pony culture before getting into a relationship.

"Did ya want ta ask me out?" Skywings face started to heat up as the conversation turned against him.

"No... not yet, at least." Skywing kept a straight face.

"What do ya mean 'not yet.'" Applejack thought it was curious statement. In truth, Skywing hadn't been in Equestrila for very long, only a year and a half.

"It matters not. So where is this welcoming thing?" Applejack and Skywing had only stepped into town before the question came up.

"It's over at Sugarcube Corner." Applejack lead the way as they passed various buildings.

'This is a pretty nice place.' Skywing made mental notes as he followed Applejack.

"Were here. Lets go in, there waiting for us." Skywing entered the gingerbread themed shop, followed by Applejack. The darkened room became a a buzz of excitement as Applejack hit the light switch. A loud 'Surprise' same from everypony in the room simultaneously.

"Were you surprised. Huh, were ya, were ya, were ya." The pink party pony ecstatically jumped in place. For a moment, the bloodthirsty crowd Skywing was used to seeing when he went to any given city faded into happy party goers.

"Uh...yeah, I was Surprised." However nothing could prepare him for what was to come next.

"Skywing is a fake!"