• Published 16th Feb 2014
  • 1,244 Views, 4 Comments

Making Friends With A Former Fiend - JusSonic

A slight crossover. Discord, bored of life on Equestria, hits the multiverse where he meets someone who is a prankster like he is.

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Chapter 1

My Little Pony: Making Friends with A Former Fiend

"Bored, bored on the Range! Where the Dull and the Lame-alope play," Discord sings as he floats on his back, getting bored. The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony hasn't done some stuff lately.

Celestia roll her eyes at this, trying to get some parchments signed. Her former enemy and new friend (so to speak) has been bothering her a while now. Discord is bored and even when the chimera isn't a bad guy anymore, he can still be a pest.

"Why not go to Ponyville? See how Fluttershy and the ponies are doing if you're so bored?" Celestia ask Discord with a sigh. The alicorn figures that the draconequus needs a distraction as well to keep him from distracting her. "They always keep you busy."

"Maybe for you to say, Celly, but too much of a good thing can be a bad thing." Discord remarks with a scoff as he made pony dummies appears, a lot of them until they fill up the room. With a sigh, the former villain made them disappear. "See what I mean?"

"Discord, I don't know what to say."

"I do...things in Equestria are boring, boring, boring! When I was performing Chaos, I kept myself from getting BORED. But now that I'm a good guy...I am still waiting for a chance to do my Chaos for good but even then, things had been slow."

Celestia nods a bit, agreeing with Discord. No bad guy has come out of the woodwork to cause trouble for her student Twilight and her friends and even enemies of the past had kept quiet. There must be some way for Discord to get something so that the Goddess of the Sun can have some peace.

"Wait, wait, don't say a word. I agreed with the narrator 100% percent!" Discord interrupts Celestia who was about to speak. The alicorn looks confused as he turns to the camera, "Thought that only Pinkie, Nyx and Pinkamena are the only ones to break the fourth wall, didn't you? I think if I can't find excitement here, then I can find it outside of Equestria."

"What do you mean?" Celestia ask Discord, worried that he may cause mischief on Megan's Earth.

"Oh, there's that narrator going, saying that I may cause trouble for poor Meggie...but I am now! I think I know where to go from here. The multiverse awaits!"

With that, Discord snaps his fingers and disappears from sight. Celestia looks bewildered. She doesn't even want to know how he does that.


Meanwhile, in another time and space...

"Bored, bored on the Range! Where the Dull and the Lame-alope play," Beetlejuice sings as he floats on his back, getting bored. The Ghost with the Most of Chaos and Disharmony hasn't done some stuff lately.

Obi-Wan Kenobi roll his eyes at this, trying to get some parchments signed. His former enemy and new friend (so to speak) has been bothering him a while now. Beetlejuice is bored and even when the ghost isn't a bad guy anymore, he can still be a pest.

"Why not go to Townsville? See how Bubbles and her friends are doing if you're so bored?" Obi-Wana asks Beetlejuice with a sigh. The Jedi figures that the ghost needs a distraction as well to keep him from distracting Obi-Wan. "They always keep you busy."

"Maybe for you to say, Obi, but too much of a good thing can be a bad thing." Beetlejuice remarks with a scoff as he made cartoon characters appear, a lot of them until they fill up the room. With a sigh, the former villain made them disappear. "See what I mean?"

"BJ, I don't know what to say."

"I do...things in Kingdom Hearts are boring, boring, boring! When I was performing Chaos, I kept myself from getting BORED. But now that I'm a good guy...I am still waiting for a chance to do my Chaos for good but even then, things had been slow."

Obi-Wan nod a bit, agreeing with Beetlejuice. No bad guy has come out of the woodwork to cause trouble for his student Blossom and her friends and even enemies of the past had kept quiet. There must be some way for Beetlejuice to get something so that the Jedi of the Sun can have some peace.

"Wait, wait; don't say a word. I agreed with the narrator 100% percent!" Beetlejuice interrupts Obi-Wan who was about to speak. The Jedi looks confused as he turns to the camera, "Thought that only Lilo, Annie, Shirley the Loon, Ryan and Weirdlo are the only ones to break the fourth wall, didn't you? I think if I can't find excitement here, then I can find it outside of Kingdom Hearts."

"What do you mean?" Obi-Wan ask Beetlejuice, worried that he may cause mischief on his friend Lydia Deitz's Earth.

"Oh, there's that narrator going, saying that I may cause trouble for poor Lyds...but I am now! I think I know where to go from here. The multiverse awaits!"

With that, Beetlejuice snaps his fingers and disappears from sight. Obi-Wan looks bewildered. He doesn't even want to know how the ghost does that.


The multiverse is full with possibilities and wonders, especially alternate universes of the main Equestria. Discord floats around, looking for some world to see and Chaos to give onto the bad guys there. After all, the Spirit of Chaos wants to give some punishment, right?

Discord was so fascinating by the multiverse that he wasn't watching where he himself was going...and rammed right into a ghost with yellow hair and a black and white suit that appeared from out of nowhere.

"Hey, hey; Watch where you're appearing," Discord exclaims to the newcomer in annoyance. "I am floating here."

"Well, sooooooooooorrrrrrry!" Beetlejuice scoffs a bit by Discord's rudeness. "I just appeared and you floated into me! Anyway, what are you doing here? No one is supposed to know about this multiverse."

"I do, being a 4th wall breaker and all. I came here to the multiverse looking for Chaos to spread onto the bad guys.

"What a coincidence, so am I."

Discord looks at Beetlejuice carefully then have a thoughtful look. He said, "I take it you must be from a universe where you were a little troublemaker, aren't you?"

"Guilty as charged!" Beetlejuice jokes as his outfit turns into that of a jailbird's, the ghost holds a cup and waves it against some bars that appear. Once he goes back to normal, Beetlejuice continues, "I was a pain in the neck, a ghost who gives out chaos to my world of Kingdom Hearts..."

"Let me guess: you were turned into stone by two holders of magical artifacts, you escaped the first time but was beaten by little heroines, turning into stone again. And when you escaped again, someone reformed you, correct?"

"Correct, he can be taught!" Beetlejuice laughs as he put a graduate's cap onto Discord's head, blowing a streamer. "Yeah, what you said is true. Can't bored ya with the details. Too much boredom. Long story short, Obi-Wan Kenobi's little students beat me before...and when I was released, they were supposed to reform. Found the thing laughable but Bubbles was able to do the unthinkable...and became my first real friend since Lydia Deitz who helped out in the reformation, I might add!"

"Reminds me of Fluttershy back home, minus the extra part," Discord shrugs a bit as he put a lime in the coconut and shakes it all up before drinking it, "I won't bored you with the full story either, I am a pain in the neck myself. Today...well, still am but I now only use my magic for good...most of the time. My home got boring with no villains to prank or no schedule to use my Chaos magic. I came here to the multiverse, looking for a way to prank the bad guys of other worlds."

"What a coincidence again, so am I! My home got boring so I thought I gave here, kick a sheep around so to speak..." Beetlejuice made a sheep appear and kicks it. "And maybe give out some pranks of my own."

"Fascinating; maybe we can help one another. My name is Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony...and now pain in the neck for the bad guys!"

"Ooooh, sounds like fun. My name is Beetlejuice, the Ghost with the most, same spirit of Chaos and Disharmony and another pain in the neck for the bad guys."

"Well, now that we're introduced, let's get started." Discord said with a smirk. He turns to the camera, saying, "All right, time for the non-speaking montage!"

"Right, the author didn't get any much ideas on what to do here so he's being lazy." Beetlejuice remarked. A brick hits him on the head, making him yelp. "Owie! Okay, okay, most of the time!"


And so, folks, we go through a montage of Discord and Beetlejuice universal jumping. In one universe where the Mane Six are heroes, some criminals tries to make a break from a Dark Knight version of Luna...but was stopped by a bubble gum set by the two pranksters. As the Dark Mare (AKA Princess Luna) tries to figure this out, the two former villains look at each other and laughs heartily.

In another universe where the Mane Six and their pony friends are monsters, the heroes/whatever hid from the villagers who are hunting for them. The pursuers seem to corner them in a cave...when a huge Dragon head appears, roaring and scaring the villagers off. We see that it's a prop with a speaker that Beetlejuice roars into while Discord laughs mischievously.

In a universe where the Mane Six are villains and the villains are good guys, Discord and Beetlejuice helped out in the bad guys' cause...by tricking them to a catapult that send the bad Mane Six flying across a chasm and into a prison.

Discord and Beetlejuice even visited other universes like the 'Fun with Shipping One', the My Little Dragon (in hiding) universe, and all that jazz, but there's too many to show you folks so why bother doing so now, eh?


The two mischief makers laughs as they float through the road, both have the time of their life. Discord comments, "I gotta admit, that was a fun montage, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, indeed. Who knew you were a laugh riot? A real cut up?" Beetlejuice jokes, causing Discord to turn into cut ups. The ghosts laugh some more, "Ha ha ha and ha some more."

"Your anvil dropping and exploding...smashing!" Discord took out a hammer and hit Beetlejuice, smashing him into pieces.

As Beetlejuice pulls himself together literally, a beep is heard making him take out a beeper. The ghost frowns as he said, "Awww, hate to cute this short, buddy, but looks like Obi needs me for something. That Jedi can be a pest."

"Yes, yes...and I got a feeling that Celly would want me back home. Well, it's a pleasure meeting you old buddy."

"Same here, same time next time?"

"As always," Discord exclaims, wanting more fun with Beetlejuice.

The two shakes hands...and zap one another like mad. Discord and Beetlejuice laughs as they saw that they themselves are wearing joy buzzers, a classic prank. The Ghost with the Most disappears from sight, most likely returning to his own world.

"Heh heh, good fellow; Well, I better get home." Discord said with a nod. He has fun universe jumping but Equestria Prime Awaits.

Discord turns but looks surprised as he saw something heading his way. The chimera jumps back as some sort of dying Pegasus pony crashes to the ground hard.

"What's this?" Discord asks as he lifts the pony up with his magic. "Hello; Anyone home?"

"Tell Celestia...every single Celestia from every universe. ..the Hole is coming." The Pegasus pony said before he collapses, disappearing from sight meaning he is now gone; Hearing this bewildered and concerned Discord indeed.

"'The Hole'; Sounds serious...and I hate serious. I suppose I should tell Celly about this when I get back...later."

Discord leaves to head back home. The chimera could've sworn that he heard evil laughter from somewhere else in the multiverse...creepy laughter....

The End for now!

Cast list
John de Lancie: Discord
Stephen Ouimette: Beetlejuice
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
James Arnold Taylor: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Peter New: Dying Pegasus pony

With special voice appearance by
Scott Menville: The Hole

Author's Note:

Whoa, talk about your cliff-hanger. What do you guys think? Here is my next short story, folks...

"Loss of a Phoenix: Happens before "Just for Sidekicks", short story. Spike and Peewee are the best friends ever since the dragon took the baby phoenix in. But when Peewee's parents came looking for their baby, Spike must do the right thing."

Well, until next time, folks, read, review and suggest!

Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by Dashole deleted Mar 27th, 2014


"Well, if you must know, it's a future fanmake of the My Little Pony series that I got planned.

Comment posted by Dashole deleted Mar 27th, 2014



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