• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,298 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

Return Home

Sometimes later in Canterlot after the defeat of the Changelings, Iggy, Cynthia, and their pony friends were in Canterlot castle looking up at a new stain glass window. It depicted Iggy dressed in his wrist blasters and scanner visor. He was inside the Crystal Heart with Chrysalis, the Changelings, and Jack on the bottom looking defeated, "Not bad really, though I prefer one with a little on the Raphael side of art." Iggy said jokingly, and the group laughed.

"That is so not my good side!" Jack whined at his image, as he was standing off to the side with his wrists tied up and the cord was connected to Gizmo's torso.

"So what happens now, Iggy?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, now that Chrysalis has been defeated and you've caught Jack, what now?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, I guess I go home now." Iggy answered.

The girls looked bummed, "Really? Because there's still so much we could show you." Twilight said.

"I know, but after all that's happened I have gotten homesick," Iggy explained, "Plus now that I got Jack under custody I can bring him home too."

"So then this is goodbye?" Pinkie asked feeling saddened.

"Not forever," Iggy answered, "Now that I know my portal can work for travel as well as viewing, I can visit this world any time I want. So don't think of it as me leaving forever. I'll always be here in case you need me."

The girls spirits brightened, "That's wonderful, Iggy!" Rarity squealed.

"Because there's a lot of events in Equestria ya haven't experienced yet." Applejack noted.

"And I want to experience them all." Iggy said.

"Me too." Cynthia nodded.

"But until then I'll be at home." the genius finished.

"But how will we keep in contact with you?" Spike wondered.

"Simple, with this," he tied a smaller wrist communicator on Spike's wrist, "If you ever need me, just touch the screen and it'll contact me. Same works for when I'm sending a message to you."

"It's genius." Twilight gasped, while Jack mumbled her words.

"So then, shall we get going?" Gizmo asked, as he was prepared to open the portal.

"A moment," Iggy answered, as he looked at the ponies, "First off, I want to thank you all for opening up my eyes to this world of yours. Being a man of science, I've always denied the existence of things such as magic. But here you've shown me a new kind of magic, one that's been around me all this time. Friendship. With all the friendship lessons I learned form you I hope to be a better guy than I've ever been in my life." he held Cynthia close.

"Oh, gag me!" Jack groaned, breaking the mood.

Iggy scowled, but smirked, "You know Jack, maybe I should leave you here in Equestria awhile longer. You could learn a lot from the girls here."

Upon hearing that, Jack's eyes widened in fear, "NO! NO, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS CRAZY WORLD! I WANNA GO HOME, NOW!"

Iggy and Cynthia chuckled at his reaction, before they each started bidding farewell to the group. Iggy hugged the two Princesses, "Thank you both for providing me with food and shelter. I'm glad I met two loving ponies like you two."

"You're very welcome." Celestia smiled.

"It was our pleasure." Luna added.

"And on a personal note, you both remind me of my mother." he added, making the two alicorns blush.

They moved onto Twilight and her friends giving them each a hug, "Thanks for providing me with all the knowledge of Equestria, Twilight. It's nice to have met somepony with an intellect just as high as mine."

"And it was great that I could talk knowledge and other facts with you, Iggy." Twilight put in.

Iggy looked at Spike, "You take care of Twilight, my friend. She needs you more than you'll know."

"No denying that." the two fist bumped.

Iggy went to Applejack, "A.J, I'm gonna miss you and your family, along with your apple products. But more importantly, I'll miss how you're always looking out for your friends."

"And I'll miss you as well, sugarcube. Even if ya do sometimes speak using words I can't understand." the cowpony joked, and they laughed.

Iggy went to Rarity, "Thanks for duds you've made for me, Rarity. I don't think I'll ever meet another clothes designer as talented as you."

"Thank you, darling. And I must say you have been one of my greatest challenges yet." she hugged him.

Iggy went to Rainbow Dash next, "Rainbow, you are one awesome Pegasus."

"I know." she admitted.

"But you're also an awesome friend. The girls are glad to have a fun adventurous pony like you in their group. And I'm glad I got to meet you. So when I come back I hope to have more kind of adventures and fun with you."

"Count on it."

Pinkie bounced over and hugged him, "I'm sorry I couldn't throw you a going away party!" she bawled.

Iggy hugged her, "Don't worry Pinkie, save that for when I come back."

Pinkie gasped, "You're right! I can make your return to Equestria party even better!"

Fluttershy flew over and spoke, "We'll miss both you and Cynthia, Iggy."

"And I'll miss you, Fluttershy." Iggy and Cynthia hugged her.

He finally approached Shining, Cadence, Neira, and Machina, "Machina, as of this moment you have a new purpose."

"And what is that?" she wondered.

"Protect Neira, Shining, and Cadence should any harm befalls them. Especially Neira."

Machina looked to the royal couple and their daughter before giving a smile, "I accept your orders, father. I shall deeply miss you." she nuzzled Iggy, as he hugged her.

Iggy looked over to the three and spoke, "You'll also look out for her won't you?"

"We will." Cadence promised.

"As far as things are, she's already a member of the family now." Shining added.

"You mean like a sister?" Neira asked her parents.

The two smiled, as Cadence answered, "Yes, Neira. Your new sister."

"Yay!" Neira flew around Machina happily, "I've always wanted a sister!"

The group chuckled, as Iggy nodded to Gizmo who opened the portal, "We'll see you all next time." Iggy said, as the three humans and robot went through the portal and closed.

They exited the portal and were back in Iggy's lab, "Ah, home sweet home." Iggy said as he walked around.

Gizmo released Jack from the restraints, as the evil genius spoke, "Finally, no more talking ponies and changelings," Suddenly Jack's cellphone buzzed. He looked at it and gasped, "Whoa, I got so many voicemails. All from my mom?"

"Now that you're back in our world all those messages are visible now." Cynthia said.

Jack checked the voicemails, and listened. At first he heard a soft voice speaking, but the more voicemails he checked the louder the voice was sounding, "OH MY GOD! MY MOTHER!" he ran out of the lab.

Iggy and Cynthia couldn't help but chuckle knowing he hadn't been home in awhile, and hadn't set up a robot duplicate as a stand in unlike Iggy. The boy looked to his girl, "I wonder how long he'll be grounded?"

"I'd say a month." Cynthia answered.

Iggy smiled, until he started pondering, "Is something troubling you, sir?" Gizmo asked.

"Just thinking. I mean I did a lot of good in Equestria by protecting it."

"You sure did." Cynthia smiled.

"I just wonder if I could be capable of doing the same thing here?"

"What do you mean, like become a superhero?" Cynthia asked.

"Why not? I got the equipment, I got the brains, it's a possibility." he shrugged.

"With all due respect Iggy, you're not Iron Man."

"I know, just a thought it all." he answered.

"Besides, you can protect the world and make it a better place in your own way." she hugged him.

Iggy smiled, "And I want you to help me in any way possible."

"I'll always help you, Iggy." she said, as the two kissed, while Gizmo watched.

"Well I suppose is Ms. Pinkie were here, she'd say something like, "Th-th-th-That's all folks!" it irised out around Gizmo.

Comments ( 3 )

4580711 Yeah Danny Cooksey who voices Jack Spicer is the ideal voice I picture for my Jack.

4991744 Glad you noticed

4991764 Just wow man. this may have been short, but it was amazing, and Iggy's Rocket Skates make me think of Gear/Richy Foley from Static SHock.

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